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# MobArena
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/garbagemule/MobArena.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/garbagemule/MobArena)
MobArena [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/garbagemule/MobArena.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/garbagemule/MobArena) [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/mobarena/badge/?version=latest)](http://mobarena.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
MobArena is an arena-style minigame for Spigot-based Minecraft servers
MobArena is an arena-style minigame for Bukkit-based Minecraft servers.
## Getting Started
If you don't want to compile the plugin yourself, grab a release artifact from
one of these two sites:
@ -13,7 +15,9 @@ one of these two sites:
The wiki here on Github should have all the information you need to get
started using the plugin.
## Getting Help
If you run into problems or need help with something, feel free to hop on IRC
(#mobarena @ irc.esper.net) to have a chat. If you don't know what IRC is or
don't have an IRC client, you can use a web-based one:
@ -24,7 +28,9 @@ Remember, though, that IRC is _idle chat_, which means you likely won't get a
response immediately. It could take anything from a couple of seconds to a
day, but your message _will_ be seen.
## Bugs and Suggestions
Found a bug or have a great idea for the plugin? Use the issue tracker here on
Github to submit a bug report or feature request. Please have a look through
the existing issues before you post a new one to avoid duplicates.
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# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
.PHONY: help Makefile
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# MobArena documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Wed Nov 29 13:24:13 2017.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
# containing dir.
# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
# autogenerated file.
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default.
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo']
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
source_suffix = '.rst'
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = 'MobArena'
copyright = '2017, garbagemule, Justin W. Flory (jflory7), MobArena contributors'
author = 'garbagemule, Justin W. Flory (jflory7), MobArena contributors'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '0.99'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '0.99.1'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
language = None
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
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pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
todo_include_todos = True
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# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = 'alabaster'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
# html_theme_options = {}
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ['_static']
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# to template names.
# This is required for the alabaster theme
# refs: http://alabaster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#sidebars
html_sidebars = {
'**': [
'relations.html', # needs 'show_related': True theme option to display
# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = 'MobArenadoc'
# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
# 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
# 'pointsize': '10pt',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
# 'preamble': '',
# Latex figure (float) alignment
# 'figure_align': 'htbp',
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
(master_doc, 'MobArena.tex', 'MobArena Documentation',
'garbagemule, Justin W. Flory (jflory7), MobArena contributors', 'manual'),
# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
(master_doc, 'mobarena', 'MobArena Documentation',
[author], 1)
# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
(master_doc, 'MobArena', 'MobArena Documentation',
author, 'MobArena', 'One line description of project.',
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
.. MobArena documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Wed Nov 29 13:24:13 2017.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to MobArena's documentation!
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:name: dev
:caption: Developer resources
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:name: user
:caption: User documentation
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
pushd %~dp0
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
set BUILDDIR=_build
if "%1" == "" goto help
if errorlevel 9009 (
echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point
echo.to the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
exit /b 1
goto end
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Theme for Sphinx documentation
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Script to automatically build and test the Sphinx documentation currently in
# the repo. This script should always be run before submitting a new pull
# request.
# If you're on Windows, please use the `make.bat` script in `docs/` directory.
make clean html
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Announcement strings
The ``announcements.yml`` file is where all of MobArena's announcements
and messages are stored. You can freely edit this file however you see
fit, and color codes are supported. **To add color to a message**, use
the ``&``-character followed by a valid color code. You can find a list
of valid codes `right
here <http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Formatting_codes#Color_codes>`__,
and you can find examples in the default file.
Note that some of the announcements take a variable, represented in the
message by a ``%``-character. You can leave this character out if you
don't want the variable in the message. It is not possible to add
variables to announcements that don't take them by default, and
announcements that take one variable cannot take more than that one
If you **don't want to see a specific announcement**, you have to set
its value to ``''`` (note: two single-quotes, not one double-quote).
This will cause MobArena to ignore the announcement. Note that simply
removing the node will not work, as MobArena forcefully adds it back in.
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@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
Arena setup
**On this page:** \* `Building an arena <#building-an-arena>`__ \*
`About regions, warps, etc. <#about-regions-warps-etc>`__ \* `Setup
Mode <#setup-mode>`__ \* `Commands <#setup-mode-commands>`__ \* `The
Toolbox <#the-toolbox>`__ \* `Regions <#regions->`__ \*
`Warps <#warps->`__ \* `Spawnpoints <#spawnpoints->`__ \*
`Chests <#chests->`__
Building an arena
A well-built arena consists of a **lobby** for class selection, an
**arena floor**, and either a **spectator area** or an **exit point**.
Let's go over each one...
**Lobby:** The lobby is where your players will be selecting their
classes when they join an arena. A well-formed lobby consists of *a sign
for each class*, which the players will click to choose a given class,
as well as an *iron block*, which the players will click when they are
ready to start. The signs must have the name of the class on the first
line (case-sensitive), but you can put whatever you want on the
remaining three lines. Note that MobArena *does not* "register" class
sign creation, so you *will not* get a confirmation message (if you do,
it is another plugin interfering).
**Arena floor:** This is where your players will be fighting monsters.
The arena floor should be enclosed in walls, and possibly with a roof,
such that the players and monsters have no way of getting out. This
ensures that players won't be able to just wander out of the arena.
**Spectator area:** When players want to spectate a session, they can
use the ``/ma spec`` command to get warped to the spectator area of an
arena. This is also where arena players are warped to when they die, if
``spectate-after-death: true`` in the config-file. The area should be
designed so that it *is not* possible for the spectators to wander out
(into the arena or away from the area), because spectators are
**Exit point:** Upon typing ``/ma leave``, arena players and spectators
will be warped to the location they joined from, unless the arena has an
exit warp (optional). Using exit points, it is possible to control
exactly where players go after a session.
About regions, warps, etc.
Once our arena is built, it's time to set up the MobArena regions,
warps, and points. Before we do so, let's take a look at what these
things are and what MobArena uses them for...
**Regions:** An arena needs an *arena region*, and optionally a *lobby
region*. MobArena uses the arena region to make sure that players aren't
cheating (by kicking them from the arena if they move outside the
region), and to make sure that only MobArena's own mobs are spawned
inside of it. MobArena is extremely xenophobic (afraid of strangers), so
it tries its best to keep unwanted mobs out of the sessions. Regions are
set using the Region tools.
**Warps:** When players join a MobArena session, they are teleported to
the *lobby warp* inside the lobby, where they will *pick their class*
and ready up using the *ready block* (block of iron). When everyone is
ready, the players are teleported to the *arena warp* inside of the
arena. Spectators will be teleported to the *spectator warp* in the
spectator area, and when players leave an arena, they will either be
teleported to where they joined from, or to the *exit warp*, if it has
been set up. Warps are set using the Warps tool.
**Spawnpoints:** The *spawnpoints* of an arena are the locations where
monsters can spawn from. MobArena will only spawn monsters from
spawnpoints that have players nearby (in a 15-block radius). Note that
the number of mobs spawned doesn't depend on how many spawnpoints an
arena has - the number of mobs is determined by a formula (see
[[Formulas]]) that only involves the wave number and player count
(unless you use fixed amounts). Spawnpoints are added using the
Spawnpoints tool.
**Containers:** The *containers* of an arena are locations of chests,
dispensers, etc. which contain items that will be renewed when the arena
ends. Only registered containers will have their contents renewed, so it
is not enough to simply put a chest in the arena - it also needs to be
registered using the Chests tool.
Setup Mode
We will set up the arena using *Setup Mode*. When we enter Setup Mode,
MobArena will temporarily store our inventory and give us a set of
golden tools (the *Toolbox*), each with a different function. We will
also be able to *fly*, making moving around the arena a lot easier.
Last, but not least, we will *not* be able to chat or type normal
commands while in Setup Mode, because Setup Mode starts an *isolated
conversation* with us.
**To enter Setup Mode:** Type ``/ma setup <arena>``, where ``<arena>``
is the name of an arena. Note that if you only have one arena, you don't
have to type the arena name. If the arena you want to set up has not yet
been created, first type ``/ma addarena <arena>`` to create it.
**To leave Setup Mode:** Type ``done``.
Note that if you have just installed MobArena, there will be a premade
arena-node called ``default`` in the config-file already. If you want a
different name, create a new arena first, and then remove the default
arena by typing ``/ma delarena default``.
In the next section, we will take a look at the different commands
available in Setup Mode...
Setup Mode Commands
Setup Mode is an *isolated conversation*, which means Setup Mode will
intercept everything we type. The reason for this is that it makes the
commands in Setup Mode shorter (e.g. ``exp`` instead of
``/ma expandregion``), and it also prevents us from accidentally typing
commands from other plugins.
Below is a list of all the commands we can use in Setup Mode. Many of
the commands have short-hand aliases which might make them even faster
to type out. As an example, the ``expand`` command has the alias
``exp``. Sometimes it's easier to remember the longer names, but the
short-hand aliases are provided for faster setup.
- | ``done``
| Leave Setup Mode.
| **Aliases:** ``end`` ``stop`` ``done`` ``quit``
- | ``help``
| Display help screen.
| **Aliases:** ``?`` ``h``
- | ``missing``
| Display a list of missing (mandatory) regions, warps, and points.
| This command is useful if you have forgotten how far you are in the
setup process, and what you still need to set up.
| **Aliases:** ``miss``
- | ``expand <region> <amount> <direction>``
| Expand a region by some amount in some direction.
| Valid regions: ``ar`` for the arena region, or ``lr`` for the lobby
| Valid amounts: positive integers (whole numbers)
| Valid directions: ``up``, ``down``, or ``out``
| **Example:** ``expand ar 5 up``
| **Aliases:** ``exp``
- | ``show [<region>|<warp>|<point>]``
| Show a region, warp, or point(s) as red wool blocks.
| Valid regions: ``ar`` for the arena region, or ``lr`` for the lobby
| Valid warps: ``arena``, ``lobby``, ``spec``, ``exit``
| Valid points: ``spawns`` (or just ``sp``) for spawnpoints,
``chests`` (or just ``c``) for chests
| **Example:** ``show sp``
The Toolbox
The Toolbox is a set of golden tools, where each tool has a specific
function. We will use these tools to set up the regions, warps, and
points of our arena. The tools are used by left- or right-clicking a
block while holding them, and the actions vary depending on the specific
Note that the functions of a tool are described in the *item tooltip*,
which we can see by opening up our inventory and hovering our mouse over
the tools.
Regions |Region Tools|
The arena and lobby regions can be set up using the Region tools (axe).
There are two golden axes in the Toolbox, and they both behave the same,
except that one is for the arena region, and the other is for the lobby
region. The tools are named accordingly, and they will display either
"Arena Region" or "Lobby Region" above the quickbar when we select them.
Note that the behavior of the Region tools is similar to that of the
WorldEdit wand (wooden axe), so if you are familiar with defining
regions in WorldEdit, the Region tools should feel familiar.
| **Left-click:** Set the first point to be the location of the target
| **Right-click:** Set the second point to be the location of the target
Upon setting both points, the region will be defined. Type ``show ar``
(or ``show lr``) to check that the region spans the desired area. If the
region is a little bit too small, use the ``expand`` command (see above)
to make it a little bigger.
**Note:** The region MUST look like a box (3D) and not a rectangle (2D).
If the region is just a rectangle, your arena will not work correctly.
The same applies if the arena floor is not fully contained in the box,
so make sure to expand the region down a block or two to be sure.
Warps |Warps Tool|
The arena, lobby, spectator, and exit warps can be set up using the
Warps tool (hoe). The tool knows about all the warps, and we have to
*cycle through them* to select the warp we want to place. The default
selected warp is the *arena warp*.
| **Left-click:** Set the currently selected warp on top of the target
| **Right-click:** Cycle between available warps
When left-clicking, the selected warp will be set to the top of the
clicked block. The pitch (up and down) will be set to 0, which means
when players are teleported, they will be looking "straight ahead". The
yaw (rotation, left/right) will be set to whatever direction we are
facing, when we set the warp. This means that we need to rotate
ourselves to be looking in the direction we want the players to look in
when they are teleported to the point.
**Note:** The arena, lobby, and spectator warps are all required. The
exit warp is optional.
Spawnpoints |Spawnpoints Tool|
The spawnpoints can be set up using the Spawnpoints tool (sword). The
tool knows about all the spawnpoints of the arena, and allows us to
remove existing ones or add new ones as we please.
| **Left-click:** Add a spawnpoint on top of the target block
| **Right-click:** Remove the spawnpoint on top of the target block (if
the spawnpoint exists)
When left-clicking, a spawnpoint will be added on top of the clicked
block, if one doesn't already exist. Right-clicking a block will remove
a spawnpoint on that block, if one exists.
**Note:** Due to limitations and "bugs" in Minecraft, it is not possible
(read: viable) to spawn mobs further than 15 blocks away from a player,
and still make it target and attack the player naturally. Therefore, it
is recommended to place many spawnpoints, so that every single location
in the arena is within a 15-block radius of a spawnpoint. If a player is
not within 15 blocks of any spawnpoint, MobArena will print a warning to
the console with the coordinates. If no players are within 15 blocks of
any spawnpoint, MobArena will default to using all spawnpoints, which
may result in mobs spawning far away from players, so they will have to
run around searching for them.
Chests |Chests Tool|
The chests and containers can be set up using the Chests tool (spade).
It works very much like the Spawnpoints tool, but requires that the
clicked block is a valid container.
| **Left-click:** Register the clicked container (if it wasn't
| **Right-click:** Unregister the clicked container (if it was
When left-clicking a container, MobArena will register the container (if
it wasn't registered already), such that when an arena session ends, the
container will be restored to contain whatever was in it when the arena
began. Right-clicking a container will unregister it.
.. |Region Tools| image:: http://puu.sh/4wwCH.png
.. |Warps Tool| image:: http://puu.sh/4wwIB.png
.. |Spawnpoints Tool| image:: http://puu.sh/4wwCJ.png
.. |Chests Tool| image:: http://puu.sh/4wwIF.png
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
Class chests
**On this page:** \* `About Class Chests <#about-class-chests>`__ \*
`Linked Class Chests <#linked-class-chests>`__
About Class Chests
If some of your favorite items aren't supported by MobArena's internal
[[item parser\|Item and Reward Syntax]], or if you just want to be able
to configure your class items from in-game, the **class chests** may be
what you're looking for!
**Note: The Class Chests will only work for arenas with
``use-class-chests: true``, and the classes *MUST* exist in the
config-file for MobArena to recognize them, however the items and armor
lists can be empty.** \* \* \*
The idea behind the class chests is to simply place some **chests below
the corresponding class signs** in the lobby, and fill them with
whatever items you want the given class to have. When the players
activate the class signs, the **contents of the chests are copied to the
player inventory**. This suggests a type of "control room" setup, where
an admin-only access room below the lobby contains the chests, allowing
admins to warp down there and change the contents of the chests.
.. figure:: img/1.png
:alt: Lobby and Control Room
Lobby and Control Room
For easier access and modification of the class chests, omitting the
control room from the arena or lobby region may prove useful. Otherwise,
arenas may have to be temporarily disabled or put into edit mode to
allow warping to and changing the contents of the chests.
The class chests can be located **up to 6 blocks below the sign** itself
or below the block right behind the sign (for wall signs, this would be
the block the sign is attached to). The chest may also be in the block
directly behind the sign itself - this is safe, because MobArena
prevents players in the lobby from opening inventories, so if your lobby
is in a tight spot, this might be the better option.
**Multiple sign rows:** It is possible to have two rows of class signs
in the lobby and still use this feature. Simply place the class chest
for the sign of the bottom row exactly at the 6-block limit, and the
class chest for the sign of the top row one block up and behind the
other chest (in a stair-like fashion). The blocks are searched in a
vertical/pillar-like fashion, which is the reason this works.
.. figure:: img/2.png
:alt: Chests Below
Chests Below
To get **auto-equipped armor** from the class chests, place the armor
pieces in the **last four slots of the third row** in the chest.
MobArena will check these four slots, and if any of them are armor
pieces, they will be equipped. Note that the item placed in the very
last slot (bottom right), will always be equipped as a helmet (this
allows wool blocks, pumpkins, etc. to be used as helmets). The order of
the other three slots doesn't matter.
The **fifth last slot**, right next to the armor slots, will be equipped
as an **off-hand** item.
.. figure:: img/3.png
:alt: Armor Slots
Armor Slots
The class chests are the best way to add items that are not currently
supported by the MobArena [[item parser\|Item Syntax]]. This is because
the class chests **simply copy the contents of the chests** to the
player inventories, thus making any items supported by Bukkit supported
by MobArena.
.. figure:: img/4.png
:alt: Dyed Armor
Dyed Armor
Linked Class Chests
If per-arena class chest setups is too troublesome (e.g. if you have
many arenas), if you don't need per-arena setups, or if you simply want
a single, global class chest for each class, *linked class chests* are
what you're looking for.
When you link a chest to a class, MobArena will always copy the contents
of that chest to the player's inventory, when they pick the given class,
regardless of any local class chests (note that the arena must still
have ``use-class-chests: true``).
To link a chest to a class, simply look at the chest and type
``/ma classchest <class>``, and you're done! The linked class chests may
exist in any world, but remember that there can only be one class chest
per class, and that local class chests will be ignored!
To unlink a class chest, you will have to open the config-file and
remove the ``classchest`` node from the given class.
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Note: All MobArena commands start with ``/ma``, and most of them can be
disabled using [[Permissions]].
If you are looking for ways to disable non-MobArena commands, look in
the ``global-settings``-section of the [[config-file setup page\|setting
up the config-file]].
Player commands
These commands can be issued by all players. They include joining,
leaving, spectating and listing arenas as well as listing players.
- ``/ma join (<arena>)`` or ``/ma j (<arena>)`` - Join the arena with
the given name.
- ``/ma leave`` or ``/ma l`` - Leave the current arena, or the
spectator area.
- ``/ma notready`` - Get a list of all players who aren't ready.
- ``/ma spec (<arena>)`` or ``/ma s (<arena>)`` - Spectate the arena
with the given name.
- ``/ma arenas`` - Get a list of all arenas. Green names are enabled,
gray names are disabled.
- ``/ma players`` - Get a list of all arena players.
- ``/ma players <arena>`` - Get a list of arena players in the
specified arena.
- ``/ma class <class>`` - While in the lobby, manually pick the given
class instead of punching signs.
Admin commands
Only ops and the console can issue these commands. They include
forcefully starting or ending arenas, enabling/disabling individual
arenas or MobArena entirely.
- ``/ma enable`` - Enable MobArena.
- ``/ma disable`` - Disable MobArena.
- ``/ma enable <arena>`` - Enable the arena with the specified name.
- ``/ma disable <arena>`` - Disable the arena with the specified name.
- ``/ma force end`` - Forcefully end all arenas.
- ``/ma force end <arena>`` - Forcefully end the arena with the
specified name; forces all players to leave.
- ``/ma force start <arena>`` - Forcefully start the arena with the
specified name; forces all players who aren't ready to leave.
- ``/ma notready <arena>`` - Get a list of all players in the given
arena who aren't ready.
- ``/ma restore <player>`` - Restore the inventory of the player with
the given name, if possible.
- ``/ma config reload`` - Reload the config-file into memory. This is
useful if changes are made in the config-file while the server is
Setup commands
Only ops (and the console, if it makes sense) can issue these commands.
They include setting warp points, spawnpoints and region points.
- ``/ma setup <arena>`` - Enter [[Setup Mode\|Arena Setup]] for the
given arena.
- ``/ma addarena <arena>`` - Create a new arena-node in the current
- ``/ma delarena <arena>`` - Delete the arena with the given name.
- ``/ma editarena <arena>`` - Toggle Edit Mode for the given arena.
- ``/ma editarena <arena> [true|false]`` - Turn on or off Edit Mode for
the given arena.
- ``/ma setting <arena>`` - List all per-arena settings for the given
- ``/ma setting <arena> <setting>`` - Check the current value of the
given setting for the given arena.
- ``/ma setting <arena> <setting> <value>`` - Set the value of the
given setting for the given arena to the given value.
- ``/ma checkspawns`` - Shows the spawnpoints (of the arena you are
currently standing in) which cover your current location as red wool
blocks. This command can be used to check if specific points in your
arena are actually covered by spawnpoints or not.
- ``/ma classchest <class>`` - While looking at a chest, link the chest
to the given class as a [[linked class chest\|Class Chests]]. Linking
a class chest means MobArena will always copy the items from the
linked chest, regardless of any local class chests in arena lobbies.
This is useful if you want a global class chest for a class.
- ``/ma auto-generate <arena>`` - Auto-generate a new arena with the
given name. The arena will be generated just below the player in the
world they are standing in.
- ``/ma auto-degenerate <arena>`` - Degenerate the arena with the given
name, effectively restoring the patch that was "bulldozed" with the
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Getting started
To get MobArena up and running on your server, you'll first have to
download it and stick it in your server's plugins-folder.
When the plugin has been loaded up, you'll have to build an arena if you
haven't already. Then it's time to set it up. Follow the instructions on
the [[Arena Setup]] page, which has all the information you'll need to
get your arena up and running in no time at all. After setup, you're
ready to play! Check out the [[Using MobArena]] page for a brief
description of the usage commands.
The default arena setup is only meant as a starting point, so you may
want to configure the waves, the rewards, the classes, or perhaps some
of the arena-specific settings. The various pages on this wiki will help
you configure MobArena to your liking. Here are a couple of links to get
you started:
- [[Setting up the config-file]]
- [[Setting up the waves]]
- [[MobArena Commands]]
Also make sure to have a look at the [[Item and Reward Syntax]] page, if
you're planning to change the classes or the rewards. MobArena uses its
own semi-compact item syntax in the config-file, so you'll need to get
familiar with it to get things like enchantments and sub-types to work.
More information
Always make sure to check the pages on the wiki when you're in doubt -
99% of the information you'll ever need is right here. Check out the
[[list of wiki
pages\|https://github.com/garbagemule/MobArena/wiki/\_pages]] to see if
maybe you'd be able to find your answer there. You can also check the
project pages on
[[Spigot\|https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mobarena.34110/]] and
Suggestions, bugs, etc.
If you think you have found a bug, or if you have a suggestion for the
plugin, you can create a ticket here on Github. Make sure to be as
descriptive as possible, because the more information you can provide,
the easier it is to do something about your bug report or feature
If you'd rather have a little chat about the plugin, you can visit the
[[IRC channel\|http://webchat.esper.net/?channels=#mobarena]] (#mobarena
@ EsperNet) - please note that IRC is *idle chat*, which means people
will appear to be in the channel, but they might not be at their
computers when you join. Hop on, ask your question, and then hang around
until you get an answer; it may be seconds, minutes or hours, but there
is no harm in hanging around the channel indefinitely (as many people
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Item and reward syntax
**On this page:** \* `Overview <./Item-and-Reward-Syntax#an-overview>`__
\* `Single Items <./Item-and-Reward-Syntax#1-single-items>`__ \*
`Multiple Items <./Item-and-Reward-Syntax#2-multiple-items>`__ \* `Item
Sub-Types <./Item-and-Reward-Syntax#3-item-sub-types-potions-wool-dyes-etc>`__
\* `Note about item
IDs <./Item-and-Reward-Syntax#an-important-note-on-using-item-ids>`__ \*
`Enchantments <./Item-and-Reward-Syntax#enchantments>`__ \* `Economy
Money <./Item-and-Reward-Syntax#economy-money>`__ \* `Command
Rewards <./Item-and-Reward-Syntax#command-rewards>`__
An Overview
Items in MobArena follow a very specific syntax that you **must** obey,
or you will experience missing items or errors. Be attentive to the
details, because if you aren't, there will be consequences.
MobArena allows these three different ways of defining items:
Single: [<id>|<name>]
Multiple: [<id>|<name>]:<amount>
Sub-types: [<id>|<name>]:<data>:<amount>
Confusing? Let's break them down one by one.
1. Single Items
This means you can use either the item ID (``<id>``), or the item name
(``<name>``) as defined in the `Material enum of the Bukkit
API <https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html>`__.
The item names are case-insensitive.
Note that the Material enum changes when there are new items or
sometimes if items were reworked. As an example, the ``SPLASH_POTION``
enum value is not available in versions prior to Minecraft 1.9. Before
then, splash potions were simply ``POTION``\ s with a higher data value.
**Make sure to read `the important note on item
IDs <./Item-Syntax#an-important-note-on-using-item-ids>`__!**
Examples: ``diamond_sword``, ``stone``, ``42`` (iron block), ``322``
2. Multiple Items
This way, you append an ``<amount>`` to the item, specifying how many of
the given item you want. This is useful for giving out stuff like arrows
or potions that you generally want to give more than one of.
Note that if you use this syntax, it is indeed the *amount* you specify,
not the item sub-type. We go over sub-types in the `next
section <./Item-Syntax#3-item-sub-types-potions-wool-dyes-etc>`__.
**Make sure to read `the important note on item
IDs <./Item-Syntax#an-important-note-on-using-item-ids>`__!**
Examples: ``arrow:64``, ``grilled_pork:4``, ``46:10`` (10x TNT),
``142:5`` (5x potato)
3. Item Sub-Types (potions, wool, dyes etc.)
This way, you append **BOTH** a ``<data>`` value (the sub-type) and an
``<amount>``, regardless of how many of the given item you want. This
syntax is mostly used with potions, which have special sub-type values
in the 8000's and 16000's. Check out `this
page <http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Potions#Primary_potions>`__ for
the potion sub-types.
For wool and dyes (ink sacks), you don't have to use the numeric data
value. Instead, you can use the *color names* as defined in the
`DyeColor *enum* of the Bukkit
API <http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/src-html/org/bukkit/DyeColor.html#line.10>`__.
**Make sure to read `the important note on item
IDs <./Item-Syntax#an-important-note-on-using-item-ids>`__!**
Examples: ``wool:blue:1`` (one blue wool), ``ink_sack:brown:10`` (ten
cocoa beans), ``potion:8201:1`` (one strength potion), ``373:8197:2``
(two health potions)
An important note on using item IDs
If you choose to use item IDs, there is a catch. If an item is *alone*
in its node, it **MUST** be enclosed in apostrophes, or YAML will crap
itself. For example, if you decide to have a Barbarian class that only
has a pair of *lederhosen* as armor, and nothing put a couple of health
potions, you need to do it like this:
items: '373:8197:2'
armor: '300'
In other words, you have to put ``'300'`` in the ``armor``-node, *not
just* ``300``, and you have to put ``'373:8197:2'`` in the
``items``-node, *not just* ``373:8197:2``. This requirement is removed
if you use the item names instead, or if you add
`enchantments <./Item-Syntax#enchantments>`__ to the given item.
Enchantments can be added to items by appending a space, followed by a
*semi-colon separated list* of pairs ``<eid>:<level>``, where ``<eid>``
is an enchantment ID as defined by the `Enchantment Wrappers in the
API <http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/src-html/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html#line.12>`__
(the numbers in the parentheses at the end of each line), i.e.:
<item> <eid>:<level>;<eid>:<level>;...
The ``<item>`` is any item following the normal item syntax as described
above. Here is an example:
diamond_sword 16:2;19:5
This line gives a diamond sword with sharpness (ID 16) level 2, and
knockback (ID 19) level 5.
Economy Money
MobArena supports entry fees and rewards in the form of money from
economy plugins. This feature *requires Vault*. The format quite simply
means that you type in a dollar sign followed by a valid monetary value.
Examples: ``$1``, ``$5``, ``$3.14`` (v0.96+), ``$0.99`` (v0.96+)
Command Rewards
Since v0.99, MobArena supports commands as rewards. This means that you
can have the server run a command that targets the recipient player.
This is useful for granting persistent permissions via your permissions
plugin, or integrating with rewards from other plugins, like rewarding
tokens or special items with lore. The basic syntax is this:
cmd:/give <player> dirt
If the player is "garbagemule", this setting will run the command "/give
garbagemule dirt" when the arena session ends. Note that this syntax
will display as
``[MobArena] You just earned a reward: /give <player> dirt``, which
isn't very pretty. If you want the reward to have a title, simply expand
the ``cmd`` with the name in a parenthesis:
cmd(a very nice thing):/give <player> dirt
This will display as
``[MobArena] You just earned a reward: a very nice thing``
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MobArena supports so-called *leaderboards* (although technically they
are more like scoreboards or session signs). By arranging signs in a
two-dimensional grid on a wall, spectators can see which classes each
player has chosen, which wave they died on, how many kills and how much
damage they have done, etc.
.. figure:: img/leaderboards/1.png
:alt: Sign Grid
Sign Grid
The requirements for leaderboards are at the very least two rows of
signs on a wall as seen in the screenshot above. The top row should not
be empty, however, as it should contain the leaderboard *headers*, which
denote what kind of information the signs below them display. How many
headers (and which) you want is entirely up to you.
.. figure:: img/leaderboards/2.png
:alt: Top Left Sign
Top Left Sign
To get started, replace the top left empty sign (or place it if you
haven't already), and write ``[MA]<name>``, where ``<name>`` is the name
of your arena, on the first line. In the screenshot above, I have set up
the top left sign for the arena named Jail by writing ``[MA]jail`` on
it. MobArena automatically fills in the rest of the text and the colors
for you.
.. figure:: img/leaderboards/3.png
:alt: Sign Text Screen
Sign Text Screen
MobArena will then tell you that the sign has been created, and that you
should set up the rest of the signs. The rest of the headers follow the
same kind of format as the top left sign, so you simply write
``[MA]<stat>``, where ``<stat>`` is one of the following:
- ``class`` - The class name of the player
- ``lastWave`` - The last wave the player was part of (current wave if
still alive)
- ``kills`` - The number of monsters the player has killed
- ``dmgDone`` - The amount of damage the player has dealt
- ``dmgTaken`` - The amount of damage the player has taken
- ``swings`` - The number of times the player has swung their weapon
- ``hits`` - The number of times the player has swung their weapon and
successfully hit a monster
In the screenshot above, I have already set up a couple of signs, and
I'm about to set up the sign for damage done. As with the top left sign,
your only job is to tell MobArena which stat you want - it'll take care
of colors and formatting automatically. Note that MobArena's sign
handling is case sensitive, so make sure you get it right.
.. figure:: img/leaderboards/4.png
:alt: Final Setup
Final Setup
When you're done setting up the leaderboards, they should look something
like the screenshot above, and you should be good to go! Leaderboards
can be set up anywhere (even outside of the world the arena is in), but
you can only have a single leaderboard per arena.
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Monster types
MobArena supports any monster available in the `EntityType
enum <https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html>`__.
You don't have to write the names in all caps, and you can omit or
include underscores (``_``), hyphens (``-``), and periods (``.``) as you
Some monsters are a little special. Creepers, for instance, can be
charged or powered, meaning their explosions become much more powerful,
and their appearance changes. Another example is slimes and magma cubes,
which have different sizes.
MobArena supports some of the variations of these different monster
types, and they are listed here:
- ``explodingsheep`` is a MobArena-specific type of sheep that bounces
around and explodes when in the proximity of a player
- ``poweredcreeper`` is a charged/powered creeper
- ``angrywolf`` is an aggressive wolf with red eyes
- ``babyzombie`` is a baby-version of a zombie
- ``babypigman`` is a baby-version of a pigman
- ``babyzombievillager`` is a baby-version of a zombie villager
- ``killerbunny`` is a killer bunny version of a rabbit
As for slimes and magma cubes, both monster types are assigned a random
size when they spawn. However, they also both support size suffixes that
force them to be a specific size. They are:
- ``tiny`` size 1
- ``small`` size 2
- ``big`` size 3
- ``huge`` size 4
As an example, ``slimehuge`` will spawn a size 4 slime, while
``magmacubetiny`` will spawn a size 1 magma cube.
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A permissions plugin **is NOT required** for MobArena to work, but if
you want that extra bit of control, here's a rundown of the different
types of permission nodes you can use with MobArena.
**NOTE: MobArena uses sane defaults. This means that by default, all
players can use all arenas and all classes, and ops can use all admin
and setup commands. Unless you want to prevent some groups from
accessing certain arenas or classes, or you want to give non-ops admin
and setup permissions, there is no need to mess with any permissions at
all, so go away from this page and remove all occurrences of
``mobarena`` in your permissions-file!**
Did you read the note at the top? If not, read it before you continue.
So, you want to remove permissions for certain arenas from certain
users? Alright, that means you will have to *negate* or *revoke* the
permissions in your permissions plugin. In bPermissions, the negation
modifier is a caret, ``^``, in GroupManager and PermissionsEx it is a
minus, ``-``, and in zPermissions it is by setting the permission to
``false``. The examples below revoke the permission for the default
| bPermissions: ``^mobarena.arenas.default``
| GroupManager: ``-mobarena.arenas.default``
| zPermissions: ``mobarena.arenas.default: false``
I recommend letting everyone enjoy all your arenas, but this could be
used in combination with "leveling" plugins to allow players to use
"harder" arenas at higher levels. It could also be used for
sponsors-only arenas.
Still confused? Check the `sample setup <#sample-setup>`__ at the bottom
of the page!
Did you read the note at the top? If not, read it before you continue.
Alright, if you're reading this, you want to remove permissions for
certain classes from certain users. As with the arena permissions, you
need to *negate* or *revoke* the permissions in your permissions plugin.
In bPermissions, the negation modifier is a caret, ``^``, in
GroupManager and PermissionsEx it is a minus, ``-``, and in zPermissions
it is by setting the permission to ``false``. The examples below revoke
the permission for the Knight class.
| bPermissions: ``^mobarena.classes.knight``
| GroupManager: ``-mobarena.classes.knight``
| zPermissions: ``mobarena.classes.knight: false``
**Note how the class name is lowercase.** This is important. Even if the
Knight class is called ``KnIGhT`` in your config-file, it MUST be all
lowercase in your permissions-file.
As with arenas, I recommend letting everyone enjoy all the classes,
unless you have a special reason not to.
Still confused? Check the `sample setup <#sample-setup>`__ at the bottom
of the page!
Did you read the note at the top? If not, read it before you continue.
If you're reading this, you want to either give certain users access to
some of the admin and/or setup commands, or you want to remove some of
the user commands from some groups. If this is not the case, stop
reading and leave this page!
The first group of commands are the user commands. They are accessible
by all players by default, so don't put ``mobarena.use.*`` or something
stupid like that in your permissions-file! If you want a group to not
have access to the user commands, *negate* the permission
``mobarena.use``, which is the *parent permission node* for all the user
commands. See the classes and arenas sections for information on how to
negate permissions. If that doesn't work, negate the
``mobarena.use.join`` and ``mobarena.use.spec`` permissions. That should
be enough.
The admin commands are simple. They allow disabling/enabling MobArena
and individual arenas, kicking players from the arenas, restoring player
inventories if they got lost somehow, forcing arenas to start or end,
and teleporting in and out of arenas regardless of what the arena state
is. If you want to grant all of these permissions, use the *parent
permission node* ``mobarena.admin``. Don't mess around with ``*`` or
something stupid like that.
Setup commands are only for ops, just like admin commands. **Do not**
give these permissions to random people, because they can remove your
arenas and destroy your config-files, if they do something stupid. The
setup commands allow you to manage arenas, regions, spawnpoints, chests,
leaderboards, etc. They also allow you to set up new classes in-game. If
you want to grant all of these permissions, use the *parent permission
node* ``mobarena.setup``. Don't mess around with ``*`` or something
stupid like that.
Sample setup
Assume you have a class called DiamondKnight that you only want your
donors to be able to use (very common use case). How do you set up your
permissions plugin when you have to revoke the class permission from the
default group, but the donor group inherits from the default group? It's
very simple: You're doing it wrong...
What you have to do instead is make an *auxiliary default*-group that
contains all your default permissions, and have your default group
inherit from that group, and furthermore revoke the DiamondKnight class
permission in MobArena. Your donor group then also inherits from the
auxiliary group, and everything is wonderful. Confusing? Here's a
pseudo-code example:
default-aux: <-- This is the auxiliary group that is to
permissions: be inherited by the default group and
- essentials.balance the donor group. It is not used for
- essentials.pay anything else.
- essentials.sell
default: <-- This is the default group. It inherits
inherits: default-aux from default-aux, but also revokes the
permissions: permission for the special class.
- -mobarena.classes.diamondknight
donor: <-- This is the donor group, which also
inherits: default-aux inherits from default-aux, but it
permissions: does not revoke any class permissions,
- essentials.balance.others which means it has access to all of
- essentials.kit them by default.
This sample setup is **pseudo code** and cannot be simply copy/pasted
into your own permissions file. It's your job to figure out how your
permissions plugin works, and what its syntax is.
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Setting up the config file
**On this page:** \*
`Overview <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-an-overview>`__ \*
```global-settings`` <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-global-settings>`__
\* ```classes`` <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-classes>`__ \* `Bring
your own items <./Setting-up-the-config-file#bring-your-own-items>`__ \*
`Slot-specific armor
nodes <./Setting-up-the-config-file#slot-specific-armor-nodes>`__ \*
`Price <./Setting-up-the-config-file#price>`__ \* `Unbreakable
items <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-unbreakable-weaponsarmor>`__ \*
permissions <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-per-class-permissions>`__
\* `Pet classes <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-pet-classes>`__ \*
`Mounts <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-mounts>`__ \*
```arenas`` <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-arenas>`__ \*
```settings`` <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-settings>`__ \*
```waves`` <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-waves>`__ \*
```rewards`` <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-rewards>`__ \*
```coords`` <./Setting-up-the-config-file#wiki-coords>`__
An Overview
*Note: When editing the config-file, you **MUST use spaces for
indentation**! Using tabs instead of spaces will give you errors!*
The config-file, ``plugins/MobArena/config.yml``, consists of 3
sections: ``global-settings``, ``classes``, and ``arenas``. The default
config-file that is generated when MobArena is first loaded looks
something like this:
update-notification: true
enabled: true
allowed-commands: /list
prefix: '&a[MobArena] '
items: diamond_sword, grilled_pork:2
armor: 306,307,308,309
items: wood_sword, bow, arrow:128, grilled_pork
armor: 298,299,300,301
prefix: ''
world: Tundra
enabled: true
protect: true
clear-wave-before-next: false
Note about notation: ``[true|false]`` means the setting must be "true or
false", either or. ``<time>`` means the setting must be an amount of
time (in seconds or server ticks), always a whole number, and always
``0`` or greater. ``<amount>`` is similar to time.
The ``global-settings`` are few, but important. Note that if
``enabled: false``, no arenas can be joined, regardless of their
individual ``enabled`` status.
- ``enabled: [true|false]`` - This determines if MobArena is enabled or
not. If set to ``false``, players will not be able to join any arenas
at all, regardless of what the arenas' individual statuses are.
- ``update-notification: [true|false]`` - If true, MobArena will send a
message to ops when they log on if a new version of MobArena is
- ``allowed-commands: <com1>, <com2>, ...`` - A comma-separated list of
the commands that players are allowed to use while in the lobby
and/or arena. This is useful if you don't want players to use
teleport-commands, flying carpets, kill commands, etc. If you write
the command WITH its forward-slash, the entire command and all
"sub-commands" will be allowed. For instance, writing ``/kill`` will
allow both ``/kill``, ``/kill Sausageman22`` and ``/kill Notch``.
Writing the command WITHOUT its forward-slash will allow only that
specific command or "sub-command". Writing ``kill`` will thus ONLY
allow ``/kill``, but not ``/kill Sausageman22``.
- ``prefix: <prefix>`` - The prefix MobArena uses for all of its
messages. The default is the classic green ``[MobArena]``, but you
can change it to whatever you want. You can override the prefix for
specific arenas by using the arena-specific setting with the same
I recommended leaving the update notifications on, and disabling
commands like ``/kill`` and ``/tp``.
The ``classes``-section is slightly more complicated. It is divided into
*class-branches*, where each branch denotes the *name of the class*, and
each branch has mandatory nodes ``items`` and ``armor``, as well as
optional slot-specific armor nodes and optional nodes ``price``,
``permissions``, ``lobby-permissions``, ``unbreakable-weapons``, and
**Note:** YAML is picky about how you type your items. Make sure you
read the short [[Item and Reward Syntax]]-page and fully understand it
before you attempt to modify the config file!
items: wood_sword, bow, arrow:128, grilled_pork
armor: 298,299,300,301
- EffectiveArrows.use.*
- -mobarena.use.leave
items: iron_sword
armor: 310,311,312,313
offhand: shield
items: '276'
armor: iron_helmet, iron_chestplate, iron_leggings, iron_boots
Wolf Master:
items: stone_sword, grilled_pork, bone:2
armor: 298,299,300,301
items: iron_sword, hay_block:17
armor: 302,303,304,305
price: $5
Bring your own items
MobArena allows you to just bring your own items into the arena via the
implicit 'My Items' class. What this means is that if you just place a
sign in the lobby with the text My Class, you'll get the items that you
had before joining the arena. Items are still restored on dying in or
leaving the arena.
For a smooth, own-items-only experience, ditch the signs and set the
per-arena setting ``default-class`` to ``myitems``.
Slot-specific armor nodes
If you want to use off-hand items, or if you just want to be explicit
about which items go where in the armor slots, use the optional
slot-specific armor nodes: ``offhand``, ``helmet``, ``chestplate``,
``leggings``, ``boots``. In the example above, the **Tank** class gets a
shield in its off-hand slot.
The optional ``price`` node can be used to give classes a per-session
price. When a player tries to pick a class that has a price, they will
only be able to if they can afford it. The money is withdrawn when the
arena starts, i.e. picking different priced classes in succession will
not (necessarily) result in empty player wallets. In the example above,
the **Crusader** class costs ``$5``.
Unbreakable weapons/armor
The optional ``unbreakable-weapons`` and ``unbreakable-armor`` nodes can
be used to toggle on or off the unbreakability of class items and armor.
The nodes *default to true*, so they are really only necessary if you
want to toggle OFF the feature, i.e. if you want items to deteriorate
and break! If that's what you want, set the nodes to false.
.. raw:: html
items: diamond_sword
armor: 310,311,312,313
<font color="blue">unbreakable-weapons: false</font>
<font color="blue">unbreakable-armor: false</font>
Per-class permissions
Using the optional ``permissions``-node, you can give classes special
permissions to customize them even more. Each permission must be listed
with a dash (-) in front of it. If you want a class to *not* have a
permission, put a dash/minus at the very beginning of the permission
node. In the example above, the **Archer** class will be able to use the
EffectiveArrows plugin, but won't be able to use ``/ma leave`` (meaning
it's impossible to leave the arena without dying).
.. raw:: html
items: wood_sword, bow, arrow:128, grilled_pork
armor: 298,299,300,301
<font color="blue">permissions:</font>
<font color="blue">- EffectiveArrows.use.*</font>
<font color="blue">- -mobarena.use.leave</font>
The optional ``lobby-permissions``-node gives players special
permissions while they are in the lobby *after they have picked a
class*. This feature can be used e.g. in combination with a shop plugin
and a base class that perhaps has nothing (maybe except for a few
.. raw:: html
items: ''
armor: ''
<font color="blue">lobby-permissions:</font>
<font color="blue">- shop.buy</font>
Pet classes
For every bone (Material name: ``bone``, data value: ``352``) in a
class' items-list (or class chest), one wolf pet will spawn upon arena
start. In the example above, every player that picks the **Wolf Master**
class will have 2 wolves spawn upon arena start. The wolves are
invincible, but deal less damage than normal wolves.
.. raw:: html
Wolf Master:
items: stone_sword, grilled_pork, <font color="blue">bone:2</font>
armor: 298,299,300,301
To give a class a horse mount, give it a hay block in the items-list (or
place a hay block in the class chest). The item stack amount (in the
first encountered stack) determines the variant and barding of the
horse. You can use this table to figure out which hay block amount you
need for your desired variant and barding:
| | **None** | **Iron** | **Gold** | **Diamond** |
| **Horse** | 1 | 9 | 17 | 25 |
| **Donkey** | 2 | - | - | - |
| **Mule** | 3 | - | - | - |
| **Skeleton** | 4 | - | - | - |
| **Zombie** | 5 | - | - | - |
Note that only normal horses can have barding.
In the example above, every player that picks the **Crusader** class
will have a white horse with gold barding upon arena start. The mounts
are invincible.
.. raw:: html
items: iron_sword, <font color="blue">hay_block:17</font>
armor: 302,303,304,305
This section is by far the largest, and it is divided into several
smaller branches. In the above example, ``default`` denotes the *name*
of the default arena. This name can be altered, but it must contain no
spaces (use underscores instead). The arena name is significant when a
server has multiple arenas and no Master Lobby (will be featured later).
Let's go over the different branches:
The settings-branch is quite extensive, and besides the ``world``-node,
it is basically just a bunch of toggles (on/off, true/false), though a
few are number-based.
- ``prefix: <prefix>`` - An arena-specific prefix to use for
messages/announcements in this arena only. The default is the empty
string (``''``), which means the ``global-settings`` prefix will be
- ``world: <name>`` - The name of the world the arena resides in.
- ``enabled: [true|false]`` - If false, players cannot join the arena.
- ``protect: [true|false]`` - If false, the arena will not be protected
from explosions and players breaking the blocks.
- ``entry-fee: [$<amount>|<item>:<amount>]`` - Follows the exact same
notation as the class items and rewards (read the [[Item and Reward
Syntax]]-page). ``$20`` will subtract 20 of whatever currency you use
from the players upon joining. ``$5, stick:2`` will require the
player to have 5 currency units and 2 sticks to join the arena. The
entry-fee will be refunded if the player leaves before the arena
- ``default-class: <class>`` - If non-empty, this class is
automatically assigned to players when they join the arena. The class
name must be all lowercase and with no spaces.
- ``clear-wave-before-next: [true|false]`` - If true, no monsters will
spawn before all monsters of the previous wave have been killed.
- ``clear-boss-before-next: [true|false]`` - If true, no new waves will
spawn before the current boss (if any) is dead.
- ``clear-wave-before-boss: [true|false]`` - If true, a boss wave will
not spawn until all previous monsters have been killed.
- ``auto-equip-armor: [true|false]`` - If true, armor pieces will
automatically be equipped upon class selection. Note that this does
not work if a class has more than 1 of an armor piece type.
- ``soft-restore: [true|false]`` - If true, all destroyed blocks will
be saved in a "repair list", which will be used to restore blocks at
arena end. No data is saved to the harddrive. Note that this setting,
if true, ignores the ``protect`` flag.
- ``soft-restore-drops: [true|false]`` - If true, blocks destroyed by
players will drop as items like they normally do (using pickaxes,
spades, etc.). Note that this makes it very easy for classes with
pickaxes to "mine the arena" and build forts.
- ``require-empty-inv-join: [true|false]`` - If false, players'
inventories will be saved upon joining, and restored upon
- ``require-empty-inv-spec: [true|false]`` - If false, players can
spectate the arena without having to empty their inventories.
- ``hellhounds: [true|false]`` - If true, all pet wolves in the arena
will be in flames! This has no actual function, and is purely for the
cool-factor. Also useful for distinguishing enemy wolves and pet
- ``pvp-enabled: [true|false]`` - If true, players can damage each
other in the arena.
- ``monster-infight: [true|false]`` - If false, monsters will no longer
damage each other.
- ``allow-teleporting: [true|false]`` - If false, all warping to and
from the arena region is blocked. Useful for preventing players from
summoning other players into the arena for help.
- ``spectate-on-death: [true|false]`` - If false, players will not get
warped to the spectator area, but instead be "kicked" from the arena
(essentially a forced /ma leave).
- ``auto-respawn: [true|false]`` - If false, players will be greeted
with the typical death screen upon dying in the arena, and will have
to click the respawn button to respawn. With this setting at false,
players will actually die in the arena, meaning plugins like Heroes
and mcMMO will properly trigger their resetting of internal data upon
- ``share-items-in-arena: [true|false]`` - If false, players will not
be able to drop items in the arena.
- ``min-players: <amount>`` - Gives a lower limit on how many players
are required to start the arena. The default of ``0`` is the same as
``1``, which means 1 or more players may start the arena. Note that
this feature is incompatible with ``auto-start-timer`` and
- ``max-players: <amount>`` - Gives an upper limit on how many players
may join the arena. The default of ``0`` means no limit.
- ``max-join-distance: <distance>`` - The maximum distance (in blocks)
from which players can join or spectate the arena. If 0 (default),
there is no limit, and players can join from any world. Note that the
distance is calculated from every corner of the arena region, and
that players not in the arena world won't be able to join or
- ``first-wave-delay: <time>`` - The time (in seconds) before the first
wave of monsters upon arena start.
- ``wave-interval: <time>`` - The time (in seconds) between each new
wave of monsters. If clear-wave-before-next: true, this setting will
be ignored.
- ``final-wave: <number>`` - The number of the final wave before the
arena is force ended. This is useful if you want to set a cap on how
many waves an arena will have.
- ``monster-limit: <amount>`` - The maximum amount of monsters MobArena
is allowed to spawn for this arena. The next wave, if any, will not
spawn until there is room for more monsters.
- ``monster-exp: [true|false]`` - If true, monsters will drop
experience orbs. This is useful if you wish to give players the
ability to spend the gathered experience on enchants or something
else (using different plugins) during the session.
- ``keep-exp: [true|false]`` - If true, players will keep the
experience they gather in the arenas after death. This is useful if
you want to allow players to level up or gather experience in the
arenas. NOTE: If using ``display-waves-as-level`` or
``display-timer-as-level``, set ``keep-exp`` to false.
- ``food-regen: [true|false]`` - If true, a full food bar will cause
players to regenerate health while in the arena. Note that this
potentially makes tank-like classes extremely overpowered, since
diamond armor (by default) coupled with a full food bar will make a
player very hard to kill.
- ``lock-food-level: [true|false]`` - If true, the food bar will be
locked for all players in the arena, meaning they will not end up
starving, and they will be able to sprint around as they please.
- ``player-time-in-arena: <time of day>`` - When set to anything but
world, this setting will freeze the apparent world time for players
in the arena to whatever value you set. This is useful for making
time-of-day themed arenas (e.g. constant night time for a cemetery,
broad daylight for a pirate ship). Valid values are: dawn, sunrise,
morning, midday, noon, day, afternoon, evening, sunset, dusk, night,
- ``auto-ignite-tnt: [true|false]`` - If true, TNT will be
automatically ignited when placed. This is useful for preventing
Oddjob-like classes from forting.
- ``auto-start-timer: <time>`` - The time (in seconds) before the arena
will be force started after the first player has joined the lobby
(the default of 0 means deactivated or infinite time). Non-ready
players will be removed from the lobby. This setting is useful to
prevent ill-minded players from delaying or preventing other players
from starting the arena. Note that this feature is incompatible with
- ``start-delay-timer: <time>`` - The time (in seconds) before the
arena can be started after the first player has joined the lobby.
This setting is useful if you want to give your players a fixed
window of time to join the arena after the first player has joined,
so they can't just start it off right away. Note that this feature is
incompatible with ``min-players``!
- ``display-waves-as-level: [true|false]`` - When set to true, the
players' level counter (above the experience bar) will be used to
display the current wave number. If the wave announcements in the
announcements-file are silenced, this can be used to make a much less
"spammy" MobArena experience. NOTE: Do not use this if ``keep-exp``
is set to true!
- ``display-timer-as-level: [true|false]`` - When set to true, the
players' level counter (above the experience bar) will be used to
display the auto-start timer in the lobby. NOTE: Do not use this if
``keep-exp`` is set to true!
- ``auto-ready: [true|false]`` - When set to true, players are
automatically flagged as ready when they pick a class. Useful for
arenas with many players where hitting an iron block becomes
- ``use-scoreboards: [true|false]`` - Whether to use scoreboards in
MobArena or not.
- ``isolated-chat: [true|false]`` - When set to true, all chat messages
sent by arena players will be seen only by other arena players in the
same arena. The arena players will still be able to see chat messages
from other players on the server who aren't in an arena.
- ``global-end-announce: [true|false]`` - When set to true, MobArena
will announce the ``arena-end-global`` message (see
[[Announcements]]) to all players on the server when an arena ends.
- ``global-join-announce: [true|false]`` - When set to true, MobArena
will announce the ``arena-join-global`` message (see
[[Announcements]]) to all players on the server when the first player
joins an arena.
Please go to [[setting up the waves]] for more information.
The rewards-section denotes which rewards the arena players can win in
the arena. It uses the exact same item system as the classes-section
does, so nothing new there. You can also specify monetary rewards if you
use a major economy plugin (iConomy, BOSEconomy, Essentials Eco) in the
notation ``$<amount>``.
**Note:** YAML is picky about how you type your items. Make sure you
read the short [[Item and Reward Syntax]]-page and fully understand it
before you attempt to modify the config file!
The waves-branch is broken into ``every``- and ``after``-branches. The
``every``-branch denotes rewards that the players can receive *every* x
waves (repeated). The ``after``-branch denotes rewards that the player
can receive *after* wave x (only once) has started. Note that **only one
reward** is picked at random from the list.
In the following example, players will receive either four arrows or a
gold bar every 3 waves (3, 6, 9, 12, etc.), and a diamond every 10 waves
(10, 20, 30, etc.), as well as an iron tool on wave 7 (only on wave 7),
a diamond sword on wave 19 (only on wave 19), and 200 currency units on
wave 20:
'3': arrow:4, gold_ingot
'10': diamond
'7': iron_spade, iron_hoe, iron_axe, iron_pickaxe
'19': diamond_sword
'20': $200
**Note:** The wave numbers **must be enclosed by apostrophes** (e.g.
``'7':``, not ``7:``), or YAML will throw errors. If you aren't sure how
to do it, just copy one of the other lines and change the wave number
and the items.
The coords-section does not exist when MobArena first generates the
config-file. This is because the coordinates need to be set by the user
*in-game*. See the in-game section for more details on how to set
everything up. The coords-section consists of five key points, and an
arbitrary amount of spawnpoints:
- ``p1`` and ``p2`` - These two points should span the entire arena
region (including spectator areas and the lobby associated with the
arena, if possible).
- ``l1`` and ``l2`` - [OPTIONAL] If the lobby can't properly reside
within the arena region for some reason, these two points should span
the lobby region.
- ``arena`` - This warp is where the players will be teleported upon
arena start.
- ``lobby`` - Where the players will be teleported upon joining the
- ``spectator`` - Where the players will be teleported upon death or
- ``spawnpoints`` - A list of points where monsters can spawn from.
Note that editing these points manually can have some very unhappy
consequences. Always edit these points from within Minecraft to ensure
that they are generated properly.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
Setting up waves
**On this page:** \* `About
Modules <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-about-modules>`__ \* `Wave
Branches <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-wave-branches>`__ \* `Common
Nodes <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-common-nodes>`__ \*
```recurrent`` <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-recurrent-waves>`__ \*
```single`` <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-single-waves>`__ \* `Wave
Types <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-wave-types>`__ \*
```default`` <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-default-waves>`__ \*
```special`` <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-special-waves>`__ \*
```swarm`` <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-swarm-waves>`__ \*
```supply`` <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-supply-waves>`__ \*
```upgrade`` <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-upgrade-waves>`__ \*
```boss`` <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-boss-waves>`__ \* `A Sample
Setup <./Setting-up-the-waves#wiki-sample-config-file-setup>`__
**Note: If you are impatient, go to the bottom of this page for an
example config-file setup to see what the waves could look like. Modify
them as you please, but make sure to read this page before asking any
Make sure to check out `Agnate's MobArena Bosses and Waves
Thread <http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mobarena-boss-and-wave-thread.31797/>`__
if you need inspiration for adding some cool bosses to your arenas!
About Modules
The new MobArena waves-system is extremely modular, meaning every time
you plug in a new wave, you only have to provide the nodes required by
the specific modules you are using. The modules can be broken into *wave
branches* and *wave types*. The structure of the waves-section in
config-file is the following:
recurrent: <-- Wave branch
<wave name>:
type: <wave type> <-- Wave type
frequency: #
priority: #
single: <-- Wave branch
<wave name>:
type: <wave type> <-- Wave type
wave: #
Wave Branches
The waves are split into two branches, ``recurrent`` and ``single``.
*Recurrent waves* (may) occur more than once (as in, they repeat), given
a frequency (how often they occur) and a priority (how "important" they
are, i.e. which wave should spawn if two recurrent waves clash). *Single
waves* occur just once, on the given wave (and always occur over
recurrent waves, should they clash).
Common Nodes
As you can see, the two branches have one thing in common, the
``type``-node. Other than that, their other nodes differ. However, there
are two additional nodes that can be used regardless of branch and type
(doesn't work for boss waves, though):
``amount-multiplier: <decimal value>`` (optional) minimum value of 0.1,
this multiplier helps determine how many monsters spawn per wave
(minimum 1). If 8 mobs are supposed to spawn, and the value is ``0.5``,
only 4 mobs will spawn. If the value is ``3``, 24 will spawn.
``health-multiplier: <decimal value>`` (optional) minimum value of 0.1,
this multiplier helps determine the health for each monster in a wave.
If a zombie spawns with the default of 20 health points and the value is
``0.5``, the zombie will have 10 health points. If the value is ``4``,
it will be 80 health points.
These two common nodes can be used to greatly customize the difficulty
of the monsters in each wave. If you want more monsters, just set the
amount-multiplier higher than 1, and maybe adjust the health with the
health-multiplier accordingly. If you want the monsters to be tougher to
kill, just up the health-multiplier.
An additional node can be used to help determine where enemies will
``spawnpoints: <semi-colon separated list of spawnpoints>``
For example, we can make a swarm wave spawn monsters only on spawns
``5,53,198``, ``-16,54,185``, and ``-7,53,179`` if players are in range:
type: swarm
wave: 11
monster: zombie_pigman
spawnpoints: 5,53,198; -16,54,185; -7,53,179
Note that these spawnpoints must exist in the ``spawnpoints``-list of
the ``coords``-section to work.
Recurrent Waves
``type: [default|special|swarm|supply|upgrade|boss]`` (required)
determines the wave type. Read the **Wave types** section further down
for more details.
``frequency: #`` (required) determines how often the wave will/can
spawn. With a frequency of 1, the wave can potentially spawn on every
single wave number. The implicit default waves in MobArena have a
frequency of 1, and the implicit special waves have a frequency of 4,
which means the default waves (can) spawn every wave, and the special
waves (can) spawn every 4th wave.
``priority: #`` (required) determines how "important" the wave is. If
two recurrent waves clash, the wave with the highest priority will
spawn. The implicit default waves in MobArena have a priority of 1, and
the implicit special waves have a priority of 2, which means if the
default and special waves clash, the special waves will spawn because
their priority is higher.
``wave: #`` (optional) determines the first wave number on which this
wave can/will spawn. This is useful for offsetting waves with similar
frequencies. Note that if no wave is specified, it will default to the
value of the (required) frequency-node. The implicit default waves in
MobArena have wave value of 1, and the implicit special waves have a
wave value of 4 (same as the frequency), which means the default waves
may begin spawning from wave 1, and the special waves may begin spawning
from wave 4.
Single Waves
``type: [default|special|swarm|supply|upgrade|boss]`` (required)
determines the wave type. Read the **Wave types** section further down
for more details.
``wave: #`` (required) determines the wave on which this wave *will*
spawn. No matter what priority a recurrent wave have, if it clashes with
a single wave, the single wave will always spawn instead of the
recurrent waves. Single waves are good for extraordinary waves like
"swarm" waves, "boss" waves or even normal waves with specific monster
types, for instance.
Wave Types
All MobArena waves must specify a *wave type*, which must be either
``default``, ``special``, ``swarm``, ``supply``, ``upgrade`` or
``boss``. These different wave type modules introduce some new required
and optional nodes. Note that no matter what the wave type is, any wave
*must* adhere to the requirements of the wave branch (read above).
Default Waves
Default waves are waves that spawn an amount of monsters picked
semi-randomly from an optional list of monsters. The amount of monsters
grow at a configurable (but optional) rate. If no growth or monster-list
is specified, default waves will consist of 5 different monster types
(zombie, skeleton, spider, creeper, wolf), all equally likely to spawn,
spawned at the "old" growth rate (player count + wave number). Nodes:
``growth: [old|slow|medium|fast|psycho]`` (optional) determines how fast
the monster count grows with every wave. ``old`` means (player count +
wave number), but the other four use a mathematical function to
determine the monster count, also based on player count and wave number.
See [[Formulas]] for more info.
``monsters: <list of <monster>: <probability>>`` (optional) determines
[[monster types]], and their individual probabilities of spawning on
each wave. Note that the probabilities are just that, probabilities.
They do not specify exact amounts, but only chance of spawning. The
following sample will statistically spawn twice as many zombies as
zombies: 10
skeletons: 5
``fixed: [true|false]`` (optional) the probability values in the
monsters list becomes amount values instead, such that the above wave
will spawn exactly 10 zombies and 5 skeletons, regardless of player
count and wave number.
Special Waves
Special waves are waves that spawn *one type* of monster, and always a
fixed amount. Unlike with *default waves*, the (optional) monster list
with probabilities determines which monster out of the entire list
should spawn. The monsters-node's notation is identical to that of
*default waves*.
``monsters: <list of <monster>: <probability>>`` (optional) determines
[[monster types]], and their probabilities of spawning on each wave. The
following sample will statistically spawn powered-creepers twice as
often as slimes:
powered-creepers: 4
slimes: 2
Swarm Waves
Like *special waves*, swarm waves spawn just *one type* of monster, but
in a configurable (but optional) amount. The swarm wave monsters only
have *1 health point*, meaning they will die with just one blow from
anything. Their numbers are vast compared to default and special waves,
however, so they may be a bit hard on some servers. Use with caution!
``monster: <monster>`` (required) which [[monster types]] the swarm
consists of. Note that this is different from special waves, in that
only one type is specified, and no probability value.
``amount: [low|medium|high|psycho]`` (optional) how many monsters should
spawn. Defaults to low (which is still a lot). See [[Formulas]] for more
Supply Waves
These waves spawn one monster per player, and will drop a random item
from a customized drop list (same notation as the class items). The
monster list notation is identical to that of default and special waves.
drops: grilled_pork, cooked_chicken, cooked_beef, cooked_fish:2
Upgrade Waves
These waves don't spawn any monsters, but will give or upgrade items.
The class names are optional (you don't have to give items to all
classes), and it is possible to use the ``all`` identifier to specify
items that will be given to all players regardless of class. The
``give-all-items`` flag determines if all items in the list should be
given, or just a random item off the list (like with rewards and supply
**Legacy setup**: In the following example, all players get a healing
potion, and on top of that, all Archers get 64 arrows, and all Oddjobs
get either 2 TNT or a Netherrack:
all: potion:8197:1
Archer: arrow:64
Oddjob: tnt:2, netherrack
give-all-items: false
**Advanced setup**: Since MobArena v0.95, the Upgrade Waves can be set
up to upgrade/replace certain weapons and armor, as well as add/remove
permissions. The setup follows the setup of the classes-section. In the
following example, the Knight class gets its diamond sword enchanted and
its iron chestplate replaced with a diamond chestplate. The Archer just
gets some more arrows (legacy setup) while the Wizard class gets the
permission to cast the Forcepush spell from MagicSpells:
armor: iron_helmet, iron_chestplate, iron_leggings, iron_boots
items: diamond_sword
Archer: arrow:64
armor: diamond_chestplate
items: diamond_sword 16:2
- magicspells.cast.forcepush
give-all-items: true
Explanation: Items listed in the ``armor`` node will be considered
armor, and (if valid) will replace any item currently in the armor slots
of the players. Items in the ``items`` node will be checked if they are
weapons or not; if they are weapons, then MobArena will search through
the players' inventories for weapons with the same ID, and then replace
the first weapon that matches it (automatic upgrades). If no weapon is
found, it will default to a generic item, which will just be added to
the inventory.
Boss Waves
Boss waves consist of *one monster* with a configurable (but optional)
amount of health, and a configurable (but optional) list of special
abilities. The health of a boss monster is significantly higher than
that of normal monsters, and thus take much longer to kill. The special
abilities help increase the difficulty (and fun!) of a boss wave.
``monster: <monster>`` (required) the boss [[monster types]]. Note that
only one monster will spawn.
``name: <name>`` (optional) the name of the boss. Shows the given name
in a name tag above the boss' head.
``health: <amount>|[verylow|low|medium|high|veryhigh|psycho]``
(optional) how much health the boss has. Can be either a flat value,
e.g. 40 or 800, or one of the scaling values. Defaults to the scaling
value medium. See [[Formulas]] for more info about the scaling values.
``reward: <item>`` (optional) a reward for getting the killing blow on
the boss. This reward will only be given to one player (the killer, if
``drops: <item list>`` (optional) a comma-separated list of items
dropped by the boss when killed. The boss will drop exactly the items
listed. This could be used to have the boss drop a "key" to advance in
the arena, or to gain access to a shed full of weapon chests or
something wonderful like that. The item syntax is the same as the one
for Supply Waves.
``potions: <potion list>`` (optional) a comma-separated list of potion
effects that will be applied to the boss when it spawns. Use this to
slow down or speed up bosses that don't move at quite the speed you
want, or perhaps to give a boss the wither effect to limit the amount of
time it will stay alive. The potion syntax is
``<effect>:<amplifier>:<seconds>``. The amplifier and duration are
optional, and will default to 0 (level 1) and pseudo-infinity,
respectively. Note that ``slow``, ``slow:0``, and ``slow:0:600`` are
identical, except the last one will only last 10 minutes (600 seconds).
Check the sample config-file at the bottom for more examples.
``abilities: <comma-separated list of boss abilities>`` (optional)
determines which (if any) boss abilities this boss has. The boss can
have several abilities; just separate each ability with a comma (e.g.
``arrows, fire-aura, throw-target``). Note that the abilities happen in
a cycle every few seconds, so the more abilities, the longer it takes
before each ability is used again. Here is an overview of the different
abilities bosses can have:
arrows Shoots arrows
fireballs Hurls fireballs
fire-aura Burns all nearby (5 blocks radius) players
lightning-aura Strikes lightning 4 places around itself (3-block radius)
living-bomb A random player is set on fire, and explodes after 3 seconds
obsidian-bomb Spawns an Obsidian block which explodes after 4 seconds
chain-lightning Lightning strikes the target and jumps to a nearby player
disorient-target Spins the target around 45-315 degrees
disorient-nearby Spins all nearby (5 blocks radius) players
disorient-distant Spins all distant (8+ blocks) players
root-target Locks the target in place for a couple of seconds
warp-to-player Picks a random player in the arena to warp to
shuffle-positions Swaps everyone's (including the boss) positions around
flood Places a water block on a random player's location
throw-target Throws the target backwards (if in distance)
throw-nearby Throws all nearby (5 blocks radius) players
throw-distant Throws all distant (8+ blocks) players
pull-target Pulls the target towards the boss' location
pull-nearby Pulls all nearby (5 blocks radius) players towards the boss' location
pull-distant Pulls all distant (8+ blocks) players towards the boss' location
fetch-target Warps the target to the boss' location
fetch-nearby Warps all nearby (5 blocks radius) players to the boss' location
fetch-distant Warps all distant (8+ blocks) players to the boss' location
``ability-announce: [true|false]`` (optional) should boss abilities be
announced to arena players? Defaults to true.
``ability-interval: <seconds>`` (optional) time between each ability.
Defaults to 3.
Sample config-file setup
If you want to try a sample setup, here's one that you can use. Simply
copy this block of text, and paste it into your own config-file,
replacing the waves-section.
type: default
priority: 1
frequency: 1
zombies: 10
skeletons: 4
exploding_sheep: 5
type: default
priority: 2
frequency: 1
wave: 5
zombies: 10
skeletons: 6
creepers: 4
type: special
priority: 5
frequency: 4
wave: 4
powered_creepers: 10
angry_wolves: 10
zombie_pigmen: 10
type: upgrade
priority: 7
frequency: 10
wave: 10
all: potion:8197:2
Archer: arrow:64
Oddjob: tnt:2, netherrack
give-all-items: true
type: swarm
wave: 7
monster: slimes
amount: medium
type: boss
wave: 9
monster: spider
health: medium
abilities: fire-aura, disorient-target, fireballs, throw-nearby
potions: speed:3:20, wither, increase_damage:1
ability-interval: 5
type: boss
wave: 13
monster: zombie_pigman
health: high
abilities: root-target, arrows, fetch-distant, fire-aura
drops: lever, stone_button
type: upgrade
wave: 14
all: potion:8197:2
armor: diamond_helmet
items: diamond_sword 16:2;19:1
items: iron_sword 19:3
armor: iron_chestplate, iron_leggings
- magicspells.cast.ChainLightning
give-all-items: true
type: boss
wave: 16
monster: wolf
health: psycho
abilities: warp-to-player, fire-aura, throw-nearby, fireballs, fetch-target, arrows
potions: slow:1
ability-interval: 1
reward: diamond_chestplate
type: supply
wave: 19
cows: 10
pigs: 5
drops: grilled_pork, cooked_chicken, cooked_beef, cooked_fish:2
type: boss
wave: 20
monster: blaze
health: low
abilities: fire-aura, throw-nearby
potions: speed
reward: diamond_helmet
Normal file
Normal file
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Using MobArena
**On this page:** \* `Overview <#overview>`__ \* `Joining <#joining>`__
\* `Getting a list of arenas <#getting-a-list-of-arenas>`__ \* `Picking
a class <#the-class-command>`__ \* `Finding out who isn't
ready <#finding-out-who-isnt-ready>`__ \* `Leaving <#leaving>`__ \*
`Spectating <#spectating>`__ \* `A note on
inventories <#a-note-on-inventories>`__
This page briefly describes the usage-commands of MobArena. Make sure to
check out the [[MobArena Commands]] page for a list of all the commands.
Remember that typing ``/ma help`` will get you a list of all available
commands in-game, along with a (very) brief description of what the
command does.
The commands covered on this page pertain to the usage-commands only,
i.e. the commands that the players will use to interact with MobArena.
The most basic commands are:
- ``/ma join`` - for `joining <#joining>`__ arenas to start playing
- ``/ma leave`` - for `leaving <#leaving>`__ lobbies or arenas
- ``/ma spec`` - for `spectating <#spectating>`__ arenas in progress
- ``/ma arenas`` - for getting a `list of
arenas <#getting-a-list-of-arenas>`__
Additionally, there are a few commands that might prove useful:
- ``/ma class`` - for `picking classes <#the-class-command>`__ in the
lobby instead of punching signs
- ``/ma notready`` - for finding out `who isn't ready
yet <#finding-out-who-isnt-ready>`__
To join an arena, use the ``/ma join`` command. If you have more than
one arena, you will also need to specify an arena name. Let's say we
have arenas ``cave`` and ``ship``. To join the Ship arena, simply type
``/ma join ship``.
Upon joining, you will be taken to the lobby of the given arena. In the
lobby, you will have to pick a class, which is traditionally done by
punching a sign with a class name on it. You can also `use a
command <#the-class-command>`__ directly to manually pick a class if you
know its name, or indirectly via buttons powering command blocks, or
perhaps something more complex (like NPCs).
Once you've picked a class, you will need to ready up, which is
traditionally done by punching an iron block. However, there is also a
per-arena config-file setting that automatically flags you as ready once
you've picked a class (check the [[Setting up the config-file]] page).
Getting a list of arenas
To get a list of available arenas, you simply type ``/ma arenas``.
Arenas that have been set up and are ready for use will be green, and
unavailable arenas (disabled or not yet set up) will be gray. Note that
you won't see arenas for which you don't have permission, just like you
won't be able to actually join an arena for which you don't have
permission. Check the [[Permissions]] page for more information.
The class command
Normally, you would punch class signs to pick classes, but MobArena also
supports picking a class with the ``/ma class`` command. If you want to
pick the Knight class, for example, simply type ``/ma class knight``.
Forcing manual class selection like this is not recommended, because
it's unintuitive and there is no way of listing available classes.
Instead, this command is useful if you want to set up command blocks or
something more advanced like NPCs wearing the class items and armor, and
allowing players to pick the class by interacting with the NPCs.
Finding out who isn't ready
Sometimes it's hard to keep track of who hit the iron block and who
didn't. To figure out which of the players in the lobby have not yet
readied up, you can use the ``/ma notready`` command. This is useful if
everyone thinks they've readied up and are waiting for everyone else,
but in fact one or more people haven't readied up yet.
When you're done playing in the arena, you have to leave it with the
``/ma leave`` command (unless the ``spectate-after-death`` setting in
the config-file is set to ``false``, in which case the command will be
executed for you). You may also leave the lobby of an arena you didn't
actually want to join, or if you just don't want to play anymore, and
you don't want to wait for death.
Leaving an arena in progress has no consequences other than missing out
on the fun! You'll still be given the rewards you earned up to this
point. If you don't want your players to be able to leave arenas in
progress, you can revoke the permission on a per-class basis. See the
[[Setting up the config-file]] page for more information.
If you want to spectate an arena already in progress, use the
``/ma spec`` command, just like you would use the ``/ma join`` command.
Spectating an arena means you will be taken to the spectator area of the
arena so you have a great overlook of the arena.
Spectators cannot interact with the arena players or the monsters in the
arena, nor with each other, so there should be no hooligan fights
Note that when you die in an arena, you will automatically become a
spectator, unless ``spectate-after-death`` is set to ``false``.
A note on inventories
Once you have joined an arena, either for playing or for spectating, you
are considered as *in the arena*. What this means is that MobArena will
hold on to your inventory until you leave. You leave by typing
``/ma leave``, either from the lobby or the arena, or after you've died.
If the ``spectate-after-death`` option in the config-file is ``false``,
you are automatically kicked out of the arena when you die, so in that
case, you won't have to do anything.
Inventories are stored on a per-player basis until they leave. Joining a
new arena (or the same arena again) after finishing a session will not
cause your inventory to be overwritten, even though it seems like you
have no items. When you leave with the ``/ma leave`` command, all of
your earned rewards from all sessions since you first joined will be
granted. Of course, with ``spectate-after-death`` set to ``false``, you
will automatically leave after every session.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
Wave formulas
This page holds an overview of all the formulas used in the MobArena
waves system. Customizing the different properties of the waves should
be somewhat easier if they can be calculated, so here they all are!
About notation: Each variable used in the formulas will have its own
name. A variable that starts with a ``#`` denotes "number (of)", so
``#players`` means "number of players", and ``#wave`` means "wave
number". The function ``min(a,b)`` returns the lowest of the values
``a`` and ``b``, and ``max(a,b)`` returns the highest.
Wave growth
The wave growth node ``growth``, used in default waves, denotes how fast
monster amounts grow over time. The base is calculated by half of the
number of players, but at most 13 (i.e. there is no difference between
25 and 50 players). The amounts can be altered further using the
``amount-multiplier`` (see the [[wave setup page\|Setting up the
#monsters = base * #wave^exp
base = min(#players/2 + 1 , 13)
The ``exp`` variable is defined by the growth node, and has the
following values:
slow = 0.5
medium = 0.65
fast = 0.8
psycho = 1.2
Note that with the node value ``old`` (which is the default), the
monster count is ``#wave + #players``.
Swarm Amount
The swarm amount node ``amount``, used in swarm waves, denotes how many
monsters should spawn in the swarm waves. There will always be at least
10 monsters due to the max function and the lowest multiplier value
being 10, however this can be further customized with the
``amount-multiplier`` (see the [[wave setup page\|Setting up the
#monsters = max(1, #players/2) * multiplier
The ``multiplier`` variable is defined by the amount node, and has the
following values:
low = 10
medium = 20
high = 30
psycho = 60
Boss Health
The boss health node ``health``, used in boss waves, denotes how much
health the boss has. Note that the ``health-multiplier`` node (see the
[[wave setup page\|Setting up the waves]]) **does NOT** affect boss
waves at all, so these are the only values that can be used. The minimum
health a boss can have is 320 health points (~160 hearts), which is with
``low`` health and only 1 player fighting. With 10 players and ``high``
health, the boss will have 5500 health points (~2750 hearts).
health = (#players + 1) * 20 * multiplier
The ``multiplier`` variable is defined by the health node, and has the
following values:
verylow = 4
low = 8
medium = 15
high = 25
veryhigh = 40
psycho = 60
Reference in New Issue
Block a user