2022-03-09 19:08:42 +01:00

687 lines
22 KiB

package net.minestom.server.entity;
import net.kyori.adventure.sound.Sound.Source;
import net.minestom.server.attribute.Attribute;
import net.minestom.server.attribute.AttributeInstance;
import net.minestom.server.collision.BoundingBox;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Point;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec;
import net.minestom.server.entity.damage.DamageType;
import net.minestom.server.entity.metadata.LivingEntityMeta;
import net.minestom.server.event.EventDispatcher;
import net.minestom.server.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.entity.EntityFireEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.item.EntityEquipEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.item.PickupItemEvent;
import net.minestom.server.instance.EntityTracker;
import net.minestom.server.inventory.EquipmentHandler;
import net.minestom.server.item.ItemStack;
import net.minestom.server.network.ConnectionState;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.LazyPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.CollectItemPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.EntityAnimationPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.EntityPropertiesPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.SoundEffectPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.player.PlayerConnection;
import net.minestom.server.scoreboard.Team;
import net.minestom.server.sound.SoundEvent;
import net.minestom.server.utils.block.BlockIterator;
import net.minestom.server.utils.time.Cooldown;
import net.minestom.server.utils.time.TimeUnit;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class LivingEntity extends Entity implements EquipmentHandler {
// ItemStack pickup
protected boolean canPickupItem;
protected Cooldown itemPickupCooldown = new Cooldown(Duration.of(5, TimeUnit.SERVER_TICK));
protected boolean isDead;
protected DamageType lastDamageSource;
// Bounding box used for items' pickup (see LivingEntity#setBoundingBox)
protected BoundingBox expandedBoundingBox;
private final Map<String, AttributeInstance> attributeModifiers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// Abilities
protected boolean invulnerable;
* Time at which this entity must be extinguished
private long fireExtinguishTime;
* Last time the fire damage was applied
private long lastFireDamageTime;
* Period, in ms, between two fire damage applications
private long fireDamagePeriod = 1000L;
private Team team;
private int arrowCount;
private float health = 1F;
// Equipments
private ItemStack mainHandItem;
private ItemStack offHandItem;
private ItemStack helmet;
private ItemStack chestplate;
private ItemStack leggings;
private ItemStack boots;
* Constructor which allows to specify an UUID. Only use if you know what you are doing!
public LivingEntity(@NotNull EntityType entityType, @NotNull UUID uuid) {
super(entityType, uuid);
public LivingEntity(@NotNull EntityType entityType) {
this(entityType, UUID.randomUUID());
private void initEquipments() {
this.mainHandItem = ItemStack.AIR;
this.offHandItem = ItemStack.AIR;
this.helmet = ItemStack.AIR;
this.chestplate = ItemStack.AIR;
this.leggings = ItemStack.AIR;
this.boots = ItemStack.AIR;
public ItemStack getItemInMainHand() {
return mainHandItem;
public void setItemInMainHand(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
this.mainHandItem = getEquipmentItem(itemStack, EquipmentSlot.MAIN_HAND);
public ItemStack getItemInOffHand() {
return offHandItem;
public void setItemInOffHand(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
this.offHandItem = getEquipmentItem(itemStack, EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND);
public ItemStack getHelmet() {
return helmet;
public void setHelmet(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
this.helmet = getEquipmentItem(itemStack, EquipmentSlot.HELMET);
public ItemStack getChestplate() {
return chestplate;
public void setChestplate(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
this.chestplate = getEquipmentItem(itemStack, EquipmentSlot.CHESTPLATE);
public ItemStack getLeggings() {
return leggings;
public void setLeggings(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
this.leggings = getEquipmentItem(itemStack, EquipmentSlot.LEGGINGS);
public ItemStack getBoots() {
return boots;
public void setBoots(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
this.boots = getEquipmentItem(itemStack, EquipmentSlot.BOOTS);
private ItemStack getEquipmentItem(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack, @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot) {
EntityEquipEvent entityEquipEvent = new EntityEquipEvent(this, itemStack, slot);
return entityEquipEvent.getEquippedItem();
public void update(long time) {
if (isOnFire()) {
if (time > fireExtinguishTime) {
} else {
if (time - lastFireDamageTime > fireDamagePeriod) {
damage(DamageType.ON_FIRE, 1.0f);
lastFireDamageTime = time;
// Items picking
if (canPickupItem() && itemPickupCooldown.isReady(time)) {
this.instance.getEntityTracker().nearbyEntities(position, expandedBoundingBox.width(),
EntityTracker.Target.ITEMS, itemEntity -> {
if (this instanceof Player player && !itemEntity.isViewer(player)) return;
if (!itemEntity.isPickable()) return;
if (expandedBoundingBox.intersectEntity(position, itemEntity)) {
PickupItemEvent pickupItemEvent = new PickupItemEvent(this, itemEntity);
EventDispatcher.callCancellable(pickupItemEvent, () -> {
final ItemStack item = itemEntity.getItemStack();
sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(new CollectItemPacket(itemEntity.getEntityId(), getEntityId(), item.getAmount()));
* Gets the amount of arrows in the entity.
* @return the arrow count
public int getArrowCount() {
return this.arrowCount;
* Changes the amount of arrow stuck in the entity.
* @param arrowCount the arrow count
public void setArrowCount(int arrowCount) {
this.arrowCount = arrowCount;
LivingEntityMeta meta = getLivingEntityMeta();
if (meta != null) {
* Gets if the entity is invulnerable.
* @return true if the entity is invulnerable
public boolean isInvulnerable() {
return invulnerable;
* Makes the entity vulnerable or invulnerable.
* @param invulnerable should the entity be invulnerable
public void setInvulnerable(boolean invulnerable) {
this.invulnerable = invulnerable;
* Kills the entity, trigger the {@link EntityDeathEvent} event.
public void kill() {
refreshIsDead(true); // So the entity isn't killed over and over again
triggerStatus((byte) 3); // Start death animation status
// Reset velocity
this.velocity = Vec.ZERO;
// Remove passengers if any
if (hasPassenger()) {
EntityDeathEvent entityDeathEvent = new EntityDeathEvent(this);
* Sets fire to this entity for a given duration.
* @param duration duration in ticks of the effect
public void setFireForDuration(int duration) {
setFireForDuration(duration, TimeUnit.SERVER_TICK);
* Sets fire to this entity for a given duration.
* @param duration duration of the effect
* @param temporalUnit unit used to express the duration
* @see #setOnFire(boolean) if you want it to be permanent without any event callback
public void setFireForDuration(int duration, TemporalUnit temporalUnit) {
setFireForDuration(Duration.of(duration, temporalUnit));
* Sets fire to this entity for a given duration.
* @param duration duration of the effect
* @see #setOnFire(boolean) if you want it to be permanent without any event callback
public void setFireForDuration(Duration duration) {
EntityFireEvent entityFireEvent = new EntityFireEvent(this, duration);
// Do not start fire event if the fire needs to be removed (< 0 duration)
if (duration.toMillis() > 0) {
EventDispatcher.callCancellable(entityFireEvent, () -> {
final long fireTime = entityFireEvent.getFireTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECOND);
fireExtinguishTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + fireTime;
} else {
fireExtinguishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Damages the entity by a value, the type of the damage also has to be specified.
* @param type the damage type
* @param value the amount of damage
* @return true if damage has been applied, false if it didn't
public boolean damage(@NotNull DamageType type, float value) {
if (isDead())
return false;
if (isInvulnerable() || isImmune(type)) {
return false;
EntityDamageEvent entityDamageEvent = new EntityDamageEvent(this, type, value, type.getSound(this));
EventDispatcher.callCancellable(entityDamageEvent, () -> {
// Set the last damage type since the event is not cancelled
this.lastDamageSource = entityDamageEvent.getDamageType();
float remainingDamage = entityDamageEvent.getDamage();
if (entityDamageEvent.shouldAnimate()) {
sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(new EntityAnimationPacket(getEntityId(), EntityAnimationPacket.Animation.TAKE_DAMAGE));
// Additional hearts support
if (this instanceof Player player) {
final float additionalHearts = player.getAdditionalHearts();
if (additionalHearts > 0) {
if (remainingDamage > additionalHearts) {
remainingDamage -= additionalHearts;
} else {
player.setAdditionalHearts(additionalHearts - remainingDamage);
remainingDamage = 0;
// Set the final entity health
setHealth(getHealth() - remainingDamage);
// play damage sound
final SoundEvent sound = entityDamageEvent.getSound();
if (sound != null) {
Source soundCategory;
if (this instanceof Player) {
soundCategory = Source.PLAYER;
} else {
// TODO: separate living entity categories
soundCategory = Source.HOSTILE;
sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(new SoundEffectPacket(sound, soundCategory,
getPosition(), 1.0f, 1.0f));
return !entityDamageEvent.isCancelled();
* Is this entity immune to the given type of damage?
* @param type the type of damage
* @return true if this entity is immune to the given type of damage
public boolean isImmune(@NotNull DamageType type) {
return false;
* Gets the entity health.
* @return the entity health
public float getHealth() {
return this.health;
* Changes the entity health, kill it if {@code health} is &gt;= 0 and is not dead yet.
* @param health the new entity health
public void setHealth(float health) {
this.health = Math.min(health, getMaxHealth());
if (this.health <= 0 && !isDead) {
LivingEntityMeta meta = getLivingEntityMeta();
if (meta != null) {
* Gets the last damage source which damaged of this entity.
* @return the last damage source, null if not any
public DamageType getLastDamageSource() {
return lastDamageSource;
* Gets the entity max health from {@link #getAttributeValue(Attribute)} {@link Attribute#MAX_HEALTH}.
* @return the entity max health
public float getMaxHealth() {
return getAttributeValue(Attribute.MAX_HEALTH);
* Sets the heal of the entity as its max health.
* <p>
* Retrieved from {@link #getAttributeValue(Attribute)} with the attribute {@link Attribute#MAX_HEALTH}.
public void heal() {
* Retrieves the attribute instance and its modifiers.
* @param attribute the attribute instance to get
* @return the attribute instance
public @NotNull AttributeInstance getAttribute(@NotNull Attribute attribute) {
return attributeModifiers.computeIfAbsent(attribute.key(),
s -> new AttributeInstance(attribute, this::onAttributeChanged));
* Callback used when an attribute instance has been modified.
* @param attributeInstance the modified attribute instance
protected void onAttributeChanged(@NotNull AttributeInstance attributeInstance) {
boolean self = false;
if (this instanceof Player player) {
PlayerConnection playerConnection = player.playerConnection;
// connection null during Player initialization (due to #super call)
self = playerConnection != null && playerConnection.getConnectionState() == ConnectionState.PLAY;
EntityPropertiesPacket propertiesPacket = new EntityPropertiesPacket(getEntityId(), List.of(attributeInstance));
if (self) {
} else {
* Retrieves the attribute value.
* @param attribute the attribute value to get
* @return the attribute value
public float getAttributeValue(@NotNull Attribute attribute) {
AttributeInstance instance = attributeModifiers.get(attribute.key());
return (instance != null) ? instance.getValue() : attribute.defaultValue();
* Gets if the entity is dead or not.
* @return true if the entity is dead
public boolean isDead() {
return isDead;
* Gets if the entity is able to pickup items.
* @return true if the entity is able to pickup items
public boolean canPickupItem() {
return canPickupItem;
* When set to false, the entity will not be able to pick {@link ItemEntity} on the ground.
* @param canPickupItem can the entity pickup item
public void setCanPickupItem(boolean canPickupItem) {
this.canPickupItem = canPickupItem;
public void updateNewViewer(@NotNull Player player) {
player.sendPacket(new LazyPacket(this::getEquipmentsPacket));
player.sendPacket(new LazyPacket(this::getPropertiesPacket));
if (getTeam() != null) player.sendPacket(getTeam().createTeamsCreationPacket());
public void setBoundingBox(double x, double y, double z) {
super.setBoundingBox(x, y, z);
this.expandedBoundingBox = getBoundingBox().expand(1, 0.5f, 1);
* Sends a {@link EntityAnimationPacket} to swing the main hand
* (can be used for attack animation).
public void swingMainHand() {
sendPacketToViewers(new EntityAnimationPacket(getEntityId(), EntityAnimationPacket.Animation.SWING_MAIN_ARM));
* Sends a {@link EntityAnimationPacket} to swing the off hand
* (can be used for attack animation).
public void swingOffHand() {
sendPacketToViewers(new EntityAnimationPacket(getEntityId(), EntityAnimationPacket.Animation.SWING_OFF_HAND));
public void refreshActiveHand(boolean isHandActive, boolean offHand, boolean riptideSpinAttack) {
LivingEntityMeta meta = getLivingEntityMeta();
if (meta != null) {
meta.setActiveHand(offHand ? Player.Hand.OFF : Player.Hand.MAIN);
public boolean isFlyingWithElytra() {
return this.entityMeta.isFlyingWithElytra();
public void setFlyingWithElytra(boolean isFlying) {
* Used to change the {@code isDead} internal field.
* @param isDead the new field value
protected void refreshIsDead(boolean isDead) {
this.isDead = isDead;
* Gets an {@link EntityPropertiesPacket} for this entity with all of its attributes values.
* @return an {@link EntityPropertiesPacket} linked to this entity
protected @NotNull EntityPropertiesPacket getPropertiesPacket() {
return new EntityPropertiesPacket(getEntityId(), List.copyOf(attributeModifiers.values()));
protected void handleVoid() {
// Kill if in void
if (getInstance().isInVoid(this.position)) {
damage(DamageType.VOID, 10f);
* Gets the time in ms between two fire damage applications.
* @return the time in ms
* @see #setFireDamagePeriod(Duration)
public long getFireDamagePeriod() {
return fireDamagePeriod;
* Changes the delay between two fire damage applications.
* @param fireDamagePeriod the delay
* @param temporalUnit the time unit
public void setFireDamagePeriod(long fireDamagePeriod, @NotNull TemporalUnit temporalUnit) {
setFireDamagePeriod(Duration.of(fireDamagePeriod, temporalUnit));
* Changes the delay between two fire damage applications.
* @param fireDamagePeriod the delay
public void setFireDamagePeriod(Duration fireDamagePeriod) {
this.fireDamagePeriod = fireDamagePeriod.toMillis();
* Changes the {@link Team} for the entity.
* @param team The new team
public void setTeam(Team team) {
if (this.team == team) return;
String member = this instanceof Player player ? player.getUsername() : uuid.toString();
if (this.team != null) {
this.team = team;
if (team != null) {
* Gets the {@link Team} of the entity.
* @return the {@link Team}
public Team getTeam() {
return team;
* Gets the target (not-air) block position of the entity.
* @param maxDistance The max distance to scan before returning null
* @return The block position targeted by this entity, null if non are found
public Point getTargetBlockPosition(int maxDistance) {
Iterator<Point> it = new BlockIterator(this, maxDistance);
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Point position = it.next();
if (!getInstance().getBlock(position).isAir()) return position;
return null;
* Gets {@link net.minestom.server.entity.metadata.EntityMeta} of this entity casted to {@link LivingEntityMeta}.
* @return null if meta of this entity does not inherit {@link LivingEntityMeta}, casted value otherwise.
public LivingEntityMeta getLivingEntityMeta() {
if (this.entityMeta instanceof LivingEntityMeta) {
return (LivingEntityMeta) this.entityMeta;
return null;
* Applies knockback
* <p>
* Note: The strength is reduced based on knockback resistance
* @param strength the strength of the knockback, 0.4 is the vanilla value for a bare hand hit
* @param x knockback on x axle, for default knockback use the following formula <pre>sin(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))</pre>
* @param z knockback on z axle, for default knockback use the following formula <pre>-cos(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))</pre>
public void takeKnockback(float strength, final double x, final double z) {
strength *= 1 - getAttributeValue(Attribute.KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE);
super.takeKnockback(strength, x, z);