
253 lines
9.3 KiB

package net.minestom.server.inventory.click;
import net.minestom.server.item.ItemStack;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.client.play.ClientClickWindowPacket;
import net.minestom.server.utils.inventory.PlayerInventoryUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
public final class Click {
* Contains information about a click. These are equal to the packet slot IDs from <a href="https://wiki.vg/Inventory">the Minecraft protocol.</a>.
* The inventory used should be known from context.
public sealed interface Info {
record Left(int slot) implements Info {
record Right(int slot) implements Info {
record Middle(int slot) implements Info {
// Creative only
record LeftShift(int slot) implements Info {
record RightShift(int slot) implements Info {
record Double(int slot) implements Info {
record LeftDrag(List<Integer> slots) implements Info {
public LeftDrag {
slots = List.copyOf(slots);
record RightDrag(List<Integer> slots) implements Info {
public RightDrag {
slots = List.copyOf(slots);
record MiddleDrag(List<Integer> slots) implements Info {
// Creative only
public MiddleDrag {
slots = List.copyOf(slots);
record LeftDropCursor() implements Info {
record RightDropCursor() implements Info {
record MiddleDropCursor() implements Info {
record DropSlot(int slot, boolean all) implements Info {
record HotbarSwap(int hotbarSlot, int clickedSlot) implements Info {
record OffhandSwap(int slot) implements Info {
record CreativeSetItem(int slot, @NotNull ItemStack item) implements Info {
record CreativeDropItem(@NotNull ItemStack item) implements Info {
* Preprocesses click packets, turning them into {@link Info} instances for further processing.
public static final class Preprocessor {
private final Set<Integer> leftDrag = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final Set<Integer> rightDrag = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final Set<Integer> middleDrag = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public void clearCache() {
* Processes the provided click packet, turning it into a {@link Info}.
* This will do simple verification of the packet before sending it to {@link #process(ClientClickWindowPacket.ClickType, int, byte)}.
* @param packet the raw click packet
* @param isCreative whether the player is in creative mode (used for ignoring some actions)
* @param containerSize the size of the open container, or null if the player inventory is open
* @return the information about the click, or nothing if there was no immediately usable information
public @Nullable Click.Info processClick(@NotNull ClientClickWindowPacket packet, boolean isCreative, @Nullable Integer containerSize) {
final byte button = packet.button();
final boolean requireCreative = switch (packet.clickType()) {
case CLONE -> packet.slot() != -999; // Permit middle click dropping
case QUICK_CRAFT -> button == 8 || button == 9 || button == 10;
default -> false;
if (requireCreative && !isCreative) return null;
final int slot = packet.slot() == -999 ? -999 :
containerSize == null ? PlayerInventoryUtils.protocolToMinestom(packet.slot()) : packet.slot();
final int maxSize = containerSize != null ? containerSize + PlayerInventoryUtils.INNER_SIZE : PlayerInventoryUtils.INVENTORY_SIZE;
final boolean valid = slot >= 0 && slot < maxSize;
if (!valid) {
return slot == -999 ? processInvalidSlot(packet.clickType(), button) : null;
return process(packet.clickType(), slot, button);
private @Nullable Click.Info processInvalidSlot(@NotNull ClientClickWindowPacket.ClickType type, byte button) {
return switch (type) {
case PICKUP -> {
if (button == 0) yield new Info.LeftDropCursor();
if (button == 1) yield new Info.RightDropCursor();
yield null;
case CLONE -> {
if (button == 2) yield new Info.MiddleDropCursor(); // Why Mojang, why?
yield null;
case QUICK_CRAFT -> {
// Trust me, a switch would not make this cleaner
if (button == 2) {
var list = List.copyOf(leftDrag);
yield new Info.LeftDrag(list);
} else if (button == 6) {
var list = List.copyOf(rightDrag);
yield new Info.RightDrag(list);
} else if (button == 10) {
var list = List.copyOf(middleDrag);
yield new Info.MiddleDrag(list);
if (button == 0) leftDrag.clear();
if (button == 4) rightDrag.clear();
if (button == 8) middleDrag.clear();
yield null;
default -> null;
* Processes a packet into click info.
* @param type the type of the click
* @param slot the clicked slot
* @param button the sent button
* @return the information about the click, or nothing if there was no immediately usable information
private @Nullable Click.Info process(@NotNull ClientClickWindowPacket.ClickType type, int slot, byte button) {
return switch (type) {
case PICKUP -> switch (button) {
case 0 -> new Info.Left(slot);
case 1 -> new Info.Right(slot);
default -> null;
case QUICK_MOVE -> button == 0 ? new Info.LeftShift(slot) : new Info.RightShift(slot);
case SWAP -> {
if (button >= 0 && button < 9) {
yield new Info.HotbarSwap(button, slot);
} else if (button == 40) {
yield new Info.OffhandSwap(slot);
} else {
yield null;
case CLONE -> new Info.Middle(slot);
case THROW -> new Info.DropSlot(slot, button == 1);
case QUICK_CRAFT -> {
switch (button) {
case 1 -> leftDrag.add(slot);
case 5 -> rightDrag.add(slot);
case 9 -> middleDrag.add(slot);
yield null;
case PICKUP_ALL -> new Info.Double(slot);
public record Getter(@NotNull IntFunction<ItemStack> main, @NotNull IntFunction<ItemStack> player,
@NotNull ItemStack cursor, int mainSize) {
public @NotNull ItemStack get(int slot) {
if (slot < mainSize()) {
return main.apply(slot);
} else {
return player.apply(PlayerInventoryUtils.protocolToMinestom(slot, mainSize()));
* Represents an individual change that occurred to an inventory.
public sealed interface Change {
* A change to the open container. If the click was in the player inventory, this could indicate a change there,
* despite the existence of {@link Player}
* @param slot the changed slot
* @param item the new item in the slot
record Container(int slot, @NotNull ItemStack item) implements Change {
* A change that must have occurred in the player's inventory, even if they have another one open.
* @param slot the changed player slot
* @param item the new item in the slot
record Player(int slot, @NotNull ItemStack item) implements Change {
* A new cursor item. The cursor item is stored in the player's {@link net.minestom.server.inventory.PlayerInventory}.
* @param item the new cursor item
record Cursor(@NotNull ItemStack item) implements Change {
* An item that was dropped from the player during the click.
* @param item the item to drop
record DropFromPlayer(@NotNull ItemStack item) implements Change {