
188 lines
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package net.minestom.server.item.metadata;
import net.minestom.server.item.ItemMeta;
import net.minestom.server.item.ItemMetaBuilder;
import net.minestom.server.item.ItemStack;
import net.minestom.server.item.Material;
import net.minestom.server.registry.Registries;
import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompound;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTList;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTTypes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class CrossbowMeta extends ItemMeta implements ItemMetaBuilder.Provider<SpawnEggMeta.Builder> {
private final boolean triple;
private final ItemStack projectile1, projectile2, projectile3;
private final boolean charged;
protected CrossbowMeta(@NotNull ItemMetaBuilder metaBuilder,
boolean triple,
ItemStack projectile1, ItemStack projectile2, ItemStack projectile3,
boolean charged) {
this.triple = triple;
this.projectile1 = projectile1;
this.projectile2 = projectile2;
this.projectile3 = projectile3;
this.charged = charged;
* Gets if this crossbow is charged with 3 projectiles.
* @return true if this crossbow is charged with 3 projectiles, false otherwise
public boolean isTriple() {
return triple;
* Gets the first projectile.
* @return the first projectile
public @NotNull ItemStack getProjectile1() {
return projectile1;
* Gets the second projectile.
* @return the second projectile
public @NotNull ItemStack getProjectile2() {
return projectile2;
* Gets the third projectile.
* @return the third projectile
public @NotNull ItemStack getProjectile3() {
return projectile3;
* Gets if the crossbow is currently charged.
* @return true if the crossbow is charged, false otherwise
public boolean isCharged() {
return charged;
public static class Builder extends ItemMetaBuilder {
private boolean triple;
private ItemStack projectile1, projectile2, projectile3 = ItemStack.AIR;
private boolean charged;
* Sets the projectile of this crossbow.
* @param projectile the projectile of the crossbow, air to remove
public Builder projectile(@NotNull ItemStack projectile) {
this.projectile1 = projectile;
this.triple = false;
NBTList<NBTCompound> chargedProjectiles = new NBTList<>(NBTTypes.TAG_Compound);
if (!projectile.isAir()) {
mutateNbt(compound -> compound.set("ChargedProjectiles", chargedProjectiles));
return this;
* Sets the triple projectiles of this crossbow.
* @param projectile1 the projectile 1
* @param projectile2 the projectile 2
* @param projectile3 the projectile 3
public Builder projectiles(@NotNull ItemStack projectile1, @NotNull ItemStack projectile2, @NotNull ItemStack projectile3) {
Check.argCondition(projectile1.isAir(), "the projectile1 of your crossbow isn't visible");
Check.argCondition(projectile2.isAir(), "the projectile2 of your crossbow isn't visible");
Check.argCondition(projectile3.isAir(), "the projectile3 of your crossbow isn't visible");
this.projectile1 = projectile1;
this.projectile2 = projectile2;
this.projectile3 = projectile3;
this.triple = true;
NBTList<NBTCompound> chargedProjectiles = new NBTList<>(NBTTypes.TAG_Compound);
mutateNbt(compound -> compound.set("ChargedProjectiles", chargedProjectiles));
return this;
* Makes the bow charged or uncharged.
* @param charged true to make the crossbow charged, false otherwise
public Builder charged(boolean charged) {
this.charged = charged;
mutateNbt(compound -> compound.setByte("Charged", (byte) (charged ? 1 : 0)));
return this;
public @NotNull CrossbowMeta build() {
return new CrossbowMeta(this, triple, projectile1, projectile2, projectile3, charged);
public void read(@NotNull NBTCompound nbtCompound) {
if (nbtCompound.containsKey("ChargedProjectiles")) {
final NBTList<NBTCompound> projectilesList = nbtCompound.getList("ChargedProjectiles");
List<ItemStack> projectiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (NBTCompound projectileCompound : projectilesList) {
final byte count = projectileCompound.getByte("Count");
final String id = projectileCompound.getString("id");
final Material material = Registries.getMaterial(id);
final NBTCompound tagsCompound = projectileCompound.getCompound("tag");
ItemStack itemStack = ItemStack.fromNBT(material, tagsCompound, count);
if (projectiles.size() == 1) {
} else if (projectiles.size() == 3) {
projectiles(projectiles.get(0), projectiles.get(1), projectiles.get(2));
if (nbtCompound.containsKey("Charged")) {
charged(nbtCompound.getByte("Charged") == 1);
protected @NotNull Supplier<ItemMetaBuilder> getSupplier() {
return Builder::new;
private @NotNull NBTCompound getItemCompound(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
NBTCompound compound = itemStack.getMeta().toNBT();
compound.setByte("Count", (byte) itemStack.getAmount());
compound.setString("id", itemStack.getMaterial().name());
return compound;