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72 KiB

package net.minestom.server.entity;
import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minestom.server.attribute.Attribute;
import net.minestom.server.chat.ChatParser;
import net.minestom.server.chat.ColoredText;
import net.minestom.server.chat.RichMessage;
import net.minestom.server.collision.BoundingBox;
import net.minestom.server.command.CommandManager;
import net.minestom.server.command.CommandSender;
import net.minestom.server.effects.Effects;
import net.minestom.server.entity.damage.DamageType;
import net.minestom.server.entity.vehicle.PlayerVehicleInformation;
import net.minestom.server.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.item.ItemDropEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.item.ItemUpdateStateEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.item.PickupExperienceEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.player.*;
import net.minestom.server.gamedata.tags.TagManager;
import net.minestom.server.instance.Chunk;
import net.minestom.server.instance.Instance;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.CustomBlock;
import net.minestom.server.inventory.Inventory;
import net.minestom.server.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import net.minestom.server.item.ItemStack;
import net.minestom.server.item.Material;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.PacketWriter;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.client.ClientPlayPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.ServerPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.login.JoinGamePacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.*;
import net.minestom.server.network.player.PlayerConnection;
import net.minestom.server.permission.Permission;
import net.minestom.server.recipe.Recipe;
import net.minestom.server.recipe.RecipeManager;
import net.minestom.server.resourcepack.ResourcePack;
import net.minestom.server.scoreboard.BelowNameTag;
import net.minestom.server.scoreboard.Team;
import net.minestom.server.sound.Sound;
import net.minestom.server.sound.SoundCategory;
import net.minestom.server.stat.PlayerStatistic;
import net.minestom.server.utils.*;
import net.minestom.server.utils.chunk.ChunkUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check;
import net.minestom.server.world.DimensionType;
import net.minestom.server.world.LevelType;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class Player extends LivingEntity implements CommandSender {
private long lastKeepAlive;
private boolean answerKeepAlive;
private String username;
protected PlayerConnection playerConnection;
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ClientPlayPacket> packets = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
private int latency;
private ColoredText displayName;
private PlayerSkin skin;
private DimensionType dimensionType;
private GameMode gameMode;
private LevelType levelType;
private int teleportId = 0;
protected boolean onGround;
protected Set<Entity> viewableEntities = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
protected Set<Chunk> viewableChunks = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
private PlayerSettings settings;
private float exp;
private int level;
private PlayerInventory inventory;
private Inventory openInventory;
// Used internally to allow the closing of inventory within the inventory listener
private boolean didCloseInventory;
private byte heldSlot;
private Position respawnPoint;
private float additionalHearts;
private int food;
private float foodSaturation;
private long startEatingTime;
private long defaultEatingTime = 1000L;
private long eatingTime;
private boolean isEating;
// Game state (https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Change_Game_State)
private boolean enableRespawnScreen;
// CustomBlock break delay
private CustomBlock targetCustomBlock;
private BlockPosition targetBlockPosition;
private long targetBlockTime;
private byte targetLastStage;
private int blockBreakTime;
private BelowNameTag belowNameTag;
* Last damage source to hit this player, used to display the death message.
private DamageType lastDamageSource;
private int permissionLevel;
private boolean reducedDebugScreenInformation;
// Abilities
private boolean invulnerable;
private boolean flying;
private boolean allowFlying;
private boolean instantBreak;
private float flyingSpeed = 0.05f;
private float walkingSpeed = 0.1f;
// Statistics
private Map<PlayerStatistic, Integer> statisticValueMap = new Hashtable<>();
// Vehicle
private PlayerVehicleInformation vehicleInformation = new PlayerVehicleInformation();
// Tick related
private final PlayerTickEvent playerTickEvent = new PlayerTickEvent(this);
private final List<Permission> permissions = new LinkedList<>();
public Player(UUID uuid, String username, PlayerConnection playerConnection) {
this.uuid = uuid; // Override Entity#uuid defined in the constructor
this.username = username;
this.playerConnection = playerConnection;
setBoundingBox(0.69f, 1.8f, 0.69f);
setRespawnPoint(new Position(0, 0, 0));
this.settings = new PlayerSettings();
this.inventory = new PlayerInventory(this);
setCanPickupItem(true); // By default
// Allow the server to send the next keep alive packet
this.gameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL;
this.dimensionType = DimensionType.OVERWORLD;
this.levelType = LevelType.FLAT;
refreshPosition(0, 0, 0);
// FakePlayer init its connection there
* Used when the player is created
* Init the player and spawn him
protected void init() {
JoinGamePacket joinGamePacket = new JoinGamePacket();
joinGamePacket.entityId = getEntityId();
joinGamePacket.gameMode = gameMode;
joinGamePacket.dimensionType = dimensionType;
joinGamePacket.maxPlayers = 0; // Unused
joinGamePacket.levelType = levelType;
joinGamePacket.viewDistance = MinecraftServer.CHUNK_VIEW_DISTANCE;
joinGamePacket.reducedDebugInfo = false;
// Server brand name
ServerDifficultyPacket serverDifficultyPacket = new ServerDifficultyPacket();
serverDifficultyPacket.difficulty = MinecraftServer.getDifficulty();
serverDifficultyPacket.locked = true;
SpawnPositionPacket spawnPositionPacket = new SpawnPositionPacket();
spawnPositionPacket.x = 0;
spawnPositionPacket.y = 0;
spawnPositionPacket.z = 0;
// Add player to list with spawning skin
PlayerSkinInitEvent skinInitEvent = new PlayerSkinInitEvent(this);
callEvent(PlayerSkinInitEvent.class, skinInitEvent);
this.skin = skinInitEvent.getSkin();
// Commands start
CommandManager commandManager = MinecraftServer.getCommandManager();
DeclareCommandsPacket declareCommandsPacket = commandManager.createDeclareCommandsPacket(this);
// Commands end
// Recipes start
RecipeManager recipeManager = MinecraftServer.getRecipeManager();
DeclareRecipesPacket declareRecipesPacket = recipeManager.getDeclareRecipesPacket();
if (declareRecipesPacket.recipes != null) {
List<String> recipesIdentifier = new ArrayList<>();
for (Recipe recipe : recipeManager.getRecipes()) {
if (!recipe.shouldShow(this))
if (!recipesIdentifier.isEmpty()) {
String[] identifiers = recipesIdentifier.toArray(new String[0]);
UnlockRecipesPacket unlockRecipesPacket = new UnlockRecipesPacket();
unlockRecipesPacket.mode = 0;
unlockRecipesPacket.recipesId = identifiers;
unlockRecipesPacket.initRecipesId = identifiers;
// Recipes end
// Send server tags
TagsPacket tags = new TagsPacket();
TagManager tagManager = MinecraftServer.getTagManager();
UpdateTagListEvent event = new UpdateTagListEvent(tags);
callEvent(UpdateTagListEvent.class, event);
// Some client update
playerConnection.sendPacket(getPropertiesPacket()); // Send default properties
refreshHealth(); // Heal and send health packet
refreshAbilities(); // Send abilities packet
* Used to initialize the player connection
protected void playerConnectionInit() {
public boolean damage(DamageType type, float value) {
if (isInvulnerable())
return false;
// Compute final heart based on health and additional hearts
final boolean result = super.damage(type, value);
if (result) {
lastDamageSource = type;
return result;
public float getAttributeValue(Attribute attribute) {
if (attribute == Attribute.MOVEMENT_SPEED) {
return walkingSpeed;
return super.getAttributeValue(attribute);
public void update(long time) {
// Flush all pending packets
// Process received packets
ClientPlayPacket packet;
while ((packet = packets.poll()) != null) {
super.update(time); // Super update (item pickup/fire management)
// Target block stage
if (targetCustomBlock != null) {
final byte animationCount = 10;
final long since = time - targetBlockTime;
byte stage = (byte) (since / (blockBreakTime / animationCount));
stage = MathUtils.setBetween(stage, (byte) -1, animationCount);
if (stage != targetLastStage) {
sendBlockBreakAnimation(targetBlockPosition, stage);
this.targetLastStage = stage;
if (stage > 9) {
instance.breakBlock(this, targetBlockPosition);
// Experience orb pickup
final Chunk chunk = instance.getChunkAt(getPosition()); // TODO check surrounding chunks
final Set<Entity> entities = instance.getChunkEntities(chunk);
for (Entity entity : entities) {
if (entity instanceof ExperienceOrb) {
final ExperienceOrb experienceOrb = (ExperienceOrb) entity;
final BoundingBox itemBoundingBox = experienceOrb.getBoundingBox();
if (expandedBoundingBox.intersect(itemBoundingBox)) {
synchronized (experienceOrb) {
if (experienceOrb.shouldRemove() || experienceOrb.isRemoveScheduled())
PickupExperienceEvent pickupExperienceEvent = new PickupExperienceEvent(experienceOrb);
callCancellableEvent(PickupExperienceEvent.class, pickupExperienceEvent, () -> {
short experienceCount = pickupExperienceEvent.getExperienceCount(); // TODO give to player
// Eating animation
if (isEating()) {
if (time - startEatingTime >= eatingTime) {
triggerStatus((byte) 9); // Mark item use as finished
ItemUpdateStateEvent itemUpdateStateEvent = callItemUpdateStateEvent(true);
// Refresh hand
final boolean isOffHand = itemUpdateStateEvent.getHand() == Player.Hand.OFF;
refreshActiveHand(false, isOffHand, false);
final ItemStack foodItem = itemUpdateStateEvent.getItemStack();
final boolean isFood = foodItem.getMaterial().isFood();
if (isFood) {
PlayerEatEvent playerEatEvent = new PlayerEatEvent(this, foodItem);
callEvent(PlayerEatEvent.class, playerEatEvent);
// Tick event
callEvent(PlayerTickEvent.class, playerTickEvent);
// Multiplayer sync
final boolean positionChanged = position.getX() != lastX || position.getY() != lastY || position.getZ() != lastZ;
final boolean viewChanged = position.getYaw() != lastYaw || position.getPitch() != lastPitch;
if (!getViewers().isEmpty() && (positionChanged || viewChanged)) {
ServerPacket updatePacket = null;
ServerPacket optionalUpdatePacket = null;
if (positionChanged && viewChanged) {
EntityPositionAndRotationPacket entityPositionAndRotationPacket = new EntityPositionAndRotationPacket();
entityPositionAndRotationPacket.entityId = getEntityId();
entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaX = (short) ((position.getX() * 32 - lastX * 32) * 128);
entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaY = (short) ((position.getY() * 32 - lastY * 32) * 128);
entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaZ = (short) ((position.getZ() * 32 - lastZ * 32) * 128);
entityPositionAndRotationPacket.yaw = position.getYaw();
entityPositionAndRotationPacket.pitch = position.getPitch();
entityPositionAndRotationPacket.onGround = onGround;
lastX = position.getX();
lastY = position.getY();
lastZ = position.getZ();
lastYaw = position.getYaw();
lastPitch = position.getPitch();
updatePacket = entityPositionAndRotationPacket;
} else if (positionChanged) {
EntityPositionPacket entityPositionPacket = new EntityPositionPacket();
entityPositionPacket.entityId = getEntityId();
entityPositionPacket.deltaX = (short) ((position.getX() * 32 - lastX * 32) * 128);
entityPositionPacket.deltaY = (short) ((position.getY() * 32 - lastY * 32) * 128);
entityPositionPacket.deltaZ = (short) ((position.getZ() * 32 - lastZ * 32) * 128);
entityPositionPacket.onGround = onGround;
lastX = position.getX();
lastY = position.getY();
lastZ = position.getZ();
updatePacket = entityPositionPacket;
} else if (viewChanged) {
EntityRotationPacket entityRotationPacket = new EntityRotationPacket();
entityRotationPacket.entityId = getEntityId();
entityRotationPacket.yaw = position.getYaw();
entityRotationPacket.pitch = position.getPitch();
entityRotationPacket.onGround = onGround;
lastYaw = position.getYaw();
lastPitch = position.getPitch();
updatePacket = entityRotationPacket;
if (viewChanged) {
EntityHeadLookPacket entityHeadLookPacket = new EntityHeadLookPacket();
entityHeadLookPacket.entityId = getEntityId();
entityHeadLookPacket.yaw = position.getYaw();
optionalUpdatePacket = entityHeadLookPacket;
if (updatePacket != null) {
if (optionalUpdatePacket != null) {
sendPacketsToViewers(updatePacket, optionalUpdatePacket);
} else {
public void kill() {
if (!isDead()) {
// send death message to player
ColoredText deathMessage;
if (lastDamageSource != null) {
deathMessage = lastDamageSource.buildDeathScreenMessage(this);
} else { // may happen if killed by the server without applying damage
deathMessage = ColoredText.of("Killed by poor programming.");
CombatEventPacket deathPacket = CombatEventPacket.death(this, Optional.empty(), deathMessage);
// send death message to chat
RichMessage chatMessage;
if (lastDamageSource != null) {
chatMessage = lastDamageSource.buildChatMessage(this);
} else { // may happen if killed by the server without applying damage
ColoredText coloredChatMessage =
ColoredText.of(getUsername() + " was killed by poor programming.");
chatMessage = RichMessage.of(coloredChatMessage);
MinecraftServer.getConnectionManager().getOnlinePlayers().forEach(player -> {
* Respawn the player by sending a {@link RespawnPacket} to the player and teleporting him
* to {@link #getRespawnPoint()}. It also reset fire and his health
public void respawn() {
if (!isDead())
RespawnPacket respawnPacket = new RespawnPacket();
respawnPacket.dimensionType = getDimensionType();
respawnPacket.gameMode = getGameMode();
respawnPacket.levelType = getLevelType();
PlayerRespawnEvent respawnEvent = new PlayerRespawnEvent(this);
callEvent(PlayerRespawnEvent.class, respawnEvent);
// Runnable called when teleportation is successful (after loading and sending necessary chunk)
teleport(respawnEvent.getRespawnPosition(), this::refreshAfterTeleport);
public void spawn() {
public boolean isOnGround() {
return onGround;
public void remove() {
if (getOpenInventory() != null)
this.viewableEntities.forEach(entity -> entity.removeViewer(this));
this.viewableChunks.forEach(chunk -> {
if (chunk.isLoaded())
callEvent(PlayerDisconnectEvent.class, new PlayerDisconnectEvent(this));
public boolean addViewer(Player player) {
if (player == this)
return false;
final boolean result = super.addViewer(player);
if (!result)
return false;
PlayerConnection viewerConnection = player.getPlayerConnection();
return result;
public boolean removeViewer(Player player) {
if (player == this)
return false;
boolean result = super.removeViewer(player);
PlayerConnection viewerConnection = player.getPlayerConnection();
// Team
if (this.getTeam() != null && this.getTeam().getMembers().size() == 1) // If team only contains "this" player
return result;
public void setInstance(Instance instance) {
Check.notNull(instance, "instance cannot be null!");
Check.argCondition(this.instance == instance, "Instance should be different than the current one");
final boolean firstSpawn = this.instance == null; // TODO: Handle player reconnections, must be false in that case too
for (Chunk viewableChunk : viewableChunks) {
if (this.instance != null) {
DimensionType instanceDimensionType = instance.getDimensionType();
if (dimensionType != instanceDimensionType)
final long[] visibleChunks = ChunkUtils.getChunksInRange(position, getChunkRange());
final int length = visibleChunks.length;
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final int[] chunkPos = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoord(visibleChunks[i]);
final int chunkX = chunkPos[0];
final int chunkZ = chunkPos[1];
Consumer<Chunk> callback = (chunk) -> {
if (chunk != null) {
instance.sendChunk(this, chunk);
if (chunk.getChunkX() == Math.floorDiv((int) getPosition().getX(), 16) && chunk.getChunkZ() == Math.floorDiv((int) getPosition().getZ(), 16))
final boolean isLast = counter.get() == length - 1;
if (isLast) {
// This is the last chunk to be loaded , spawn player
this.viewableEntities.forEach(entity -> entity.removeViewer(this));
PlayerSpawnEvent spawnEvent = new PlayerSpawnEvent(instance, firstSpawn);
callEvent(PlayerSpawnEvent.class, spawnEvent);
} else {
// Increment the counter of current loaded chunks
// WARNING: if auto load is disabled and no chunks are loaded beforehand, player will be stuck.
instance.loadOptionalChunk(chunkX, chunkZ, callback);
public Consumer<PacketWriter> getMetadataConsumer() {
return packet -> {
fillMetadataIndex(packet, 14);
fillMetadataIndex(packet, 16);
protected void fillMetadataIndex(PacketWriter packet, int index) {
super.fillMetadataIndex(packet, index);
if (index == 14) {
packet.writeByte((byte) 14);
} else if (index == 16) {
packet.writeByte((byte) 16);
* Send a {@link BlockBreakAnimationPacket} packet to the player and his viewers
* Setting {@code destroyStage} to -1 resets the break animation
* @param blockPosition the position of the block
* @param destroyStage the destroy stage
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code destroyStage} is not between -1 and 10
public void sendBlockBreakAnimation(BlockPosition blockPosition, byte destroyStage) {
Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(destroyStage, -1, 10),
"The destroy stage has to be between -1 and 10");
BlockBreakAnimationPacket breakAnimationPacket = new BlockBreakAnimationPacket();
breakAnimationPacket.entityId = getEntityId() + 1;
breakAnimationPacket.blockPosition = blockPosition;
breakAnimationPacket.destroyStage = destroyStage;
public void sendMessage(String message) {
public Collection<Permission> getAllPermissions() {
return permissions;
* Send a message to the player
* @param coloredText the text to send
public void sendMessage(ColoredText coloredText) {
* Send a rich message to the player
* @param richMessage the rich text to send
public void sendMessage(RichMessage richMessage) {
* Send a legacy message with the specified color char
* @param text the text with the legacy color formatting
* @param colorChar the color char
public void sendLegacyMessage(String text, char colorChar) {
ColoredText coloredText = ColoredText.ofLegacy(text, colorChar);
* Send a legacy message with the default color char {@link ChatParser#COLOR_CHAR}
* @param text the text with the legacy color formatting
public void sendLegacyMessage(String text) {
ColoredText coloredText = ColoredText.ofLegacy(text, ChatParser.COLOR_CHAR);
public void sendJsonMessage(String json) {
ChatMessagePacket chatMessagePacket =
new ChatMessagePacket(json, ChatMessagePacket.Position.CHAT);
public void playSound(Sound sound, SoundCategory soundCategory, int x, int y, int z, float volume, float pitch) {
SoundEffectPacket soundEffectPacket = new SoundEffectPacket();
soundEffectPacket.soundId = sound.getId();
soundEffectPacket.soundCategory = soundCategory;
soundEffectPacket.x = x * 8;
soundEffectPacket.y = y * 8;
soundEffectPacket.z = z * 8;
soundEffectPacket.volume = volume;
soundEffectPacket.pitch = pitch;
* Plays a given effect at the given position for this player
* @param effect the effect to play
* @param x x position of the effect
* @param y y position of the effect
* @param z z position of the effect
* @param data data for the effect
* @param disableRelativeVolume disable volume scaling based on distance
public void playEffect(Effects effect, int x, int y, int z, int data, boolean disableRelativeVolume) {
EffectPacket packet = new EffectPacket();
packet.effectId = effect.getId();
packet.position = new BlockPosition(x, y, z);
packet.data = data;
packet.disableRelativeVolume = disableRelativeVolume;
* Send a {@link StopSoundPacket} packet
public void stopSound() {
StopSoundPacket stopSoundPacket = new StopSoundPacket();
stopSoundPacket.flags = 0x00;
public void sendHeaderFooter(ColoredText header, ColoredText footer) {
PlayerListHeaderAndFooterPacket playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket = new PlayerListHeaderAndFooterPacket();
playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket.emptyHeader = header == null;
playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket.emptyFooter = footer == null;
playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket.header = header;
playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket.footer = footer;
private void sendTitle(ColoredText text, TitlePacket.Action action) {
TitlePacket titlePacket = new TitlePacket();
titlePacket.action = action;
switch (action) {
titlePacket.titleText = text;
titlePacket.subtitleText = text;
titlePacket.actionBarText = text;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Invalid TitlePacket.Action type!");
public void sendTitleSubtitleMessage(ColoredText title, ColoredText subtitle) {
sendTitle(title, TitlePacket.Action.SET_TITLE);
sendTitle(subtitle, TitlePacket.Action.SET_SUBTITLE);
public void sendTitleMessage(ColoredText title) {
sendTitle(title, TitlePacket.Action.SET_TITLE);
public void sendSubtitleMessage(ColoredText subtitle) {
sendTitle(subtitle, TitlePacket.Action.SET_SUBTITLE);
public void sendActionBarMessage(ColoredText actionBar) {
sendTitle(actionBar, TitlePacket.Action.SET_ACTION_BAR);
public boolean isImmune(DamageType type) {
if (!getGameMode().canTakeDamage()) {
return type != DamageType.VOID;
return super.isImmune(type);
public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute, float value) {
super.setAttribute(attribute, value);
if (playerConnection != null)
public void setHealth(float health) {
* Get the player additional hearts
* @return the player additional hearts
public float getAdditionalHearts() {
return additionalHearts;
* Update the internal field and send the appropriate {@link EntityMetaDataPacket}
* @param additionalHearts the count of additional heartss
public void setAdditionalHearts(float additionalHearts) {
this.additionalHearts = additionalHearts;
* Get the player food
* @return the player food
public int getFood() {
return food;
* Set and refresh client food bar
* @param food the new food value
public void setFood(int food) {
Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(food, 0, 20), "Food has to be between 0 and 20");
this.food = food;
public float getFoodSaturation() {
return foodSaturation;
* Set and refresh client food saturation
* @param foodSaturation the food saturation
public void setFoodSaturation(float foodSaturation) {
Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(foodSaturation, 0, 5), "Food saturation has to be between 0 and 5");
this.foodSaturation = foodSaturation;
* Get if the player is eating
* @return true if the player is eating, false otherwise
public boolean isEating() {
return isEating;
* Get the player default eating time
* @return the player default eating time
public long getDefaultEatingTime() {
return defaultEatingTime;
* Used to change the default eating time animation
* @param defaultEatingTime the default eating time in milliseconds
public void setDefaultEatingTime(long defaultEatingTime) {
this.defaultEatingTime = defaultEatingTime;
* Get the player display name in the tab-list
* @return the player display name,
* null means that {@link #getUsername()} is displayed
public ColoredText getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
* Change the player display name in the tab-list
* <p>
* Set to null to show the player username
* @param displayName the display name
public void setDisplayName(ColoredText displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
PlayerInfoPacket infoPacket = new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAME);
infoPacket.playerInfos.add(new PlayerInfoPacket.UpdateDisplayName(getUuid(), displayName));
* Get the player skin
* @return the player skin object,
* null means that the player has his {@link #getUuid()} default skin
public PlayerSkin getSkin() {
return skin;
* Change the player skin
* <p>
* This does remove the player for all viewers to spawn it again with the correct new skin
* @param skin the player skin, null to reset it to his {@link #getUuid()} default skin
public synchronized void setSkin(PlayerSkin skin) {
this.skin = skin;
DestroyEntitiesPacket destroyEntitiesPacket = new DestroyEntitiesPacket();
destroyEntitiesPacket.entityIds = new int[]{getEntityId()};
final PlayerInfoPacket removePlayerPacket = getRemovePlayerToList();
final PlayerInfoPacket addPlayerPacket = getAddPlayerToList();
RespawnPacket respawnPacket = new RespawnPacket();
respawnPacket.dimensionType = getDimensionType();
respawnPacket.gameMode = getGameMode();
respawnPacket.levelType = getLevelType();
for (Player viewer : getViewers()) {
PlayerConnection connection = viewer.getPlayerConnection();
* Used to update the internal skin field
* @param skin the player skin
* @see #setSkin(PlayerSkin) instead
protected void refreshSkin(PlayerSkin skin) {
this.skin = skin;
* Get if the player has the respawn screen enabled or disabled
* @return true if the player has the respawn screen, false if he didn't
public boolean isEnableRespawnScreen() {
return enableRespawnScreen;
* Enable or disable the respawn screen
* @param enableRespawnScreen true to enable the respawn screen, false to disable it
public void setEnableRespawnScreen(boolean enableRespawnScreen) {
this.enableRespawnScreen = enableRespawnScreen;
sendChangeGameStatePacket(ChangeGameStatePacket.Reason.ENABLE_RESPAWN_SCREEN, enableRespawnScreen ? 0 : 1);
* Get the player username
* @return the player username
public String getUsername() {
return username;
* Change the internal player name, used for the {@link PlayerPreLoginEvent}
* mostly unsafe outside of it
* @param username the new player name
protected void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
private void sendChangeGameStatePacket(ChangeGameStatePacket.Reason reason, float value) {
ChangeGameStatePacket changeGameStatePacket = new ChangeGameStatePacket();
changeGameStatePacket.reason = reason;
changeGameStatePacket.value = value;
* @param item the item to drop
* @return true if player can drop the item (event not cancelled), false otherwise
public boolean dropItem(ItemStack item) {
ItemDropEvent itemDropEvent = new ItemDropEvent(item);
callEvent(ItemDropEvent.class, itemDropEvent);
return !itemDropEvent.isCancelled();
* Set the player resource pack
* @param resourcePack the resource pack
public void setResourcePack(ResourcePack resourcePack) {
Check.notNull(resourcePack, "The resource pack cannot be null");
final String url = resourcePack.getUrl();
final String hash = resourcePack.getHash();
ResourcePackSendPacket resourcePackSendPacket = new ResourcePackSendPacket();
resourcePackSendPacket.url = url;
resourcePackSendPacket.hash = hash;
* Rotate the player to face {@code targetPosition}
* @param facePoint the point from where the player should aim
* @param targetPosition the target position to face
public void facePosition(FacePoint facePoint, Position targetPosition) {
facePosition(facePoint, targetPosition, null, null);
* Rotate the player to face {@code entity}
* @param facePoint the point from where the player should aim
* @param entity the entity to face
* @param targetPoint the point to aim at {@code entity} position
public void facePosition(FacePoint facePoint, Entity entity, FacePoint targetPoint) {
facePosition(facePoint, entity.getPosition(), entity, targetPoint);
private void facePosition(FacePoint facePoint, Position targetPosition, Entity entity, FacePoint targetPoint) {
FacePlayerPacket facePlayerPacket = new FacePlayerPacket();
facePlayerPacket.entityFacePosition = facePoint == FacePoint.EYE ?
FacePlayerPacket.FacePosition.EYES : FacePlayerPacket.FacePosition.FEET;
facePlayerPacket.targetX = targetPosition.getX();
facePlayerPacket.targetY = targetPosition.getY();
facePlayerPacket.targetZ = targetPosition.getZ();
if (entity != null) {
facePlayerPacket.entityId = entity.getEntityId();
facePlayerPacket.entityFacePosition = targetPoint == FacePoint.EYE ?
FacePlayerPacket.FacePosition.EYES : FacePlayerPacket.FacePosition.FEET;
* Set the camera at {@code entity} eyes
* @param entity the entity to spectate
public void spectate(Entity entity) {
CameraPacket cameraPacket = new CameraPacket();
cameraPacket.cameraId = entity.getEntityId();
* Reset the camera at the player
public void stopSpectating() {
* Used to retrieve the default spawn point
* can be altered by the {@link PlayerRespawnEvent#setRespawnPosition(Position)}
* @return the default respawn point
public Position getRespawnPoint() {
return respawnPoint;
* Change the default spawn point
* @param respawnPoint the player respawn point
public void setRespawnPoint(Position respawnPoint) {
this.respawnPoint = respawnPoint;
* Called after the player teleportation to refresh his position
* and send data to his new viewers
protected void refreshAfterTeleport() {
SpawnPlayerPacket spawnPlayerPacket = new SpawnPlayerPacket();
spawnPlayerPacket.entityId = getEntityId();
spawnPlayerPacket.playerUuid = getUuid();
spawnPlayerPacket.position = getPosition();
// Update for viewers
protected void refreshHealth() {
this.food = 20;
this.foodSaturation = 5;
// refresh health and send health packet
protected void sendUpdateHealthPacket() {
UpdateHealthPacket updateHealthPacket = new UpdateHealthPacket();
updateHealthPacket.health = getHealth();
updateHealthPacket.food = food;
updateHealthPacket.foodSaturation = foodSaturation;
* Used to change the percentage experience bar
* This cannot change the displayed level, see {@link #setLevel(int)}
* @param exp a percentage between 0 and 1
public void setExp(float exp) {
Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(exp, 0, 1), "Exp should be between 0 and 1");
this.exp = exp;
* Used to change the level of the player
* This cannot change the displayed percentage bar see {@link #setExp(float)}
* @param level the new level of the player
public void setLevel(int level) {
this.level = level;
protected void sendExperienceUpdatePacket() {
SetExperiencePacket setExperiencePacket = new SetExperiencePacket();
setExperiencePacket.percentage = exp;
setExperiencePacket.level = level;
* Called when the player changes chunk (move from one to another)
* <p>
* It does remove and add the player from the chunks viewers list when removed or added
* It also calls the events {@link PlayerChunkUnloadEvent} and {@link PlayerChunkLoadEvent}
* @param lastChunk the last player chunk
* @param newChunk the current/new player chunk
protected void onChunkChange(Chunk lastChunk, Chunk newChunk) {
final long[] lastVisibleChunks = ChunkUtils.getChunksInRange(new Position(16 * lastChunk.getChunkX(), 0, 16 * lastChunk.getChunkZ()), getChunkRange());
final long[] updatedVisibleChunks = ChunkUtils.getChunksInRange(new Position(16 * newChunk.getChunkX(), 0, 16 * newChunk.getChunkZ()), getChunkRange());
final int[] oldChunks = ArrayUtils.getDifferencesBetweenArray(lastVisibleChunks, updatedVisibleChunks);
final int[] newChunks = ArrayUtils.getDifferencesBetweenArray(updatedVisibleChunks, lastVisibleChunks);
// Unload old chunks
for (int index : oldChunks) {
final int[] chunkPos = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoord(lastVisibleChunks[index]);
UnloadChunkPacket unloadChunkPacket = new UnloadChunkPacket();
unloadChunkPacket.chunkX = chunkPos[0];
unloadChunkPacket.chunkZ = chunkPos[1];
Chunk chunk = instance.getChunk(chunkPos[0], chunkPos[1]);
if (chunk != null)
// Load new chunks
for (int i = 0; i < newChunks.length; i++) {
final int index = newChunks[i];
final int[] chunkPos = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoord(updatedVisibleChunks[index]);
instance.loadOptionalChunk(chunkPos[0], chunkPos[1], chunk -> {
if (chunk == null) {
// Cannot load chunk (auto load is not enabled)
instance.sendChunk(this, chunk);
public void teleport(Position position, Runnable callback) {
super.teleport(position, () -> {
if (callback != null)
public void teleport(Position position) {
teleport(position, null);
* Get the player connection
* <p>
* Used to send packets and get relatives stuff to the connection
* @return the player connection
public PlayerConnection getPlayerConnection() {
return playerConnection;
* Get if the player is online or not
* @return true if the player is online, false otherwise
public boolean isOnline() {
return playerConnection.isOnline();
* Get the player settings
* @return the player settings
public PlayerSettings getSettings() {
return settings;
* Get the player dimension
* @return the player current dimension
public DimensionType getDimensionType() {
return dimensionType;
public PlayerInventory getInventory() {
return inventory;
* Used to get the player latency,
* computed by seeing how long it takes the client to answer the {@link KeepAlivePacket} packet
* @return the player latency
public int getLatency() {
return latency;
* Get the player GameMode
* @return the player current gamemode
public GameMode getGameMode() {
return gameMode;
* Change the player GameMode
* @param gameMode the new player GameMode
public void setGameMode(GameMode gameMode) {
Check.notNull(gameMode, "GameMode cannot be null");
this.gameMode = gameMode;
sendChangeGameStatePacket(ChangeGameStatePacket.Reason.CHANGE_GAMEMODE, gameMode.getId());
PlayerInfoPacket infoPacket = new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.UPDATE_GAMEMODE);
infoPacket.playerInfos.add(new PlayerInfoPacket.UpdateGamemode(getUuid(), gameMode));
* Returns true iff this player is in creative. Used for code readability
* @return true if the player is in creative mode, false otherwise
public boolean isCreative() {
return gameMode == GameMode.CREATIVE;
* Change the dimension of the player
* Mostly unsafe since it requires sending chunks after
* @param dimensionType the new player dimension
public void sendDimension(DimensionType dimensionType) {
Check.notNull(dimensionType, "Dimension cannot be null!");
Check.argCondition(dimensionType.equals(getDimensionType()), "The dimension need to be different than the current one!");
this.dimensionType = dimensionType;
RespawnPacket respawnPacket = new RespawnPacket();
respawnPacket.dimensionType = dimensionType;
respawnPacket.gameMode = gameMode;
respawnPacket.levelType = levelType;
* Kick the player with a reason
* @param text the kick reason
public void kick(ColoredText text) {
DisconnectPacket disconnectPacket = new DisconnectPacket();
disconnectPacket.message = text;
* Kick the player with a reason
* @param message the kick reason
public void kick(String message) {
public LevelType getLevelType() {
return levelType;
* Change the current held slot for the player
* @param slot the slot that the player has to held
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code slot} is not between 0 and 8
public void setHeldItemSlot(byte slot) {
Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(slot, 0, 8), "Slot has to be between 0 and 8");
HeldItemChangePacket heldItemChangePacket = new HeldItemChangePacket();
heldItemChangePacket.slot = slot;
* Get the player held slot (0-8)
* @return the current held slot for the player
public byte getHeldSlot() {
return heldSlot;
public void setTeam(Team team) {
if (team != null)
* Change the tag below the name
* @param belowNameTag The new below name tag
public void setBelowNameTag(BelowNameTag belowNameTag) {
if (this.belowNameTag == belowNameTag) return;
if (this.belowNameTag != null) {
this.belowNameTag = belowNameTag;
* Used to get the {@link CustomBlock} that the player is currently mining
* @return the currently mined {@link CustomBlock} by the player, null if there is not
public CustomBlock getCustomBlockTarget() {
return targetCustomBlock;
* Get the player open inventory
* @return the currently open inventory, null if there is not (player inventory is not detected)
public Inventory getOpenInventory() {
return openInventory;
* Open the specified Inventory, close the previous inventory if existing
* @param inventory the inventory to open
* @return true if the inventory has been opened/sent to the player, false otherwise (cancelled by event)
public boolean openInventory(Inventory inventory) {
Check.notNull(inventory, "Inventory cannot be null, use Player#closeInventory() to close current");
InventoryOpenEvent inventoryOpenEvent = new InventoryOpenEvent(this, inventory);
callCancellableEvent(InventoryOpenEvent.class, inventoryOpenEvent, () -> {
if (getOpenInventory() != null) {
Inventory newInventory = inventoryOpenEvent.getInventory();
OpenWindowPacket openWindowPacket = new OpenWindowPacket();
openWindowPacket.windowId = newInventory.getWindowId();
openWindowPacket.windowType = newInventory.getInventoryType().getWindowType();
openWindowPacket.title = newInventory.getTitle();
this.openInventory = newInventory;
return !inventoryOpenEvent.isCancelled();
* Close the current inventory if there is any
* It closes the player inventory (when opened) if {@link #getOpenInventory()} returns null
public void closeInventory() {
Inventory openInventory = getOpenInventory();
// Drop cursor item when closing inventory
ItemStack cursorItem;
if (openInventory == null) {
cursorItem = getInventory().getCursorItem();
} else {
cursorItem = openInventory.getCursorItem(this);
openInventory.setCursorItem(this, ItemStack.getAirItem());
if (!cursorItem.isAir()) {
// Add item to inventory if he hasn't been able to drop it
if (!dropItem(cursorItem)) {
CloseWindowPacket closeWindowPacket = new CloseWindowPacket();
if (openInventory == null) {
closeWindowPacket.windowId = 0;
} else {
closeWindowPacket.windowId = openInventory.getWindowId();
openInventory.removeViewer(this); // Clear cache
this.openInventory = null;
this.didCloseInventory = true;
* Used internally to prevent an inventory click to be processed
* when the inventory listeners closed the inventory
* <p>
* Should only be used within an inventory listener (event or condition)
* @return true if the inventory has been closed, false otherwise
public boolean didCloseInventory() {
return didCloseInventory;
* Used internally to reset the didCloseInventory field
* <p>
* Shouldn't be used externally without proper understanding of its consequence
* @param didCloseInventory the new didCloseInventory field
public void UNSAFE_changeDidCloseInventory(boolean didCloseInventory) {
this.didCloseInventory = didCloseInventory;
* Get the player viewable chunks
* @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all the chunks that the player sees
public Set<Chunk> getViewableChunks() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(viewableChunks);
* Send a {@link UpdateViewPositionPacket} to the player
* @param chunk the chunk to update the view
public void updateViewPosition(Chunk chunk) {
UpdateViewPositionPacket updateViewPositionPacket = new UpdateViewPositionPacket();
updateViewPositionPacket.chunkX = chunk.getChunkX();
updateViewPositionPacket.chunkZ = chunk.getChunkZ();
* Used for synchronization purpose, mainly for teleportation
protected void updatePlayerPosition() {
PlayerPositionAndLookPacket positionAndLookPacket = new PlayerPositionAndLookPacket();
positionAndLookPacket.position = position;
positionAndLookPacket.flags = 0x00;
positionAndLookPacket.teleportId = teleportId++;
* Get the player permission level
* @return the player permission level
public int getPermissionLevel() {
return permissionLevel;
* Change the player permission level
* @param permissionLevel the new player permission level
public void setPermissionLevel(int permissionLevel) {
Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(permissionLevel, 0, 4), "permissionLevel has to be between 0 and 4");
this.permissionLevel = permissionLevel;
// Magic values: https://wiki.vg/Entity_statuses#Player
// TODO remove magic values
final byte permissionLevelStatus = (byte) (24 + permissionLevel);
* Set or remove the reduced debug screen
* @param reduced should the player has the reduced debug screen
public void setReducedDebugScreenInformation(boolean reduced) {
this.reducedDebugScreenInformation = reduced;
// Magic values: https://wiki.vg/Entity_statuses#Player
// TODO remove magic values
final byte debugScreenStatus = (byte) (reduced ? 22 : 23);
* Get if the player has the reduced debug screen
* @return true if the player has the reduced debug screen, false otherwise
public boolean hasReducedDebugScreenInformation() {
return reducedDebugScreenInformation;
* The invulnerable field appear in the {@link PlayerAbilitiesPacket} packet
* @return true if the player is invulnerable, false otherwise
public boolean isInvulnerable() {
return invulnerable;
* This do update the {@code invulnerable} field in the packet {@link PlayerAbilitiesPacket}
* and prevent the player from receiving damage
* @param invulnerable should the player be invulnerable
public void setInvulnerable(boolean invulnerable) {
this.invulnerable = invulnerable;
* Get if the player is currently flying
* @return true if the player if flying, false otherwise
public boolean isFlying() {
return flying;
* Set the player flying
* @param flying should the player fly
public void setFlying(boolean flying) {
this.flying = flying;
* Update the internal flying field
* <p>
* Mostly unsafe since there is nothing to backup the value, used internally for creative players
* @param flying the new flying field
* @see #setFlying(boolean) instead
public void refreshFlying(boolean flying) {
this.flying = flying;
* Get if the player is allowed to fly
* @return true if the player if allowed to fly, false otherwise
public boolean isAllowFlying() {
return allowFlying;
* Allow or forbid the player to fly
* @param allowFlying should the player be allowed to fly
public void setAllowFlying(boolean allowFlying) {
this.allowFlying = allowFlying;
public boolean isInstantBreak() {
return instantBreak;
* Change the player ability "Creative Mode"
* <a href="https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Player_Abilities_.28clientbound.29">see</a>
* <p>
* WARNING: this has nothing to do with {@link CustomBlock#getBreakDelay(Player, BlockPosition)}
* @param instantBreak true to allow instant break
public void setInstantBreak(boolean instantBreak) {
this.instantBreak = instantBreak;
* Get the player flying speed
* @return the flying speed of the player
public float getFlyingSpeed() {
return flyingSpeed;
* Update the internal field and send a {@link PlayerAbilitiesPacket} with the new flying speed
* @param flyingSpeed the new flying speed of the player
public void setFlyingSpeed(float flyingSpeed) {
this.flyingSpeed = flyingSpeed;
public float getWalkingSpeed() {
return walkingSpeed;
public void setWalkingSpeed(float walkingSpeed) {
this.walkingSpeed = walkingSpeed;
* This is the map used to send the statistic packet
* It is possible to add/remove/change statistic value directly into it
* @return the modifiable statistic map
public Map<PlayerStatistic, Integer> getStatisticValueMap() {
return statisticValueMap;
* Get the player vehicle information
* @return the player vehicle information
public PlayerVehicleInformation getVehicleInformation() {
return vehicleInformation;
protected void refreshAbilities() {
PlayerAbilitiesPacket playerAbilitiesPacket = new PlayerAbilitiesPacket();
playerAbilitiesPacket.invulnerable = invulnerable;
playerAbilitiesPacket.flying = flying;
playerAbilitiesPacket.allowFlying = allowFlying;
playerAbilitiesPacket.instantBreak = instantBreak;
playerAbilitiesPacket.flyingSpeed = flyingSpeed;
playerAbilitiesPacket.walkingSpeed = 0.1f;
* All packets in the queue are executed in the {@link #update(long)} method
* It is used internally to add all received packet from the client
* Could be used to "simulate" a received packet, but to use at your own risk
* @param packet the packet to add in the queue
public void addPacketToQueue(ClientPlayPacket packet) {
* Change the storage player latency and update its tab value
* @param latency the new player latency
public void refreshLatency(int latency) {
this.latency = latency;
PlayerInfoPacket playerInfoPacket = new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.UPDATE_LATENCY);
playerInfoPacket.playerInfos.add(new PlayerInfoPacket.UpdateLatency(getUuid(), latency));
public void refreshOnGround(boolean onGround) {
this.onGround = onGround;
* Used to change internally the last sent last keep alive id
* <p>
* Warning: could lead to have the player kicked because of a wrong keep alive packet
* @param lastKeepAlive the new lastKeepAlive id
public void refreshKeepAlive(long lastKeepAlive) {
this.lastKeepAlive = lastKeepAlive;
this.answerKeepAlive = false;
public boolean didAnswerKeepAlive() {
return answerKeepAlive;
public void refreshAnswerKeepAlive(boolean answerKeepAlive) {
this.answerKeepAlive = answerKeepAlive;
* Change the held item for the player viewers
* Also cancel eating if {@link #isEating()} was true
* <p>
* Warning: the player will not be noticed by this chance, only his viewers,
* see instead: {@link #setHeldItemSlot(byte)}
* @param slot the new held slot
public void refreshHeldSlot(byte slot) {
this.heldSlot = slot;
public void refreshEating(boolean isEating, long eatingTime) {
this.isEating = isEating;
if (isEating) {
this.startEatingTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.eatingTime = eatingTime;
} else {
this.startEatingTime = 0;
public void refreshEating(boolean isEating) {
refreshEating(isEating, defaultEatingTime);
* Used to call {@link ItemUpdateStateEvent} with the proper item
* It does check which hand to get the item to update
* @param allowFood true if food should be updated, false otherwise
* @return the called {@link ItemUpdateStateEvent},
* null if there is no item to update the state
public ItemUpdateStateEvent callItemUpdateStateEvent(boolean allowFood) {
final Material mainHandMat = getItemInMainHand().getMaterial();
final Material offHandMat = getItemInOffHand().getMaterial();
final boolean isOffhand = offHandMat.hasState();
final ItemStack updatedItem = isOffhand ? getItemInOffHand() :
mainHandMat.hasState() ? getItemInMainHand() : null;
if (updatedItem == null) // No item with state, cancel
return null;
final boolean isFood = updatedItem.getMaterial().isFood();
if (isFood && !allowFood)
return null;
ItemUpdateStateEvent itemUpdateStateEvent = new ItemUpdateStateEvent(updatedItem,
isOffhand ? Hand.OFF : Hand.MAIN);
callEvent(ItemUpdateStateEvent.class, itemUpdateStateEvent);
return itemUpdateStateEvent;
* Make the player digging a custom block, see {@link #resetTargetBlock()} to rewind
* @param targetCustomBlock the custom block to dig
* @param targetBlockPosition the custom block position
* @param breakTime the time it will take to break the block in milliseconds
public void setTargetBlock(CustomBlock targetCustomBlock, BlockPosition targetBlockPosition, int breakTime) {
this.targetCustomBlock = targetCustomBlock;
this.targetBlockPosition = targetBlockPosition;
this.targetBlockTime = targetBlockPosition == null ? 0 : System.currentTimeMillis();
this.blockBreakTime = breakTime;
* Reset data from the current block the player is mining.
* If the currently mined block (or if there isn't any) is not a CustomBlock, nothing append
public void resetTargetBlock() {
if (targetBlockPosition != null) {
sendBlockBreakAnimation(targetBlockPosition, (byte) -1); // Clear the break animation
this.targetCustomBlock = null;
this.targetBlockPosition = null;
this.targetBlockTime = 0;
// Remove effect
RemoveEntityEffectPacket removeEntityEffectPacket = new RemoveEntityEffectPacket();
removeEntityEffectPacket.entityId = getEntityId();
removeEntityEffectPacket.effectId = 4;
public void refreshVehicleSteer(float sideways, float forward, boolean jump, boolean unmount) {
this.vehicleInformation.refresh(sideways, forward, jump, unmount);
* @return the chunk range of the viewers,
* which is {@link MinecraftServer#CHUNK_VIEW_DISTANCE} or {@link PlayerSettings#getViewDistance()}
* based on which one is the lowest
public int getChunkRange() {
final int serverRange = MinecraftServer.CHUNK_VIEW_DISTANCE;
final int playerRange = getSettings().viewDistance;
if (playerRange == 0) {
return serverRange; // Didn't receive settings packet yet (is the case on login)
} else {
return Math.min(playerRange, serverRange);
* Get the last sent keep alive id
* @return the last keep alive id sent to the player
public long getLastKeepAlive() {
return lastKeepAlive;
* Get the packet to add the player from tab-list
* @return a {@link PlayerInfoPacket} to add the player
protected PlayerInfoPacket getAddPlayerToList() {
final String textures = skin == null ? "" : skin.getTextures();
final String signature = skin == null ? null : skin.getSignature();
PlayerInfoPacket playerInfoPacket = new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.ADD_PLAYER);
PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer addPlayer =
new PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer(getUuid(), getUsername(), getGameMode(), getLatency());
addPlayer.displayName = displayName;
PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer.Property prop =
new PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer.Property("textures", textures, signature);
return playerInfoPacket;
* Get the packet to remove the player from tab-list
* @return a {@link PlayerInfoPacket} to add the player
protected PlayerInfoPacket getRemovePlayerToList() {
PlayerInfoPacket playerInfoPacket = new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.REMOVE_PLAYER);
PlayerInfoPacket.RemovePlayer removePlayer =
new PlayerInfoPacket.RemovePlayer(getUuid());
return playerInfoPacket;
* Send all the related packet to have the player sent to another with related data
* (create player, spawn position, velocity, metadata, equipments, passengers, team)
* <p>
* WARNING: this does not sync the player, please use {@link #addViewer(Player)}
* @param connection the connection to show the player to
protected void showPlayer(PlayerConnection connection) {
SpawnPlayerPacket spawnPlayerPacket = new SpawnPlayerPacket();
spawnPlayerPacket.entityId = getEntityId();
spawnPlayerPacket.playerUuid = getUuid();
spawnPlayerPacket.position = getPosition();
// Equipments synchronization
if (hasPassenger()) {
// Team
if (this.getTeam() != null)
EntityHeadLookPacket entityHeadLookPacket = new EntityHeadLookPacket();
entityHeadLookPacket.entityId = getEntityId();
entityHeadLookPacket.yaw = position.getYaw();
public ItemStack getItemInMainHand() {
return inventory.getItemInMainHand();
public void setItemInMainHand(ItemStack itemStack) {
public ItemStack getItemInOffHand() {
return inventory.getItemInOffHand();
public void setItemInOffHand(ItemStack itemStack) {
public ItemStack getHelmet() {
return inventory.getHelmet();
public void setHelmet(ItemStack itemStack) {
public ItemStack getChestplate() {
return inventory.getChestplate();
public void setChestplate(ItemStack itemStack) {
public ItemStack getLeggings() {
return inventory.getLeggings();
public void setLeggings(ItemStack itemStack) {
public ItemStack getBoots() {
return inventory.getBoots();
public void setBoots(ItemStack itemStack) {
* Represent the main or off hand of the player
public enum Hand {
public enum FacePoint {
// Settings enum
* Represent where is located the main hand of the player (can be changed in Minecraft option)
public enum MainHand {
public enum ChatMode {
public class PlayerSettings {
private String locale;
private byte viewDistance;
private ChatMode chatMode;
private boolean chatColors;
private byte displayedSkinParts;
private MainHand mainHand;
* The player game language
* @return the player locale
public String getLocale() {
return locale;
* Get the player view distance
* @return the player view distance
public byte getViewDistance() {
return viewDistance;
* Get the player chat mode
* @return the player chat mode
public ChatMode getChatMode() {
return chatMode;
* Get if the player has chat colors enabled
* @return true if chat colors are enabled, false otherwise
public boolean hasChatColors() {
return chatColors;
public byte getDisplayedSkinParts() {
return displayedSkinParts;
* Get the player main hand
* @return the player main hand
public MainHand getMainHand() {
return mainHand;
* Change the player settings internally
* <p>
* WARNING: the player will not be noticed by this change, probably unsafe
* @param locale the player locale
* @param viewDistance the player view distance
* @param chatMode the player chat mode
* @param chatColors the player chat colors
* @param displayedSkinParts the player displayed skin parts
* @param mainHand the player main hand
public void refresh(String locale, byte viewDistance, ChatMode chatMode, boolean chatColors, byte displayedSkinParts, MainHand mainHand) {
this.locale = locale;
this.viewDistance = viewDistance;
this.chatMode = chatMode;
this.chatColors = chatColors;
this.displayedSkinParts = displayedSkinParts;
this.mainHand = mainHand;