package com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.api; import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable; /** * The configuration of MultiverseCore. */ public interface MultiverseCoreConfig extends ConfigurationSerializable { /** * Sets a property using a {@link String}. * @param property The name of the property. * @param value The value. * @return True on success, false if the operation failed. */ boolean setConfigProperty(String property, String value); /** * Sets portalCooldown. * @param portalCooldown The new value. */ void setTeleportCooldown(int portalCooldown); /** * Gets portalCooldown. * @return portalCooldown. */ int getTeleportCooldown(); /** * Sets firstSpawnWorld. * @param firstSpawnWorld The new value. */ void setFirstSpawnWorld(String firstSpawnWorld); /** * Gets firstSpawnWorld. * @return firstSpawnWorld. */ String getFirstSpawnWorld(); /** * Sets version. * @param version The new value. */ void setVersion(int version); /** * Gets version. * @return version. */ double getVersion(); /** * Sets messageCooldown. * @param messageCooldown The new value. */ void setMessageCooldown(int messageCooldown); /** * Gets messageCooldown. * @return messageCooldown. */ int getMessageCooldown(); /** * Sets globalDebug. * @param globalDebug The new value. */ void setGlobalDebug(int globalDebug); /** * Gets globalDebug. * @return globalDebug. */ int getGlobalDebug(); /** * Sets displayPermErrors. * @param displayPermErrors The new value. */ void setDisplayPermErrors(boolean displayPermErrors); /** * Gets displayPermErrors. * @return displayPermErrors. */ boolean getDisplayPermErrors(); /** * Sets enableBuscript. * @param enableBuscript The new value. */ void setEnableBuscript(boolean enableBuscript); /** * Gets enableBuscript. * @return enableBuscript. */ boolean getEnableBuscript(); /** * Sets firstSpawnOverride. * @param firstSpawnOverride The new value. */ void setFirstSpawnOverride(boolean firstSpawnOverride); /** * Gets firstSpawnOverride. * @return firstSpawnOverride. */ boolean getFirstSpawnOverride(); /** * Sets teleportIntercept. * @param teleportIntercept The new value. */ void setTeleportIntercept(boolean teleportIntercept); /** * Gets teleportIntercept. * @return teleportIntercept. */ boolean getTeleportIntercept(); /** * Sets prefixChat. * @param prefixChat The new value. */ void setPrefixChat(boolean prefixChat); /** * Gets prefixChat. * @return prefixChat. */ boolean getPrefixChat(); /** * Sets prefixChatFormat. * @param prefixChatFormat The new value. */ void setPrefixChatFormat(String prefixChatFormat); /** * Gets prefixChatFormat. * @return prefixChatFormat. */ String getPrefixChatFormat(); /** * Sets enforceAccess. * @param enforceAccess The new value. */ void setEnforceAccess(boolean enforceAccess); /** * Gets enforceAccess. * @return enforceAccess. */ boolean getEnforceAccess(); /** * Sets whether to suppress startup messages. * * @param silentStart true to suppress messages. */ void setSilentStart(boolean silentStart); /** * Whether we are suppressing startup messages. * * @return true if we are suppressing startup messages. */ boolean getSilentStart(); /** * Sets whether or not to let Bukkit determine portal search radius on its own or if Multiverse should give input. * * @param useDefaultPortalSearch True to let Bukkit determine portal search radius on its own. */ void setUseDefaultPortalSearch(boolean useDefaultPortalSearch); /** * Gets whether or not Bukkit will be determining portal search radius on its own or if Multiverse should help. * * @return True means Bukkit will use its own default values. */ boolean isUsingDefaultPortalSearch(); /** * Sets the radius at which vanilla style portals will be searched for to connect to worlds together. * * @param searchRadius The portal search radius. */ void setPortalSearchRadius(int searchRadius); /** * Gets the radius at which vanilla style portals will be searched for to connect to worlds together. * * @return The portal search radius. */ int getPortalSearchRadius(); /** * Gets whether or not the automatic purge of entities is enabled. * * @return True if automatic purge is enabled. */ boolean isAutoPurgeEnabled(); /** * Sets whether or not the automatic purge of entities is enabled. * * @param autopurge True if automatic purge should be enabled. */ void setAutoPurgeEnabled(boolean autopurge); /** * Gets whether or not the donation/patreon messages are shown. * * @return True if donation/patreon messages should be shown. */ boolean isShowingDonateMessage(); /** * Sets whether or not the donation/patreon messages are shown. * * @param idonotwanttodonate True if donation/patreon messages should be shown. */ void setShowDonateMessage(boolean idonotwanttodonate); }