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package net.minestom.server.ping;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.serializer.gson.GsonComponentSerializer;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.serializer.legacy.LegacyComponentSerializer;
import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minestom.server.event.server.ServerListPingEvent;
import net.minestom.server.extras.lan.OpenToLAN;
import net.minestom.server.utils.identity.NamedAndIdentified;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.function.Function;
* An enum containing the different types of server list ping responses.
* @see <a href="https://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping">https://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping</a>
* @see ServerListPingEvent
public enum ServerListPingType {
* The client is on version 1.16 or higher and supports full RGB with JSON text formatting.
MODERN_FULL_RGB(data -> getModernPingResponse(data, true).toString()),
* The client is on version 1.7 or higher and doesn't support full RGB but does support JSON text formatting.
MODERN_NAMED_COLORS(data -> getModernPingResponse(data, false).toString()),
* The client is on version 1.6 and supports a description, the player count and the version information.
LEGACY_VERSIONED(data -> getLegacyPingResponse(data, true)),
* The client is on version 1.5 or lower and supports a description and the player count.
LEGACY_UNVERSIONED(data -> getLegacyPingResponse(data, false)),
* The ping that is sent when {@link OpenToLAN} is enabled and sending packets.
* Only the description formatted as a legacy string is sent.
* Ping events with this ping version are <b>not</b> cancellable.
private final Function<ResponseData, String> pingResponseCreator;
ServerListPingType(@NotNull Function<ResponseData, String> pingResponseCreator) {
this.pingResponseCreator = pingResponseCreator;
* Gets the ping response for this version.
* @param responseData the response data
* @return the response
public @NotNull String getPingResponse(@NotNull ResponseData responseData) {
return this.pingResponseCreator.apply(responseData);
private static final String LAN_PING_FORMAT = "[MOTD]%s[/MOTD][AD]%s[/AD]";
private static final GsonComponentSerializer FULL_RGB = GsonComponentSerializer.gson(),
NAMED_RGB = GsonComponentSerializer.colorDownsamplingGson();
private static final LegacyComponentSerializer SECTION = LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection();
* Creates a ping sent when the server is sending {@link OpenToLAN} packets.
* @param data the response data
* @return the ping
* @see OpenToLAN
public static @NotNull String getOpenToLANPing(@NotNull ResponseData data) {
return String.format(LAN_PING_FORMAT, SECTION.serialize(data.getDescription()), MinecraftServer.getServer().getPort());
* Creates a legacy ping response for client versions below the Netty rewrite (1.6-).
* @param data the response data
* @param supportsVersions if the client supports recieving the versions of the server
* @return the response
public static @NotNull String getLegacyPingResponse(@NotNull ResponseData data, boolean supportsVersions) {
final String motd = SECTION.serialize(data.getDescription());
if (supportsVersions) {
return String.format("\u00a71\u0000%d\u0000%s\u0000%s\u0000%d\u0000%d",
data.getProtocol(), data.getVersion(), motd, data.getOnline(), data.getMaxPlayer());
} else {
return String.format("%s\u00a7%d\u00a7%d", motd, data.getOnline(), data.getMaxPlayer());
* Creates a modern ping response for client versions above the Netty rewrite (1.7+).
* @param data the response data
* @param supportsFullRgb if the client supports full RGB
* @return the response
public static @NotNull JsonObject getModernPingResponse(@NotNull ResponseData data, boolean supportsFullRgb) {
// version
final JsonObject versionObject = new JsonObject();
versionObject.addProperty("name", data.getVersion());
versionObject.addProperty("protocol", data.getProtocol());
JsonObject playersObject = null;
if (!data.arePlayersHidden()) {
// players info
playersObject = new JsonObject();
playersObject.addProperty("max", data.getMaxPlayer());
playersObject.addProperty("online", data.getOnline());
// individual players
final JsonArray sampleArray = new JsonArray();
for (NamedAndIdentified entry : data.getEntries()) {
JsonObject playerObject = new JsonObject();
playerObject.addProperty("name", SECTION.serialize(entry.getName()));
playerObject.addProperty("id", entry.getUuid().toString());
playersObject.add("sample", sampleArray);
final JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.add("version", versionObject);
jsonObject.add("players", playersObject);
jsonObject.addProperty("favicon", data.getFavicon());
// description
if (supportsFullRgb) {
jsonObject.add("description", FULL_RGB.serializeToTree(data.getDescription()));
} else {
jsonObject.add("description", NAMED_RGB.serializeToTree(data.getDescription()));
return jsonObject;
* Gets the server list ping version from the protocol version.
* This only works for modern ping responses since the Netty rewrite.
* @param version the protocol version
* @return the corresponding server list ping version
public static @NotNull ServerListPingType fromModernProtocolVersion(int version) {
if (version >= 713) {
} else {