package; import java.util.List; import; import io.vavr.control.Option; import io.vavr.control.Try; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Difficulty; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.mvplugins.multiverse.core.configuration.handle.StringPropertyHandle; import; import; /** * Represents a world handled by Multiverse which has all the custom properties provided by Multiverse. */ public class MultiverseWorld { /** * This world's name. */ protected final String worldName; /** * This world's configuration. */ protected WorldConfig worldConfig; MultiverseWorld(String worldName, WorldConfig worldConfig) { this.worldName = worldName; this.worldConfig = worldConfig; } /** * Gets the name of this world. The name cannot be changed. *
* Note for plugin developers: Usually {@link #getAlias()} * is what you want to use instead of this method. * * @return The name of the world as a String. */ public String getName() { return worldName; } /** * Gets whether this world is loaded. * * @return True if the world is loaded, else false. */ public boolean isLoaded() { return worldConfig.hasMVWorld(); } /** * Gets the properties handler of this world. * * @return The properties handler of this world. */ public StringPropertyHandle getStringPropertyHandle() { return worldConfig.getStringPropertyHandle(); } /** * Gets whether or not Multiverse should auto-adjust the spawn for this world. * * @return True if Multiverse should adjust the spawn, false if not. */ public boolean getAdjustSpawn() { return worldConfig.getAdjustSpawn(); } /** * Sets whether or not Multiverse should auto-adjust the spawn for this world. * * @param adjustSpawn True if multiverse should adjust the spawn, false if not. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setAdjustSpawn(boolean adjustSpawn) { return worldConfig.setAdjustSpawn(adjustSpawn); } /** * Gets the alias of this world. *
* This alias allows users to have a world named "world" but show up in the list as "FernIsland" * * @return The alias of the world as a String. */ public String getAlias() { return Strings.isNullOrEmpty(worldConfig.getAlias()) ? worldName : worldConfig.getAlias(); } /** * Sets the alias of the world. * * @param alias A string that is the new alias. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setAlias(String alias) { return worldConfig.setAlias(alias); } /** * Whether or not players are allowed to fly in this world. * * @return True if players allowed to fly in this world. */ public boolean getAllowFlight() { return worldConfig.getAllowFlight(); } /** * Sets whether or not players are allowed to fly in this world. * * @param allowFlight True to allow flight in this world. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setAllowFlight(boolean allowFlight) { return worldConfig.setAllowFlight(allowFlight); } /** * Gets whether weather is enabled in this world. * * @return True if weather events will occur, false if not. */ public boolean getAllowWeather() { return worldConfig.getAllowWeather(); } /** * Sets whether or not there will be weather events in a given world. * If set to false, Multiverse will disable the weather in the world immediately. * * @param allowWeather True if weather events should occur in a world, false if not. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setAllowWeather(boolean allowWeather) { return worldConfig.setAllowWeather(allowWeather); } /** * Gets whether or not a world will auto-heal players if the difficulty is on peaceful. * * @return True if the world should heal (default), false if not. */ public boolean getAutoHeal() { return worldConfig.getAutoHeal(); } /** * Sets whether or not a world will auto-heal players if the difficulty is on peaceful. * * @param autoHeal True if the world will heal. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setAutoHeal(boolean autoHeal) { return worldConfig.setAutoHeal(autoHeal); } /** * Gets whether or not Multiverse should auto-load this world. * * @return True if Multiverse should auto-load this world. */ public boolean getAutoLoad() { return worldConfig.getAutoLoad(); } /** * Sets whether or not Multiverse should auto-load this world. *
* True is default. * * @param autoLoad True if multiverse should autoload this world the spawn, false if not. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setAutoLoad(boolean autoLoad) { return worldConfig.setAutoLoad(autoLoad); } /** * Gets whether or not a player who dies in this world will respawn in their * bed or follow the normal respawn pattern. * * @return True if players dying in this world should respawn at their bed. */ public boolean getBedRespawn() { return worldConfig.getBedRespawn(); } /** * Sets whether or not a player who dies in this world will respawn in their * bed or follow the normal respawn pattern. *
* True is default. * * @param bedRespawn True if players dying in this world respawn at their bed. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setBedRespawn(boolean bedRespawn) { return worldConfig.setBedRespawn(bedRespawn); } /** * Gets the type of currency that will be used when users enter this world. A value of null indicates a non-item * based currency is used. * * @return The type of currency that will be used when users enter this world. */ public Material getCurrency() { return worldConfig.getEntryFeeCurrency(); } /** * Sets the type of item that will be required given the price is not 0. * Use a value of null to specify a non-item based currency. * * @param currency The Type of currency that will be used when users enter this world. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setCurrency(Material currency) { return worldConfig.setEntryFeeCurrency(currency); } /** * Gets the difficulty of this world. * * @return The difficulty of this world. */ public Difficulty getDifficulty() { return worldConfig.getDifficulty(); } /** * Sets the difficulty of this world and returns {@code true} on success. * Valid string values are either an integer of difficulty(0-3) or * the name that resides in the Bukkit enum, ex. PEACEFUL * * @param difficulty The new difficulty. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setDifficulty(Difficulty difficulty) { return worldConfig.setDifficulty(difficulty); } /** * Gets the environment of this world. You cannot change this after world creation. * * @return A {@link World.Environment}. */ public World.Environment getEnvironment() { return worldConfig.getEnvironment(); } /** * Gets the GameMode of this world. * * @return The GameMode of this world. */ public GameMode getGameMode() { return worldConfig.getGameMode(); } /** * Sets the game mode of this world. * * @param gameMode The new {@link GameMode}. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setGameMode(GameMode gameMode) { return worldConfig.setGameMode(gameMode); } /** * Gets the generator string of this world. You cannot change this after world creation. * * @return The name of the generator. */ public String getGenerator() { return worldConfig.getGenerator(); } /** * Gets whether or not this world will display in chat, mvw and mvl regardless if a user has the * access permissions to go to this world. * * @return True if the world will be hidden, false if not. */ public boolean isHidden() { return worldConfig.isHidden(); } /** * Sets whether or not this world will display in chat, mvw and mvl regardless if a user has the * access permissions to go to this world. * * @param hidden True if the world should be hidden, false if not. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setHidden(boolean hidden) { return worldConfig.setHidden(hidden); } /** * Gets whether or not the hunger level of players will go down in a world. * * @return True if it will go down, false if it will remain steady. */ public boolean getHunger() { return worldConfig.getHunger(); } /** * Sets whether or not the hunger level of players will go down in a world. * * @param hunger True if hunger will go down, false to keep it at the level they entered a world with. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setHunger(boolean hunger) { return worldConfig.setHunger(hunger); } /** * Gets whether or not CraftBukkit is keeping the chunks for this world in memory. * * @return True if CraftBukkit is keeping spawn chunks in memory. */ public boolean getKeepSpawnInMemory() { return worldConfig.getKeepSpawnInMemory(); } /** * If true, tells Craftbukkit to keep a worlds spawn chunks loaded in memory (default: true) * If not, CraftBukkit will attempt to free memory when players have not used that world. * This will not happen immediately. * * @param keepSpawnInMemory If true, CraftBukkit will keep the spawn chunks loaded in memory. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setKeepSpawnInMemory(boolean keepSpawnInMemory) { return worldConfig.setKeepSpawnInMemory(keepSpawnInMemory); } /** * Gets the player limit for this world after which players without an override * permission node will not be allowed in. A value of -1 or less signifies no limit * * @return The player limit */ public int getPlayerLimit() { return worldConfig.getPlayerLimit(); } /** * Sets the player limit for this world after which players without an override * permission node will not be allowed in. A value of -1 or less signifies no limit * * @param playerLimit The new limit * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setPlayerLimit(int playerLimit) { return worldConfig.setPlayerLimit(playerLimit); } /** * Gets which type(s) of portals are allowed to be constructed in this world. * * @return The type of portals that are allowed. */ public AllowedPortalType getPortalForm() { return worldConfig.getPortalForm(); } /** * Sets The types of portals that are allowed in this world. * * @param portalForm The type of portals allowed in this world. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setPortalForm(AllowedPortalType portalForm) { return worldConfig.setPortalForm(portalForm); } /** * Gets the amount of currency it requires to enter this world. * * @return The amount it costs to enter this world. */ public double getPrice() { return worldConfig.getEntryFeeAmount(); } /** * Sets the price for entry to this world. * You can think of this like an amount. * The type can be set with {@link #setCurrency(Material)} * * @param price The Amount of money/item to enter the world. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setPrice(double price) { return worldConfig.setEntryFeeAmount(price); } /** * Gets whether or not PVP is enabled in this world in some form (fake or not). * * @return True if players can take damage from other players. */ public boolean getPvp() { return worldConfig.getPvp(); } /** * Turn pvp on or off. This setting is used to set the world's PVP mode. * * @param pvp True to enable PVP damage, false to disable it. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setPvp(boolean pvp) { return worldConfig.setPvp(pvp); } /** * Gets the world name players will respawn in if they die in this one. * * @return A world name that exists on the server. */ public String getRespawnWorldName() { return worldConfig.getRespawnWorld(); } /** * Gets the world players will respawn in if they die in this one. * * @return A world that exists on the server. */ public @Nullable Option getRespawnWorld() { return Option.of(Bukkit.getWorld(worldConfig.getRespawnWorld())); } /** * Sets the world players will respawn in if they die in this one. * Returns true upon success, false upon failure. * * @param respawnWorld The name of a world that exists on the server. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setRespawnWorld(World respawnWorld) { return worldConfig.setRespawnWorld(respawnWorld.getName()); } /** * Sets the world players will respawn in if they die in this one. * Returns true upon success, false upon failure. * * @param respawnWorld The name of a world that exists on the server. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setRespawnWorld(MultiverseWorld respawnWorld) { return worldConfig.setRespawnWorld(respawnWorld.getName()); } /** * Sets the world players will respawn in if they die in this one. * Returns true upon success, false upon failure. * * @param respawnWorld The name of a world that exists on the server. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setRespawnWorld(String respawnWorld) { return worldConfig.setRespawnWorld(respawnWorld); } /** * Gets the scaling value of this world.Really only has an effect if you use * Multiverse-NetherPortals. * * @return This world's non-negative, non-zero scale. */ public double getScale() { return worldConfig.getScale(); } //TODO: we are removing mvnp /** * Sets the scale of this world. Really only has an effect if you use * Multiverse-NetherPortals. * * @param scale A scaling value, cannot be negative or 0. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setScale(double scale) { return worldConfig.setScale(scale); } /** * Gets the world seed of this world. This cannot be changed after world creation. * * @return The Long version of the seed. */ public long getSeed() { return worldConfig.getSeed(); } /** * Gets the spawn location of this world. * * @return The spawn location of this world. */ public Location getSpawnLocation() { return worldConfig.getSpawnLocation(); } /** * Sets the spawn location for a world. * * @param spawnLocation The spawn location for a world. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setSpawnLocation(Location spawnLocation) { return worldConfig.setSpawnLocation(spawnLocation); } /** * Gets whether or not animals are allowed to spawn in this world. * * @return True if ANY animal can, false if no animals can spawn. */ public boolean getSpawningAnimals() { return worldConfig.getSpawningAnimals(); } /** * Sets whether or not animals can spawn. *
* If there are values in {@link #getSpawningAnimalsExceptions()} and this is false, * those animals become the exceptions, and will spawn * * @param spawningAnimals True to allow spawning of monsters, false to prevent. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setSpawningAnimals(boolean spawningAnimals) { return worldConfig.setSpawningAnimals(spawningAnimals); } /** * Gets the amount of ticks between animal spawns. * * @return The amount of ticks between animal spawns. */ public int getSpawningAnimalsTicks() { return worldConfig.getSpawningAnimalsTicks(); } /** * Sets the amount of ticks between animal spawns. Set to -1 to use bukkit default. * * @param spawningAnimalsAmount The amount of ticks between animal spawns. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setSpawningAnimalsTicks(int spawningAnimalsAmount) { return worldConfig.setSpawningAnimalsTicks(spawningAnimalsAmount); } /** * Returns a list of animals. This list always negates the {@link #getSpawningAnimals()} result. * * @return A list of animals that will spawn if {@link #getSpawningAnimals()} is false. */ public List getSpawningAnimalsExceptions() { return worldConfig.getSpawningAnimalsExceptions(); } /** * Sets the list of animals that will spawn if {@link #getSpawningAnimals()} is false. * * @param spawningAnimalsExceptions The list of animals that will spawn if {@link #getSpawningAnimals()} is false. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setSpawningAnimalsExceptions(List spawningAnimalsExceptions) { return worldConfig.setSpawningAnimalsExceptions(spawningAnimalsExceptions); } /** * Gets whether or not monsters are allowed to spawn in this world. * * @return True if ANY monster can, false if no monsters can spawn. */ public boolean getSpawningMonsters() { return worldConfig.getSpawningMonsters(); } /** * Sets whether or not monsters can spawn. * If there are values in {@link #getSpawningMonstersExceptions()} and this is false, * those monsters become the exceptions, and will spawn * * @param spawningMonsters True to allow spawning of monsters, false to prevent. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setSpawningMonsters(boolean spawningMonsters) { return worldConfig.setSpawningMonsters(spawningMonsters); } /** * Gets the amount of ticks between monster spawns. * * @return The amount of ticks between monster spawns. */ public int getSpawningMonstersTicks() { return worldConfig.getSpawningMonstersTicks(); } /** * Sets the amount of ticks between monster spawns. Set to -1 to use bukkit default. * * @param spawningMonstersAmount The amount of ticks between monster spawns. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setSpawningMonstersTicks(int spawningMonstersAmount) { return worldConfig.setSpawningMonstersTicks(spawningMonstersAmount); } /** * Returns a list of monsters. This list always negates the {@link #getSpawningMonsters()} result. * * @return A list of monsters that will spawn if {@link #getSpawningMonsters()} is false. */ public List getSpawningMonstersExceptions() { return worldConfig.getSpawningMonstersExceptions(); } /** * Sets the list of monsters that will spawn if {@link #getSpawningMonsters()} is false. * * @param spawningMonstersExceptions The list of monsters that will spawn if {@link #getSpawningMonsters()} * is false. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setSpawningMonstersExceptions(List spawningMonstersExceptions) { return worldConfig.setSpawningMonstersExceptions(spawningMonstersExceptions); } /** * Gets a list of all the worlds that players CANNOT travel to from this world,regardless of their access * permissions. * * @return A List of world names. */ public List getWorldBlacklist() { return worldConfig.getWorldBlacklist(); } /** * Sets the list of worlds that players CANNOT travel to from this world, regardless of their access permissions. * * @param worldBlacklist A List of world names. * @return Result of setting property. */ public Try setWorldBlacklist(List worldBlacklist) { return worldConfig.setWorldBlacklist(worldBlacklist); } /** * Gets the world config. Only for internal use. * * @return The world config. */ WorldConfig getWorldConfig() { return worldConfig; } /** * Sets the world config. Only for internal use. * * @param worldConfig The world config. */ void setWorldConfig(WorldConfig worldConfig) { this.worldConfig = worldConfig; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return "MultiverseWorld{" + "name='" + worldName + "', " + "env='" + getEnvironment() + "', " + "gen='" + getGenerator() + "'" + '}'; } }