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Destroyed MobArena commands (markdown)
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### Table of Contents ###
* [[Installing MobArena]]
* [[Setting up the config-file]]
* [[Setting up the announcements-file]]
* [[Setting up an arena]]
* [[Setting up additional arenas]]
* **MobArena commands**
* [[Permissions]]
* [[FAQ]]
## Commands ##
Note: All MobArena commands start with `/ma`, and most of them can be disabled using [[Permissions]].
If you are looking for ways to disable non-MobArena commands, look in the global-settings section of [[setting up the config-file]].
### Player commands ###
These commands can be issued by all players. They include joining, leaving, spectating and listing arenas as well as listing players.
* `/ma join` or `/ma j` - Join the arena if only one exists. Otherwise, join the Master Lobby (will be featured later).
* `/ma join <arena>` or `/ma j <arena>` - Join the arena with the specified name.
* `/ma leave` or `/ma l` - Leave the current arena, or the spectator area.
* `/ma notready` - Get a list of all players who aren't ready.
* `/ma spectate` or `/ma spec` - Spectate the arena if only one exists.
* `/ma spectate <arena>` or `/ma spec <arena>` - Spectate the arena with the specified name.
* `/ma arenas` - Get a list of all arenas. Green names are enabled, gray names are disabled.
* `/ma players` - Get a list of all arena players.
* `/ma players <arena>` - Get a list of arena players in the specified arena.
### Admin commands ###
Only admins and the console can issue these commands. They include forcefully starting or ending arenas, enabling/disabling individual arenas or MobArena entirely.
* `/ma enable` - Enable MobArena.
* `/ma disable` - Disable MobArena.
* `/ma enable <arena>` - Enable the arena with the specified name.
* `/ma disable <arena>` - Disable the arena with the specified name.
* `/ma force end` - Forcefully end all arenas.
* `/ma force end <arena>` - Forcefully end the arena with the specified name; forces all players to leave.
* `/ma force start <arena>` - Forcefully start the arena with the specified name; forces all players who aren't ready to leave.
* `/ma notready <arena>` - Get a list of all players in the given arena who aren't ready.
* `/ma restore <player>` - Restore the inventory of the player with the given name, if possible.
* `/ma config reload` - Reload the config-file into memory. This is useful if changes are made in the config-file while the server is running.
### Setup commands ###
Only admins (and the console, if it makes sense) can issue these commands. They include setting warp points, spawnpoints and region points.
* `/ma arena` - Find out which arena is currently selected, and which arenas are available.
* `/ma setarena <arena>` - Set the _current arena_ to the arena with the given name.
* `/ma addarena <arena>` - Create a new arena-node and set the current arena to it.
* `/ma delarena <arena>` - Delete the arena with the given name.
* `/ma editarena (<arena>) ([true|false])` - Set/toggle edit mode for an arena. If no arena name is given, the _current arena_ will receive the command. If true/false is _not_ given, the command will work as a _toggle_. Thus simply typing `/ma editarena` twice will toggle edit mode on and off for the _current arena_. Typing `/ma editarena <arena>` will toggle edit mode for the given arena.
* `/ma setregion [p1|p2]` - Set the given region point of the current arena.
* `/ma expandregion <amount> [up|down|out]` - Expand the current arena's region by <amount> blocks either up, down or in all other directions (north, south, east, west).
* `/ma showregion ([glowstone|white|red|green|blue])` - Shows the region of the _current arena_, given that it is in _edit mode_. The region is shown as a glass frame by default, but by specifying either `glowstone` or one of the listed colors, the region frame will be shown as either glowstone blocks or wool blocks with the given color.
* `/ma setlobbyregion [l1|l2]` - Set the given lobby region point of the current arena.
* `/ma expandlobbyregion <amount> [up|down|out]` - Expand the current arena's lobby region.
* `/ma setwarp [arena|lobby|spectator]` - Set the given warp point.
* `/ma spawnpoints` - Get a list of spawnpoints for the currently selected arena.
* `/ma addspawn <spawn>` - Add a spawnpoint with the given name.
* `/ma delspawn <spawn>` - Delete the spawnpoint with the given name.
* `/ma auto-generate <arena>` - Auto-generate a new arena with the given name. The arena will be generated just below the player in the world they are standing in.
* `/ma auto-degenerate <arena>` - Degenerate the arena with the given name, effectively restoring the patch that was "bulldozed" with the auto-generator.
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