Updated World properties (markdown)

FernFerret 2011-09-26 18:58:51 -07:00
parent 647cbfb97c
commit 0f9eb7b23b
1 changed files with 16 additions and 0 deletions

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Here are the various properties of worlds that can be set in `worlds.yml`. __Nor
1. [Respawn World](#wiki-respawn)
1. [Keep Spawn in Memory](#wiki-memory)
1. [Weather](#wiki-weather)
1. [Game Mode](#wiki-mode)
## <a name="perms" href="#wiki-perms"></a>World Permissions
You can easily control who can enter various worlds in Multiverse 2. To allow people access to a world, simply grant them access to `multiverse.access.WORLDNAME` where WORLDNAME is the name of the world. By default (with PermissionsBukkit) people _can_ enter newly created worlds. You can give users `multiverse.access.*` to let them access all worlds, or set the same to false to deny access to all worlds.
@ -278,4 +279,19 @@ __Example:__
__In Game Usage:__
`mvm set weather false`
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## <a name="mode" href="#wiki-mode"></a>Game Mode
Allows you to set the type of mode a specific world is set to. Creative mode gives players unlimited resources while Survival makes boys become men. For more information about inventories on servers that use this feature, see our [[FAQ on Inventories|FAQ#wiki-inv]]
`gamemode: SURVIVAL`
__In Game Usage:__
`mvm set mode survival`
`mvm set mode creative`
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