Lengthy descriptions for every option of the config file,

nicely integrated into the GUI config tool.
This commit is contained in:
Evenprime 2011-06-18 16:49:02 +02:00
parent 1de43ec782
commit 1ddd1ca6c9
3 changed files with 199 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -153,14 +153,16 @@ public class NoCheatConfiguration {
movingNode.add(new LongStringOption("logmessage", movingNode.getFullIdentifier(), movingNode.add(new LongStringOption("logmessage", movingNode.getFullIdentifier(),
SimpleYaml.getString("moving.logmessage", "Moving violation: [player] from [world] [from] to [to] distance [distance]", yamlContent). SimpleYaml.getString("moving.logmessage", "Moving violation: [player] from [world] [from] to [to] distance [distance]", yamlContent).
replace("[player]", "%1$s").replace("[world]", "%2$s"). replace("[player]", "%1$s").
replace("[world]", "%2$s").
replace("[from]", "(%4$.1f, %5$.1f, %6$.1f)"). replace("[from]", "(%4$.1f, %5$.1f, %6$.1f)").
replace("[to]", "(%7$.1f, %8$.1f, %9$.1f)"). replace("[to]", "(%7$.1f, %8$.1f, %9$.1f)").
replace("[distance]", "(%10$.1f, %11$.1f, %12$.1f)"))); replace("[distance]", "(%10$.1f, %11$.1f, %12$.1f)")));
movingNode.add(new LongStringOption("summarymessage", movingNode.getFullIdentifier(), movingNode.add(new LongStringOption("summarymessage", movingNode.getFullIdentifier(),
SimpleYaml.getString("moving.summarymessage", "Moving summary of last ~[timeframe] seconds: [player] total Violations: [violations]", yamlContent). SimpleYaml.getString("moving.summarymessage", "Moving summary of last ~[timeframe] seconds: [player] total Violations: [violations]", yamlContent).
replace("[timeframe]", "%2$d").replace("[player]", "%1$s"). replace("[timeframe]", "%2$d").
replace("[player]", "%1$s").
replace("[violations]", "(%3$d,%4$d,%5$d)"))); replace("[violations]", "(%3$d,%4$d,%5$d)")));
movingNode.add(new BooleanOption("allowflying", movingNode.getFullIdentifier(), movingNode.add(new BooleanOption("allowflying", movingNode.getFullIdentifier(),
SimpleYaml.getBoolean("moving.allowflying", false, yamlContent))); SimpleYaml.getBoolean("moving.allowflying", false, yamlContent)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
package cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.wizard.gui;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Explainations {
private static final Map<String, String> explainations = new HashMap<String,String>();
static {
set("active.moving", "If activated, players will be checked for moving in illegal ways, e.g. flying, making bigger\n" +
"steps than possible, teleporting themselves by manipulating their client to give the server wrong coordinates.\n" +
"You can further individualize this check in the 'moving' section of the config file.\n" +
"By default OPs are not checked (can be changed in the 'moving' section).\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Only players that don't have the permission 'nocheat.moving' will be checked.");
set("active.speedhack", "If activated, players will be checked for sending too many player_move events per second.\n" +
"Players can intentionally send too many player_move events to move faster than normal.\n" +
"You can further individualize this check in the 'speedhack' section of the config file.\n" +
"By default OPs are not checked (can be changed in the 'speedhack' section).\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Only players that don't have the permission 'nocheat.speedhack' will be checked.");
set("active.airbuild", "If activated, players will be checked for placing blocks against air, which is normally not possible.\n" +
"You can further individualize this check in the 'airbuild' section of the config file.\n" +
"By default OPs are not checked (can be changed in the 'airbuild' section).\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Only players that don't have the permission 'nocheat.airbuild' will be checked.");
set("active.bedteleport", "If activated, players will be prevented from teleporting when lying in beds.\n" +
"Teleporting while in bed can cause a graphical glitch of horizontally floating players.\n" +
"By default OPs are not checked (can be changed in the 'bedteleport' section).\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Only players that don't have the permission 'nocheat.bedteleport' will be checked.");
set("active.bogusitems", "If activated, items with invalid attributes will be deleted from players inventories at various ocasions.\n" +
"Invalid attributes like a negative stack-size allow for infinitely usable items and/or item duplication.\n" +
"If one of your plugins intentionally produces such bogus items, you should not activate this (or you'll likely lose them).\n" +
"By default OPs are not checked (can be changed in the 'bogusitems' section).\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Only players that don't have the permission 'nocheat.bogusitems' will be checked.");
set("logging.filename", "Determines where the various messages by NoCheat are stored at, if logging to file is activated.");
set("logging.logtofile", "Determine what severeness messages need to have to be printed to the logfile.\n" +
"The values that can be used are:\n" +
"off = no logging at all,\n" +
"low = log all low/med/high severeness messages,\n" +
"med = log only med/high severeness messages and\n" +
"high = only log high severeness messages.");
set("logging.logtoconsole", "Determine what severeness messages need to have to be printed to minecrafts server console.\n" +
"The values that can be used are:\n" +
"off = no logging at all,\n" +
"low = log all low/med/high severeness messages,\n" +
"med = log only med/high severeness messages and\n" +
"high = only log high severeness messages.");
set("logging.logtochat", "Determine what severeness messages need to have to be printed to the games chat.\n" +
"Only OPs will get these messages.\n" +
"The values that can be used are:\n" +
"off = no logging at all,\n" +
"low = log all low/med/high severeness messages,\n" +
"med = log only med/high severeness messages and\n" +
"high = only log high severeness messages.\n" +
"By default only OPs get these messages.\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Only players with the permission 'nocheat.notify', will get these messages.");
set("logging.logtoirc", "(CraftIRC plugin) Determine what severeness messages need to have to be printed to the IRC channel.\n" +
"The values that can be used are\n" +
"The values that can be used are:\n" +
"off = no logging at all,\n" +
"low = log all low/med/high severeness messages,\n" +
"med = log only med/high severeness messages and\n" +
"high = only log high severeness messages.\n" +
"med = log only med/high messages and high = only log high messages.");
set("logging.logtoirctag", "(CraftIRC plugin only) Determine the tag used for the messages by nocheat.");
set("speedhack.logmessage", "Customize the log message used in case of a player speedhacking.\n" +
"[player] will be replaced with the name of the player,\n" +
"[events] will be replaced with the number of move events per second of that player,\n" +
"[limit] will be replaced with the the lowest limit set by you.");
set("speedhack.checkops", "Also check players with OP-status, unless there is another reason\n" +
"to not check them, e.g. they got the relevant permission from a Permissions plugin.");
set("speedhack.limits.low", "The number of move events per second that have to be sent by a player\n" +
"to consider it cheating and execute the actions defined at 'speedhack.action.low'.\n" +
"Never use a number < 20, because 20 is the number of legitimate move events a player can produce.");
set("speedhack.limits.med", "The number of move events per second that have to be sent by a player\n" +
"to consider it cheating and execute the actions defined at 'speedhack.action.med'.\n" +
"Never use a number < 20, because 20 is the number of legitimate move events a player can produce.");
set("speedhack.limits.high", "The number of move events per second that have to be sent by a player\n" +
"to consider it cheating and execute the actions defined at 'speedhack.action.high'.\n" +
"Never use a number < 20, because 20 is the number of legitimate move events a player can produce.");
set("speedhack.action.low", "Execute these actions when 'speedhack.limits.low' is reached.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = teleport the player back to where he was the second before, and any of your custom actions.");
set("speedhack.action.med", "Execute these actions when 'speedhack.limits.med' is reached.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = teleport the player back to where he was the second before, and any of your custom actions.");
set("speedhack.action.high", "Execute these actions when 'speedhack.limits.high' is reached.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = teleport the player back to where he was the second before, and any of your custom actions.");
set("moving.logmessage", "The message that gets logged in case of 'move' violations.\n" +
"[player] will be replaced with the name of the player,\n" +
"[world] will be replaced with the name of the world the player was in at that time,\n" +
"[from] will be replaced with the the location the player came from,\n" +
"[to] will be replaced with the location the player went to,\n" +
"[distance] will be replaced with the distance the player moved in each direction.");
set("moving.summarymessage", "The message that gets logged some seconds after a 'move' violation\n" +
"and gives an overview of what else happend during that timespan (logging each violation\n" +
"would be too spammy, therefore this approach was chosen as a middlepath).\n" +
"[player] will be replaced with the name of the player,\n" +
"[timeframe] will be replaced with the number of seconds that were observed,\n" +
"[violations] will be replaced with the number of violations of each severeness during that time.");
set("moving.allowflying", "If true, all players are allowed to fly (at normal walking speeds)\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Players with permission 'nocheat.flying' are allowed to fly independent of\n" +
"the setting of this option.");
set("moving.allowfakesneak", "If true, players are allowed to move at normal walking speeds\n" +
"while sneaking. If you use plugins that set the 'sneak'-status for the player (e.g. Hero-Sneak),\n" +
"you probably want to enable this option/set it to true.\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Players with permission 'nocheat.fakesneak' are allowed to move at normal" +
"walking speeds while sneaking independent of the setting of this option.");
set("moving.allowfastswim", "If true, all players are allowed to swim at normal walking speeds,\n" +
"instead of being forced to move at the usually slower swimming speed.\n" +
"(Permissions plugin): Players with permission 'nocheat.fastswim' are allowed to move at normal" +
"walking speeds while swimming independent of the setting of this option.");
set("moving.waterelevators", "If true, using Minecraft 1.4/1.5 style water elevators will be allowed.\n" +
"Set this to true if your players use clientside mods that allow the use of those old-school\n" +
"water elevators and you don't want this plugin to prevent them from doing that.");
set("moving.checkops", "Also check players with OP-status, unless there is another reason\n" +
"to not check them, e.g. they got the relevant permission from a Permissions plugin.");
set("moving.enforceteleport", "Enforce teleports made by the NoCheat plugin by overruling decisions\n" +
"of other plugins to prevent/cancel the teleport. This is usually a 'not-so-nice' thing to do,\n" +
"but sometimes the only way to get the plugin to work properly in combination with others.");
set("moving.action.low", "Execute these actions when a player moves further/higher in one step than the\n" +
"limits defined by this plugin allow.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = teleport the player back to where he was right before, and any of your custom actions.");
set("moving.action.med", "Execute these actions when a player moves further/higher in one step than the\n" +
"limits defined by this plugin + 0.5 blocks allow.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = teleport the player back to where he was right before, and any of your custom actions.");
set("moving.action.high", "Execute these actions when a player moves further/higher in one step than the\n" +
"limits defined by this plugin + 2.0 blocks allow.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = teleport the player back to where he was right before, and any of your custom actions.");
set("airbuild.checkops", "Also check players with OP-status, unless there is another reason\n" +
"to not check them, e.g. they got the relevant permission from a Permissions plugin.");
set("airbuild.limits.low", "The number of blocks per second a player places in midair\n" +
"to be considered cheating and execute the actions defined at 'airbuild.action.low'.");
set("airbuild.limits.med", "The number of blocks per second a player places in midair\n" +
"to be considered cheating and execute the actions defined at 'airbuild.action.med'.");
set("airbuild.limits.high", "The number of blocks per second a player places in midair\n" +
"to be considered cheating and execute the actions defined at 'airbuild.action.high'.");
set("airbuild.action.low", "Execute these actions when 'airbuild.limits.low' is reached.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = prevent the player from placing the block, and any of your custom actions.");
set("airbuild.action.med", "Execute these actions when 'airbuild.limits.med' is reached.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = prevent the player from placing the block, and any of your custom actions.");
set("airbuild.action.high", "Execute these actions when 'airbuild.limits.high' is reached.\n" +
"Actions are executed in order. Available actions are loglow = log a message with low severeness,\n" +
"logmed = log a message with medium severeness, loghigh = log a message with high severeness,\n" +
"cancel = prevent the player from placing the block, and any of your custom actions.");
set("bogusitems.checkops", "Also check players with OP-status, unless there is another reason\n" +
"to not check them, e.g. they got the relevant permission from a Permissions plugin.");
set("bedteleport.checkops", "Also check players with OP-status, unless there is another reason\n" +
"to not check them, e.g. they got the relevant permission from a Permissions plugin.");
private static void set(String id, String text) {
explainations.put(id, text);
public static String get(String id) {
String result = explainations.get(id);
if(result == null) {
result = "No description available";
return result;

View File

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public class ParentOptionGui extends JPanel {
@Override @Override
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Explainations.get(((ChildOption)child).getFullIdentifier()), "Description", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Explainations.get(((ChildOption)child).getFullIdentifier()), "Description of "+ ((ChildOption)child).getFullIdentifier(), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
} }