2022-03-20 01:47:57 +01:00

256 lines
7.6 KiB

package net.minestom.server.instance.block;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Point;
import net.minestom.server.instance.Instance;
import net.minestom.server.instance.batch.Batch;
import net.minestom.server.registry.ProtocolObject;
import net.minestom.server.registry.Registry;
import net.minestom.server.tag.Tag;
import net.minestom.server.tag.TagReadable;
import net.minestom.server.utils.NamespaceID;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompound;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
* Represents a block that can be placed anywhere.
* Block objects are expected to be reusable and therefore do not
* retain placement data (e.g. block position)
* <p>
* Implementations are expected to be immutable.
public sealed interface Block extends ProtocolObject, TagReadable, Blocks permits BlockImpl {
* Creates a new block with the the property {@code property} sets to {@code value}.
* @param property the property name
* @param value the property value
* @return a new block with its property changed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property or value are invalid
@Contract(pure = true)
@NotNull Block withProperty(@NotNull String property, @NotNull String value);
* Changes multiple properties at once.
* <p>
* Equivalent to calling {@link #withProperty(String, String)} for each map entry.
* @param properties map containing all the properties to change
* @return a new block with its properties changed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property or value are invalid
* @see #withProperty(String, String)
@Contract(pure = true)
@NotNull Block withProperties(@NotNull Map<@NotNull String, @NotNull String> properties);
* Creates a new block with a tag modified.
* @param tag the tag to modify
* @param value the tag value, null to remove
* @param <T> the tag type
* @return a new block with the modified tag
@Contract(pure = true)
<T> @NotNull Block withTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag, @Nullable T value);
* Creates a new block with different nbt data.
* @param compound the new block nbt, null to remove
* @return a new block with different nbt
@Contract(pure = true)
@NotNull Block withNbt(@Nullable NBTCompound compound);
* Creates a new block with the specified {@link BlockHandler handler}.
* @param handler the new block handler, null to remove
* @return a new block with the specified handler
@Contract(pure = true)
@NotNull Block withHandler(@Nullable BlockHandler handler);
* Returns an unmodifiable view to the block nbt.
* <p>
* Be aware that {@link Tag tags} directly affect the block nbt.
* @return the block nbt, null if not present
@Contract(pure = true)
@Nullable NBTCompound nbt();
@Contract(pure = true)
default boolean hasNbt() {
return nbt() != null;
* Returns the block handler.
* @return the block handler, null if not present
@Contract(pure = true)
@Nullable BlockHandler handler();
* Returns the block properties.
* @return the block properties map
@Contract(pure = true)
@NotNull Map<String, String> properties();
* Returns a property value from {@link #properties()}.
* @param property the property name
* @return the property value, null if not present (due to an invalid property name)
@Contract(pure = true)
default String getProperty(@NotNull String property) {
return properties().get(property);
@Contract(pure = true)
@NotNull Collection<@NotNull Block> possibleStates();
* Returns the block registry.
* <p>
* Registry data is directly linked to {@link #stateId()}.
* @return the block registry
@Contract(pure = true)
@NotNull Registry.BlockEntry registry();
default @NotNull NamespaceID namespace() {
return registry().namespace();
default int id() {
return registry().id();
default short stateId() {
return (short) registry().stateId();
default boolean isAir() {
return registry().isAir();
default boolean isSolid() {
return registry().isSolid();
default boolean isLiquid() {
return registry().isLiquid();
default boolean compare(@NotNull Block block, @NotNull Comparator comparator) {
return comparator.test(this, block);
default boolean compare(@NotNull Block block) {
return compare(block, Comparator.ID);
static @NotNull Collection<@NotNull Block> values() {
return BlockImpl.values();
static @Nullable Block fromNamespaceId(@NotNull String namespaceID) {
return BlockImpl.getSafe(namespaceID);
static @Nullable Block fromNamespaceId(@NotNull NamespaceID namespaceID) {
return fromNamespaceId(namespaceID.asString());
static @Nullable Block fromStateId(short stateId) {
return BlockImpl.getState(stateId);
static @Nullable Block fromBlockId(int blockId) {
return BlockImpl.getId(blockId);
interface Comparator extends BiPredicate<Block, Block> {
Comparator IDENTITY = (b1, b2) -> b1 == b2;
Comparator ID = (b1, b2) -> b1.id() == b2.id();
Comparator STATE = (b1, b2) -> b1.stateId() == b2.stateId();
* Represents an element which can place blocks at position.
* <p>
* Notably used by {@link Instance}, {@link Batch}.
interface Setter {
void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, @NotNull Block block);
default void setBlock(@NotNull Point blockPosition, @NotNull Block block) {
setBlock(blockPosition.blockX(), blockPosition.blockY(), blockPosition.blockZ(), block);
interface Getter {
@UnknownNullability Block getBlock(int x, int y, int z, @NotNull Condition condition);
default @UnknownNullability Block getBlock(@NotNull Point point, @NotNull Condition condition) {
return getBlock(point.blockX(), point.blockY(), point.blockZ(), condition);
default @NotNull Block getBlock(int x, int y, int z) {
return Objects.requireNonNull(getBlock(x, y, z, Condition.NONE));
default @NotNull Block getBlock(@NotNull Point point) {
return Objects.requireNonNull(getBlock(point, Condition.NONE));
* Represents a hint to retrieve blocks more efficiently.
* Implementing interfaces do not have to honor this.
enum Condition {
* Returns a block no matter what.
* {@link Block#AIR} being the default result.
* Hints that the method should return only if the block is cached.
* <p>
* Useful if you are only interested in a block handler or nbt.
* Hints that we only care about the block type.
* <p>
* Useful if you need to retrieve registry information about the block.
* Be aware that the returned block may not return the proper handler/nbt.