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synced 2025-03-13 07:10:02 +01:00
Fixed warnings about RedundantModifierCheck.
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,20 +26,20 @@ public interface Core {
* @return The Multiverse config file.
public FileConfiguration getMVConfiguration();
FileConfiguration getMVConfiguration();
* Gets the Banking system that Multiverse-Core has hooked into.
* @return A {@link GenericBank} that can be used for payments.
public GenericBank getBank();
GenericBank getBank();
* Reloads the Multiverse Configuration files:
* worlds.yml and config.yml.
public void loadConfigs();
void loadConfigs();
* Gets the Multiverse message system. This allows you to send messages
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public interface Core {
* @return The loaded {@link MVMessaging}.
public MVMessaging getMessaging();
MVMessaging getMessaging();
* Gets the {@link MVPlayerSession} for the given player.
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public interface Core {
* @return The corresponding {@link MVPlayerSession}.
public MVPlayerSession getPlayerSession(Player player);
MVPlayerSession getPlayerSession(Player player);
* Gets the instantiated Safe-T-Teleporter for performing
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public interface Core {
* @return A non-null {@link SafeTTeleporter}.
public SafeTTeleporter getTeleporter();
SafeTTeleporter getTeleporter();
* Multiverse uses an advanced permissions setup, this object
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public interface Core {
* @return A non-null {@link MVPermissions}.
public MVPermissions getMVPerms();
MVPermissions getMVPerms();
* Multiverse uses {@link CommandHandler} to make adding and using commands
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public interface Core {
* @return A non-null {@link CommandHandler}.
public CommandHandler getCommandHandler();
CommandHandler getCommandHandler();
* Gets the factory class responsible for loading many different destinations
@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ public interface Core {
* @return A valid {@link DestinationFactory}.
public DestinationFactory getDestFactory();
DestinationFactory getDestFactory();
* Gets the primary class responsible for managing Multiverse Worlds.
* @return {@link WorldManager}.
public MVWorldManager getMVWorldManager();
MVWorldManager getMVWorldManager();
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ public interface FancyText {
* @return And Here.
public String getFancyText();
String getFancyText();
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ public interface LoggablePlugin {
* @param level The severity of the log.
* @param msg The message to log.
public void log(Level level, String msg);
void log(Level level, String msg);
* Gets the server instance that this plugin is attached to.
* @return A {@link Server} instance.
public Server getServer();
Server getServer();
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return The identifier or prefix that is required for this destination.
public String getIdentifier();
String getIdentifier();
* Allows you to determine if a Destination is valid for the type it thinks it is.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return True if the destination is valid, false if not.
public boolean isThisType(JavaPlugin plugin, String destination);
boolean isThisType(JavaPlugin plugin, String destination);
* Returns the location a specific entity will spawn at.
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return The location of the entity.
public Location getLocation(Entity entity);
Location getLocation(Entity entity);
* Returns the velocity vector for this destination.
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return A vector representing the speed/direction the player should travel when arriving
public Vector getVelocity();
Vector getVelocity();
* Sets the destination string.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @param plugin The plugin who the type belongs to.
* @param destination The destination string. ex: p:MyPortal:nw
public void setDestination(JavaPlugin plugin, String destination);
void setDestination(JavaPlugin plugin, String destination);
* Returns true if the destination is valid and players will be taken to it.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return True if the destination is valid; false if not.
public boolean isValid();
boolean isValid();
* Gives you a general friendly description of the type of destination.
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return A friendly string description of the type of destination.
public String getType();
String getType();
* Gives you a specific name of the destination.
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return A friendly string stating the name of the destination.
public String getName();
String getName();
* Returns a string that can easily be saved in the config that contains all the details needed to rebuild this
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return The savable config string.
public String toString();
String toString();
* Returns the permissions string required to go here.
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return the permissions string required to go here.
public String getRequiredPermission();
String getRequiredPermission();
* Should the Multiverse SafeTeleporter be used?
@ -139,5 +139,5 @@ public interface MVDestination {
* @return True if the SafeTeleporter will be used, false if not.
public boolean useSafeTeleporter();
boolean useSafeTeleporter();
@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ public interface MVPlugin extends LoggablePlugin {
* @return A modified buffer that contains this MVPlugin's version information.
public String dumpVersionInfo(String buffer);
String dumpVersionInfo(String buffer);
* Gets the reference to MultiverseCore.
* @return A valid {@link MultiverseCore}.
public MultiverseCore getCore();
MultiverseCore getCore();
* Sets the reference to MultiverseCore.
* @param core A valid {@link MultiverseCore}.
public void setCore(MultiverseCore core);
void setCore(MultiverseCore core);
* Allows Multiverse or a plugin to query another Multiverse plugin to see what version its protocol is. This
@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ public interface MVPlugin extends LoggablePlugin {
* @return The Integer protocol version.
public int getProtocolVersion();
int getProtocolVersion();
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return A {@link World}
public World getCBWorld();
World getCBWorld();
* Adds the property to the given value.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return True if the value was set, false if not.
* @throws PropertyDoesNotExistException Thrown if the property was not found in the world.
public boolean setProperty(String property, String value, CommandSender sender) throws PropertyDoesNotExistException;
boolean setProperty(String property, String value, CommandSender sender) throws PropertyDoesNotExistException;
* Gets the actual MVConfigProperty from this world.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @deprecated Use {@link #getProperty(String, Class)} instead
public MVConfigProperty<?> getProperty(String property) throws PropertyDoesNotExistException;
MVConfigProperty<?> getProperty(String property) throws PropertyDoesNotExistException;
* Gets the string representation of a property.
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return A valid MVWorldProperty.
* @throws PropertyDoesNotExistException Thrown if the property was not found in the world.
public String getPropertyValue(String property) throws PropertyDoesNotExistException;
String getPropertyValue(String property) throws PropertyDoesNotExistException;
* Gets the actual MVConfigProperty from this world.
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return A valid MVWorldProperty.
* @throws PropertyDoesNotExistException Thrown if the property was not found in the world.
public <T> MVConfigProperty<T> getProperty(String property, Class<T> expected) throws PropertyDoesNotExistException;
<T> MVConfigProperty<T> getProperty(String property, Class<T> expected) throws PropertyDoesNotExistException;
* Removes all values from the given property. The property must be a {@link com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.enums.AddProperties}.
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param property The name of a {@link com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.enums.AddProperties} to clear.
* @return True if it was cleared, false if not.
public boolean clearVariable(String property);
boolean clearVariable(String property);
* Adds a value to the given property. The property must be a {@link com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.enums.AddProperties}.
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param value A value in string representation, it will be parsed to the correct type.
* @return True if the value was added, false if not.
public boolean addToVariable(String property, String value);
boolean addToVariable(String property, String value);
* Removes a value from the given property. The property must be a {@link com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.enums.AddProperties}.
@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param value A value in string representation, it will be parsed to the correct type.
* @return True if the value was removed, false if not.
public boolean removeFromVariable(String property, String value);
boolean removeFromVariable(String property, String value);
* Gets the environment of this world.
* @return A {@link org.bukkit.World.Environment}.
public World.Environment getEnvironment();
World.Environment getEnvironment();
* Sets the environment of a world.
@ -120,28 +120,28 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param environment A {@link org.bukkit.World.Environment}.
public void setEnvironment(World.Environment environment);
void setEnvironment(World.Environment environment);
* Gets the world seed of this world.
* @return The Long version of the seed.
public Long getSeed();
Long getSeed();
* Sets the seed of this world.
* @param seed A Long that is the seed.
public void setSeed(Long seed);
void setSeed(Long seed);
* Gets the name of this world. This cannot be changed.
* @return The name of the world as a String.
public String getName();
String getName();
* Gets the alias of this world.
@ -150,14 +150,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return The alias of the world as a String.
public String getAlias();
String getAlias();
* Sets the alias of the world.
* @param alias A string that is the new alias.
public void setAlias(String alias);
void setAlias(String alias);
* Sets the color that this world's name/alias will display as.
@ -165,14 +165,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param color A valid color name.
* @return True if the color was set, false if not.
public boolean setColor(String color);
boolean setColor(String color);
* Gets the color that this world's name/alias will display as.
* @return The color of this world.
public ChatColor getColor();
ChatColor getColor();
* Tells you if someone entered a valid color.
@ -180,35 +180,35 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param color A string that may translate to a color.
* @return True if it is a color, false if not.
public boolean isValidAliasColor(String color);
boolean isValidAliasColor(String color);
* Returns a very nicely colored string (using Alias and Color if they are set).
* @return A nicely colored string.
public String getColoredWorldString();
String getColoredWorldString();
* Gets whether or not animals are allowed to spawn in this world.
* @return True if ANY animal can, false if no animals can spawn.
public boolean canAnimalsSpawn();
boolean canAnimalsSpawn();
* Gets whether or not monsters are allowed to spawn in this world.
* @return True if ANY monster can, false if no monsters can spawn.
public boolean canMonstersSpawn();
boolean canMonstersSpawn();
* Turn pvp on or off. This setting is used to set the world's PVP mode, and thus relies on fakePVP
* @param pvpMode True to enable PVP damage, false to disable it.
public void setPVPMode(boolean pvpMode);
void setPVPMode(boolean pvpMode);
* Turn pvp on or off. This setting is used to set the world's PVP mode, and thus relies on fakePVP
@ -216,14 +216,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return True if this world has fakepvp on
public boolean getFakePVP();
boolean getFakePVP();
* Gets whether or not PVP is enabled in this world in some form (fake or not).
* @return True if players can take damage from other players.
public boolean isPVPEnabled();
boolean isPVPEnabled();
* Gets whether or not this world will display in chat, mvw and mvl regardless if a user has the
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return True if the world will be hidden, false if not.
public boolean isHidden();
boolean isHidden();
* Sets whether or not this world will display in chat, mvw and mvl regardless if a user has the
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param hidden Set
public void setHidden(boolean hidden);
void setHidden(boolean hidden);
* Sets whether or not there will be weather events in a given world.
@ -247,14 +247,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param enableWeather True if weather events should occur in a world, false if not.
public void setEnableWeather(boolean enableWeather);
void setEnableWeather(boolean enableWeather);
* Gets whether weather is enabled in this world.
* @return True if weather events will occur, false if not.
public boolean isWeatherEnabled();
boolean isWeatherEnabled();
* If true, tells Craftbukkit to keep a worlds spawn chunks loaded in memory (default: true)
@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param keepSpawnInMemory If true, CraftBukkit will keep the spawn chunks loaded in memory.
public void setKeepSpawnInMemory(boolean keepSpawnInMemory);
void setKeepSpawnInMemory(boolean keepSpawnInMemory);
* Gets whether or not CraftBukkit is keeping the chunks for this world in memory.
* @return True if CraftBukkit is keeping spawn chunks in memory.
public boolean isKeepingSpawnInMemory();
boolean isKeepingSpawnInMemory();
* Sets the difficulty of this world and returns true if success.
@ -281,28 +281,28 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return True if success, false if the provided string
* could not be translated to a difficulty.
public boolean setDifficulty(String difficulty);
boolean setDifficulty(String difficulty);
* Gets the difficulty of this world.
* @return The difficulty of this world.
public Difficulty getDifficulty();
Difficulty getDifficulty();
* Sets the spawn location for a world.
* @param spawnLocation The spawn location for a world.
public void setSpawnLocation(Location spawnLocation);
void setSpawnLocation(Location spawnLocation);
* Gets the spawn location of this world.
* @return The spawn location of this world.
public Location getSpawnLocation();
Location getSpawnLocation();
* Sets whether or not the hunger level of players will go down in a world.
@ -310,14 +310,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param hungerEnabled True if hunger will go down, false to keep it at
* the level they entered a world with.
public void setHunger(boolean hungerEnabled);
void setHunger(boolean hungerEnabled);
* Gets whether or not the hunger level of players will go down in a world.
* @return True if it will go down, false if it will remain steady.
public boolean getHunger();
boolean getHunger();
* Sets the game mode of this world
@ -326,28 +326,28 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* an int ex. 0 or a string ex. creative).
* @return True if the game mode was successfully changed, false if not.
public boolean setGameMode(String gameMode);
boolean setGameMode(String gameMode);
* Gets the GameMode of this world.
* @return The GameMode of this world.
public GameMode getGameMode();
GameMode getGameMode();
* Gets the permission required to enter this world.
* @return The permission required to be exempt from charges to/from this world.
public Permission getAccessPermission();
Permission getAccessPermission();
* Gets the permission required to be exempt when entering.
* @return The permission required to be exempt when entering.
public Permission getExemptPermission();
Permission getExemptPermission();
* Sets the price for entry to this world.
@ -356,14 +356,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param price The Amount of money/item to enter the world.
public void setPrice(double price);
void setPrice(double price);
* Gets the amount of currency it requires to enter this world.
* @return The amount it costs to enter this world.
public double getPrice();
double getPrice();
* Sets the type of item that will be required given the price is not 0.
@ -371,14 +371,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param item The Type of currency that will be used when users enter this world.
public void setCurrency(int item);
void setCurrency(int item);
* Gets the Type of currency that will be used when users enter this world.
* @return The Type of currency that will be used when users enter this world.
public int getCurrency();
int getCurrency();
* Sets the world players will respawn in if they die in this one.
@ -387,14 +387,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param respawnWorld The name of a world that exists on the server.
* @return True if respawnWorld existed, false if not.
public boolean setRespawnToWorld(String respawnWorld);
boolean setRespawnToWorld(String respawnWorld);
* Gets the world players will respawn in if they die in this one.
* @return A world that exists on the server.
public World getRespawnToWorld();
World getRespawnToWorld();
* Sets the scale of this world. Really only has an effect if you use
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param scaling A scaling value, cannot be negative or 0.
public boolean setScaling(double scaling);
boolean setScaling(double scaling);
* Gets the scaling value of this world.Really only has an effect if you use
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return This world's non-negative, non-zero scale.
public double getScaling();
double getScaling();
* Gets a list of all the worlds that players CANNOT travel to from this world,
@ -418,14 +418,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return A List of world names.
public List<String> getWorldBlacklist();
List<String> getWorldBlacklist();
* Returns a list of animals. This list always negates the {@link #canAnimalsSpawn()} result.
* @return A list of animals that will spawn if {@link #canAnimalsSpawn()} is false.
public List<String> getAnimalList();
List<String> getAnimalList();
* Sets whether or not animals can spawn.
@ -434,14 +434,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param allowAnimalSpawn True to allow spawning of monsters, false to prevent.
public void setAllowAnimalSpawn(boolean allowAnimalSpawn);
void setAllowAnimalSpawn(boolean allowAnimalSpawn);
* Returns a list of monsters. This list always negates the {@link #canMonstersSpawn()} ()} result.
* @return A list of monsters that will spawn if {@link #canMonstersSpawn()} is false.
public List<String> getMonsterList();
List<String> getMonsterList();
* Sets whether or not monsters can spawn.
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param allowMonsterSpawn True to allow spawning of monsters, false to prevent.
public void setAllowMonsterSpawn(boolean allowMonsterSpawn);
void setAllowMonsterSpawn(boolean allowMonsterSpawn);
* Clears a list property (sets it to []).
@ -458,35 +458,35 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param property The property to clear.
* @return True if success, false if fail.
public boolean clearList(String property);
boolean clearList(String property);
* Sets whether or not a world will auto-heal players if the difficulty is on peaceful.
* @param heal True if the world will heal.
public void setAutoHeal(boolean heal);
void setAutoHeal(boolean heal);
* Gets whether or not a world will auto-heal players if the difficulty is on peaceful.
* @return True if the world should heal (default), false if not.
public boolean getAutoHeal();
boolean getAutoHeal();
* Sets whether or not Multiverse should auto-adjust the spawn for this world.
* @param adjust True if multiverse should adjust the spawn, false if not.
public void setAdjustSpawn(boolean adjust);
void setAdjustSpawn(boolean adjust);
* Gets whether or not Multiverse should auto-adjust the spawn for this world.
* @return True if Multiverse should adjust the spawn, false if not.
public boolean getAdjustSpawn();
boolean getAdjustSpawn();
* Sets whether or not Multiverse should auto-load this world.
@ -495,14 +495,14 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param autoLoad True if multiverse should autoload this world the spawn, false if not.
public void setAutoLoad(boolean autoLoad);
void setAutoLoad(boolean autoLoad);
* Gets whether or not Multiverse should auto-load this world.
* @return True if Multiverse should auto-load this world.
public boolean getAutoLoad();
boolean getAutoLoad();
* Sets whether or not a player who dies in this world will respawn in their
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @param autoLoad True if players dying in this world respawn at their bed.
public void setBedRespawn(boolean autoLoad);
void setBedRespawn(boolean autoLoad);
* Gets whether or not a player who dies in this world will respawn in their
@ -520,12 +520,12 @@ public interface MultiverseWorld {
* @return True if players dying in this world should respawn at their bed.
public boolean getBedRespawn();
boolean getBedRespawn();
* Gets all the names of all properties that can be SET
* @return All property names, with alternating colors.
public String getAllPropertyNames();
String getAllPropertyNames();
@ -13,35 +13,35 @@ public interface MVConfigProperty<T> {
* @return The name of this property.
public String getName();
String getName();
* Gets the value of this property.
* @return The value of this property.
public T getValue();
T getValue();
* Gets the string representation of this value.
* @return The value of this property as a string.
public String toString();
String toString();
* Gets the help string for this
* @return The value of this property as a string.
public String getHelp();
String getHelp();
* Sets the value of this property
* @param value The T representation of this value.
public boolean setValue(T value);
boolean setValue(T value);
* This parseValue should be used with strings.
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public interface MVConfigProperty<T> {
* @return True if the value was set, false if not.
public boolean parseValue(String value);
boolean parseValue(String value);
public String getConfigNode();
String getConfigNode();
@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ public interface PasteService {
* @param data The raw data to encode.
* @return A URL-encoded string.
public String encodeData(String data);
String encodeData(String data);
* Get the URL to which this paste service sends new pastes.
* @return The URL that will be accessed to complete the paste.
public URL getPostURL();
URL getPostURL();
* Post encoded data to the Web.
@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ public interface PasteService {
* @param url The URL to which to paste. Can be the result of calling #getPostURL().
* @return The URL at which the new paste is visible.
public String postData(String encodedData, URL url) throws PasteFailedException;
String postData(String encodedData, URL url) throws PasteFailedException;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user