In porting to Sponge, the goals for the plugin are to match Bukkit functionality where possible, as well as take into account user requests made # Sponge-specific items - How to incorporate data API? (block metadata values) -- check with all possible combinations? # Requests - Restrict anvil functionality (only enchant, not rename) #95 - Don't drop restricted items (a dropper) - Mod compatibility -- don't restrict mod compatibility where possible? - Armor stands? - Taming horses? - # Other features - Port over configuration - Customizable messages (keyed by permission) # Entity name formatting - Complex? get parent - Item? get permission for block - Player? `player.` - Tameable? `animal.[.]` **Categories**: Player (Player.class), Item (Item.class), Animal (Animals.class, Squid.class), Monster (Monster.class, Slime.class, EnderDragon.class, Ghast.class), NPC (NPC.class), Projectile (Projectile.class) # Permissions **Default message**: Sorry, you don't have enough permissions **Message format**: `&f[&2Modifyworld&f]&4 %s` Check | Permission (omitting `modifyworld.`) | Message | Commentary ------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ---------- Break block/hanging | `blocks.destroy.` | `&a$1&4 is too tough for you` Place block/hanging | `` | `This is the wrong place for &a$1` Interact block | `blocks.interact.` | `You are too jelly for &2$1` Player deal damage | `` | `Your level is too low for &5$1` Player take damage | `damage.take.` | (none) Player enviro dmg | `damage.take.` | (none) Player tame entity | `tame.` | `This &a$1&4 is too ferocious` Ent. target player | `mobtarget.` | (none) Sneak | `sneak` | (none) | Split out into on/off? Sprint | `sprint` | (none) Login/Whitelist | `login` | `You are not allowed to join this server. Goodbye!` (Log message as well) Enter bed | `usebeds` | `You can't sleep yet, there are monsters nearby` Empty bucket | `bucket.empty.` | `You suddenly realized you still need &a$1` Fill bucket | `bucket.fill.` | `This bucket is holey` Block PM (/tell) | `` | `Listener is deaf` Chat | `chat` | `Your mouth is too dry` Pick up item | `items.pickup.` | (none) Drop item | `items.drop.` | `This is indecent to scatter &a$1&4 around` Hold item | `items.hold.` | `Beware, &a$1&4 is cursed!` Transfer items | `items...of.` | (none) Use item on entity | `items.use..on.entity.` | `Stop, &a$1&4 won't fit into &a$3` Interact (similar) | `interact.` | (none) Right click/throw | `items.throw.` | (none) | Potion (splash only), egg, snowball, expbottle Right click/spawn | `spawn.` | (none) Click on block | `items.use..on.block.` | (none) Click on block | `blocks.interact.` | `You are too jelly for &2$1` Enchant item | `items.enchant.` | Craft item | `items.craft.` | `Sorry. but &a$1&4 is too complicated` Change food level | `digestion` | (none) | Possible split ount into eating/deterioriation Dmg/destroy vehicle | `vehicle.destry.` | `This &a$1&4 is legal property of &bUnited States of America` Enter vehicle | `vehicle.enter.` | Boat: `You are too heavy for this &a$1` Minecart: `Sorry, but &a$1&4 is too small` Vehice collide w/ply| `vehicle.collide.` | -