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* Multiverse 2 Copyright (c) the Multiverse Team 2011. *
* Multiverse 2 is licensed under the BSD License. *
* For more information please check the file included *
* with this project. *
package com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.commands;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault;
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCore;
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.api.MVWorldManager;
* Creates a clone of a world.
public class CloneCommand extends MultiverseCommand {
private MVWorldManager worldManager;
public CloneCommand(MultiverseCore plugin) {
this.setName("Clone World");
this.setCommandUsage("/mv clone" + ChatColor.GREEN + " {TARGET} {NAME}" + ChatColor.GOLD + " -g [GENERATOR[:ID]]");
this.setArgRange(2, 4); // SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE: MagicNumberCheck
this.addKey("mv cl");
this.addKey("mv clone");
this.addCommandExample("/mv clone " + ChatColor.GOLD + "world" + ChatColor.GREEN + " world_backup");
this.addCommandExample("/mv clone " + ChatColor.GOLD + "skyblock_pristine" + ChatColor.GREEN + " skyblock");
this.setPermission("multiverse.core.clone", "Clones a world.", PermissionDefault.OP);
this.worldManager = this.plugin.getMVWorldManager();
public void runCommand(CommandSender sender, List<String> args) {
String oldName = args.get(0);
if (!this.worldManager.hasUnloadedWorld(oldName, true)) {
// If no world was found, we can't clone.
sender.sendMessage("Sorry, Multiverse doesn't know about world " + oldName + ", so we can't clone it!");
sender.sendMessage("Check the " + ChatColor.GREEN + "/mv list" + ChatColor.WHITE + " command to verify it is listed.");
if (this.plugin.getMVWorldManager().cloneWorld(oldName, args.get(1))) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "World cloned!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "World could NOT be cloned!");