
148 lines
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package net.minestom.server.potion;
import net.minestom.server.entity.Entity;
import net.minestom.server.network.NetworkBuffer;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.EntityEffectPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.RemoveEntityEffectPacket;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.Objects;
import static net.minestom.server.network.NetworkBuffer.BYTE;
import static net.minestom.server.network.NetworkBuffer.VAR_INT;
* Represents a potion effect that can be added to an {@link net.minestom.server.entity.Entity}.
* @param effect the potion effect
* @param amplifier the amplifier starting at 0 (level 1)
* @param duration the duration (in ticks) that the potion will last
* @param flags the flags of the potion, see {@link #flags()}
public record Potion(@NotNull PotionEffect effect, byte amplifier,
int duration, byte flags) implements NetworkBuffer.Writer {
* A flag indicating that this Potion is ambient (it came from a beacon).
* @see #ICON_FLAG
* @see #flags()
public static final byte AMBIENT_FLAG = 0x01;
* A flag indicating that this Potion has particles.
* @see #ICON_FLAG
* @see #flags()
public static final byte PARTICLES_FLAG = 0x02;
* A flag indicating that this Potion has an icon.
* @see #flags()
public static final byte ICON_FLAG = 0x04;
* A flag instructing the client to use its builtin blending effect, only used with the darkness effect currently.
public static final byte BLEND_FLAG = 0x08;
* A duration constant which sets a Potion duration to infinite.
public static final int INFINITE_DURATION = -1;
* Creates a new Potion with no flags.
* @see #Potion(PotionEffect, byte, int, byte)
public Potion(@NotNull PotionEffect effect, byte amplifier, int duration) {
this(effect, amplifier, duration, (byte) 0);
public Potion(@NotNull NetworkBuffer reader) {
this(Objects.requireNonNull(PotionEffect.fromId(reader.read(VAR_INT))), reader.read(BYTE),
reader.read(VAR_INT), reader.read(BYTE));
* Returns the flags that this Potion has.
* @see #ICON_FLAG
public byte flags() {
return flags;
* Returns whether this Potion is ambient (it came from a beacon) or not.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Potion is ambient
public boolean isAmbient() {
return (flags & AMBIENT_FLAG) == AMBIENT_FLAG;
* Returns whether this Potion has particles or not.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Potion has particles
public boolean hasParticles() {
* Returns whether this Potion has an icon or not.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Potion has an icon
public boolean hasIcon() {
return (flags & ICON_FLAG) == ICON_FLAG;
public boolean hasBlend() {
return (flags & BLEND_FLAG) == BLEND_FLAG;
* Sends a packet that a potion effect has been applied to the entity.
* <p>
* Used internally by {@link net.minestom.server.entity.Player#addEffect(Potion)}
* @param entity the entity to add the effect to
public void sendAddPacket(@NotNull Entity entity) {
entity.sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(new EntityEffectPacket(entity.getEntityId(), this));
* Sends a packet that a potion effect has been removed from the entity.
* <p>
* Used internally by {@link net.minestom.server.entity.Player#removeEffect(PotionEffect)}
* @param entity the entity to remove the effect from
public void sendRemovePacket(@NotNull Entity entity) {
entity.sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(new RemoveEntityEffectPacket(entity.getEntityId(), effect));
public void write(@NotNull NetworkBuffer writer) {
writer.write(VAR_INT, effect.id());
writer.write(BYTE, amplifier);
writer.write(VAR_INT, duration);
writer.write(BYTE, flags);