
223 lines
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package net.minestom.server.instance.batch;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongList;
import net.minestom.server.data.Data;
import net.minestom.server.instance.*;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.CustomBlock;
import net.minestom.server.utils.block.CustomBlockUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.callback.OptionalCallback;
import net.minestom.server.utils.chunk.ChunkCallback;
import net.minestom.server.utils.chunk.ChunkUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
* Used when all the blocks you want to place can be contained within only one {@link Chunk},
* use a {@link BlockBatch} instead otherwise.
* Can be created using {@link Instance#createChunkBatch(Chunk)}.
* <p>
* Use chunk coordinate (0-15) instead of world's.
* @see InstanceBatch
public class ChunkBatch implements InstanceBatch {
private final InstanceContainer instance;
private final Chunk chunk;
private final boolean generationBatch;
// Need to be synchronized manually
// Format: blockIndex/blockStateId/customBlockId (32/16/16 bits)
private final LongList blocks = new LongArrayList();
// Need to be synchronized manually
// block index - data
private final Int2ObjectMap<Data> blockDataMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
public ChunkBatch(@NotNull InstanceContainer instance, @NotNull Chunk chunk,
boolean generationBatch) {
this.instance = instance;
this.chunk = chunk;
this.generationBatch = generationBatch;
public void setBlockStateId(int x, int y, int z, short blockStateId, @Nullable Data data) {
addBlockData((byte) x, y, (byte) z, blockStateId, (short) 0, data);
public void setCustomBlock(int x, int y, int z, short customBlockId, @Nullable Data data) {
final CustomBlock customBlock = BLOCK_MANAGER.getCustomBlock(customBlockId);
Check.notNull(customBlock, "The custom block with the id " + customBlockId + " does not exist!");
addBlockData((byte) x, y, (byte) z, customBlock.getDefaultBlockStateId(), customBlockId, data);
public void setSeparateBlocks(int x, int y, int z, short blockStateId, short customBlockId, @Nullable Data data) {
addBlockData((byte) x, y, (byte) z, blockStateId, customBlockId, data);
private void addBlockData(byte x, int y, byte z, short blockStateId, short customBlockId, @Nullable Data data) {
if (isGenerationBatch()) {
chunk.UNSAFE_setBlock(x, y, z, blockStateId, customBlockId, data, CustomBlockUtils.hasUpdate(customBlockId));
} else {
final int index = ChunkUtils.getBlockIndex(x, y, z);
if (data != null) {
synchronized (blockDataMap) {
this.blockDataMap.put(index, data);
long value = index;
value = (value << 16) | blockStateId;
value = (value << 16) | customBlockId;
synchronized (blocks) {
* Gets if this chunk batch is part of a chunk generation.
* <p>
* Being a generation batch mean that blocks set are not being stored
* but are immediately placed on the chunks. Using less memory
* and CPU cycles.
* @return true if this batch is part of a chunk generation
public boolean isGenerationBatch() {
return generationBatch;
* Called to fill the chunk batch.
* @param chunkGenerator the chunk generator
* @param callback the optional callback executed once the batch is done
public void flushChunkGenerator(@NotNull ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, @Nullable ChunkCallback callback) {
BLOCK_BATCH_POOL.execute(() -> {
final List<ChunkPopulator> populators = chunkGenerator.getPopulators();
final boolean hasPopulator = populators != null && !populators.isEmpty();
chunkGenerator.generateChunkData(this, chunk.getChunkX(), chunk.getChunkZ());
if (hasPopulator) {
for (ChunkPopulator chunkPopulator : populators) {
chunkPopulator.populateChunk(this, chunk);
instance.scheduleNextTick(inst -> {
OptionalCallback.execute(callback, chunk);
* Executes the batch in the dedicated pool and run the callback during the next instance update when blocks are placed
* (which means that the callback can be called 50ms after, but in a determinable thread).
* @param callback the callback to execute once the blocks are placed
public void flush(@Nullable ChunkCallback callback) {
BLOCK_BATCH_POOL.execute(() -> singleThreadFlush(callback, true));
* Executes the batch in the dedicated pool and run the callback once blocks are placed (in the block batch pool).
* <p>
* So the callback is executed in an unexpected thread, but you are sure that it will be called immediately.
* @param callback the callback to execute once the blocks are placed
public void unsafeFlush(@Nullable ChunkCallback callback) {
BLOCK_BATCH_POOL.execute(() -> singleThreadFlush(callback, false));
* Resets the chunk batch by removing all the entries.
public void clearData() {
synchronized (blocks) {
* Executes the batch in the current thread.
* @param callback the callback to execute once the blocks are placed
* @param safeCallback true to run the callback in the instance update thread, otherwise run in the current one
private void singleThreadFlush(@Nullable ChunkCallback callback, boolean safeCallback) {
if (blocks.isEmpty()) {
OptionalCallback.execute(callback, chunk);
synchronized (chunk) {
if (!chunk.isLoaded())
synchronized (blocks) {
for (long block : blocks) {
apply(chunk, block);
// Refresh chunk for viewers
if (callback != null) {
if (safeCallback) {
this.instance.scheduleNextTick(inst -> callback.accept(chunk));
} else {
* Places a block which is encoded in a long.
* @param chunk the chunk to place the block on
* @param value the block data
private void apply(@NotNull Chunk chunk, long value) {
final short customBlockId = (short) (value & 0xFF);
final short blockId = (short) (value >> 16 & 0xFF);
final int index = (int) (value >> 32 & 0xFFFF);
Data data = null;
if (!blockDataMap.isEmpty()) {
synchronized (blockDataMap) {
data = blockDataMap.get(index);
blockId, customBlockId, data, CustomBlockUtils.hasUpdate(customBlockId));