Updated How to set up MobArena (markdown)

garbagemule 2011-06-27 15:37:03 -07:00
parent 23dc125138
commit 275c355cca
2 changed files with 129 additions and 9 deletions

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### Installing MobArena ###
Bla bla
### The config-file (optional) ###
### The announcements-file (optional) ###
Bla bla
To install MobArena, download the MobArena jar-file from the forum post, and place it in your server's plugins-folder.

The-config-file.md Normal file

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The config-file consists of 3 sections: **global-settings**, **classes**, and **arenas**. The default config-file that is generated when MobArena is first loaded looks something like this:
update-notification: true
enabled: true
repair-delay: 5
items: diamond_sword, grilled_pork:2
armor: 306,307,308,309
items: wood_sword, bow, arrow:128, grilled_pork
armor: 298,299,300,301
world: Tundra
enabled: true
protect: true
wave-clear: false
Note about notation: `[true|false]` means the setting can take the values "true or false", either or. `<time>` means the setting can take an amount (either seconds or server ticks), always a whole number, and always `0` or greater. `<amount>` is similar to time.
## global-settings ##
The global settings are few, but important. Note that if **enabled** is set to false, no arenas can be joined, no matter what their individual **enabled** status is.
* `enabled: [true|false]` - This determines if MobArena is enabled or not. If set to `false`, players will not be able to join any arenas at all, regardless of what the arenas' individual statuses are.
* `update-notification: [true|false]` - If true, MobArena will send a message to ops when they log on if a new version of MobArena is available.
* `repair-delay: <time>` - The time in _server ticks_ (20 ticks = 1 second) between explosions and block reparation. If set to `0`, explosions are completely cancelled out (meaning there will be no explosion animation, and no blocks will get destroyed at all).
I recommend keeping `update-notification: true` and `repair-delay: 5` for normal users.
## classes ##
The classes section is slightly more complicated. It is divided into _class-branches_, where each branch denotes the _name of the class_, and each branch has an `items`-node and an `armor`-node. These nodes specify which items and armor pieces each class has, respectively.
The items can be written as either their [data value/type id](http://www.minecraftdatavalues.com/js.php), or as their [Material name/type](http://jd.bukkit.org/apidocs/org/bukkit/Material.html). The items are written in the notation `<item>:<amount>`. If the colon and amount are left out, the amount will default to 1. In this example, the _Archer_ gets a wooden sword, a bow, 128 arrows and a grilled porkchop from his `items`-node (in Material names), and leather armor from his `armor`-node (in data values). Conversely, the _Knight_ gets a diamond sword and 2 roasted porkchops, written in data values, as well as iron armor, written in Material names.
items: wood_sword, bow, arrow:128, grilled_pork
armor: 298,299,300,301
items: 276, 320:2
armor: iron_helmet, iron_chestplate, iron_leggings, iron_boots
Wolf Master:
items: stone_sword, grilled_pork, bone:2
armor: 298,299,300,301
I recommend using the data values, because it is much less prone to error. It is very easy to miss a letter or type a wrong name when using Material names.
### Pet classes ###
For every bone (Material name:`bone`, data value: 352) in a class' items-list, one wolf pet will spawn upon arena start. In the example above, every player that picks the _Wolf Master_ class will have 2 wolves spawn upon arena start. The wolves are invincible, but deal less damage than normal wolves.
## arenas ##
This section is by far the largest, and it is divided into several smaller branches. In the above example, `default` denotes the _name_ of the default arena. This name can be altered, but it must contain no spaces (use underscores instead). The arena name is significant when a server has multiple arenas and no Master Lobby (will be featured later). Let's go over the different branches:
### settings ###
The settings-branch is quite extensive, and it is basically just a bunch of toggles (on/off, true/false) with a few number-based settings.
* `world: <name>` - The name of the world the arena resides in.
* `enabled: [true|false]` - If false, players cannot join the arena.
* `protect: [true|false]` - If false, the arena will not be protected from explosions and players breaking the blocks.
* `wave-clear: [true|false]` - If true, no monsters will spawn before all monsters of the previous wave have been slain.
* `detonate-creepers: [true|false]` - If true, all Creepers in the arena will be detonated right before the next wave spawns. Does not work with wave-clear: true!
* `detonate-damage: [true|false]` - If false, players will not take damage from the Creeper detonations (but they will still take damage from normal Creeper explosions). Requires detonate-creepers: true!
* `lightning: [true|false]` - If true, every spawnpoint will be struck by lightning (no damage) on special waves.
* `auto-equip-armor: [true|false]` - If true, armor pieces will automatically be equipped upon class selection. Note that this does not work if a class has more than 1 of an armor piece type.
* `force-restore: [true|false]` - If true, the arena region is saved on arena start, and rebuilt on arena end. This is useful if the arena is encased in Obsidian, and server hosts want a destructible arena.
* `require-empty-inventory: [true|false]` - If false, players' inventories will be saved upon joining, and restored upon death/leaving.
* `hellhounds: [true|false]` - If true, all pet wolves in the arena will be in flames! This has no actual function, and is purely for the cool-factor. Also useful for distinguishing enemy wolves and pet wolves.
* `pvp-enabled: [true|false]` - If true, players can damage each other in the arena.
* `first-wave-delay: <time>` - The time (in seconds) before the first wave of monsters upon arena start.
* `wave-interval: <time>` - The time (in seconds) between each new wave of monsters. If wave-clear: true, set this low (3-5).
* `special-modulo: <amount>` - Every x waves will be special waves. For instance, if set to 4, every 4th wave will be a special wave.
* `max-idle-time: <time>` - The time (in seconds) the arena players have to kill another monster. If no monster is killed after x seconds of arena start or the last kill, the arena will end. Useful for keeping players from dragging out arena fights.
I recommend the default settings, but most of them can be changed without problems. Note that `force-restore` and `require-empty-inventory` should be set to false and true respectively, if you don't want to risk file I/O problems (they are rare, but they do happen).
### waves ###
The waves-branch denotes the **distribution/probability** of monsters spawning. Note that this is **not** amounts/counts. With a value of 0, that monster will never spawn. With a value greater than 0, the monster will spawn depending on the values of all the other monsters. In the following example, every wave should (statistically, on average) spawn twice as many zombies as skeletons, and five times as many skeletons as creepers (spiders and wolves will not spawn) on the default waves:
zombies: 10
skeletons: 5
creepers: 1
spiders: 0
wolves: 0
Note that Ghasts and Giants are a bit wonky. Ghasts' fireballs are known to break arena walls, and Giants require at least 14 blocks of "air" between the floor and a possible ceiling.
### rewards ###
The rewards-section denotes which rewards the arena players can win in the arena. It uses the exact same item system as the classes-section does, so nothing new there. The waves-branch is broken into `every`- and `after`-branches. The `every`-branch denotes rewards that the players can receive _every_ x waves (repeated). The `after`-branch denotes rewards that the player can receive _after_ wave x (only once). Note that **only one reward** is picked at random from the list.
In the following example, players will receive either four arrows or a gold bar every 3 waves (3, 6, 9, 12, etc.), and a diamond every 10 waves (10, 20, 30, etc.), as well as an iron tool on wave 7 (only on wave 7), and a diamond sword on wave 19 (only on wave 19):
'3': arrow:4, gold_ingot
'10': diamond
'7': iron_spade, iron_hoe, iron_axe, iron_pickaxe
'19': diamond_sword
Note that the wave numbers **must be enclosed by apostrophes (')**, or MobArena will throw YAML-errors.
### coords ###
The coords-section does not exist when MobArena first generates the config-file. This is because the coordinates need to be set by the user _in-game_. See the in-game section for more details on how to set everything up. The coords-section consists of five key points, and an arbitrary amount of spawnpoints:
* `p1` and `p2` - These two points should span the entire arena region (including spectator areas and the lobby associated with the arena).
* `arena` - This warp is where the players will be teleported upon arena start.
* `lobby` - Where the players will be teleported upon joining the arena.
* `spectator` - Where the players will be teleported upon death or spectating.
* `spawnpoints` - A list of points where monsters can spawn from.
Note that editing these points manually can have some very unhappy consequences. Always edit these points from within Minecraft to ensure that they are generated properly.