Update Create

FernFerret 2012-02-08 18:38:28 -08:00
parent e0ced8e156
commit d7eade3e58
1 changed files with 23 additions and 4 deletions

@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ The info command is currently __UNFINISHED__ it is primarily used so that you ca
#### Description:
Creates a new world and loads it.
#### Usage:
`/mv create {NAME} {ENV} -s [SEED] -g [GENERATOR[:ID]]`
`/mv create {NAME} {ENV} [-s SEED] [-g GENERATOR[:ID]] [-t TYPE] [-a true|false]`
#### Examples:
`/mv create my_world NORMAL`
`/mv create my_hell NETHER`
`/mv create my_cloud_world SKYLANDS`
`/mv create flat_world NORMAL -t FLAT`
`/mv create flat_world NORMAL -t FLAT`
`/mv create "My World with spaces in the name" NORMAL` [***](#wiki-spacesnote)
`/mv create "My Seed World" NORMAL -s gargamel` [***](#wiki-spacesnote)
`/mv create "My Seed World" NORMAL -s "Seed With Spaces!"` [***](#wiki-spacesnote)
@ -170,17 +170,22 @@ Creates a new world and loads it.
#### Details:
The create command allows you to add new worlds to your server thus allowing many different worlds of many different types. Each world has many properties that you can edit and tweak. Please see the [[World Properties]] page for information on each of these settings. In addition, you can modify worlds **in game** by using the [`/mv modify`](#wiki-modify) command. Please see the appropriate section below for [[Seeds|World-Properties#wiki-seeds]] or [[Custom Generators|World-Properties#wiki-generators]].
##### World Name and Environment
#####<a name="nameenv" href="#wiki-nameenv"></a>World Name and Environment
When you are going to create a new world you MUST specify a name and environment. Valid environments can be seen by using [`/mv env`](#wiki-env). Your world names **CAN** have spaces[***](#wiki-spacesnote), but we recommend you keep your folder names sensible and use the [[Alias Feature|World-Properties#wiki-alias]]
##### <a name="seeds" href="#wiki-seeds"></a>Seeds
#####<a name="seeds" href="#wiki-seeds"></a>Seeds
You can create a world with a custom seed by adding `-s SEEDNAME` after the 2 required params. Here is an example that creates the famed gargamel world and names it mountain\_world:
`/mv create mountain_world NORMAL -s gargamel`
You can use spaces in your seeds as long as you surround them with quotes. You cannot use a seed name with quotes in it
##### <a name="worldtypes" href="#wiki-worldtypes"></a>World Types
As of minecraft 1.1, the concept of world types has been introduced. These seem to be like generators, but baked into minecraft itself. To use a generator, simply use the `-t` parameter, for type. Here is a flat normal world:
@ -188,6 +193,18 @@ As of minecraft 1.1, the concept of world types has been introduced. These seem
Currently, there are only `FLAT` and `NORMAL` for world types.
##### <a name="mapfeatures" href="#wiki-mapfeatures"></a>Map Features (Generate Structures)
As of minecraft 1.1 if you want a flat world with no structures, all you have to do is add the `-a false` flag. We used `-a` for **Allow Structures** and because `-g` was already taken.
*__NOTE:__ This will **only** work with `NORMAL` worlds. @FernFerret has some [neat code here to allow flat Nether worlds with structures](https://github.com/Bukkit/CraftBukkit-Bleeding/commit/68897b284e42f8fc0bba85e736a36b5cbbf89fe3#commitcomment-912997) but it has not been added to CraftBukkit. You'll have to build it yourself.
`/mv create flat_world NORMAL -t FLAT`
Currently, there are only `FLAT` and `NORMAL` for world types.
##### <a name="generators" href="#wiki-generators"></a>Generators
Multiverse 2 supports Custom Generators. What does this mean? We support any plugin that makes use of the Bukkit custom generator feature. If an author has implemented their own style that does NOT use the custom generator method [described here](http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/22795/), it may not work with MV. We will try and keep an updated page of [[Custom Generator Plugins]].
@ -204,6 +221,8 @@ OR
`/mv create hell_lake NORMAL -g WaterWorlds:LavaLakes`
#### <a name="spacesnote"></a>\*\*\*A note about spaces in world names:
You should know that if you decide to use spaces in your world name that whenever people want to use [`/mv tp`](#wiki-teleport), [`/mv modify`](#wiki-modify) or any command that takes the world name as a param, they will have to surround the name in quotes, like so: