
67 lines
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package net.minestom.server.collision;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Pos;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec;
import net.minestom.server.instance.WorldBorder;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public final class PhysicsUtils {
* Simulate the entity's movement physics
* <p>
* This is done by first attempting to move the entity forward with the
* current velocity passed in. Then adjusting the velocity by applying
* air resistance and friction.
* @param entityPosition the current entity position
* @param entityVelocityPerTick the current entity velocity in blocks/tick
* @param entityBoundingBox the current entity bounding box
* @param worldBorder the world border to test bounds against
* @param blockGetter the block getter to test block collisions against
* @param aerodynamics the current entity aerodynamics
* @param entityNoGravity whether the entity has gravity
* @param entityHasPhysics whether the entity has physics
* @param entityOnGround whether the entity is on the ground
* @param entityFlying whether the entity is flying
* @param previousPhysicsResult the physics result from the previous simulation or null
* @return a {@link PhysicsResult} containing the resulting physics state of this simulation
public static @NotNull PhysicsResult simulateMovement(@NotNull Pos entityPosition, @NotNull Vec entityVelocityPerTick, @NotNull BoundingBox entityBoundingBox,
@NotNull WorldBorder worldBorder, @NotNull Block.Getter blockGetter, @NotNull Aerodynamics aerodynamics, boolean entityNoGravity,
boolean entityHasPhysics, boolean entityOnGround, boolean entityFlying, @Nullable PhysicsResult previousPhysicsResult) {
final PhysicsResult physicsResult = entityHasPhysics ?
CollisionUtils.handlePhysics(blockGetter, entityBoundingBox, entityPosition, entityVelocityPerTick, previousPhysicsResult, false) :
CollisionUtils.blocklessCollision(entityPosition, entityVelocityPerTick);
Pos newPosition = physicsResult.newPosition();
Vec newVelocity = physicsResult.newVelocity();
Pos positionWithinBorder = CollisionUtils.applyWorldBorder(worldBorder, entityPosition, newPosition);
newVelocity = updateVelocity(entityPosition, newVelocity, blockGetter, aerodynamics, !positionWithinBorder.samePoint(entityPosition), entityFlying, entityOnGround, entityNoGravity);
return new PhysicsResult(positionWithinBorder, newVelocity, physicsResult.isOnGround(), physicsResult.collisionX(), physicsResult.collisionY(), physicsResult.collisionZ(),
physicsResult.originalDelta(), physicsResult.collisionPoints(), physicsResult.collisionShapes(), physicsResult.hasCollision(), physicsResult.res());
private static @NotNull Vec updateVelocity(@NotNull Pos entityPosition, @NotNull Vec currentVelocity, @NotNull Block.Getter blockGetter, @NotNull Aerodynamics aerodynamics,
boolean positionChanged, boolean entityFlying, boolean entityOnGround, boolean entityNoGravity) {
if (!positionChanged) {
if (entityFlying) return Vec.ZERO;
return new Vec(0, entityNoGravity ? 0 : -aerodynamics.gravity() * aerodynamics.verticalAirResistance(), 0);
double drag = entityOnGround ? blockGetter.getBlock(entityPosition.sub(0, 0.5000001, 0)).registry().friction() * aerodynamics.horizontalAirResistance() :
double gravity = entityFlying ? 0 : aerodynamics.gravity();
double gravityDrag = entityFlying ? 0.6 : aerodynamics.verticalAirResistance();
double x = currentVelocity.x() * drag;
double y = entityNoGravity ? currentVelocity.y() : (currentVelocity.y() - gravity) * gravityDrag;
double z = currentVelocity.z() * drag;
return new Vec(Math.abs(x) < Vec.EPSILON ? 0 : x, Math.abs(y) < Vec.EPSILON ? 0 : y, Math.abs(z) < Vec.EPSILON ? 0 : z);
private PhysicsUtils() {}