
187 lines
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package net.minestom.server.command;
import net.minestom.server.command.builder.Command;
import net.minestom.server.command.builder.CommandExecutor;
import net.minestom.server.command.builder.CommandSyntax;
import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.Argument;
import net.minestom.server.command.builder.condition.CommandCondition;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.ArgumentType.Literal;
import static net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.ArgumentType.Word;
record GraphImpl(NodeImpl root) implements Graph {
static GraphImpl fromCommand(Command command) {
return new GraphImpl(NodeImpl.command(command));
static Graph merge(Collection<Command> commands) {
return new GraphImpl(NodeImpl.rootCommands(commands));
static GraphImpl merge(List<Graph> graphs) {
final List<Node> children = graphs.stream().map(Graph::root).toList();
final NodeImpl root = new NodeImpl(Literal(""), null, children);
return new GraphImpl(root);
public boolean compare(@NotNull Graph graph, @NotNull Comparator comparator) {
return compare(root, graph.root(), comparator);
record BuilderImpl(Argument<?> argument, List<BuilderImpl> children, Execution execution) implements Graph.Builder {
public BuilderImpl(Argument<?> argument, Execution execution) {
this(argument, new ArrayList<>(), execution);
public Graph.@NotNull Builder append(@NotNull Argument<?> argument, @Nullable Execution execution,
@NotNull Consumer<Graph.Builder> consumer) {
BuilderImpl builder = new BuilderImpl(argument, execution);
return this;
public Graph.@NotNull Builder append(@NotNull Argument<?> argument, @Nullable Execution execution) {
this.children.add(new BuilderImpl(argument, List.of(), execution));
return this;
public @NotNull GraphImpl build() {
return new GraphImpl(NodeImpl.fromBuilder(this));
record NodeImpl(Argument<?> argument, ExecutionImpl execution, List<Graph.Node> next) implements Graph.Node {
static NodeImpl fromBuilder(BuilderImpl builder) {
final List<BuilderImpl> children = builder.children;
Node[] nodes = new NodeImpl[children.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) nodes[i] = fromBuilder(children.get(i));
return new NodeImpl(builder.argument, (ExecutionImpl) builder.execution, List.of(nodes));
static NodeImpl command(Command command) {
return ConversionNode.fromCommand(command).toNode();
static NodeImpl rootCommands(Collection<Command> commands) {
return ConversionNode.rootConv(commands).toNode();
record ExecutionImpl(Predicate<CommandSender> predicate,
CommandExecutor defaultExecutor, CommandExecutor globalListener,
CommandExecutor executor, CommandCondition condition) implements Execution {
public boolean test(CommandSender commandSender) {
return predicate.test(commandSender);
static ExecutionImpl fromCommand(Command command) {
final CommandExecutor defaultExecutor = command.getDefaultExecutor();
final CommandCondition defaultCondition = command.getCondition();
CommandExecutor executor = defaultExecutor;
CommandCondition condition = defaultCondition;
for (var syntax : command.getSyntaxes()) {
if (syntax.getArguments().length == 0) {
executor = syntax.getExecutor();
condition = syntax.getCommandCondition();
final CommandExecutor globalListener = (sender, context) -> command.globalListener(sender, context, context.getInput());
return new ExecutionImpl(commandSender -> defaultCondition == null || defaultCondition.canUse(commandSender, null),
defaultExecutor, globalListener, executor, condition);
static ExecutionImpl fromSyntax(CommandSyntax syntax) {
final CommandExecutor executor = syntax.getExecutor();
final CommandCondition condition = syntax.getCommandCondition();
//TODO Check if condition can be removed here since it's already added at the beginning of the syntax
return new ExecutionImpl(commandSender -> condition == null || condition.canUse(commandSender, null),
null, null, executor, condition);
private record ConversionNode(Argument<?> argument, ExecutionImpl execution,
Map<Argument<?>, ConversionNode> nextMap) {
ConversionNode(Argument<?> argument, ExecutionImpl execution) {
this(argument, execution, new LinkedHashMap<>());
private NodeImpl toNode() {
Node[] nodes = new NodeImpl[nextMap.size()];
int i = 0;
for (var entry : nextMap.values()) nodes[i++] = entry.toNode();
return new NodeImpl(argument, execution, List.of(nodes));
static ConversionNode fromCommand(Command command) {
ConversionNode root = new ConversionNode(commandToArgument(command), ExecutionImpl.fromCommand(command));
// Syntaxes
for (CommandSyntax syntax : command.getSyntaxes()) {
ConversionNode syntaxNode = root;
final CommandCondition condition = syntax.getCommandCondition();
//TODO Index based loop to make the first/last checks nicer
for (Argument<?> arg : syntax.getArguments()) {
boolean first = arg == syntax.getArguments()[0];
boolean last = arg == syntax.getArguments()[syntax.getArguments().length - 1];
syntaxNode = syntaxNode.nextMap.computeIfAbsent(arg, argument -> {
var ex = first && condition != null ?
new ExecutionImpl(commandSender -> condition.canUse(commandSender, null),
null, null, null, condition) : null;
ex = last ? ExecutionImpl.fromSyntax(syntax) : ex;
return new ConversionNode(argument, ex);
// Subcommands
for (Command subcommand : command.getSubcommands()) {
root.nextMap.put(commandToArgument(subcommand), fromCommand(subcommand));
return root;
static ConversionNode rootConv(Collection<Command> commands) {
Map<Argument<?>, ConversionNode> next = new LinkedHashMap<>(commands.size());
for (Command command : commands) {
final ConversionNode conv = fromCommand(command);
next.put(conv.argument, conv);
return new ConversionNode(Literal(""), null, next);
static Argument<String> commandToArgument(Command command) {
final String[] aliases = command.getNames();
if (aliases.length == 1) return Literal(aliases[0]);
return Word(command.getName()).from(command.getNames());
static boolean compare(@NotNull Node first, Node second, @NotNull Comparator comparator) {
return switch (comparator) {
case TREE -> {
if (!first.argument().equals(second.argument())) yield false;
if (first.next().size() != second.next().size()) yield false;
for (int i = 0; i < first.next().size(); i++) {
if (!compare(first.next().get(i), second.next().get(i), comparator)) {
yield false;
yield true;