2021-03-24 12:16:29 -04:00

289 lines
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package net.minestom.server.extensions;
import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minestom.server.extras.selfmodification.MinestomExtensionClassLoader;
import net.minestom.server.extras.selfmodification.MinestomRootClassLoader;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* Represents an extension from an `extension.json` that is capable of powering an Extension object.
* This has no constructor as its properties are set via GSON.
public final class DiscoveredExtension {
/** Static logger for this class. */
public static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiscoveredExtension.class);
/** The regex that this name must pass. If it doesn't, it will not be accepted. */
public static final String NAME_REGEX = "[A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]+";
/** Name of the DiscoveredExtension. Unique for all extensions. */
private String name;
/** Main class of this DiscoveredExtension, must extend Extension. */
private String entrypoint;
/** Version of this extension, highly reccomended to set it. */
private String version;
/** Points to sponge mixin config in resources folder. */
private String mixinConfig;
/** People who have made this extension. */
private String[] authors;
/** All code modifiers (the classes they point to) */
private String[] codeModifiers;
/** List of extension names that this depends on. */
private String[] dependencies;
/** List of Repositories and URLs that this depends on. */
private ExternalDependencies externalDependencies;
/** A list of any missing code modifiers to be used for logging. */
private final List<String> missingCodeModifiers = new LinkedList<>();
/** If this extension couldn't load its mixin configuration. */
private boolean failedToLoadMixin = false;
/** All files of this extension */
transient List<URL> files = new LinkedList<>();
/** The load status of this extension -- LOAD_SUCCESS is the only good one. */
transient LoadStatus loadStatus = LoadStatus.LOAD_SUCCESS;
/** The original jar this is from. */
transient private File originalJar;
/** The class loader that powers it. */
transient private MinestomExtensionClassLoader minestomExtensionClassLoader;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getEntrypoint() {
return entrypoint;
public String getVersion() {
return version;
public String getMixinConfig() {
return mixinConfig;
public String[] getAuthors() {
return authors;
public String[] getCodeModifiers() {
if (codeModifiers == null) {
codeModifiers = new String[0];
return codeModifiers;
public String[] getDependencies() {
return dependencies;
public ExternalDependencies getExternalDependencies() {
return externalDependencies;
public void setOriginalJar(@Nullable File file) {
originalJar = file;
public File getOriginalJar() {
return originalJar;
public MinestomExtensionClassLoader removeMinestomExtensionClassLoader() {
MinestomExtensionClassLoader oldClassLoader = getMinestomExtensionClassLoader();
return oldClassLoader;
public void setMinestomExtensionClassLoader(@Nullable MinestomExtensionClassLoader minestomExtensionClassLoader) {
this.minestomExtensionClassLoader = minestomExtensionClassLoader;
public MinestomExtensionClassLoader getMinestomExtensionClassLoader() {
return this.minestomExtensionClassLoader;
* Ensures that all properties of this extension are properly set if they aren't
* @param extension The extension to verify
public static void verifyIntegrity(@NotNull DiscoveredExtension extension) {
if (extension.name == null) {
StringBuilder fileList = new StringBuilder();
for (URL f : extension.files) {
fileList.append(f.toExternalForm()).append(", ");
LOGGER.error("Extension with no name. (at {}})", fileList);
LOGGER.error("Extension at ({}) will not be loaded.", fileList);
extension.loadStatus = DiscoveredExtension.LoadStatus.INVALID_NAME;
// To ensure @NotNull: name = INVALID_NAME
extension.name = extension.loadStatus.name();
if (!extension.name.matches(NAME_REGEX)) {
LOGGER.error("Extension '{}' specified an invalid name.", extension.name);
LOGGER.error("Extension '{}' will not be loaded.", extension.name);
extension.loadStatus = DiscoveredExtension.LoadStatus.INVALID_NAME;
// To ensure @NotNull: name = INVALID_NAME
extension.name = extension.loadStatus.name();
if (extension.entrypoint == null) {
LOGGER.error("Extension '{}' did not specify an entry point (via 'entrypoint').", extension.name);
LOGGER.error("Extension '{}' will not be loaded.", extension.name);
extension.loadStatus = DiscoveredExtension.LoadStatus.NO_ENTRYPOINT;
// To ensure @NotNull: entrypoint = NO_ENTRYPOINT
extension.entrypoint = extension.loadStatus.name();
// Handle defaults
// If we reach this code, then the extension will most likely be loaded:
if (extension.version == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Extension '{}' did not specify a version.", extension.name);
LOGGER.warn("Extension '{}' will continue to load but should specify a plugin version.", extension.name);
extension.version = "Unspecified";
if (extension.mixinConfig == null) {
extension.mixinConfig = "";
if (extension.authors == null) {
extension.authors = new String[0];
if (extension.codeModifiers == null) {
extension.codeModifiers = new String[0];
// No dependencies were specified
if (extension.dependencies == null) {
extension.dependencies = new String[0];
// No external dependencies were specified;
if (extension.externalDependencies == null) {
extension.externalDependencies = new ExternalDependencies();
public void addMissingCodeModifier(String codeModifierClass) {
public void setFailedToLoadMixinFlag() {
failedToLoadMixin = true;
public List<String> getMissingCodeModifiers() {
return missingCodeModifiers;
public boolean hasFailedToLoadMixin() {
return failedToLoadMixin;
public MinestomExtensionClassLoader makeClassLoader() {
final URL[] urls = this.files.toArray(new URL[0]);
MinestomRootClassLoader root = MinestomRootClassLoader.getInstance();
MinestomExtensionClassLoader loader = new MinestomExtensionClassLoader(this.getName(), this.getEntrypoint(), urls, root);
if (this.getDependencies().length == 0) {
// orphaned extension, we can insert it directly
} else {
// add children to the dependencies
for (String dependency : this.getDependencies()) {
if (MinecraftServer.getExtensionManager().hasExtension(dependency.toLowerCase())) {
MinestomExtensionClassLoader parentLoader = MinecraftServer.getExtensionManager().getExtension(dependency.toLowerCase()).getOrigin().getMinestomExtensionClassLoader();
// TODO should never happen but replace with better throws error.
assert parentLoader != null;
return loader;
* The status this extension has, all are breakpoints.
* LOAD_SUCCESS is the only valid one.
enum LoadStatus {
LOAD_SUCCESS("Actually, it did not fail. This message should not have been printed."),
MISSING_DEPENDENCIES("Missing dependencies, check your logs."),
INVALID_NAME("Invalid name."),
NO_ENTRYPOINT("No entrypoint specified."),
FAILED_TO_SETUP_CLASSLOADER("Extension classloader could not be setup."),
LOAD_FAILED("Load failed. See logs for more information."),
private final String message;
LoadStatus(@NotNull String message) {
this.message = message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public static final class ExternalDependencies {
Repository[] repositories = new Repository[0];
String[] artifacts = new String[0];
public static class Repository {
String name = "";
String url = "";