# configuration mv-core.config.save.failed=Unable to save Multiverse-Core config.yml. Your changes will be temporary! mv-core.config.node.notfound=Node not found in config: {node} # /mv check mv-core.check.description=Checks if a player can teleport to a destination. mv-core.check.player.description=Player to check destination on. mv-core.check.destination.description=A destination location, e.g. a world name. mv-core.check.checking=Checking {player} to {destination} .. # /mv clone mv-core.clone.description=Clones a world. mv-core.clone.world.description=The target world to clone. mv-core.clone.newWorld.description=The new cloned world name. mv-core.clone.cloning=Cloning world '{world}' to '{newworld}'... mv-core.clone.success=&aWorld cloned to '{world}'! # /mv confirm mv-core.confirm.description=Confirms dangerous commands before executing them. # /mv coordinates mv-core.coordinates.description=Simply sends your coordinates mv-core.coordinates.info.title=&b--- Location Information --- mv-core.coordinates.info.world=&bWorld: &f{world} mv-core.coordinates.info.alias=&bAlias: &f{alias} mv-core.coordinates.info.worldScale=&bWorld Scale: &f{scale} mv-core.coordinates.info.coordinates=&bCoordinates: &f{coordinates} mv-core.coordinates.info.direction=&bDirection: &f{direction} # /mv create mv-core.create.description=Creates a new world and loads it. mv-core.create.name.description=New world name. mv-core.create.environment.description=The world's environment. See: /mv environments mv-core.create.flags.description=Additional world settings. See https://gg.gg/nn8bl for all possible flags. mv-core.create.properties=Creating world {worldName} with the following properties: mv-core.create.properties.environment=- Environment: &f{environment} mv-core.create.properties.seed=- Seed: &f{seed} mv-core.create.properties.worldtype=- World Type: &f{worldType} mv-core.create.properties.adjustspawn=- Adjust Spawn: &f{adjustSpawn} mv-core.create.properties.generator=- Generator: &f{generator} mv-core.create.properties.structures=- Structures: &f{structures} mv-core.create.loading=Creating world... mv-core.create.success=&aWorld '{world}' created! # /mv debug mv-core.debug.info.description=Show the current debug level. mv-core.debug.info.off=&fMultiverse Debug mode is &cOFF&f. mv-core.debug.info.on=&fMultiverse Debug mode is at &alevel {level}&f. mv-core.debug.change.description=Change debug level. mv-core.debug.change.syntax=level mv-core.debug.change.level.description=Debug level to set to. # /mv delete mv-core.delete.description=Deletes a world on your server PERMANENTLY. mv-core.delete.deleting=Deleting world '{world}'... mv-core.delete.prompt=Are you sure you want to delete world '{world}'? mv-core.delete.success=&aWorld '{world}' deleted! # /mv dumps mv-core.dumps.description=Dumps version info to the console or paste services mv-core.dumps.url.list={service} : {link} # /mv gamerule set mv-core.gamerule.set.description=Changes a gamerule in one or more worlds. mv-core.gamerule.set.gamerule.description=Gamerule to set. mv-core.gamerule.set.value.description=Value of gamerule. mv-core.gamerule.set.world.description=World to apply gamerule to, current player's world by default. mv-core.gamerule.set.failed=Failed to set gamerule {gamerule} to {value} in {world}. &fIt should be a {type}. mv-core.gamerule.set.success.single=&aSuccessfully set {gamerule} to {value} in {world}. mv-core.gamerule.set.success.multiple=&aSuccessfully set {gamerule} to {value} in {count} worlds. # /mv gamerule reset mv-core.gamerule.reset.description=Resets a gamerule in one or more worlds to it's default value. mv-core.gamerule.reset.gamerule.description=Gamerule to reset. mv-core.gamerule.reset.world.description=World to reset gamerule of, current player's world by default. mv-core.gamerule.reset.failed=Failed to reset gamerule {gamerule} in {world}. mv-core.gamerule.reset.success.single=&aSuccessfully reset {gamerule} in {world}. mv-core.gamerule.reset.success.multiple=&aSuccessfully reset {gamerule} in {count} worlds. # /mv gamerule list mv-core.gamerule.list.description=Lists gamerules for the specified world. mv-core.gamerule.list.description.page=The page to view. mv-core.gamerule.list.description.world=The world to list gamerules in. mv-core.gamerule.list.title= --- Gamerules for {world} --- # /mv generators mv-core.generators.description=Lists generators known to Multiverse mv-core.generators.description.flags=Filter - only shows entries matching this. Page - the page to show mv-core.generators.empty=&cNo Generator Plugins found. # /mv import mv-core.import.description=Imports an existing world folder. mv-core.import.name.description=Name of the world folder. mv-core.import.env.description=The world's environment. See: /mv env mv-core.import.other.description=Other world settings. See: https://gg.gg/nn8c2 mv-core.import.importing=Starting import of world '{world}'... mv-core.import.success=&aWorld '{world}' imported! # /mv load mv-core.load.description=Loads a world. World must be already in worlds.yml, else please use /mv import. mv-core.load.world.description=Name of world you want to load. mv-core.load.loading=Loading world '{world}'... mv-core.load.success=&aWorld '{world}' loaded! # /mv regen mv-core.regen.description=Regenerates a world on your server. The previous state will be lost PERMANENTLY. mv-core.regen.world.description=World that you want to regen. mv-core.regen.other.description=Other world settings. See: http://gg.gg/nn8lk mv-core.regen.regenerating=Regenerating world '{world}'... mv-core.regen.prompt=Are you sure you want to regenerate world '{world}'? mv-core.regen.success=&aWorld '{world}' regenerated! # /mv reload mv-core.reload.description=Reloads config files for all Multiverse modules. mv-core.reload.reloading=&6Reloading all Multiverse Plugin configs... mv-core.reload.success=&aReload complete! # /mv remove mv-core.remove.description=Unloads a world from Multiverse and removes it from worlds.yml. This does NOT delete the world folder. mv-core.remove.world.description=World you want to remove from MV's knowledge. mv-core.remove.success=&aWorld '{world}' removed! # /mv mv-core.root.title=&a{name} version {version} mv-core.root.help=&aSee &f/mv help&a for commands available. # /mv tp mv-core.teleport.description=Allows you to teleport to a location on your server! mv-core.teleport.player.description=Target player to teleport. mv-core.teleport.destination.description=Location, can be a world name. mv-core.teleport.success=Teleporting {player} to {destination}... # /mv unload mv-core.unload.description=Unloads a world from Multiverse. This does NOT remove the world folder. This does NOT remove it from the config file. mv-core.unload.world.description=Name of the world you want to unload. mv-core.unload.unloading=Unloading world '{world}'... mv-core.unload.success=&aWorld '{world}' unloaded! # /mv usage mv-core.usage.description=Show Multiverse-Core command usage. # /mv version mv-core.version.description=Displays version and authors mv-core.version.mv=Multiverse Core Version &fv{version} mv-core.version.authors=Multiverse Core Authors &f{authors} mv-core.version.secretcode=Special Code: &fFRN002 # commands error mv-core.commands.error.playersonly=&cThis command can only be used by players mv-core.commands.error.multiverseworldonly=&cThis can only be used in multiverse worlds # entry check mv-core.entrycheck.blacklisted='{world}' is blacklisted. mv-core.entrycheck.notenoughmoney=you do not have enough money to pay entry fee. You are required to pay {amount}. mv-core.entrycheck.cannotpayentryfee=you do not have the ability to pay entry fee. mv-core.entrycheck.exceedplayerlimit=the world has reached its player limit. mv-core.entrycheck.noworldaccess=you do not have permissions to access the world. # world manager result mv-core.cloneworld.invalidworldname=World '{world}' contains invalid characters! mv-core.cloneworld.worldexistfolder=World '{world}' exists in server folders! You need to delete it first before cloning. mv-core.cloneworld.worldexistunloaded=World '{world}' already exists and it's unloaded! You need to delete it first before cloning. mv-core.cloneworld.worldexistloaded=World '{world}' already exists! You need to delete it first before cloning. mv-core.cloneworld.copyfailed=Failed to copy world to '{world}': {error}\n&fSee console for more details. mv-core.createworld.invalidworldname=World '{world}' contains invalid characters! mv-core.createworld.worldexistfolder=World '{world}' already exists in server folders!&f Type '&a/mv import {world} &f' if you wish to import it. mv-core.createworld.worldexistunloaded=World '{world}' already exists, but it's not loaded!&f Type '&a/mv load {world}&f' if you wish to load it. mv-core.createworld.worldexistloaded=World '{world}' already exists! mv-core.createworld.bukkitcreationfailed=Bukkit failed to create world '{world}': {error}\n&fSee console for more details. mv-core.deleteworld.worldnonexistent=World '{world}' not found! mv-core.deleteworld.loadfailed=Unable to load world '{world}', does the world folder exist?&f You can run '&a/mv remove {world}&f' to remove it from Multiverse, or attempt to load again with '&a/mv load {world}&f'. mv-core.deleteworld.worldfoldernotfound=World '{world}' folder not found! mv-core.deleteworld.failedtodeletefolder=Failed to delete world folder '{world}': {error}\n&fSee console for more details. mv-core.importworld.invalidworldname=World '{world}' contains invalid characters! mv-core.importworld.worldexistunloaded=World '{world}' already exists, but it's not loaded!&f Type '&a/mv load {world}&f' if you wish to load it. mv-core.importworld.worldexistloaded=World '{world}' already exists! mv-core.importworld.worldfolderinvalid=World '{world}' folder contents does not seem to be a valid world! mv-core.importworld.bukkitcreationfailed=Bukkit failed to import world '{world}': {error}\n&fSee console for more details. mv-core.loadworld.worldalreadyloading=World '{world}' is already loading! Please wait... mv-core.loadworld.worldnonexistent=World '{world}' not found! Use '&a/mv create {world} &f' to create it. mv-core.loadworld.worldexistfolder=World '{world}' exists in server folders, but it's not known to Multiverse!&f Type '&a/mv import {world} &f' if you wish to import it. mv-core.loadworld.worldexistloaded=World '{world}' is already loaded! mv-core.loadworld.bukkitcreationfailed=Bukkit failed to load world '{world}': {error}\n&fSee console for more details. mv-core.removeworld.worldnonexistent=World '{world}' not found! mv-core.unloadworld.worldalreadyunloading=World '{world}' is already unloading! Please wait... mv-core.unloadworld.worldnonexistent=World '{world}' does not exist! mv-core.unloadworld.worldunloaded=World '{world}' is already unloaded! mv-core.unloadworld.bukkitunloadfailed=Bukkit failed to unload world '{world}': {error}\n&fSee console for more details. # generic mv-core.generic.success=Success! mv-core.generic.failure=Failed!