Update for 2.7

FernFerret 2012-01-01 14:51:15 -08:00
parent b0ddcdfea7
commit 3765e66701
1 changed files with 34 additions and 23 deletions

@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
## Multiverse 2 Core Config
Here is the default config that ships with MV2. Note the version number at the bottom. We will (try to) update this page with newer configs when they ship.
### Make sure you're up to date
If you type `/mv version` a version string will be dumped to the cosole, in it you will see a line:
XX:XX:XX [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] [Multiverse-Core] Dumping Config Values: (version 2.7)
# How long to leave in between sending a message to the player. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
# In Milliseconds - Default is '5000' which is 5 Seconds.
# messagecooldown: 5000 - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
# How fast are people allowed to use /MVTP (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
# In Milliseconds - Default is '5000' which is 5 Seconds.
# teleportcooldown: 5000 - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
This is the current version of your config. If it does not match the version in the example, please [grab an updated version of Multiverse-Core](http://ci.onarandombox.com/job/Multiverse-Core).
## Multiverse 2 Core Sample Config
# If this is set to true, we will prefix the chat with
# a colorful world alias if it's present. If not, we simply
# show the world's name in white. If this is false Multiverse
@ -20,27 +24,34 @@ worldnameprefix: true
# world access permissions
enforceaccess: false
# If value is set to false, Multiverse will NOT enforce
# world-gamemodes
enforcegamemodes: true
# If this is set to true, users will be notified of what permission(s)
# they lack to perform an action in Multiverse. If this is false,
# they are denied silently.
displaypermerrors: true
# If you have a world(s) that has monsters = false, and you want to disable the built
# in autohealing, set this to true. This will have NO EFFECT if monsters = true for a given world.
# disableautoheal: false
# If this is set to true, Multiverse will enforce access permissions
# for all plugins, not just Multiverse.
teleportintercept: true
# This will use the old style of PVP prevention so you can have zones of PVP
# Players will be notified when they punch/shoot and it's not allowed.
# fakepvp: false
# If true, this will ensure players, on first spawn, go to the spawn
# that you've set with Multiverse. Set to false if you use another
# spawn plugin.
firstspawnoverride: true
# This is the world you want players to spawn in. It does *NOT*
# have to be the world in server.properties!
firstspawnworld: world
# How long to leave in between sending a message to the player.
# In Milliseconds - Default is '5000' which is 5 Seconds.
messagecooldown: 5000
# How fast are people allowed to use /MVTP (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
# In Milliseconds - Default is '5000' which is 5 Seconds.
# teleportcooldown: 5000 - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
# When this is enabled, users will spawn at their last bed slept at. If the bed is destroyed or obstructed,
# they will spawn according to your mvm respawn rules, and then whatever the server does.
bedrespawn: true
# This just signifies the version number so we can see what version of config you have.
version: 2.4
version: 2.7