name: Multiverse-Core main: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCore authors: ['dumptruckman', 'Rigby', 'fernferret', 'lithium3141', 'main--'] website: '' softdepend: ['Vault'] api-version: 1.13 version: ${version} commands: mv: description: Generic Multiverse Command usage: / mvcreate: description: World create command aliases: [mvc] usage: | / / creative normal -- Creates a world called 'creative' with a NORMAL environment. / hellworld nether -- Creates a world called 'hellworld' with a NETHER environment. mvimport: description: World import command aliases: [mvim] usage: | / [-g generator[:id]] [-n] / creative normal -- Imports an existing world called 'creative' with a NORMAL environment. / hellworld nether -- Imports an existing world called 'hellworld' with a NETHER environment. mvremove: description: Remove world from multiverse command usage: | / mvdelete: description: Delete world from server folders command usage: | / mvunload: description: World unload command usage: | / mvmodify: description: Modify the settings of an existing world aliases: [mvm] usage: | / [world] / set pvp false creative -- Turns off PVP in the 'creative' world. mvmset: description: Modify the settings of an existing world usage: | / [world] / pvp false creative -- Turns off PVP in the 'creative' world. mvmadd: description: Modify the settings of an existing world usage: | / [world] / sheep animals world_nether -- Add sheep to animal list for 'world_nether' world. mvmremove: description: Modify the settings of an existing world aliases: [mvmdelete] usage: | / [world] / sheep animals world_nether -- remove sheep from animal list for 'world_nether' world. mvmclear: description: Modify the settings of an existing world usage: | / [world] / animals world_nether -- Empties animal list for 'world_nether' world. mvtp: description: Command to teleport between Worlds usage: | / [player] Example: / creative - Teleports you to the relevant location in the 'creative' world. mvlist: description: Print list of loaded Worlds aliases: [mvl] usage: | / [page] Example: / NETHER - Shows all NETHER Worlds. Example: / NORMAL - Shows all NORMAL Worlds. mvsetspawn: description: Set the spawn area for a particular world aliases: [mvsets, mvss] usage: / -- Sets the spawn area of the current world to your location. mvspawn: description: Teleport to the spawn area aliases: [mvs] usage: / [player] -- Teleports you to the spawn area of your current world. mvcoord: description: Display World, Coordinates, Direction & Compression for a world. aliases: [mvco] usage: | / [world] / -- Shows the relevant coordinates in your current world. / creative -- Shows the relevant coordinates if you were in the 'creative' world. mvwho: description: Display online users per world. aliases: [mvw] usage: | / [world|--all] / -- Shows who is online in each world. / creative -- Shows who is online in the 'creative' world. mvreload: description: Reload Configuration files. aliases: [mvr] usage: / mvpurge: description: Purge the targetted world of creatures. usage: | / [WORLD|all] [all|animals|monsters|MOBNAME] / -- Purges the players world of all creatures. / creative all -- Purges the creative world of all Creatures. / creative creeper -- Purges the creative world of all CREEPERS. mvconfirm: description: Confirms sensitive decisions like deleting a world. usage: | / mvinfo: description: Gets world info. aliases: [mvi] usage: | / [world] [page] mvenv: description: Tells the user all possible environment types. usage: | / mvversion: description: Prints out version info. aliases: [mvv, mvver] usage: | / [-b|-h|-p] [--include-plugin-list] mvhelp: description: Displays the Multiverse Help. aliases: [mvsearch, mvh] usage: | / [filter] [page #] mvdebug: description: Turns on debugging. usage: | / [1|2|3|off|silent] mvgenerators: description: Displays all found world generators. aliases: [mvgens] usage: | / mvload: description: Loads a world into Multiverse. usage: | / mvregen: description: Regenerates a world Multiverse already knows about. usage: | / [-s seed] mvscript: description: Runs a script from the Multiverse scripts directory. usage: | /