2022-03-05 12:06:59 +01:00

1679 lines
59 KiB

package net.minestom.server.entity;
import net.kyori.adventure.sound.Sound;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEvent;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEvent.ShowEntity;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEventSource;
import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minestom.server.Tickable;
import net.minestom.server.Viewable;
import net.minestom.server.collision.BoundingBox;
import net.minestom.server.collision.CollisionUtils;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Point;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Pos;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec;
import net.minestom.server.entity.metadata.EntityMeta;
import net.minestom.server.event.EventDispatcher;
import net.minestom.server.event.entity.*;
import net.minestom.server.event.instance.AddEntityToInstanceEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.instance.RemoveEntityFromInstanceEvent;
import net.minestom.server.instance.Chunk;
import net.minestom.server.instance.EntityTracker;
import net.minestom.server.instance.Instance;
import net.minestom.server.instance.InstanceManager;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.BlockHandler;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.CachedPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.LazyPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.ServerPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.*;
import net.minestom.server.permission.Permission;
import net.minestom.server.permission.PermissionHandler;
import net.minestom.server.potion.Potion;
import net.minestom.server.potion.PotionEffect;
import net.minestom.server.potion.TimedPotion;
import net.minestom.server.snapshot.EntitySnapshot;
import net.minestom.server.snapshot.SnapshotUpdater;
import net.minestom.server.snapshot.Snapshotable;
import net.minestom.server.tag.Tag;
import net.minestom.server.tag.TagHandler;
import net.minestom.server.tag.TagReadable;
import net.minestom.server.thread.Acquirable;
import net.minestom.server.timer.Schedulable;
import net.minestom.server.timer.Scheduler;
import net.minestom.server.timer.TaskSchedule;
import net.minestom.server.utils.ArrayUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.PacketUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.async.AsyncUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.block.BlockIterator;
import net.minestom.server.utils.chunk.ChunkUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.entity.EntityUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.player.PlayerUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.position.PositionUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.time.Cooldown;
import net.minestom.server.utils.time.TimeUnit;
import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.mutable.MutableNBTCompound;
import space.vectrix.flare.fastutil.Int2ObjectSyncMap;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
* Could be a player, a monster, or an object.
* <p>
* To create your own entity you probably want to extends {@link LivingEntity} or {@link EntityCreature} instead.
public class Entity implements Viewable, Tickable, Schedulable, Snapshotable, TagHandler, PermissionHandler, HoverEventSource<ShowEntity>, Sound.Emitter {
private static final Int2ObjectSyncMap<Entity> ENTITY_BY_ID = Int2ObjectSyncMap.hashmap();
private static final Map<UUID, Entity> ENTITY_BY_UUID = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final AtomicInteger LAST_ENTITY_ID = new AtomicInteger();
private final CachedPacket destroyPacketCache = new CachedPacket(() -> new DestroyEntitiesPacket(getEntityId()));
protected Instance instance;
protected Chunk currentChunk;
protected Pos position;
protected Pos previousPosition;
protected Pos lastSyncedPosition;
protected boolean onGround;
private BoundingBox boundingBox;
protected Entity vehicle;
// Velocity
protected Vec velocity = Vec.ZERO; // Movement in block per second
protected boolean hasPhysics = true;
* The amount of drag applied on the Y axle.
* <p>
* Unit: 1/tick
protected double gravityDragPerTick;
* Acceleration on the Y axle due to gravity
* <p>
* Unit: blocks/tick
protected double gravityAcceleration;
protected int gravityTickCount; // Number of tick where gravity tick was applied
private final int id;
// Players must be aware of all surrounding entities
// General entities should only be aware of surrounding players to update their viewing list
private final EntityTracker.Target<Entity> trackingTarget = this instanceof Player ?
EntityTracker.Target.ENTITIES : EntityTracker.Target.class.cast(EntityTracker.Target.PLAYERS);
protected final EntityTracker.Update<Entity> trackingUpdate = new EntityTracker.Update<>() {
public void add(@NotNull Entity entity) {
public void remove(@NotNull Entity entity) {
public void referenceUpdate(@NotNull Point point, @Nullable EntityTracker tracker) {
final Instance currentInstance = tracker != null ? instance : null;
assert currentInstance == null || currentInstance.getEntityTracker() == tracker :
"EntityTracker does not match current instance";
viewEngine.updateTracker(currentInstance, point);
protected final EntityView viewEngine = new EntityView(this);
protected final Set<Player> viewers = viewEngine.set;
private final MutableNBTCompound nbtCompound = new MutableNBTCompound();
private final Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler.newScheduler();
private final Set<Permission> permissions = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
protected UUID uuid;
private boolean isActive; // False if entity has only been instanced without being added somewhere
private boolean removed;
private final Set<Entity> passengers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
protected EntityType entityType; // UNSAFE to change, modify at your own risk
// Network synchronization, send the absolute position of the entity each X milliseconds
private static final Duration SYNCHRONIZATION_COOLDOWN = Duration.of(1, TimeUnit.MINUTE);
private Duration customSynchronizationCooldown;
private long lastAbsoluteSynchronizationTime;
protected Metadata metadata = new Metadata(this);
protected EntityMeta entityMeta;
private final List<TimedPotion> effects = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
// Tick related
private long ticks;
private final Acquirable<Entity> acquirable = Acquirable.of(this);
public Entity(@NotNull EntityType entityType, @NotNull UUID uuid) {
this.id = generateId();
this.entityType = entityType;
this.uuid = uuid;
this.position = Pos.ZERO;
this.previousPosition = Pos.ZERO;
this.lastSyncedPosition = Pos.ZERO;
setBoundingBox(entityType.width(), entityType.height(), entityType.width());
this.entityMeta = EntityTypeImpl.createMeta(entityType, this, this.metadata);
Entity.ENTITY_BY_ID.put(id, this);
Entity.ENTITY_BY_UUID.put(uuid, this);
this.gravityAcceleration = entityType.registry().acceleration();
this.gravityDragPerTick = entityType.registry().drag();
public Entity(@NotNull EntityType entityType) {
this(entityType, UUID.randomUUID());
* Schedules a task to be run during the next entity tick.
* @param callback the task to execute during the next entity tick
public void scheduleNextTick(@NotNull Consumer<Entity> callback) {
this.scheduler.scheduleNextTick(() -> callback.accept(this));
* Gets an entity based on its id (from {@link #getEntityId()}).
* <p>
* Entity id are unique server-wide.
* @param id the entity unique id
* @return the entity having the specified id, null if not found
public static @Nullable Entity getEntity(int id) {
return Entity.ENTITY_BY_ID.get(id);
* Gets an entity based on its UUID (from {@link #getUuid()}).
* @param uuid the entity UUID
* @return the entity having the specified uuid, null if not found
public static @Nullable Entity getEntity(@NotNull UUID uuid) {
return Entity.ENTITY_BY_UUID.getOrDefault(uuid, null);
* Generate and return a new unique entity id.
* <p>
* Useful if you want to spawn entities using packet but don't risk to have duplicated id.
* @return a newly generated entity id
public static int generateId() {
return LAST_ENTITY_ID.incrementAndGet();
* Called each tick.
* @param time time of the update in milliseconds
public void update(long time) {
* Called when a new instance is set.
public void spawn() {
public boolean isOnGround() {
return onGround || EntityUtils.isOnGround(this) /* backup for levitating entities */;
* Gets metadata of this entity.
* You may want to cast it to specific implementation.
* @return metadata of this entity.
public @NotNull EntityMeta getEntityMeta() {
return this.entityMeta;
* Teleports the entity only if the chunk at {@code position} is loaded or if
* {@link Instance#hasEnabledAutoChunkLoad()} returns true.
* @param position the teleport position
* @param chunks the chunk indexes to load before teleporting the entity,
* indexes are from {@link ChunkUtils#getChunkIndex(int, int)},
* can be null or empty to only load the chunk at {@code position}
* @throws IllegalStateException if you try to teleport an entity before settings its instance
public @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> teleport(@NotNull Pos position, long @Nullable [] chunks) {
Check.stateCondition(instance == null, "You need to use Entity#setInstance before teleporting an entity!");
final Runnable endCallback = () -> {
this.previousPosition = this.position;
this.position = position;
if (chunks != null && chunks.length > 0) {
// Chunks need to be loaded before the teleportation can happen
return ChunkUtils.optionalLoadAll(instance, chunks, null).thenRun(endCallback);
final Pos currentPosition = this.position;
if (!currentPosition.sameChunk(position)) {
// Ensure that the chunk is loaded
return instance.loadOptionalChunk(position).thenRun(endCallback);
} else {
// Position is in the same chunk, keep it sync
return AsyncUtils.empty();
public @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> teleport(@NotNull Pos position) {
return teleport(position, null);
* Changes the view of the entity.
* @param yaw the new yaw
* @param pitch the new pitch
public void setView(float yaw, float pitch) {
this.position = position.withView(yaw, pitch);
sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(new EntityHeadLookPacket(getEntityId(), yaw));
sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(new EntityRotationPacket(getEntityId(), yaw, pitch, onGround));
* Changes the view of the entity so that it looks in a direction to the given position.
* @param position the position to look at.
public void lookAt(@NotNull Pos position) {
Vec delta = position.sub(getPosition()).asVec().normalize();
PositionUtils.getLookYaw(delta.x(), delta.z()),
PositionUtils.getLookPitch(delta.x(), delta.y(), delta.z())
* Changes the view of the entity so that it looks in a direction to the given entity.
* @param entity the entity to look at.
public void lookAt(@NotNull Entity entity) {
Check.argCondition(entity.instance != instance, "Entity can look at another entity that is within it's own instance");
* Gets if this entity is automatically sent to surrounding players.
* True by default.
* @return true if the entity is automatically viewable for close players, false otherwise
public boolean isAutoViewable() {
return viewEngine.viewableOption.isAuto();
* Decides if this entity should be auto-viewable by nearby players.
* @param autoViewable true to add surrounding players, false to remove
* @see #isAutoViewable()
public void setAutoViewable(boolean autoViewable) {
public void updateViewableRule(@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) {
public void updateViewableRule() {
* Gets if surrounding entities are automatically visible by this.
* True by default.
* @return true if surrounding entities are visible by this
public boolean autoViewEntities() {
return viewEngine.viewerOption.isAuto();
* Decides if surrounding entities must be visible.
* @param autoViewer true to add view surrounding entities, false to remove
public void setAutoViewEntities(boolean autoViewer) {
public void updateViewerRule(@Nullable Predicate<Entity> predicate) {
public void updateViewerRule() {
public final boolean addViewer(@NotNull Player player) {
if (!viewEngine.manualAdd(player)) return false;
return true;
public final boolean removeViewer(@NotNull Player player) {
if (!viewEngine.manualRemove(player)) return false;
return true;
* Called when a new viewer must be shown.
* Method can be subject to deadlocking if the target's viewers are also accessed.
* @param player the player to send the packets to
public void updateNewViewer(@NotNull Player player) {
if (hasVelocity()) player.sendPacket(getVelocityPacket());
player.sendPacket(new LazyPacket(this::getMetadataPacket));
// Passengers
final Set<Entity> passengers = this.passengers;
if (!passengers.isEmpty()) {
for (Entity passenger : passengers) {
if (passenger != player) passenger.updateNewViewer(player);
// Head position
player.sendPacket(new EntityHeadLookPacket(getEntityId(), position.yaw()));
* Called when a viewer must be destroyed.
* Method can be subject to deadlocking if the target's viewers are also accessed.
* @param player the player to send the packets to
public void updateOldViewer(@NotNull Player player) {
final Set<Entity> passengers = this.passengers;
if (!passengers.isEmpty()) {
for (Entity passenger : passengers) {
if (passenger != player) passenger.updateOldViewer(player);
public @NotNull Set<Player> getViewers() {
return viewers;
* Gets if this entity's viewers (surrounding players) can be predicted from surrounding chunks.
public boolean hasPredictableViewers() {
return viewEngine.hasPredictableViewers();
* Changes the entity type of this entity.
* <p>
* Works by changing the internal entity type field and by calling {@link #removeViewer(Player)}
* followed by {@link #addViewer(Player)} to all current viewers.
* <p>
* Be aware that this only change the visual of the entity, the {@link net.minestom.server.collision.BoundingBox}
* will not be modified.
* @param entityType the new entity type
public synchronized void switchEntityType(@NotNull EntityType entityType) {
this.entityType = entityType;
this.metadata = new Metadata(this);
this.entityMeta = EntityTypeImpl.createMeta(entityType, this, this.metadata);
Set<Player> viewers = new HashSet<>(getViewers());
public Set<Permission> getAllPermissions() {
return permissions;
* Updates the entity, called every tick.
* <p>
* Ignored if {@link #getInstance()} returns null.
* @param time the update time in milliseconds
public void tick(long time) {
if (instance == null || isRemoved() || !ChunkUtils.isLoaded(currentChunk))
// scheduled tasks
if (isRemoved()) return;
// Entity tick
// Cache the number of "gravity tick"
// handle block contacts
// Call the abstract update method
EventDispatcher.call(new EntityTickEvent(this));
// remove expired effects
// Scheduled synchronization
if (!Cooldown.hasCooldown(time, lastAbsoluteSynchronizationTime, getSynchronizationCooldown())) {
private void velocityTick() {
this.gravityTickCount = onGround ? 0 : gravityTickCount + 1;
if (PlayerUtils.isSocketClient(this)) return;
if (vehicle != null) return;
final boolean noGravity = hasNoGravity();
final boolean hasVelocity = hasVelocity();
if (!hasVelocity && noGravity) {
final float tps = MinecraftServer.TICK_PER_SECOND;
final Vec currentVelocity = getVelocity();
final Vec deltaPos = new Vec(
currentVelocity.x() / tps,
currentVelocity.y() / tps - (noGravity ? 0 : gravityAcceleration),
currentVelocity.z() / tps
final Pos newPosition;
final Vec newVelocity;
if (this.hasPhysics) {
final var physicsResult = CollisionUtils.handlePhysics(this, deltaPos);
this.onGround = physicsResult.isOnGround();
newPosition = physicsResult.newPosition();
newVelocity = physicsResult.newVelocity();
} else {
newVelocity = deltaPos;
newPosition = position.add(currentVelocity.div(20));
// World border collision
final var finalVelocityPosition = CollisionUtils.applyWorldBorder(instance, position, newPosition);
if (finalVelocityPosition.samePoint(position)) {
this.velocity = Vec.ZERO;
if (hasVelocity) {
final Chunk finalChunk = ChunkUtils.retrieve(instance, currentChunk, finalVelocityPosition);
if (!ChunkUtils.isLoaded(finalChunk)) {
// Entity shouldn't be updated when moving in an unloaded chunk
if (entityType == EntityTypes.ITEM || entityType == EntityType.FALLING_BLOCK) {
// TODO find other exceptions
this.previousPosition = this.position;
this.position = finalVelocityPosition;
} else {
refreshPosition(finalVelocityPosition, true);
// Update velocity
if (hasVelocity || !newVelocity.isZero()) {
final double airDrag = this instanceof LivingEntity ? 0.91 : 0.98;
final double drag = this.onGround ?
finalChunk.getBlock(position).registry().friction() : airDrag;
this.velocity = newVelocity
// Convert from block/tick to block/sec
// Apply drag
.apply((x, y, z) -> new Vec(
x * drag,
!noGravity ? y * (1 - gravityDragPerTick) : y,
z * drag
// Prevent infinitely decreasing velocity
// Verify if velocity packet has to be sent
if (hasVelocity || gravityTickCount > 0) {
private void touchTick() {
// TODO do not call every tick (it is pretty expensive)
final int minX = (int) Math.floor(boundingBox.getMinX());
final int maxX = (int) Math.ceil(boundingBox.getMaxX());
final int minY = (int) Math.floor(boundingBox.getMinY());
final int maxY = (int) Math.ceil(boundingBox.getMaxY());
final int minZ = (int) Math.floor(boundingBox.getMinZ());
final int maxZ = (int) Math.ceil(boundingBox.getMaxZ());
for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
for (int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) {
final Chunk chunk = ChunkUtils.retrieve(instance, currentChunk, x, z);
if (!ChunkUtils.isLoaded(chunk))
final Block block = chunk.getBlock(x, y, z, Block.Getter.Condition.CACHED);
if (block == null)
final BlockHandler handler = block.handler();
if (handler != null) {
// checks that we are actually in the block, and not just here because of a rounding error
if (boundingBox.intersectWithBlock(x, y, z)) {
// TODO: replace with check with custom block bounding box
handler.onTouch(new BlockHandler.Touch(block, instance, new Vec(x, y, z), this));
private void effectTick(long time) {
final List<TimedPotion> effects = this.effects;
if (effects.isEmpty()) return;
effects.removeIf(timedPotion -> {
final long potionTime = (long) timedPotion.getPotion().duration() * MinecraftServer.TICK_MS;
// Remove if the potion should be expired
if (time >= timedPotion.getStartingTime() + potionTime) {
// Send the packet that the potion should no longer be applied
EventDispatcher.call(new EntityPotionRemoveEvent(this, timedPotion.getPotion()));
return true;
return false;
* Gets the number of ticks this entity has been active for.
* @return the number of ticks this entity has been active for
public long getAliveTicks() {
return ticks;
* How does this entity handle being in the void?
protected void handleVoid() {
// Kill if in void
if (getInstance().isInVoid(this.position)) {
* Each entity has an unique id (server-wide) which will change after a restart.
* @return the unique entity id
* @see Entity#getEntity(int) to retrive an entity based on its id
public int getEntityId() {
return id;
* Returns the entity type.
* @return the entity type
public @NotNull EntityType getEntityType() {
return entityType;
* Gets the entity {@link UUID}.
* @return the entity unique id
public @NotNull UUID getUuid() {
return uuid;
* Changes the internal entity UUID, mostly unsafe.
* @param uuid the new entity uuid
public void setUuid(@NotNull UUID uuid) {
// Refresh internal map
Entity.ENTITY_BY_UUID.put(uuid, this);
this.uuid = uuid;
* Returns false just after instantiation, set to true after calling {@link #setInstance(Instance)}.
* @return true if the entity has been linked to an instance, false otherwise
public boolean isActive() {
return isActive;
* Is used to check collision with coordinates or other blocks/entities.
* @return the entity bounding box
public @NotNull BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
return boundingBox;
* Changes the internal entity bounding box.
* <p>
* WARNING: this does not change the entity hit-box which is client-side.
* @param x the bounding box X size
* @param y the bounding box Y size
* @param z the bounding box Z size
public void setBoundingBox(double x, double y, double z) {
this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(this, x, y, z);
* Changes the internal entity bounding box.
* <p>
* WARNING: this does not change the entity hit-box which is client-side.
* @param boundingBox the new bounding box
public void setBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox) {
this.boundingBox = boundingBox;
* Convenient method to get the entity current chunk.
* @return the entity chunk, can be null even if unlikely
public @Nullable Chunk getChunk() {
return currentChunk;
protected void refreshCurrentChunk(Chunk currentChunk) {
this.currentChunk = currentChunk;
MinecraftServer.process().dispatcher().updateElement(this, currentChunk);
* Gets the entity current instance.
* @return the entity instance, can be null if the entity doesn't have an instance yet
public @Nullable Instance getInstance() {
return instance;
* Changes the entity instance, i.e. spawns it.
* @param instance the new instance of the entity
* @param spawnPosition the spawn position for the entity.
* @return a {@link CompletableFuture} called once the entity's instance has been set,
* this is due to chunks needing to load
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code instance} has not been registered in {@link InstanceManager}
public CompletableFuture<Void> setInstance(@NotNull Instance instance, @NotNull Pos spawnPosition) {
"Instances need to be registered, please use InstanceManager#registerInstance or InstanceManager#registerSharedInstance");
final Instance previousInstance = this.instance;
if (Objects.equals(previousInstance, instance)) {
return teleport(spawnPosition); // Already in the instance, teleport to spawn point
AddEntityToInstanceEvent event = new AddEntityToInstanceEvent(instance, this);
if (event.isCancelled()) return null; // TODO what to return?
if (previousInstance != null) removeFromInstance(previousInstance);
this.isActive = true;
this.position = spawnPosition;
this.previousPosition = spawnPosition;
this.instance = instance;
return instance.loadOptionalChunk(spawnPosition).thenAccept(chunk -> {
try {
Check.notNull(chunk, "Entity has been placed in an unloaded chunk!");
if (this instanceof Player player) {
instance.getEntityTracker().register(this, spawnPosition, trackingTarget, trackingUpdate);
EventDispatcher.call(new EntitySpawnEvent(this, instance));
} catch (Exception e) {
public CompletableFuture<Void> setInstance(@NotNull Instance instance, @NotNull Point spawnPosition) {
return setInstance(instance, Pos.fromPoint(spawnPosition));
* Changes the entity instance.
* @param instance the new instance of the entity
* @return a {@link CompletableFuture} called once the entity's instance has been set,
* this is due to chunks needing to load
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code instance} is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code instance} has not been registered in {@link InstanceManager}
public CompletableFuture<Void> setInstance(@NotNull Instance instance) {
return setInstance(instance, this.position);
private void removeFromInstance(Instance instance) {
EventDispatcher.call(new RemoveEntityFromInstanceEvent(instance, this));
instance.getEntityTracker().unregister(this, trackingTarget, trackingUpdate);
* Gets the entity current velocity.
* @return the entity current velocity
public @NotNull Vec getVelocity() {
return velocity;
* Changes the entity velocity and calls {@link EntityVelocityEvent}.
* <p>
* The final velocity can be cancelled or modified by the event.
* @param velocity the new entity velocity
public void setVelocity(@NotNull Vec velocity) {
EntityVelocityEvent entityVelocityEvent = new EntityVelocityEvent(this, velocity);
EventDispatcher.callCancellable(entityVelocityEvent, () -> {
this.velocity = entityVelocityEvent.getVelocity();
* Gets if the entity currently has a velocity applied.
* @return true if velocity is not set to 0
public boolean hasVelocity() {
return !velocity.isZero();
* Gets the gravity drag per tick.
* @return the gravity drag per tick in block
public double getGravityDragPerTick() {
return gravityDragPerTick;
* Gets the gravity acceleration.
* @return the gravity acceleration in block
public double getGravityAcceleration() {
return gravityAcceleration;
* Gets the number of tick this entity has been applied gravity.
* @return the number of tick of which gravity has been consequently applied
public int getGravityTickCount() {
return gravityTickCount;
* Changes the gravity of the entity.
* @param gravityDragPerTick the gravity drag per tick in block
* @param gravityAcceleration the gravity acceleration in block
* @see <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Entity#Motion_of_entities">Entities motion</a>
public void setGravity(double gravityDragPerTick, double gravityAcceleration) {
this.gravityDragPerTick = gravityDragPerTick;
this.gravityAcceleration = gravityAcceleration;
public double getDistance(@NotNull Point point) {
return getPosition().distance(point);
* Gets the distance between two entities.
* @param entity the entity to get the distance from
* @return the distance between this and {@code entity}
public double getDistance(@NotNull Entity entity) {
return getDistance(entity.getPosition());
* Gets the distance squared between two entities.
* @param entity the entity to get the distance from
* @return the distance squared between this and {@code entity}
public double getDistanceSquared(@NotNull Entity entity) {
return getPosition().distanceSquared(entity.getPosition());
* Gets the entity vehicle or null.
* @return the entity vehicle, or null if there is not any
public @Nullable Entity getVehicle() {
return vehicle;
* Adds a new passenger to this entity.
* @param entity the new passenger
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code entity} is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #getInstance()} returns null or the passenger cannot be added
public void addPassenger(@NotNull Entity entity) {
final Instance currentInstance = this.instance;
Check.stateCondition(currentInstance == null, "You need to set an instance using Entity#setInstance");
Check.stateCondition(entity == getVehicle(), "Cannot add the entity vehicle as a passenger");
final Entity vehicle = entity.getVehicle();
if (vehicle != null) vehicle.removePassenger(entity);
if (!currentInstance.equals(entity.getInstance()))
entity.setInstance(currentInstance, position).join();
entity.vehicle = this;
// Updates the position of the new passenger, and then teleports the passenger
updatePassengerPosition(position, entity);
* Removes a passenger to this entity.
* @param entity the passenger to remove
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code entity} is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #getInstance()} returns null
public void removePassenger(@NotNull Entity entity) {
Check.stateCondition(instance == null, "You need to set an instance using Entity#setInstance");
if (!passengers.remove(entity)) return;
entity.vehicle = null;
* Gets if the entity has any passenger.
* @return true if the entity has any passenger, false otherwise
public boolean hasPassenger() {
return !passengers.isEmpty();
* Gets the entity passengers.
* @return an unmodifiable list containing all the entity passengers
public @NotNull Set<@NotNull Entity> getPassengers() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(passengers);
protected @NotNull SetPassengersPacket getPassengersPacket() {
return new SetPassengersPacket(getEntityId(), passengers.stream().map(Entity::getEntityId).toList());
* Entity statuses can be found <a href="https://wiki.vg/Entity_statuses">here</a>.
* @param status the status to trigger
public void triggerStatus(byte status) {
sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(new EntityStatusPacket(getEntityId(), status));
* Gets if the entity is on fire.
* @return true if the entity is in fire, false otherwise
public boolean isOnFire() {
return this.entityMeta.isOnFire();
* Sets the entity in fire visually.
* <p>
* WARNING: if you want to apply damage or specify a duration,
* see {@link LivingEntity#setFireForDuration(int, TemporalUnit)}.
* @param fire should the entity be set in fire
public void setOnFire(boolean fire) {
* Gets if the entity is sneaking.
* <p>
* WARNING: this can be bypassed by hacked client, this is only what the client told the server.
* @return true if the player is sneaking
public boolean isSneaking() {
return this.entityMeta.isSneaking();
* Makes the entity sneak.
* <p>
* WARNING: this will not work for the client itself.
* @param sneaking true to make the entity sneak
public void setSneaking(boolean sneaking) {
setPose(sneaking ? Pose.SNEAKING : Pose.STANDING);
* Gets if the player is sprinting.
* <p>
* WARNING: this can be bypassed by hacked client, this is only what the client told the server.
* @return true if the player is sprinting
public boolean isSprinting() {
return this.entityMeta.isSprinting();
* Makes the entity sprint.
* <p>
* WARNING: this will not work on the client itself.
* @param sprinting true to make the entity sprint
public void setSprinting(boolean sprinting) {
* Gets if the entity is invisible or not.
* @return true if the entity is invisible, false otherwise
public boolean isInvisible() {
return this.entityMeta.isInvisible();
* Changes the internal invisible value and send a {@link EntityMetaDataPacket}
* to make visible or invisible the entity to its viewers.
* @param invisible true to set the entity invisible, false otherwise
public void setInvisible(boolean invisible) {
* Gets if the entity is glowing or not.
* @return true if the entity is glowing, false otherwise
public boolean isGlowing() {
return this.entityMeta.isHasGlowingEffect();
* Sets or remove the entity glowing effect.
* @param glowing true to make the entity glows, false otherwise
public void setGlowing(boolean glowing) {
* Gets the current entity pose.
* @return the entity pose
public @NotNull Pose getPose() {
return this.entityMeta.getPose();
* Changes the entity pose.
* <p>
* The internal {@code crouched} and {@code swimming} field will be
* updated accordingly.
* @param pose the new entity pose
public void setPose(@NotNull Pose pose) {
* Gets the entity custom name.
* @return the custom name of the entity, null if there is not
public @Nullable Component getCustomName() {
return this.entityMeta.getCustomName();
* Changes the entity custom name.
* @param customName the custom name of the entity, null to remove it
public void setCustomName(@Nullable Component customName) {
* Gets the custom name visible metadata field.
* @return true if the custom name is visible, false otherwise
public boolean isCustomNameVisible() {
return this.entityMeta.isCustomNameVisible();
* Changes the internal custom name visible field and send a {@link EntityMetaDataPacket}
* to update the entity state to its viewers.
* @param customNameVisible true to make the custom name visible, false otherwise
public void setCustomNameVisible(boolean customNameVisible) {
public boolean isSilent() {
return this.entityMeta.isSilent();
public void setSilent(boolean silent) {
* Gets the noGravity metadata field.
* @return true if the entity ignore gravity, false otherwise
public boolean hasNoGravity() {
return this.entityMeta.isHasNoGravity();
* Changes the noGravity metadata field and change the gravity behaviour accordingly.
* @param noGravity should the entity ignore gravity
public void setNoGravity(boolean noGravity) {
* Updates internal fields and sends updates.
* @param newPosition the new position
public void refreshPosition(@NotNull final Pos newPosition, boolean ignoreView) {
final var previousPosition = this.position;
final Pos position = ignoreView ? previousPosition.withCoord(newPosition) : newPosition;
if (position.equals(lastSyncedPosition)) return;
this.position = position;
this.previousPosition = previousPosition;
if (!position.samePoint(previousPosition)) {
// Update player velocity
if (PlayerUtils.isSocketClient(this)) {
// Calculate from client
this.velocity = position.sub(previousPosition).asVec().mul(MinecraftServer.TICK_PER_SECOND);
// Update viewers
final boolean viewChange = !position.sameView(lastSyncedPosition);
final double distanceX = Math.abs(position.x() - lastSyncedPosition.x());
final double distanceY = Math.abs(position.y() - lastSyncedPosition.y());
final double distanceZ = Math.abs(position.z() - lastSyncedPosition.z());
final boolean positionChange = (distanceX + distanceY + distanceZ) > 0;
final Chunk chunk = getChunk();
if (distanceX > 8 || distanceY > 8 || distanceZ > 8) {
PacketUtils.prepareViewablePacket(chunk, new EntityTeleportPacket(getEntityId(), position, isOnGround()), this);
this.lastAbsoluteSynchronizationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else if (positionChange && viewChange) {
PacketUtils.prepareViewablePacket(chunk, EntityPositionAndRotationPacket.getPacket(getEntityId(), position,
lastSyncedPosition, isOnGround()), this);
// Fix head rotation
PacketUtils.prepareViewablePacket(chunk, new EntityHeadLookPacket(getEntityId(), position.yaw()), this);
} else if (positionChange) {
PacketUtils.prepareViewablePacket(chunk, EntityPositionPacket.getPacket(getEntityId(), position, lastSyncedPosition, onGround), this);
} else if (viewChange) {
PacketUtils.prepareViewablePacket(chunk, new EntityHeadLookPacket(getEntityId(), position.yaw()), this);
PacketUtils.prepareViewablePacket(chunk, new EntityRotationPacket(getEntityId(), position.yaw(), position.pitch(), onGround), this);
this.lastSyncedPosition = position;
public void refreshPosition(@NotNull final Pos newPosition) {
refreshPosition(newPosition, false);
* @return The height offset for passengers of this vehicle
private double getPassengerHeightOffset() {
// TODO: Move this logic elsewhere
if (entityType == EntityType.BOAT) {
return -0.1;
} else if (entityType == EntityType.MINECART) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return entityType.height() * 0.75;
* Sets the X,Z coordinate of the passenger to the X,Z coordinate of this vehicle
* and sets the Y coordinate of the passenger to the Y coordinate of this vehicle + {@link #getPassengerHeightOffset()}
* @param newPosition The X,Y,Z position of this vehicle
* @param passenger The passenger to be moved
private void updatePassengerPosition(Point newPosition, Entity passenger) {
final Pos oldPassengerPos = passenger.position;
final Pos newPassengerPos = oldPassengerPos.withCoord(newPosition.x(),
newPosition.y() + getPassengerHeightOffset(),
passenger.position = newPassengerPos;
passenger.previousPosition = oldPassengerPos;
* Used to refresh the entity and its passengers position
* - put the entity in the right instance chunk
* - update the viewable chunks (load and unload)
* - add/remove players from the viewers list if {@link #isAutoViewable()} is enabled
* <p>
* WARNING: unsafe, should only be used internally in Minestom. Use {@link #teleport(Pos)} instead.
* @param newPosition the new position
private void refreshCoordinate(Point newPosition) {
// Passengers update
final Set<Entity> passengers = getPassengers();
if (!passengers.isEmpty()) {
for (Entity passenger : passengers) {
updatePassengerPosition(newPosition, passenger);
// Handle chunk switch
final Instance instance = getInstance();
assert instance != null;
instance.getEntityTracker().move(this, newPosition, trackingTarget, trackingUpdate);
final int lastChunkX = currentChunk.getChunkX();
final int lastChunkZ = currentChunk.getChunkZ();
final int newChunkX = newPosition.chunkX();
final int newChunkZ = newPosition.chunkZ();
if (lastChunkX != newChunkX || lastChunkZ != newChunkZ) {
// Entity moved in a new chunk
final Chunk newChunk = instance.getChunk(newChunkX, newChunkZ);
Check.notNull(newChunk, "The entity {0} tried to move in an unloaded chunk at {1}", getEntityId(), newPosition);
if (this instanceof Player player) { // Update visible chunks
player.sendPacket(new UpdateViewPositionPacket(newChunkX, newChunkZ));
ChunkUtils.forDifferingChunksInRange(newChunkX, newChunkZ, lastChunkX, lastChunkZ,
MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), player.chunkAdder, player.chunkRemover);
* Gets the entity position.
* @return the current position of the entity
public @NotNull Pos getPosition() {
return position;
* Gets the entity eye height.
* <p>
* Default to {@link BoundingBox#getHeight()}x0.85
* @return the entity eye height
public double getEyeHeight() {
return boundingBox.getHeight() * 0.85;
* Gets all the potion effect of this entity.
* @return an unmodifiable list of all this entity effects
public @NotNull List<@NotNull TimedPotion> getActiveEffects() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(effects);
* Adds an effect to an entity.
* @param potion The potion to add
public void addEffect(@NotNull Potion potion) {
this.effects.add(new TimedPotion(potion, System.currentTimeMillis()));
EventDispatcher.call(new EntityPotionAddEvent(this, potion));
* Removes effect from entity, if it has it.
* @param effect The effect to remove
public void removeEffect(@NotNull PotionEffect effect) {
this.effects.removeIf(timedPotion -> {
if (timedPotion.getPotion().effect() == effect) {
EventDispatcher.call(new EntityPotionRemoveEvent(this, timedPotion.getPotion()));
return true;
return false;
* Removes all the effects currently applied to the entity.
public void clearEffects() {
for (TimedPotion timedPotion : effects) {
EventDispatcher.call(new EntityPotionRemoveEvent(this, timedPotion.getPotion()));
* Removes the entity from the server immediately.
* <p>
* WARNING: this does not trigger {@link EntityDeathEvent}.
public void remove() {
if (isRemoved()) return;
// Remove passengers if any (also done with LivingEntity#kill)
Set<Entity> passengers = getPassengers();
if (!passengers.isEmpty()) passengers.forEach(this::removePassenger);
final Entity vehicle = this.vehicle;
if (vehicle != null) vehicle.removePassenger(this);
this.removed = true;
Instance currentInstance = this.instance;
if (currentInstance != null) removeFromInstance(currentInstance);
* Gets if this entity has been removed.
* @return true if this entity is removed
public boolean isRemoved() {
return removed;
* Triggers {@link #remove()} after the specified time.
* @param delay the time before removing the entity,
* 0 to cancel the removing
* @param temporalUnit the unit of the delay
public void scheduleRemove(long delay, @NotNull TemporalUnit temporalUnit) {
if (temporalUnit == TimeUnit.SERVER_TICK) {
scheduleRemove(TaskSchedule.tick((int) delay));
} else {
scheduleRemove(Duration.of(delay, temporalUnit));
* Triggers {@link #remove()} after the specified time.
* @param delay the time before removing the entity
public void scheduleRemove(Duration delay) {
private void scheduleRemove(TaskSchedule schedule) {
protected @NotNull Vec getVelocityForPacket() {
return this.velocity.mul(8000f / MinecraftServer.TICK_PER_SECOND);
protected @NotNull EntityVelocityPacket getVelocityPacket() {
return new EntityVelocityPacket(getEntityId(), getVelocityForPacket());
* Gets an {@link EntityMetaDataPacket} sent when adding viewers. Used for synchronization.
* @return The {@link EntityMetaDataPacket} related to this entity
public @NotNull EntityMetaDataPacket getMetadataPacket() {
return new EntityMetaDataPacket(getEntityId(), metadata.getEntries());
* Used to synchronize entity position with viewers by sending an
* {@link EntityTeleportPacket} to viewers, in case of a player this is
* overridden in order to send an additional {@link PlayerPositionAndLookPacket}
* to itself.
* @param includeSelf if {@code true} and this is a {@link Player} an additional {@link PlayerPositionAndLookPacket}
* will be sent to the player itself
protected void synchronizePosition(boolean includeSelf) {
final Pos posCache = this.position;
final ServerPacket packet = new EntityTeleportPacket(getEntityId(), posCache, isOnGround());
PacketUtils.prepareViewablePacket(currentChunk, packet, this);
this.lastAbsoluteSynchronizationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.lastSyncedPosition = posCache;
* Asks for a synchronization (position) to happen during next entity tick.
public void askSynchronization() {
this.lastAbsoluteSynchronizationTime = 0;
* Set custom cooldown for position synchronization.
* @param cooldown custom cooldown for position synchronization.
public void setCustomSynchronizationCooldown(@Nullable Duration cooldown) {
this.customSynchronizationCooldown = cooldown;
public @NotNull HoverEvent<ShowEntity> asHoverEvent(@NotNull UnaryOperator<ShowEntity> op) {
return HoverEvent.showEntity(ShowEntity.of(this.entityType, this.uuid));
private Duration getSynchronizationCooldown() {
return Objects.requireNonNullElse(this.customSynchronizationCooldown, SYNCHRONIZATION_COOLDOWN);
public <T extends Entity> @NotNull Acquirable<T> getAcquirable() {
return (Acquirable<T>) acquirable;
public <T> @Nullable T getTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag) {
return tag.read(nbtCompound);
public <T> void setTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag, @Nullable T value) {
tag.write(nbtCompound, value);
public @NotNull Scheduler scheduler() {
return scheduler;
public @NotNull EntitySnapshot updateSnapshot(@NotNull SnapshotUpdater updater) {
final Chunk chunk = currentChunk;
final int[] viewersId = this.viewEngine.viewableOption.bitSet.toIntArray();
final int[] passengersId = ArrayUtils.mapToIntArray(passengers, Entity::getEntityId);
final Entity vehicle = this.vehicle;
return new EntitySnapshotImpl.Entity(entityType, uuid, id, position, velocity,
updater.reference(instance), chunk.getChunkX(), chunk.getChunkZ(),
viewersId, passengersId, vehicle == null ? -1 : vehicle.getEntityId(),
* Applies knockback to the entity
* @param strength the strength of the knockback, 0.4 is the vanilla value for a bare hand hit
* @param x knockback on x axle, for default knockback use the following formula <pre>sin(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))</pre>
* @param z knockback on z axle, for default knockback use the following formula <pre>-cos(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))</pre>
public void takeKnockback(final float strength, final double x, final double z) {
if (strength > 0) {
//TODO check possible side effects of unnatural TPS (other than 20TPS)
final Vec velocityModifier = new Vec(x, z)
.mul(strength * MinecraftServer.TICK_PER_SECOND / 2);
setVelocity(new Vec(velocity.x() / 2d - velocityModifier.x(),
onGround ? Math.min(.4d, velocity.y() / 2d + strength) * MinecraftServer.TICK_PER_SECOND : velocity.y(),
velocity.z() / 2d - velocityModifier.z()
* Gets the line of sight of the entity.
* @param maxDistance The max distance to scan
* @return A list of {@link Point poiints} in this entities line of sight
public List<Point> getLineOfSight(int maxDistance) {
Instance instance = getInstance();
if (instance == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<Point> blocks = new ArrayList<>();
var it = new BlockIterator(this, maxDistance);
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Point position = it.next();
if (!instance.getBlock(position).isAir()) blocks.add(position);
return blocks;
* Checks whether the current entity has line of sight to the given one.
* If so, it doesn't mean that the given entity is IN line of sight of the current,
* but the current one can rotate so that it will be true.
* @param entity the entity to be checked.
* @return if the current entity has line of sight to the given one.
public boolean hasLineOfSight(Entity entity) {
Instance instance = getInstance();
if (instance == null) {
return false;
final Vec start = getPosition().asVec().add(0D, getEyeHeight(), 0D);
final Vec end = entity.getPosition().asVec().add(0D, getEyeHeight(), 0D);
final Vec direction = end.sub(start);
final int maxDistance = (int) Math.ceil(direction.length());
var it = new BlockIterator(start, direction.normalize(), 0D, maxDistance);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Block block = instance.getBlock(it.next());
if (!block.isAir() && !block.isLiquid()) {
return false;
return true;
* Gets first entity on the line of sight of the current one that matches the given predicate.
* @param range max length of the line of sight of the current entity to be checked.
* @param predicate optional predicate
* @return resulting entity whether there're any, null otherwise.
public @Nullable Entity getLineOfSightEntity(double range, Predicate<Entity> predicate) {
Instance instance = getInstance();
if (instance == null) {
return null;
Vec start = new Vec(position.x(), position.y() + getEyeHeight(), position.z());
Vec end = start.add(position.direction().mul(range));
List<Entity> nearby = instance.getNearbyEntities(position, range).stream()
.filter(e -> e != this && e.boundingBox.intersect(start, end) && predicate.test(e)).toList();
if (nearby.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Vec direction = end.sub(start);
int maxDistance = (int) Math.ceil(direction.length());
double maxVisibleDistanceSquared = direction.lengthSquared();
var iterator = new BlockIterator(start, direction.normalize(), 0D, maxDistance);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Point blockPos = iterator.next();
Block block = instance.getBlock(blockPos);
if (!block.isAir() && !block.isLiquid()) {
maxVisibleDistanceSquared = blockPos.distanceSquared(position);
Entity result = null;
double minDistanceSquared = 0D;
for (Entity entity : nearby) {
double distanceSquared = entity.getDistanceSquared(this);
if (result == null || minDistanceSquared > distanceSquared) {
result = entity;
minDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
if (minDistanceSquared < maxVisibleDistanceSquared) {
return result;
} else {
return null;
public enum Pose {