Updated API Usages (markdown)

Ben Woo 2021-03-15 13:14:52 +08:00
parent abb695ad07
commit c4b3acd280
1 changed files with 43 additions and 1 deletions

@ -35,4 +35,46 @@ worldManager.loadWorld("creative");
Things to note:
* You cannot unload the default world defined in `level-name` of `server.properties`.
* You can only load worlds that are known by Multiverse, use the `MVWorldManager#addWorld` method mentioned previously.
* You can only load worlds that are known by Multiverse, use the `MVWorldManager#addWorld` method mentioned previously.
### Deleting a world
The world is no longer of use? you can delete it with a simple API method.
Things to note:
* You __cannot__ undo this action or restore the world back.
* You can only delete worlds that can be loaded by the server.
* If the world folder is already removed from the server files, use [`MVWorldManager#removeWorldFromConfig`](http://ci.onarandombox.com/job/Multiverse-Core/javadoc/com/onarandombox/MultiverseCore/api/MVWorldManager.html#removeWorldFromConfig-java.lang.String-) method.
## MultiverseWorld
A class on top of the Bukkit's World object to provide additional world management features. This may also be used in methods of the other Multiverse modules.
### Getting a MultiverseWorld instance
With the world manager you have earlier, we can use that to get a MultiverseWorld.
MultiverseWorld creativeWorld = world.getMVWorld("creative");
### Changing GameMode property
Since this is a creative world, we want people to be set to creative mode when entering the world.
Things to note:
* This can be bypassed with `mv.bypass.gamemode.WORLDNAME` permission node.
* This doesn't not restrict the use of minecraft `/gamemode` (if you have the perms for it), just an enforcement upon entering a world.
### Modifying and getting world alias
World alias allows you to display the world to players with fancy colours and styles.
Setting alias:
creativeWorld.setAlias("&cCreative Wonder");
Sending alias to a player.
public void tellMeWhereAmI(MultiverseWorld world, Player player) {
String worldAlias = world.getColoredWorldString();
player.sendMessage("You are at " + worldAlias);