
351 lines
17 KiB

package net.minestom.server.collision;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Point;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Pos;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block;
final class RayUtils {
public static void RaycastCollision(Vec rayDirection, Point rayStart, Block.Getter getter, BoundingBox boundingBox, Pos entityCentre, SweepResult finalResult) {
// This works by finding all the x, y and z grid line intersections and calculating the value of the point at that intersection
// Finding all the intersections will give us all the full blocks that are traversed by the ray
if (rayDirection.x() != 0) {
// Which direction we're stepping the block boundary in
double xStep = rayDirection.x() < 0 ? -1 : 1;
// If we are going in the positive direction, the block that we stepped over is the one we want
int xFix = rayDirection.x() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
// Total number of axis block boundaries that will be passed
int xStepCount = (int) Math.ceil((rayDirection.x()) / xStep) + xFix;
int xStepsCompleted = xFix;
while (xStepsCompleted <= xStepCount) {
// Get the axis value
int xi = (int) (xStepsCompleted * xStep + rayStart.blockX());
double factor = (xi - rayStart.x()) / rayDirection.x();
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.x() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.x() - (xi)) < -2) break;
// Solve for y and z
int yi = (int) Math.floor(rayDirection.y() * factor + rayStart.y());
// If the y distance is much greater than the collision point that is currently being used, break
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.y() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.y() - (yi)) < -2) break;
int zi = (int) Math.floor(rayDirection.z() * factor + rayStart.z());
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.z() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.z() - (zi)) < -2) break;
xi -= xFix;
// Check for collisions with the found block
// If a collision was found, break
if (BlockCollision.checkBoundingBox(xi, yi, zi, rayDirection, entityCentre, boundingBox, getter, finalResult))
if (rayDirection.z() != 0) {
double zStep = rayDirection.z() < 0 ? -1 : 1;
int zFix = rayDirection.z() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
int zStepsCompleted = zFix;
int zStepCount = (int) Math.ceil((rayDirection.z()) / zStep) + zFix;
while (zStepsCompleted <= zStepCount) {
int zi = (int) (zStepsCompleted * zStep + rayStart.blockZ());
double factor = (zi - rayStart.z()) / rayDirection.z();
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.z() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.z() - (zi)) < -2) break;
int xi = (int) Math.floor(rayDirection.x() * factor + rayStart.x());
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.x() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.x() - (xi)) < -2) break;
int yi = (int) Math.floor(rayDirection.y() * factor + rayStart.y());
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.y() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.y() - (yi)) < -2) break;
zi -= zFix;
if (BlockCollision.checkBoundingBox(xi, yi, zi, rayDirection, entityCentre, boundingBox, getter, finalResult))
if (rayDirection.y() != 0) {
int yFix = rayDirection.y() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
double yStep = rayDirection.y() < 0 ? -1 : 1;
int yStepsCompleted = yFix;
int yStepCount = (int) Math.ceil((rayDirection.y()) / yStep) + yFix;
while (yStepsCompleted <= yStepCount) {
int yi = (int) (yStepsCompleted * yStep + rayStart.blockY());
double factor = (yi - rayStart.y()) / rayDirection.y();
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.y() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.y() - (yi)) < -2) break;
int xi = (int) Math.floor(rayDirection.x() * factor + rayStart.x());
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.x() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.x() - (xi)) < -2) break;
int zi = (int) Math.floor(rayDirection.z() * factor + rayStart.z());
if (Math.abs(rayDirection.z() * finalResult.res) - Math.abs(rayStart.z() - (zi)) < -2) break;
yi -= yFix;
if (BlockCollision.checkBoundingBox(xi, yi, zi, rayDirection, entityCentre, boundingBox, getter, finalResult))
* Check if a bounding box intersects a ray
* @param rayStart Ray start position
* @param rayDirection Ray to check
* @param collidableStatic Bounding box
* @return true if an intersection between the ray and the bounding box was found
public static boolean BoundingBoxIntersectionCheck(BoundingBox moving, Point rayStart, Point rayDirection, BoundingBox collidableStatic, Point staticCollidableOffset) {
Point bbCentre = new Pos(moving.minX() + moving.width() / 2, moving.minY() + moving.height() / 2, moving.minZ() + moving.depth() / 2);
Point rayCentre = rayStart.add(bbCentre);
// Translate bounding box
Vec bbOffMin = new Vec(collidableStatic.minX() - rayCentre.x() + staticCollidableOffset.x() - moving.width() / 2, collidableStatic.minY() - rayCentre.y() + staticCollidableOffset.y() - moving.height() / 2, collidableStatic.minZ() - rayCentre.z() + staticCollidableOffset.z() - moving.depth() / 2);
Vec bbOffMax = new Vec(collidableStatic.maxX() - rayCentre.x() + staticCollidableOffset.x() + moving.width() / 2, collidableStatic.maxY() - rayCentre.y() + staticCollidableOffset.y() + moving.height() / 2, collidableStatic.maxZ() - rayCentre.z() + staticCollidableOffset.z() + moving.depth() / 2);
// This check is done in 2d. it can be visualised as a rectangle (the face we are checking), and a point.
// If the point is within the rectangle, we know the vector intersects the face.
double signumRayX = Math.signum(rayDirection.x());
double signumRayY = Math.signum(rayDirection.y());
double signumRayZ = Math.signum(rayDirection.z());
// Intersect X
if (rayDirection.x() != 0) {
// Left side of bounding box
double xFac = bbOffMin.x() / rayDirection.x();
double yix = rayDirection.y() * xFac + rayCentre.y();
double zix = rayDirection.z() * xFac + rayCentre.z();
// Check if ray passes through y/z plane
if (rayDirection.x() > 0
&& ((yix - rayCentre.y()) * signumRayY) >= 0
&& ((zix - rayCentre.z()) * signumRayZ) >= 0
&& yix >= collidableStatic.minY() + staticCollidableOffset.y() - moving.height() / 2
&& yix <= collidableStatic.maxY() + staticCollidableOffset.y() + moving.height() / 2
&& zix >= collidableStatic.minZ() + staticCollidableOffset.z() - moving.depth() / 2
&& zix <= collidableStatic.maxZ() + staticCollidableOffset.z() + moving.depth() / 2) {
return true;
// Right side of bounding box
double xFac = bbOffMax.x() / rayDirection.x();
double yix = rayDirection.y() * xFac + rayCentre.y();
double zix = rayDirection.z() * xFac + rayCentre.z();
if (rayDirection.x() < 0
&& ((yix - rayCentre.y()) * signumRayY) >= 0
&& ((zix - rayCentre.z()) * signumRayZ) >= 0
&& yix >= collidableStatic.minY() + staticCollidableOffset.y() - moving.height() / 2
&& yix <= collidableStatic.maxY() + staticCollidableOffset.y() + moving.height() / 2
&& zix >= collidableStatic.minZ() + staticCollidableOffset.z() - moving.depth() / 2
&& zix <= collidableStatic.maxZ() + staticCollidableOffset.z() + moving.depth() / 2) {
return true;
// Intersect Z
if (rayDirection.z() != 0) {
double zFac = bbOffMin.z() / rayDirection.z();
double xiz = rayDirection.x() * zFac + rayCentre.x();
double yiz = rayDirection.y() * zFac + rayCentre.y();
if (rayDirection.z() > 0
&& ((yiz - rayCentre.y()) * signumRayY) >= 0
&& ((xiz - rayCentre.x()) * signumRayX) >= 0
&& xiz >= collidableStatic.minX() + staticCollidableOffset.x() - moving.width() / 2
&& xiz <= collidableStatic.maxX() + staticCollidableOffset.x() + moving.width() / 2
&& yiz >= collidableStatic.minY() + staticCollidableOffset.y() - moving.height() / 2
&& yiz <= collidableStatic.maxY() + staticCollidableOffset.y() + moving.height() / 2) {
return true;
double zFac = bbOffMax.z() / rayDirection.z();
double xiz = rayDirection.x() * zFac + rayCentre.x();
double yiz = rayDirection.y() * zFac + rayCentre.y();
if (rayDirection.z() < 0
&& ((yiz - rayCentre.y()) * signumRayY) >= 0
&& ((xiz - rayCentre.x()) * signumRayX) >= 0
&& xiz >= collidableStatic.minX() + staticCollidableOffset.x() - moving.width() / 2
&& xiz <= collidableStatic.maxX() + staticCollidableOffset.x() + moving.width() / 2
&& yiz >= collidableStatic.minY() + staticCollidableOffset.y() - moving.height() / 2
&& yiz <= collidableStatic.maxY() + staticCollidableOffset.y() + moving.height() / 2) {
return true;
// Intersect Y
if (rayDirection.y() != 0) {
double yFac = bbOffMin.y() / rayDirection.y();
double xiy = rayDirection.x() * yFac + rayCentre.x();
double ziy = rayDirection.z() * yFac + rayCentre.z();
if (rayDirection.y() > 0
&& ((ziy - rayCentre.z()) * signumRayZ) >= 0
&& ((xiy - rayCentre.x()) * signumRayX) >= 0
&& xiy >= collidableStatic.minX() + staticCollidableOffset.x() - moving.width() / 2
&& xiy <= collidableStatic.maxX() + staticCollidableOffset.x() + moving.width() / 2
&& ziy >= collidableStatic.minZ() + staticCollidableOffset.z() - moving.depth() / 2
&& ziy <= collidableStatic.maxZ() + staticCollidableOffset.z() + moving.depth() / 2) {
return true;
double yFac = bbOffMax.y() / rayDirection.y();
double xiy = rayDirection.x() * yFac + rayCentre.x();
double ziy = rayDirection.z() * yFac + rayCentre.z();
if (rayDirection.y() < 0
&& ((ziy - rayCentre.z()) * signumRayZ) >= 0
&& ((xiy - rayCentre.x()) * signumRayX) >= 0
&& xiy >= collidableStatic.minX() + staticCollidableOffset.x() - moving.width() / 2
&& xiy <= collidableStatic.maxX() + staticCollidableOffset.x() + moving.width() / 2
&& ziy >= collidableStatic.minZ() + staticCollidableOffset.z() - moving.depth() / 2
&& ziy <= collidableStatic.maxZ() + staticCollidableOffset.z() + moving.depth() / 2) {
return true;
return false;
// Extended from 2d implementation found here https://www.gamedev.net/tutorials/programming/general-and-gameplay-programming/swept-aabb-collision-detection-and-response-r3084/
public static void SweptAABB(BoundingBox collidableMoving, Point rayStart, Point rayDirection, BoundingBox collidableStatic, Point staticCollidableOffset, SweepResult writeTo) {
double normalx, normaly, normalz;
double xInvEntry, yInvEntry, zInvEntry;
double xInvExit, yInvExit, zInvExit;
// find the distance between the objects on the near and far sides for x, y, z
if (rayDirection.x() > 0.0f) {
xInvEntry = (staticCollidableOffset.x() + collidableStatic.minX()) - (rayStart.x() + collidableMoving.maxX());
xInvExit = (staticCollidableOffset.x() + collidableStatic.maxX()) - (rayStart.x() + collidableMoving.minX());
} else {
xInvEntry = (staticCollidableOffset.x() + collidableStatic.maxX()) - (rayStart.x() + collidableMoving.minX());
xInvExit = (staticCollidableOffset.x() + collidableStatic.minX()) - (rayStart.x() + collidableMoving.maxX());
if (rayDirection.y() > 0.0f) {
yInvEntry = (staticCollidableOffset.y() + collidableStatic.minY()) - (rayStart.y() + collidableMoving.maxY());
yInvExit = (staticCollidableOffset.y() + collidableStatic.maxY()) - (rayStart.y() + collidableMoving.minY());
} else {
yInvEntry = (staticCollidableOffset.y() + collidableStatic.maxY()) - (rayStart.y() + collidableMoving.minY());
yInvExit = (staticCollidableOffset.y() + collidableStatic.minY()) - (rayStart.y() + collidableMoving.maxY());
if (rayDirection.z() > 0.0f) {
zInvEntry = (staticCollidableOffset.z() + collidableStatic.minZ()) - (rayStart.z() + collidableMoving.maxZ());
zInvExit = (staticCollidableOffset.z() + collidableStatic.maxZ()) - (rayStart.z() + collidableMoving.minZ());
} else {
zInvEntry = (staticCollidableOffset.z() + collidableStatic.maxZ()) - (rayStart.z() + collidableMoving.minZ());
zInvExit = (staticCollidableOffset.z() + collidableStatic.minZ()) - (rayStart.z() + collidableMoving.maxZ());
// find time of collision and time of leaving for each axis (if statement is to prevent divide by zero)
double xEntry, yEntry, zEntry;
double xExit, yExit, zExit;
if (rayDirection.x() == 0.0f) {
xEntry = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
xExit = Double.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
xEntry = xInvEntry / rayDirection.x();
xExit = xInvExit / rayDirection.x();
if (rayDirection.y() == 0.0f) {
yEntry = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
yExit = Double.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
yEntry = yInvEntry / rayDirection.y();
yExit = yInvExit / rayDirection.y();
if (rayDirection.z() == 0.0f) {
zEntry = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
zExit = Double.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
zEntry = zInvEntry / rayDirection.z();
zExit = zInvExit / rayDirection.z();
// find the earliest/latest times of collision
double entryTime = Math.max(Math.max(xEntry, yEntry), zEntry);
double exitTime = Math.min(Math.max(xExit, yExit), zExit);
if (entryTime > exitTime || xEntry > 1.0f || yEntry > 1.0f || zEntry > 1.0f || (xEntry < 0.0f && yEntry < 0.0f && zEntry < 0.0f)) {
writeTo.res = 1;
writeTo.normalX = 0;
writeTo.normalY = 0;
writeTo.normalZ = 0;
// calculate normal of collided surface
if (xEntry > yEntry && xEntry > zEntry) {
if (xInvEntry < 0.0f) {
normalx = 1.0f;
normaly = 0.0f;
normalz = 0.0f;
} else {
normalx = -1.0f;
normaly = 0.0f;
normalz = 0.0f;
} else if (yEntry > zEntry) {
if (yInvEntry < 0.0f) {
normalx = 0.0f;
normaly = 1.0f;
normalz = 0.0f;
} else {
normalx = 0.0f;
normaly = -1.0f;
normalz = 0.0f;
} else {
if (zInvEntry < 0.0f) {
normalx = 0.0f;
normaly = 0.0f;
normalz = 1.0f;
} else {
normalx = 0.0f;
normaly = 0.0f;
normalz = -1.0f;
writeTo.res = entryTime * 0.99999;
writeTo.normalX = normalx;
writeTo.normalY = normaly;
writeTo.normalZ = normalz;
public static boolean BoundingBoxRayIntersectionCheck(Vec start, Vec direction, BoundingBox boundingBox, Pos position) {
// TODO: BoundingBox.ZERO?
return BoundingBoxIntersectionCheck(new BoundingBox(0, 0, 0), start, direction, boundingBox, position);