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* Multiverse 2 Copyright (c) the Multiverse Team 2011. *
* Multiverse 2 is licensed under the BSD License. *
* For more information please check the file included *
* with this project. *
package org.mvplugins.multiverse.core.anchor;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.dumptruckman.minecraft.util.Logging;
import io.vavr.control.Try;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import org.mvplugins.multiverse.core.MultiverseCore;
import org.mvplugins.multiverse.core.api.LocationManipulation;
* Manages anchors.
public class AnchorManager {
private static final String ANCHORS_SECTION_NAME = "anchors";
private static final String ANCHORS_FILE_NAME = "anchors.yml";
private final Map<String, Location> anchors;
private final File anchorsFile;
private final FileConfiguration anchorConfig;
private final LocationManipulation locationManipulation;
private final WorldManager worldManager;
private final WorldEntryCheckerProvider worldEntryCheckerProvider;
@NotNull MultiverseCore plugin,
@NotNull LocationManipulation locationManipulation,
@NotNull WorldManager worldManager,
@NotNull WorldEntryCheckerProvider worldEntryCheckerProvider) {
this.anchors = new HashMap<>();
this.anchorsFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), ANCHORS_FILE_NAME);
this.anchorConfig = new YamlConfiguration();
this.locationManipulation = locationManipulation;
this.worldManager = worldManager;
this.worldEntryCheckerProvider = worldEntryCheckerProvider;
* Loads all anchors.
* @return Empty {@link Try} if all anchors were successfully loaded, or the exception if an error occurred.
public Try<Void> loadAnchors() {
return -> {
ConfigurationSection anchorsSection = getAnchorConfigSection();
Set<String> anchorKeys = anchorsSection.getKeys(false);
anchorKeys.forEach(key -> {
String locationString = anchorsSection.getString(key, "");
Location anchorLocation = this.locationManipulation.stringToLocation(locationString);
if (anchorLocation == null) {
Logging.warning("The location for anchor '%s' is INVALID.", key);
this.anchors.put(key, anchorLocation);
* Saves all anchors.
* @return True if all anchors were successfully saved.
public Try<Void> saveAnchors() {
return ->;
* Gets the {@link Location} associated with an anchor.
* @param anchorName The name of the anchor.
* @return The {@link Location}.
public Location getAnchorLocation(@Nullable String anchorName) {
return this.anchors.getOrDefault(anchorName, null);
* Saves an anchor.
* @param anchorName The name of the anchor.
* @param locationString The location of the anchor as string.
* @return Empty {@link Try} if all anchors were successfully loaded, or the exception if an error occurred.
public Try<Location> saveAnchorLocation(String anchorName, String locationString) {
Location parsed = this.locationManipulation.stringToLocation(locationString);
if (parsed == null) {
return Try.failure(new IOException("Invalid location string: " + locationString));
return this.saveAnchorLocation(anchorName, parsed).map(ignore -> getAnchorLocation(anchorName));
* Saves an anchor.
* @param anchorName The name of the anchor.
* @param location The {@link Location} of the anchor.
* @return Empty {@link Try} if all anchors were successfully loaded, or the exception if an error occurred.
public Try<Void> saveAnchorLocation(@NotNull String anchorName, @NotNull Location location) {
getAnchorConfigSection().set(anchorName, this.locationManipulation.locationToString(location));
this.anchors.put(anchorName, location);
return saveAnchors();
* Gets all anchors.
* @return An unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all anchors.
public Set<String> getAllAnchors() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.anchors.keySet());
* Gets all anchors that the specified {@link Player} can access.
* @param player The {@link Player}.
* @return An unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all anchors the specified {@link Player} can access.
public Set<String> getAnchors(@Nullable Player player) {
if (player == null) {
return getAllAnchors();
Set<String> myAnchors = new HashSet<>();
this.anchors.forEach((anchorName, anchorLocation) -> {
World anchorWorld = anchorLocation.getWorld();
if (anchorWorld == null) {
.map(world -> worldEntryCheckerProvider.forSender(player).canAccessWorld(world).isSuccess())
.peek(success -> {
if (success) {
} else {
Logging.finer("Player '%s' cannot access anchor '%s'.",
player.getName(), anchorName);
.onEmpty(() -> {
Logging.finer("Anchor '%s' located in world '%s is not in a Multiverse world.",
anchorName, anchorLocation.getWorld().getName());
return myAnchors;
* Deletes the specified anchor.
* @param anchorName The name of the anchor.
* @return True if the anchor was successfully deleted.
public Try<Void> deleteAnchor(String anchorName) {
if (this.anchors.containsKey(anchorName)) {
getAnchorConfigSection().set(anchorName, null);
return this.saveAnchors();
return Try.failure(new Exception("Anchor " + anchorName + " not found."));
private ConfigurationSection getAnchorConfigSection() {
ConfigurationSection anchorsSection = anchorConfig.getConfigurationSection(ANCHORS_SECTION_NAME);
return anchorsSection == null
? anchorConfig.createSection(ANCHORS_SECTION_NAME)
: anchorsSection;