All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description Action A enum containing all actions that can be used to modify world-properties.AddProperties An enum containing all list-properties.AllowedPortalType Custom enum that adds all/none for allowing portal creation.AnchorCommand Allows management of Anchor Destinations.AnchorDestination An anchor-MVDestination
.AnchorManager Manages anchors.AsyncChatEvent A wrapper for theAsyncPlayerChatEvent
.BedDestination A bed-MVDestination
.BlockSafety Used to get block/location-related information.BukkitTravelAgent CannonDestination A cannon-MVDestination
.ChatEvent A wrapper for the two chat-events in Bukkit.CheckCommand Checks to see if a player can go to a destination.CloneCommand Creates a clone of a world.ColorAlternator Helper class to switch between 2ChatColor
.ColorTool Tools to allow customisation.CommandQueueManager Manages the queuing of dangerous commands that require/mv confirm
before executing.CompatibilityLayer Utility class to enable version specific minecraft features.ConfigCommand Allows you to set Global MV Variables.ConfirmCommand Confirms actions.ContentDisplay<T> Helps to display contents such as list and maps in a nicely formatted fashion.ContentDisplay.Builder<T> Builds aContentDisplay
.ContentFilter Filter content and text based on regex matching.CoordCommand Returns detailed information on the Players where abouts.Core Multiverse 2 Core APICreateCommand Creates a new world and loads it.CustomTeleporterDestination DebugCommand Enables debug-information.DebugLog Deprecated. Deprecated in favor of new Logging lib.DeleteCommand Deletes worlds.DestinationFactory A factory class that will create destinations from specific strings.DisplayFormatException Thrown when an issue occur while formatting content.DisplayHandler<T> Handles the formatting and sending of all content by theContentDisplay
.DisplayHandlers Various implementations ofDisplayHandler
.DisplaySetting<T> Represents a setting option that can be used byDisplayHandler
.EnglishChatColor A regularChatColor
represented by an english string.EnglishChatStyle A regularChatColor
represented by an english string.EntryFee Entryfee-settings.EntryFee.EntryFeeCurrencySerializor EnvironmentCommand Lists valid known environments.ExactDestination An exactMVDestination
.FancyColorScheme A color-scheme.FancyHeader A colored text-header.FancyMessage A colored text-message.FancyText A fancy text.FileUtils File-utilities.GameruleCommand Allows management of Anchor Destinations.GamerulesCommand Allows management of Anchor Destinations.GeneratorCommand Returns a list of loaded generator plugins.HelpCommand Displays a nice help menu.ImportCommand Imports a new world of the specified type.InfoCommand Returns detailed information about a world.InlineDisplaySettings Collection ofDisplaySetting
that are used by variousDisplayHandler
.InlineListDisplayHandler InlineMapDisplayHandler InvalidDestination An invalidMVDestination
.ListCommand Displays a listing of all worlds that a player can enter.ListDisplayHandler LoadCommand Loads a world into Multiverse.LocationManipulation Used to manipulate locations.LocationManipulation Deprecated. Use instead:LocationManipulation
.LoggablePlugin Deprecated. Replaced byLogging
.MapDisplaySettings Collection ofDisplaySetting
that are used by variousDisplayHandler
.MaterialConverter A tool for converting values which may be an old type ID to a Material.MetricsConfigurator ModifyAddCommand Used to modify various aspects of worlds.ModifyClearCommand Removes all values from a world-property.ModifyCommand Used to modify various aspects of worlds.ModifyRemoveCommand Removes values from a world-property.ModifySetCommand Used to set world-properties.MultiverseCommand A generic Multiverse-command.MultiverseCore The implementation of the Multiverse-Core
.MultiverseCoreConfig The configuration of MultiverseCore.MultiverseCoreConfiguration Our configuration.MultiverseCoreListener Subclasses of this listener can be used to conveniently listen to MultiverseCore-events.MultiverseMessaging Multiverse-messaging.MultiversePlugin Make things easier for MV-Plugins!MultiverseWorld The API for a Multiverse Handled World.MVAsyncPlayerChatListener Multiverse'sListener
for players.MVChatListener Multiverse'sListener
for players.MVConfigReloadEvent Called when the Multiverse-config should be reloaded.MVDebugModeEvent Called when Core's debug level is changed.MVDestination A destination API for Multiverse Any plugin can add these to MV and when they are, any action that uses them (portals, MVTP, etc.) can use them!MVEconomist Multiverse's Friendly Economist.MVEntityListener Multiverse's EntityListener
.MVMapListener A listener for bukkit map events.MVMessaging The default-implementation ofMultiverseMessaging
.MVPermissions Multiverse'sPermissionsInterface
.MVPlayerChatListener Multiverse'sListener
for players.MVPlayerListener Multiverse'sListener
for players.MVPlayerSession A player-session.MVPlayerTouchedPortalEvent This event is thrown when a portal is touched.MVPlugin This interface is implemented by every official Multiverse-plugin.MVPortalListener A custom listener for portal related events.MVRespawnEvent Called when a player is respawning.MVTeleportEvent Event that gets called when a player use the /mvtp command.MVTravelAgent The Multiverse TravelAgent.MVVersionEvent Called when somebody requests version information about Multiverse.MVWeatherListener Multiverse's WeatherListener
.MVWorld The implementation of a Multiverse handled world.MVWorld.NullLocation Null-location.MVWorldDeleteEvent Called when a world is about to be deleted by Multiverse.MVWorldInitListener MVWorldListener Multiverse's WorldListener
.MVWorldManager Multiverse 2 World Manager APIMVWorldPropertyChangeEvent<T> This event is fired *before* the property is actually changed.NormalChatEvent Deprecated. This is deprecated like thePlayerChatEvent
.PagedDisplaySettings PagedListDisplayHandler PaginatedCommand<T> A generic paginated command.PaginatedCoreCommand<T> A generic paginated Multiverse-command.PasteFailedException Thrown when pasting fails.PasteService An interface to a web-based text-pasting service.PasteServiceFactory Used to constructPasteService
s.PasteServiceType An enum containing all knownPasteService
s.PermissionTools Utility-class for permissions.PlayerDestination A player-MVDestination
.PlayerFinder Helper class to getPlayer
from name, UUID or Selectors.PropertyDoesNotExistException Thrown when a world-property doesn't exist.PurgeCommand Removes a type of mob from a world.PurgeWorlds Deprecated. Use instead:WorldPurger
.QueuedCommand Represents a single command used inCommandQueueManager
for confirming before running potentially dangerous action.ReflectHelper Utility class used to help in doing various reflection actions.RegenCommand Regenerates a world.ReloadCommand Reloads worlds.yml and config.yml.RemoveCommand Unloads a world and removes it from the config.RespawnType SafeTTeleporter Used to safely teleport people.ScriptCommand States who is in what world.SetSpawnCommand Sets the spawn for a world.SilentCommand Enables debug-information.SimpleBlockSafety The default-implementation ofBlockSafety
.SimpleLocationManipulation The default-implementation ofLocationManipulation
.SimpleSafeTTeleporter The default-implementation ofSafeTTeleporter
.SimpleWorldPurger Utility class that removes animals from worlds that don't belong there.SleepCommand Takes the player to the latest bed he's slept in.SpawnCommand Teleports a player to the spawn.SpawnLocation Just like a regularLocation
, howeverworld
is usuallynull
or just a weak reference and it implementsConfigurationSerializable
.SpawnSettings Spawning-Settings.SubSpawnSettings SpawnSubSettings.TeleportCommand Used to teleport players.Teleporter TeleportResult An enum containing possible teleport-results.TestingMode A utility class that enables automated tests to flag Multiverse for testing.UnloadCommand Unloads worlds from Multiverse.UnsafeCallWrapper Wraps calls that could result in exceptions that are not Multiverse's fault.URLShortener An interface to a web-based URL Shortener.URLShortenerFactory Used to constructURLShortener
s.URLShortenerType An enum containing all knownURLShortener
s.VaultHandler A class we use to interface with Vault when it is present.VersionCommand Dumps version info to the console.WhoCommand States who is in what world.WorldDestination A world-MVDestination
.WorldManager Public facing API to add/remove Multiverse worlds.WorldNameChecker Utility class in helping to check the status of a world name and it's associated world folder.WorldNameChecker.FolderStatus Result after checking validity of world folder.WorldNameChecker.NameStatus Result after checking validity of world name.WorldProperties WorldPropertyValidator<T> Validates world-property-changes.WorldPurger Used to remove animals from worlds that don't belong there.