Added debug & anchor

Jad 2019-09-18 19:28:49 -05:00
parent 6a6a924b97
commit 4de4961c39
1 changed files with 44 additions and 0 deletions

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ If you're looking for the [Multiverse-Portals](
21. [Gamerule Command](#gamerule-command)
22. [Environment Command](#environment-command)
23. [Silent Command](#silent-command)
24. [Debug Command](#silent-command)
25. [Anchor Command](#silent-command)
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@ -768,6 +770,48 @@ Causes several of the startup messages to be hidden when silent mode is enabled.
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## Debug Command
#### Description:
Provides detailed information on what the plugin is doing in console. Helpful for permission issues or destination issues.
#### Usage:
`/mv debug [0, 1, 2, 3]`
#### Examples:
`/mv debug 0` (Turns it off)
#### Aliases:
`/mvdebug 3`
#### Permission:
#### Details:
0 - Off
1 -
2 -
3 - All details
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## Anchor Command
#### Description:
Anchors should be used if you have a place you want to go frequently. Using the `/mv anchor NAME` command to first create an anchor, you can then use it in any command that takes a destination.
#### Usage:
`/mv anchor NAME [-d]`
#### Examples:
`/mv anchor` - Lists the current anchors
`/mv anchor NAME` - Creates the anchor with the name "NAME"
`/mv anchor NAME -d` - Deletes the anchor "NAME"
#### Aliases:
#### Permission:
#### Details:
A destination for frequently used teleports.
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[[Installation|install]] -> [[Basics]] -> [[Permissions]] -> Command Reference