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package net.minestom.server.instance;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArraySet;
import net.kyori.adventure.identity.Identity;
import net.kyori.adventure.pointer.Pointers;
import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minestom.server.Tickable;
import net.minestom.server.adventure.audience.PacketGroupingAudience;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Point;
import net.minestom.server.entity.Entity;
import net.minestom.server.entity.EntityCreature;
import net.minestom.server.entity.ExperienceOrb;
import net.minestom.server.entity.Player;
import net.minestom.server.entity.pathfinding.PFInstanceSpace;
import net.minestom.server.event.EventDispatcher;
import net.minestom.server.event.instance.InstanceTickEvent;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.BlockHandler;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.BlockActionPacket;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.TimeUpdatePacket;
import net.minestom.server.snapshot.ChunkSnapshot;
import net.minestom.server.snapshot.InstanceSnapshot;
import net.minestom.server.snapshot.SnapshotUpdater;
import net.minestom.server.snapshot.Snapshotable;
import net.minestom.server.tag.TagHandler;
import net.minestom.server.tag.Taggable;
import net.minestom.server.thread.ThreadDispatcher;
import net.minestom.server.timer.Schedulable;
import net.minestom.server.timer.Scheduler;
import net.minestom.server.utils.ArrayUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.PacketUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.chunk.ChunkUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.time.Cooldown;
import net.minestom.server.utils.time.TimeUnit;
import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check;
import net.minestom.server.world.DimensionType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompound;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* Instances are what are called "worlds" in Minecraft, you can add an entity in it using {@link Entity#setInstance(Instance)}.
* <p>
* An instance has entities and chunks, each instance contains its own entity list but the
* chunk implementation has to be defined, see {@link InstanceContainer}.
* <p>
* WARNING: when making your own implementation registering the instance manually is required
* with {@link InstanceManager#registerInstance(Instance)}, and
* you need to be sure to signal the {@link ThreadDispatcher} of every partition/element changes.
public abstract class Instance implements Block.Getter, Block.Setter, Tickable, Schedulable, Snapshotable, Taggable, PacketGroupingAudience {
private boolean registered;
private final DimensionType dimensionType;
private final WorldBorder worldBorder;
// Tick since the creation of the instance
private long worldAge;
// The time of the instance
private long time;
private int timeRate = 1;
private Duration timeUpdate = Duration.of(1, TimeUnit.SECOND);
private long lastTimeUpdate;
// Field for tick events
private long lastTickAge = System.currentTimeMillis();
private final EntityTracker entityTracker = new EntityTrackerImpl();
// the uuid of this instance
protected UUID uniqueId;
// instance custom data
private final TagHandler tagHandler = TagHandler.newHandler();
private final Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler.newScheduler();
// the explosion supplier
private ExplosionSupplier explosionSupplier;
// Pathfinder
private final PFInstanceSpace instanceSpace = new PFInstanceSpace(this);
// Adventure
private final Pointers pointers;
* Creates a new instance.
* @param uniqueId the {@link UUID} of the instance
* @param dimensionType the {@link DimensionType} of the instance
public Instance(@NotNull UUID uniqueId, @NotNull DimensionType dimensionType) {
"The dimension " + dimensionType.getName() + " is not registered! Please use DimensionTypeManager#addDimension");
this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
this.dimensionType = dimensionType;
this.worldBorder = new WorldBorder(this);
this.pointers = Pointers.builder()
.withDynamic(Identity.UUID, this::getUniqueId)
* Schedules a task to be run during the next instance tick.
* @param callback the task to execute during the next instance tick
public void scheduleNextTick(@NotNull Consumer<Instance> callback) {
this.scheduler.scheduleNextTick(() -> callback.accept(this));
public abstract boolean placeBlock(@NotNull BlockHandler.Placement placement);
* Does call {@link net.minestom.server.event.player.PlayerBlockBreakEvent}
* and send particle packets
* @param player the {@link Player} who break the block
* @param blockPosition the position of the broken block
* @return true if the block has been broken, false if it has been cancelled
public abstract boolean breakBlock(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Point blockPosition);
* Forces the generation of a {@link Chunk}, even if no file and {@link ChunkGenerator} are defined.
* @param chunkX the chunk X
* @param chunkZ the chunk Z
* @return a {@link CompletableFuture} completed once the chunk has been loaded
public abstract @NotNull CompletableFuture<@NotNull Chunk> loadChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ);
* Loads the chunk at the given {@link Point} with a callback.
* @param point the chunk position
public @NotNull CompletableFuture<@NotNull Chunk> loadChunk(@NotNull Point point) {
return loadChunk(point.chunkX(), point.chunkZ());
* Loads the chunk if the chunk is already loaded or if
* {@link #hasEnabledAutoChunkLoad()} returns true.
* @param chunkX the chunk X
* @param chunkZ the chunk Z
* @return a {@link CompletableFuture} completed once the chunk has been processed, can be null if not loaded
public abstract @NotNull CompletableFuture<@Nullable Chunk> loadOptionalChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ);
* Loads a {@link Chunk} (if {@link #hasEnabledAutoChunkLoad()} returns true)
* at the given {@link Point} with a callback.
* @param point the chunk position
* @return a {@link CompletableFuture} completed once the chunk has been processed, null if not loaded
public @NotNull CompletableFuture<@Nullable Chunk> loadOptionalChunk(@NotNull Point point) {
return loadOptionalChunk(point.chunkX(), point.chunkZ());
* Schedules the removal of a {@link Chunk}, this method does not promise when it will be done.
* <p>
* WARNING: during unloading, all entities other than {@link Player} will be removed.
* @param chunk the chunk to unload
public abstract void unloadChunk(@NotNull Chunk chunk);
* Unloads the chunk at the given position.
* @param chunkX the chunk X
* @param chunkZ the chunk Z
public void unloadChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
final Chunk chunk = getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
Check.notNull(chunk, "The chunk at {0}:{1} is already unloaded", chunkX, chunkZ);
* Gets the loaded {@link Chunk} at a position.
* <p>
* WARNING: this should only return already-loaded chunk, use {@link #loadChunk(int, int)} or similar to load one instead.
* @param chunkX the chunk X
* @param chunkZ the chunk Z
* @return the chunk at the specified position, null if not loaded
public abstract @Nullable Chunk getChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ);
* @param chunkX the chunk X
* @param chunkZ this chunk Z
* @return true if the chunk is loaded
public boolean isChunkLoaded(int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
return getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ) != null;
* @param point coordinate of a block or other
* @return true if the chunk is loaded
public boolean isChunkLoaded(Point point) {
return isChunkLoaded(point.chunkX(), point.chunkZ());
* Saves the current instance tags.
* <p>
* Warning: only the global instance data will be saved, not chunks.
* You would need to call {@link #saveChunksToStorage()} too.
* @return the future called once the instance data has been saved
public abstract @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> saveInstance();
* Saves a {@link Chunk} to permanent storage.
* @param chunk the {@link Chunk} to save
* @return future called when the chunk is done saving
public abstract @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> saveChunkToStorage(@NotNull Chunk chunk);
* Saves multiple chunks to permanent storage.
* @return future called when the chunks are done saving
public abstract @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> saveChunksToStorage();
* Gets the instance {@link ChunkGenerator}.
* @return the {@link ChunkGenerator} of the instance
public abstract @Nullable ChunkGenerator getChunkGenerator();
* Changes the instance {@link ChunkGenerator}.
* @param chunkGenerator the new {@link ChunkGenerator} of the instance
public abstract void setChunkGenerator(@Nullable ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator);
* Gets all the instance's loaded chunks.
* @return an unmodifiable containing all the instance chunks
public abstract @NotNull Collection<@NotNull Chunk> getChunks();
* When set to true, chunks will load automatically when requested.
* Otherwise using {@link #loadChunk(int, int)} will be required to even spawn a player
* @param enable enable the auto chunk load
public abstract void enableAutoChunkLoad(boolean enable);
* Gets if the instance should auto load chunks.
* @return true if auto chunk load is enabled, false otherwise
public abstract boolean hasEnabledAutoChunkLoad();
* Determines whether a position in the void. If true, entities should take damage and die.
* <p>
* Always returning false allow entities to survive in the void.
* @param point the point in the world
* @return true if the point is inside the void
public abstract boolean isInVoid(@NotNull Point point);
* Gets if the instance has been registered in {@link InstanceManager}.
* @return true if the instance has been registered
public boolean isRegistered() {
return registered;
* Changes the registered field.
* <p>
* WARNING: should only be used by {@link InstanceManager}.
* @param registered true to mark the instance as registered
protected void setRegistered(boolean registered) {
this.registered = registered;
* Gets the instance {@link DimensionType}.
* @return the dimension of the instance
public DimensionType getDimensionType() {
return dimensionType;
* Gets the age of this instance in tick.
* @return the age of this instance in tick
public long getWorldAge() {
return worldAge;
* Gets the current time in the instance (sun/moon).
* @return the time in the instance
public long getTime() {
return time;
* Changes the current time in the instance, from 0 to 24000.
* <p>
* If the time is negative, the vanilla client will not move the sun.
* <p>
* 0 = sunrise
* 6000 = noon
* 12000 = sunset
* 18000 = midnight
* <p>
* This method is unaffected by {@link #getTimeRate()}
* <p>
* It does send the new time to all players in the instance, unaffected by {@link #getTimeUpdate()}
* @param time the new time of the instance
public void setTime(long time) {
this.time = time;
PacketUtils.sendGroupedPacket(getPlayers(), createTimePacket());
* Gets the rate of the time passing, it is 1 by default
* @return the time rate of the instance
public int getTimeRate() {
return timeRate;
* Changes the time rate of the instance
* <p>
* 1 is the default value and can be set to 0 to be completely disabled (constant time)
* @param timeRate the new time rate of the instance
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code timeRate} is lower than 0
public void setTimeRate(int timeRate) {
Check.stateCondition(timeRate < 0, "The time rate cannot be lower than 0");
this.timeRate = timeRate;
* Gets the rate at which the client is updated with the current instance time
* @return the client update rate for time related packet
public @Nullable Duration getTimeUpdate() {
return timeUpdate;
* Changes the rate at which the client is updated about the time
* <p>
* Setting it to null means that the client will never know about time change
* (but will still change server-side)
* @param timeUpdate the new update rate concerning time
public void setTimeUpdate(@Nullable Duration timeUpdate) {
this.timeUpdate = timeUpdate;
* Creates a {@link TimeUpdatePacket} with the current age and time of this instance
* @return the {@link TimeUpdatePacket} with this instance data
public @NotNull TimeUpdatePacket createTimePacket() {
long time = this.time;
if (timeRate == 0) {
//Negative values stop the sun and moon from moving
//0 as a long cannot be negative
time = time == 0 ? -24000L : -Math.abs(time);
return new TimeUpdatePacket(worldAge, time);
* Gets the instance {@link WorldBorder};
* @return the {@link WorldBorder} linked to the instance
public @NotNull WorldBorder getWorldBorder() {
return worldBorder;
* Gets the entities in the instance;
* @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all the entities in the instance
public @NotNull Set<@NotNull Entity> getEntities() {
return entityTracker.entities();
* Gets the players in the instance;
* @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all the players in the instance
public @NotNull Set<@NotNull Player> getPlayers() {
return entityTracker.entities(EntityTracker.Target.PLAYERS);
* Gets the creatures in the instance;
* @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all the creatures in the instance
public @NotNull Set<@NotNull EntityCreature> getCreatures() {
return entityTracker.entities().stream()
.map(entity -> (EntityCreature) entity)
* Gets the experience orbs in the instance.
* @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all the experience orbs in the instance
public @NotNull Set<@NotNull ExperienceOrb> getExperienceOrbs() {
return entityTracker.entities().stream()
.map(entity -> (ExperienceOrb) entity)
* Gets the entities located in the chunk.
* @param chunk the chunk to get the entities from
* @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all the entities in a chunk,
* if {@code chunk} is unloaded, return an empty {@link HashSet}
public @NotNull Set<@NotNull Entity> getChunkEntities(Chunk chunk) {
var chunkEntities = entityTracker.chunkEntities(chunk.toPosition(), EntityTracker.Target.ENTITIES);
return ObjectArraySet.ofUnchecked(chunkEntities.toArray(Entity[]::new));
* Gets nearby entities to the given position.
* @param point position to look at
* @param range max range from the given point to collect entities at
* @return entities that are not further than the specified distance from the transmitted position.
public @NotNull Collection<Entity> getNearbyEntities(@NotNull Point point, double range) {
List<Entity> result = new ArrayList<>();
this.entityTracker.nearbyEntities(point, range, EntityTracker.Target.ENTITIES, result::add);
return result;
public @Nullable Block getBlock(int x, int y, int z, @NotNull Condition condition) {
final Chunk chunk = getChunkAt(x, z);
Check.notNull(chunk, "The chunk at {0}:{1} is not loaded", x, z);
synchronized (chunk) {
return chunk.getBlock(x, y, z, condition);
* Sends a {@link BlockActionPacket} for all the viewers of the specific position.
* @param blockPosition the block position
* @param actionId the action id, depends on the block
* @param actionParam the action parameter, depends on the block
* @see <a href="https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Block_Action">BlockActionPacket</a> for the action id &amp; param
public void sendBlockAction(@NotNull Point blockPosition, byte actionId, byte actionParam) {
final Block block = getBlock(blockPosition);
final Chunk chunk = getChunkAt(blockPosition);
Check.notNull(chunk, "The chunk at {0} is not loaded!", blockPosition);
chunk.sendPacketToViewers(new BlockActionPacket(blockPosition, actionId, actionParam, block));
* Gets the {@link Chunk} at the given block position, null if not loaded.
* @param x the X position
* @param z the Z position
* @return the chunk at the given position, null if not loaded
public @Nullable Chunk getChunkAt(double x, double z) {
return getChunk(ChunkUtils.getChunkCoordinate(x), ChunkUtils.getChunkCoordinate(z));
* Gets the {@link Chunk} at the given {@link Point}, null if not loaded.
* @param point the position
* @return the chunk at the given position, null if not loaded
public @Nullable Chunk getChunkAt(@NotNull Point point) {
return getChunk(point.chunkX(), point.chunkZ());
public EntityTracker getEntityTracker() {
return entityTracker;
* Gets the instance unique id.
* @return the instance unique id
public @NotNull UUID getUniqueId() {
return uniqueId;
* Performs a single tick in the instance, including scheduled tasks from {@link #scheduleNextTick(Consumer)}.
* <p>
* Warning: this does not update chunks and entities.
* @param time the tick time in milliseconds
public void tick(long time) {
// Scheduled tasks
// Time
this.time += timeRate;
// time needs to be sent to players
if (timeUpdate != null && !Cooldown.hasCooldown(time, lastTimeUpdate, timeUpdate)) {
PacketUtils.sendGroupedPacket(getPlayers(), createTimePacket());
this.lastTimeUpdate = time;
// Tick event
// Process tick events
EventDispatcher.call(new InstanceTickEvent(this, time, lastTickAge));
// Set last tick age
this.lastTickAge = time;
public @NotNull TagHandler tagHandler() {
return tagHandler;
public @NotNull Scheduler scheduler() {
return scheduler;
public @NotNull InstanceSnapshot updateSnapshot(@NotNull SnapshotUpdater updater) {
final Map<Long, AtomicReference<ChunkSnapshot>> chunksMap = updater.referencesMapLong(getChunks(), ChunkUtils::getChunkIndex);
final int[] entities = ArrayUtils.mapToIntArray(entityTracker.entities(), Entity::getEntityId);
return new InstanceSnapshotImpl.Instance(updater.reference(MinecraftServer.process()),
getDimensionType(), getWorldAge(), getTime(), chunksMap, entities,
* Creates an explosion at the given position with the given strength.
* The algorithm used to compute damages is provided by {@link #getExplosionSupplier()}.
* @param centerX the center X
* @param centerY the center Y
* @param centerZ the center Z
* @param strength the strength of the explosion
* @throws IllegalStateException If no {@link ExplosionSupplier} was supplied
public void explode(float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float strength) {
explode(centerX, centerY, centerZ, strength, null);
* Creates an explosion at the given position with the given strength.
* The algorithm used to compute damages is provided by {@link #getExplosionSupplier()}.
* @param centerX center X of the explosion
* @param centerY center Y of the explosion
* @param centerZ center Z of the explosion
* @param strength the strength of the explosion
* @param additionalData data to pass to the explosion supplier
* @throws IllegalStateException If no {@link ExplosionSupplier} was supplied
public void explode(float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float strength, @Nullable NBTCompound additionalData) {
final ExplosionSupplier explosionSupplier = getExplosionSupplier();
Check.stateCondition(explosionSupplier == null, "Tried to create an explosion with no explosion supplier");
final Explosion explosion = explosionSupplier.createExplosion(centerX, centerY, centerZ, strength, additionalData);
* Gets the registered {@link ExplosionSupplier}, or null if none was provided.
* @return the instance explosion supplier, null if none was provided
public @Nullable ExplosionSupplier getExplosionSupplier() {
return explosionSupplier;
* Registers the {@link ExplosionSupplier} to use in this instance.
* @param supplier the explosion supplier
public void setExplosionSupplier(@Nullable ExplosionSupplier supplier) {
this.explosionSupplier = supplier;
* Gets the instance space.
* <p>
* Used by the pathfinder for entities.
* @return the instance space
public @NotNull PFInstanceSpace getInstanceSpace() {
return instanceSpace;
public @NotNull Pointers pointers() {
return this.pointers;