NoCheatPlus is an unofficial fork of the famous anti-cheat plugin [NoCheat] ( created by [Evenprime] ( NoCheatPlus attempts to enforce "vanilla Minecraft" mechanics, as well as preventing players from abusing weaknesses in Minecraft or its protocol, making your server more safe. Organized in different sections, various checks are performed to test players doing, covering a wide range including flying and speeding, fighting hacks, fast block breaking and nukers, inventory hacks, chat spam and other types of malicious behaviour. For a more complete list have a look at the always outdated [Features Page] (
* Download NoCheatPlus from either [BukkitDev (staff approved)] ( or [Jenkins (development versions)] (
* Be sure that your CraftBukkit and NoCheatPlus versions match together.
* Don't use tabs in the config.yml file.
* For compatibility with other plugins such as mcMMO, citizens and more check out [CompatNoCheatPlus] (