mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:49:31 +01:00
Move most static stuff from SurvivalFly to a Magic class.
This commit is contained in:
@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ public class CreativeFly extends Check {
if (lastMove.toIsValid) {
// (Disregard gravity.)
double frictionDist = lastMove.yDistance * SurvivalFly.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
double frictionDist = lastMove.yDistance * Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
if (!flying) {
frictionDist -= SurvivalFly.GRAVITY_MIN;
frictionDist -= Magic.GRAVITY_MIN;
limitV = Math.max(frictionDist, limitV);
@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
package fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.model.LiftOffEnvelope;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.model.MoveData;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.PlayerLocation;
* Keeping some of the magic confined in here.
* @author asofold
public class Magic {
// Gravity.
public static final double GRAVITY_MAX = 0.0834;
public static final double GRAVITY_MIN = 0.0624; // TODO: Special cases go down to 0.05.
public static final double GRAVITY_SPAN = GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN;
public static final double GRAVITY_ODD = 0.05; // 19; // TODO: This should probably be min. / cleanup.
/** Assumed minimal average decrease per move, suitable for regarding 3 moves. */
public static final float GRAVITY_VACC = (float) (GRAVITY_MIN * 0.6);
// Friction factor by medium (move inside of).
public static final double FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR = 0.98;
/** Friction for water (default). */
public static final double FRICTION_MEDIUM_WATER = 0.89;
/** Friction for lava. */
public static final double FRICTION_MEDIUM_LAVA = 0.535;
// Horizontal speeds/modifiers.
public static final double WALK_SPEED = 0.221D;
public static final double modSneak = 0.13D / WALK_SPEED;
// public static final double modSprint = 0.29 / walkSpeed; // TODO: without bunny 0.29 / practical is 0.35
public static final double modBlock = 0.16D / WALK_SPEED;
public static final double modSwim = 0.115D / WALK_SPEED;
public static final double[] modDepthStrider = new double[] {
0.1645 / modSwim / WALK_SPEED,
0.1995 / modSwim / WALK_SPEED,
1.0 / modSwim, // Results in walkspeed.
public static final double modWeb = 0.105D / WALK_SPEED; // TODO: walkingSpeed * 0.15D; <- does not work
public static final double modIce = 2.5D; //
/** Faster moving down stream (water mainly). */
public static final double modDownStream = 0.19 / (WALK_SPEED * modSwim);
/** Maximal horizontal buffer. It can be higher, but normal resetting should keep this limit. */
public static final double hBufMax = 1.0;
// Vertical speeds/modifiers.
public static final double climbSpeed = WALK_SPEED * 1.3; // TODO: Check if the factor is needed!
* The absolute per-tick base speed for swimming vertically.
* @return
static double swimBaseSpeedV() {
// TODO: Does this have to be the dynamic walk speed (refactoring)?
return WALK_SPEED * modSwim + 0.02;
* Vertical envelope "hacks". Directly check for certain transitions, on
* match, skip sub-checks: vdistrel, maxphase, inAirChecks.
* @param from
* @param to
* @param yDistance
* @param data
* @return If to skip those sub-checks.
static boolean venvHacks(final PlayerLocation from, final PlayerLocation to, final double yDistance, final double yDistChange, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// 0: Intended for cobweb.
// TODO: Bounding box issue ?
data.liftOffEnvelope == LiftOffEnvelope.NO_JUMP && data.sfJumpPhase < 60
&& (
lastMove.toIsValid && lastMove.yDistance < 0.0
&& (
// 2: Switch to 0 y-Dist on early jump phase.
yDistance == 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 3.0 && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN
// 2: Decrease too few.
|| yDistChange < -GRAVITY_MIN / 3.0 && yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MAX
// 2: Keep negative y-distance (very likely a player height issue).
|| yDistChange == 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX && lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 3.0
// 1: Keep yDist == 0.0 on first falling.
// TODO: Do test if hdist == 0.0 or something small can be assumed.
|| yDistance == 0.0 && data.sfZeroVdist > 0 && data.sfZeroVdist < 10
// 0: Jumping on slimes, change viewing direction at the max. height.
|| yDistance == 0.0 && data.sfZeroVdist == 1
&& (data.isVelocityJumpPhase() || data.hasSetBack() && to.getY() - data.getSetBackY() < 1.35);
* Odd decrease after lift-off.
* @param to
* @param yDistance
* @param maxJumpGain
* @param yDistDiffEx
* @param data
* @return
static boolean oddSlope(final PlayerLocation to, final double yDistance, final double maxJumpGain, final double yDistDiffEx, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
return data.sfJumpPhase == 1 //&& data.fromWasReset
&& Math.abs(yDistDiffEx) < 2.0 * GRAVITY_SPAN
&& lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& to.getY() - data.getSetBackY() <= data.liftOffEnvelope.getMaxJumpHeight(data.jumpAmplifier)
&& (
// Decrease more after lost-ground cases with more y-distance than normal lift-off.
lastMove.yDistance > maxJumpGain && lastMove.yDistance < 1.1 * maxJumpGain
//&& fallingEnvelope(yDistance, lastMove.yDistance, 2.0 * GRAVITY_SPAN)
// Decrease more after going through liquid (but normal ground envelope).
|| lastMove.yDistance > 0.5 * maxJumpGain && lastMove.yDistance < 0.84 * maxJumpGain
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance <= GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN
* Test if the player is (well) within in-air falling envelope.
* @param yDistance
* @param lastYDist
* @param extraGravity Extra amount to fall faster.
* @return
static boolean fallingEnvelope(final double yDistance, final double lastYDist, final double lastFrictionVertical, final double extraGravity) {
if (yDistance >= lastYDist) {
return false;
// TODO: data.lastFrictionVertical (see vDistAir).
final double frictDist = lastYDist * lastFrictionVertical - GRAVITY_MIN;
// TODO: Extra amount: distinguish pos/neg?
return yDistance <= frictDist + extraGravity && yDistance > frictDist - GRAVITY_SPAN - extraGravity;
* Jump after leaving the liquid near ground or jumping through liquid
* (rather friction envelope, problematic). Needs last move data.
* @return If the exemption condition applies.
static boolean oddLiquid(final double yDistance, final double yDistDiffEx, final double maxJumpGain, final boolean resetTo, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// TODO: Relate jump phase to last/second-last move fromWasReset (needs keeping that data in classes).
// TODO: And distinguish where JP=2 is ok?
// TODO: Most are medium transitions with the possibility to keep/alter friction or even speed on 1st/2nd move (counting in the transition).
// TODO: Do any belong into odd gravity? (Needs re-grouping EVERYTHING anyway.)
if (data.sfJumpPhase != 1 && data.sfJumpPhase != 2) {
return false;
// 0: Falling slightly too fast (velocity/special).
yDistDiffEx < 0.0 && (
// 2: Friction issue (bad).
// TODO: Velocity jump phase isn't exact on that account, but shouldn't hurt.
// TODO: Water-bound or not?
(data.liftOffEnvelope != LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL || data.isVelocityJumpPhase())
&& fallingEnvelope(yDistance, lastMove.yDistance, data.lastFrictionVertical, GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0)
// 0: Not normal envelope.
// TODO: Water-bound or not?
|| data.liftOffEnvelope != LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL
&& (
// 1: Jump or decrease falling speed after a small gain (could be bounding box?).
yDistDiffEx > 0.0 && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance && yDistance < 0.84 * maxJumpGain
&& lastMove.yDistance >= -GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN
// 0: Moving out of water somehow.
|| (data.liftOffEnvelope == LiftOffEnvelope.LIMIT_LIQUID || data.liftOffEnvelope == LiftOffEnvelope.LIMIT_NEAR_GROUND)
&& (
// 1: Too few decrease on first moves out of water (upwards).
lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX && yDistDiffEx > 0.0 && yDistDiffEx < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_ODD
// 1: Odd decrease of speed as if still in water, moving out of water (downwards).
// TODO: data.lastFrictionVertical might not catch it (jump phase 0 -> next = air).
// TODO: Could not reproduce since first time (use DebugUtil.debug(String, boolean)).
|| lastMove.yDistance < -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX && data.sfJumpPhase == 1
&& yDistance < -GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance
&& Math.abs(yDistance - lastMove.yDistance * data.lastFrictionVertical) < GRAVITY_MAX
// 1: Falling too slow, keeping roughly gravity-once speed.
|| data.sfJumpPhase == 1
&& lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN
&& Math.abs(lastMove.yDistance - yDistance) < GRAVITY_SPAN
&& (yDistance < lastMove.yDistance || yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN)
// 1: Falling slightly too slow.
|| yDistDiffEx > 0.0 && (
// 2: Falling too slow around 0 yDistance.
lastMove.yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance && lastMove.yDistance - yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance > GRAVITY_MIN / 4.0
// 2: Moving out of liquid with velocity.
|| yDistance > 0.0 && data.sfJumpPhase == 1 && yDistDiffEx < 4.0 * GRAVITY_MAX
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX && data.isVelocityJumpPhase()
; // (return)
* A condition for exemption from vdistrel (vDistAir), around where gravity
* hits most hard, including head obstruction. This method is called with
* varying preconditions, thus a full envelope check is necessary. Needs
* last move data.
* @param yDistance
* @param yDistChange
* @param data
* @return If the condition applies, i.e. if to exempt.
static boolean oddGravity(final PlayerLocation from, final PlayerLocation to, final double yDistance, final double yDistChange, final double yDistDiffEx, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// TODO: Identify spots only to apply with limited LiftOffEnvelope (some guards got removed before switching to that).
// TODO: Cleanup pending.
// Old condition (normal lift-off envelope).
// && (yDistChange < -GRAVITY_MIN && Math.abs(yDistChange) <= 2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN
// || from.isHeadObstructed(from.getyOnGround()) || data.fromWasReset && from.isHeadObstructed())
// 0: Any envelope (supposedly normal) near 0 yDistance.
yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < 2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN
&& (
// 1: Too big chunk of change, but within reasonable bounds (should be contained in some other generic case?).
lastMove.yDistance < 3.0 * GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange < -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange > -2.5 * GRAVITY_MAX -GRAVITY_MIN
// Transition to 0.0 yDistance.
|| lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance == 0.0
// 1: yDist inversion near 0 (almost). TODO: This actually happens near liquid, but NORMAL env!?
// lastYDist < Gravity max + min happens with dirty phase (slimes),. previously: max + span
// TODO: Can all cases be reduced to change sign with max. neg. gain of max + span ?
|| lastMove.yDistance <= GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN && lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance < GRAVITY_ODD && yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0
// 1: Head is obstructed.
// TODO: Cover this in a more generic way elsewhere (<= friction envelope + obstructed).
|| lastMove.yDistance >= 0.0 && yDistance < GRAVITY_ODD
&& (data.thisMove.headObstructed || lastMove.headObstructed)
// 1: Break the block underneath.
|| lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid && lastMove.to.onGround
&& yDistance >= -GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_SPAN && yDistance <= GRAVITY_MIN
// 1: Slope with slimes (also near ground without velocityJumpPhase, rather lowjump but not always).
|| lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_MAX && yDistChange < - GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MIN
// 1: Near ground (slime block).
|| lastMove.yDistance == 0.0 && yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 2.5 && yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN && to.isOnGround(GRAVITY_MIN)
// 1: Start to fall after touching ground somehow (possibly too slowly).
|| (lastMove.touchedGround || lastMove.to.resetCond) && lastMove.yDistance <= GRAVITY_MIN && lastMove.yDistance >= - GRAVITY_MAX
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_SPAN && yDistance < GRAVITY_ODD && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX
// 0: With velocity.
|| data.isVelocityJumpPhase()
&& (
// 1: Near zero inversion with slimes (rather dirty phase).
lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistance <= -lastMove.yDistance && yDistance > -lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_ODD
// 1: Odd mini-decrease with dirty phase (slime).
|| lastMove.yDistance < -0.204 && yDistance > -0.26
&& yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange < -GRAVITY_ODD / 4.0
// 1: Lot's of decrease near zero TODO: merge later.
|| lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - 2.0 * GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < -GRAVITY_MAX
// 1: Odd decrease less near zero.
|| yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange < -GRAVITY_ODD
&& lastMove.yDistance < 0.5 && lastMove.yDistance > 0.4
// 1: Small decrease after high edge.
// TODO: Consider min <-> span, generic.
|| lastMove.yDistance == 0.0 && yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD
// 1: Too small but decent decrease moving up, marginal violation.
|| yDistDiffEx > 0.0 && yDistDiffEx < 0.01
&& yDistance > GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX
// 0: Small distance to set.back. .
|| data.hasSetBack() && Math.abs(data.getSetBackY() - from.getY()) < 1.0
// TODO: Consider low fall distance as well.
&& (
// 1: Near ground small decrease.
lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_MAX && lastMove.yDistance < 3.0 * GRAVITY_MAX
&& yDistChange > - GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange < -GRAVITY_ODD
// 1: Bounce without velocity set.
//|| lastMove.yDistance == 0.0 && yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < GRAVITY_SPAN
// 0: Jump-effect-specific
// TODO: Jump effect at reduced lift off envelope -> skip this?
|| data.jumpAmplifier > 0 && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - 0.5 * GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - 2.0 * GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistChange < -GRAVITY_SPAN
// 0: Another near 0 yDistance case.
// TODO: Inaugurate into some more generic envelope.
|| lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN
&& !(lastMove.touchedGround || lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid && lastMove.to.onGroundOrResetCond)
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0 && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX - 0.5 * GRAVITY_MIN
// 0: Reduced jumping envelope.
|| data.liftOffEnvelope != LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL
&& (
// 1: Wild-card allow half gravity near 0 yDistance. TODO: Check for removal of included cases elsewhere.
lastMove.yDistance > -10.0 * GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance < 10.0 * GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0 && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX
// 1:
|| lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN && lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance > 0.4 * GRAVITY_ODD && yDistance - lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0
// 1:
|| lastMove.yDistance < 0.2 && lastMove.yDistance >= 0.0 && yDistance > -0.2 && yDistance < 2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX
// 1:
|| lastMove.yDistance > 0.4 * GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance == 0.0
// 1: Too small decrease, right after lift off.
|| data.sfJumpPhase == 1 && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance <= GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN
&& yDistance - lastMove.yDistance < 0.0114
// 1: Any leaving liquid and keeping distance once.
|| data.sfJumpPhase == 1
&& Math.abs(yDistance) <= Magic.swimBaseSpeedV() && yDistance == lastMove.yDistance
* Odd friction behavior with moving up (not necessarily friction),
* accounting for more than one past move.
* @param yDistance
* @param lastMove
* @param data
* @return
static boolean oddFrictionUp(final double yDistance, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// Use past move data for two moves.
final MoveData pastMove1 = data.moveData.get(1);
if (!lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid || !pastMove1.toIsValid || !pastMove1.to.extraPropertiesValid) {
return false;
final MoveData thisMove = data.thisMove;
// Odd speed decrease bumping into a block sideways somehow, having moved through water.
data.sfJumpPhase == 1 && data.liftOffEnvelope == LiftOffEnvelope.LIMIT_NEAR_GROUND
&& !thisMove.touchedGround && !thisMove.from.resetCond && !thisMove.to.resetCond // In-air
&& !lastMove.touchedGround && lastMove.from.inWater && !lastMove.to.resetCond // Out of water.
&& lastMove.yDistance > yDistance + GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance / 5.0 // Odd too high decrease.
&& !pastMove1.touchedGround && !pastMove1.from.resetCond && pastMove1.to.inWater // Into water.
&& pastMove1.yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX // Some speed decrease.
@ -371,18 +371,18 @@ public class MovingData extends ACheckData {
// TODO: Distinguish strong limit.
liftOffEnvelope = LiftOffEnvelope.LIMIT_LIQUID;
if (loc.isInLava()) {
nextFrictionHorizontal = nextFrictionVertical = SurvivalFly.FRICTION_MEDIUM_LAVA;
nextFrictionHorizontal = nextFrictionVertical = Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_LAVA;
} else {
nextFrictionHorizontal = nextFrictionVertical = SurvivalFly.FRICTION_MEDIUM_WATER;
nextFrictionHorizontal = nextFrictionVertical = Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_WATER;
else if (loc.isOnGround()) {
liftOffEnvelope = LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL;
nextFrictionHorizontal = nextFrictionVertical = SurvivalFly.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
nextFrictionHorizontal = nextFrictionVertical = Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
else {
liftOffEnvelope = LiftOffEnvelope.UNKNOWN;
nextFrictionHorizontal = nextFrictionVertical = SurvivalFly.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
nextFrictionHorizontal = nextFrictionVertical = Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
insideMediumCount = 0;
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ public class MovingListener extends CheckListener implements TickListener, IRemo
&& MovingUtil.getRealisticFallDistance(player, pFrom.getY(), pTo.getY(), data) > 1.0
// Within wobble-distance.
|| to.getY() - to.getBlockY() < 0.286 && to.getY() - from.getY() > -0.5
&& to.getY() - from.getY() < -SurvivalFly.GRAVITY_MIN
&& to.getY() - from.getY() < -Magic.GRAVITY_MIN
&& !pTo.isOnGround()
) {
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ public class MovingListener extends CheckListener implements TickListener, IRemo
private static void workaroundFlyNoFlyTransition(final int tick, final MovingData data) {
final MoveData lastMove = data.moveData.getFirst();
final double amount = lastMove.hDistance * SurvivalFly.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
final double amount = lastMove.hDistance * Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
data.addHorizontalVelocity(new AccountEntry(tick, amount, 1, MovingData.getHorVelValCount(amount)));
data.addVerticalVelocity(new SimpleEntry(lastMove.yDistance, 2));
data.addVerticalVelocity(new SimpleEntry(0.0, 2));
@ -803,11 +803,11 @@ public class MovingListener extends CheckListener implements TickListener, IRemo
// Prepare velocity.
final double fallDistance = MovingUtil.getRealisticFallDistance(player, fromY, toY, data);
final double base = Math.sqrt(fallDistance) / 3.3;
double effect = Math.min(3.5, base + Math.min(base / 10.0, SurvivalFly.GRAVITY_MAX)); // Ancient Greek technology with gravity added.
double effect = Math.min(3.5, base + Math.min(base / 10.0, Magic.GRAVITY_MAX)); // Ancient Greek technology with gravity added.
final MoveData lastMove = data.moveData.getFirst();
if (effect > 0.42 && lastMove.toIsValid) {
// Extra cap by last y distance(s).
final double max_gain = Math.abs(lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 ? Math.min(lastMove.yDistance, toY - fromY) : (toY - fromY)) - SurvivalFly.GRAVITY_SPAN;
final double max_gain = Math.abs(lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 ? Math.min(lastMove.yDistance, toY - fromY) : (toY - fromY)) - Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN;
if (max_gain < effect) {
effect = max_gain;
if (data.debug) {
@ -40,54 +40,13 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// Tags
private static final String DOUBLE_BUNNY = "doublebunny";
// Horizontal speeds/modifiers.
public static final double WALK_SPEED = 0.221D;
public static final double modSneak = 0.13D / WALK_SPEED;
// public static final double modSprint = 0.29 / walkSpeed; // TODO: without bunny 0.29 / practical is 0.35
public static final double modBlock = 0.16D / WALK_SPEED;
public static final double modSwim = 0.115D / WALK_SPEED;
public static final double[] modDepthStrider = new double[] {
0.1645 / modSwim / WALK_SPEED,
0.1995 / modSwim / WALK_SPEED,
1.0 / modSwim, // Results in walkspeed.
public static final double modWeb = 0.105D / WALK_SPEED; // TODO: walkingSpeed * 0.15D; <- does not work
public static final double modIce = 2.5D; //
/** Faster moving down stream (water mainly). */
public static final double modDownStream = 0.19 / (WALK_SPEED * modSwim);
/** Maximal horizontal buffer. It can be higher, but normal resetting should keep this limit. */
public static final double hBufMax = 1.0;
// Vertical speeds/modifiers.
public static final double climbSpeed = WALK_SPEED * 1.3; // TODO: Check if the factor is needed!
// Other.
/** Bunny-hop delay. */
private static final int bunnyHopMax = 10;
/** Divisor vs. last hDist for minimum slow down. */
private static final double bunnyDivFriction = 160.0; // Rather in-air, blocks would differ by friction.
// Gravity.
public static final double GRAVITY_MAX = 0.0834;
public static final double GRAVITY_MIN = 0.0624; // TODO: Special cases go down to 0.05.
public static final double GRAVITY_SPAN = GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN;
public static final double GRAVITY_ODD = 0.05; // 19; // TODO: This should probably be min. / cleanup.
/** Assumed minimal average decrease per move, suitable for regarding 3 moves. */
public static final float GRAVITY_VACC = (float) (GRAVITY_MIN * 0.6);
// Friction factor by medium (move inside of).
public static final double FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR = 0.98;
/** Friction for water (default). */
public static final double FRICTION_MEDIUM_WATER = 0.89;
/** Friction for lava. */
public static final double FRICTION_MEDIUM_LAVA = 0.535;
// TODO: Friction by block to walk on (horizontal only, possibly to be in BlockProperties rather).
@ -178,7 +137,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
if (data.lostSprintCount > 0) {
// Sprint got toggled off, though the client is still (legitimately) moving at sprinting speed.
// NOTE: This could extend the "sprinting grace" period, theoretically, until on ground.
if (resetTo && (fromOnGround || from.isResetCond()) || hDistance <= WALK_SPEED) {
if (resetTo && (fromOnGround || from.isResetCond()) || hDistance <= Magic.WALK_SPEED) {
// Invalidate.
data.lostSprintCount = 0;
@ -213,7 +172,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// Use the player-specific walk speed.
// TODO: Might get from listener.
// TODO: Use in lostground?
thisMove.walkSpeed = SurvivalFly.WALK_SPEED * ((double) data.walkSpeed / 0.2);
thisMove.walkSpeed = Magic.WALK_SPEED * ((double) data.walkSpeed / 0.2);
setNextFriction(from, to, data, cc);
@ -274,7 +233,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
data.bunnyhopDelay--; // TODO: Design to do the changing at the bottom? [if change: check limits in bunnyHop(...)]
// Set flag for swimming with the flowing direction of liquid.
thisMove.downStream = hDistance > thisMove.walkSpeed * modSwim && from.isInLiquid() && from.isDownStream(xDistance, zDistance);
thisMove.downStream = hDistance > thisMove.walkSpeed * Magic.modSwim && from.isInLiquid() && from.isDownStream(xDistance, zDistance);
// Handle ice.
// TODO: Re-model ice stuff and other (e.g. general thing: ground-modifier + reset conditions).
@ -386,7 +345,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
final double[] res = vDistLiquid(from, to, toOnGround, yDistance, lastMove, data);
vAllowedDistance = res[0];
vDistanceAboveLimit = res[1];
if (vDistanceAboveLimit <= 0.0 && yDistance > 0.0 && Math.abs(yDistance) > swimBaseSpeedV()) {
if (vDistanceAboveLimit <= 0.0 && yDistance > 0.0 && Math.abs(yDistance) > Magic.swimBaseSpeedV()) {
@ -438,7 +397,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// Finally check horizontal buffer regain.
if (hDistanceAboveLimit < 0.0 && result <= 0.0 && !isSamePos && data.sfHorizontalBuffer < hBufMax) {
if (hDistanceAboveLimit < 0.0 && result <= 0.0 && !isSamePos && data.sfHorizontalBuffer < Magic.hBufMax) {
// TODO: max min other conditions ?
hBufRegain(hDistance, Math.min(0.2, Math.abs(hDistanceAboveLimit)), data);
@ -631,19 +590,19 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
else if (from.isInLiquid()) {
// TODO: Exact conditions ?!
if (from.isInLava()) {
data.nextFrictionHorizontal = data.nextFrictionVertical = FRICTION_MEDIUM_LAVA;
data.nextFrictionHorizontal = data.nextFrictionVertical = Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_LAVA;
else {
data.nextFrictionHorizontal = data.nextFrictionVertical = FRICTION_MEDIUM_WATER;
data.nextFrictionHorizontal = data.nextFrictionVertical = Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_WATER;
// TODO: consider setting minimum friction last (air), do add ground friction.
else if (!from.isOnGround() && ! to.isOnGround()) {
data.nextFrictionHorizontal = data.nextFrictionVertical = FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
data.nextFrictionHorizontal = data.nextFrictionVertical = Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
else {
data.nextFrictionHorizontal = 0.0; // TODO: Friction for walking on blocks (!).
data.nextFrictionVertical = FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
data.nextFrictionVertical = Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
@ -676,19 +635,19 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
data.sfOnIce = 0;
// TODO: if (from.isOnIce()) <- makes it even slower !
// Does include sprinting by now (would need other accounting methods).
hAllowedDistance = modWeb * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlyWalkingSpeed / 100D;
hAllowedDistance = Magic.modWeb * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlyWalkingSpeed / 100D;
friction = 0.0; // Ensure friction can't be used to speed.
else if (from.isInLiquid() && to.isInLiquid()) {
// Check all liquids (lava might demand even slower speed though).
// TODO: Test how to go with only checking from (less dolphins).
// TODO: Sneaking and blocking applies to when in water !
hAllowedDistance = modSwim * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlySwimmingSpeed / 100D;
hAllowedDistance = Magic.modSwim * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlySwimmingSpeed / 100D;
if (from.isInWater() || !from.isInLava()) { // (We don't really have other liquids, though.)
final int level = BridgeEnchant.getDepthStriderLevel(player);
if (level > 0) {
// The hard way.
hAllowedDistance *= modDepthStrider[level];
hAllowedDistance *= Magic.modDepthStrider[level];
// Modifiers: Most speed seems to be reached on ground, but couldn't nail down.
useBaseModifiers = true;
@ -696,12 +655,12 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// (Friction is used as is.)
else if (!sfDirty && from.isOnGround() && player.isSneaking() && reallySneaking.contains(player.getName()) && (!checkPermissions || !player.hasPermission(Permissions.MOVING_SURVIVALFLY_SNEAKING))) {
hAllowedDistance = modSneak * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlySneakingSpeed / 100D;
hAllowedDistance = Magic.modSneak * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlySneakingSpeed / 100D;
friction = 0.0; // Ensure friction can't be used to speed.
// TODO: Attribute modifiers can count in here, e.g. +0.5 (+ 50% doesn't seem to pose a problem, neither speed effect 2).
else if (!sfDirty && from.isOnGround() && player.isBlocking() && (!checkPermissions || !player.hasPermission(Permissions.MOVING_SURVIVALFLY_BLOCKING))) {
hAllowedDistance = modBlock * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlyBlockingSpeed / 100D;
hAllowedDistance = Magic.modBlock * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlyBlockingSpeed / 100D;
friction = 0.0; // Ensure friction can't be used to speed.
else {
@ -746,12 +705,12 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// Account for flowing liquids (only if needed).
// Assume: If in liquids this would be placed right here.
if (thisMove.downStream) {
hAllowedDistance *= modDownStream;
hAllowedDistance *= Magic.modDownStream;
// If the player is on ice, give them a higher maximum speed.
if (data.sfOnIce > 0) {
hAllowedDistance *= modIce;
hAllowedDistance *= Magic.modIce;
// Speeding bypass permission (can be combined with other bypasses).
@ -861,7 +820,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// Hacks.
final boolean envelopeHack;
if (!resetFrom && !resetTo && venvHacks(from, to, yDistance, yDistChange, lastMove, data)) {
if (!resetFrom && !resetTo && Magic.venvHacks(from, to, yDistance, yDistChange, lastMove, data)) {
envelopeHack = true;
@ -881,10 +840,10 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
final boolean strictVdistRel;
final double maxJumpGain = data.liftOffEnvelope.getMaxJumpGain(data.jumpAmplifier);
final double jumpGainMargin = 0.005; // TODO: Model differently, workarounds where needed. 0.05 interferes with max height vs. velocity (<= 0.47 gain).
if (lastMove.toIsValid && fallingEnvelope(yDistance, lastMove.yDistance, data.lastFrictionVertical, 0.0)) {
if (lastMove.toIsValid && Magic.fallingEnvelope(yDistance, lastMove.yDistance, data.lastFrictionVertical, 0.0)) {
// Less headache: Always allow falling.
// TODO: Base should be data.lastFrictionVertical? Problem: "not set" detection?
vAllowedDistance = lastMove.yDistance * data.lastFrictionVertical - GRAVITY_MIN; // Upper bound.
vAllowedDistance = lastMove.yDistance * data.lastFrictionVertical - Magic.GRAVITY_MIN; // Upper bound.
strictVdistRel = true;
else if (resetFrom || data.thisMove.touchedGroundWorkaround) {
@ -906,7 +865,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
strictVdistRel = false;
else if (lastMove.toIsValid) {
if (lastMove.yDistance >= -Math.max(GRAVITY_MAX / 2.0, 1.3 * Math.abs(yDistance)) && lastMove.yDistance <= 0.0
if (lastMove.yDistance >= -Math.max(Magic.GRAVITY_MAX / 2.0, 1.3 * Math.abs(yDistance)) && lastMove.yDistance <= 0.0
&& (lastMove.touchedGround || lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid && lastMove.to.resetCond)) {
if (resetTo) { // TODO: Might have to use max if resetto.
vAllowedDistance = cc.sfStepHeight;
@ -920,7 +879,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
else {
// Friction.
// TODO: data.lastFrictionVertical (see above).
vAllowedDistance = lastMove.yDistance * data.lastFrictionVertical - GRAVITY_MIN; // Upper bound.
vAllowedDistance = lastMove.yDistance * data.lastFrictionVertical - Magic.GRAVITY_MIN; // Upper bound.
strictVdistRel = true;
@ -960,7 +919,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
else if (lastMove.toIsValid) {
// TODO: Sort in workarounds to methods, unless extremely frequent.
if (yDistance < 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MAX
if (yDistance < 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && yDistChange > -Magic.GRAVITY_MAX
&& (from.isOnGround(Math.abs(yDistance) + 0.001) || BlockProperties.isLiquid(to.getTypeId(to.getBlockX(), Location.locToBlock(to.getY() - 0.5), to.getBlockZ())))) {
// Pretty coarse workaround, should instead do a proper modeling for from.getDistanceToGround.
// (OR loc... needs different model, distanceToGround, proper set-back, moveHitGround)
@ -970,27 +929,27 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// else if (yDistance < 0.0 && yDistChange > 0.0 && tags.contains("lostground_edgedesc")) {
// // Falling less far than expected by hitting an edge.
// }
else if (yDistDiffEx < GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0 && data.sfJumpPhase == 1 //&& data.fromWasReset
else if (yDistDiffEx < Magic.GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0 && data.sfJumpPhase == 1 //&& data.fromWasReset
// TODO: Test with demanding && (data.noFallAssumeGround || data.liftOffEnvelope != LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL)
&& to.getY() - data.getSetBackY() <= data.liftOffEnvelope.getMaxJumpHeight(data.jumpAmplifier)
&& lastMove.yDistance <= maxJumpGain && yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD / 3.0) {
&& lastMove.yDistance <= maxJumpGain && yDistance > -Magic.GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance > Magic.GRAVITY_ODD / 3.0) {
// Special jump (water/edges/assume-ground), too small decrease.
else if (yDistDiffEx < GRAVITY_MIN && data.sfJumpPhase == 1
else if (yDistDiffEx < Magic.GRAVITY_MIN && data.sfJumpPhase == 1
&& data.liftOffEnvelope != LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL
&& lastMove.from.extraPropertiesValid && lastMove.from.inLiquid
&& lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_SPAN
&& lastMove.yDistance < -Magic.GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance > -Magic.GRAVITY_MAX - Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - 0.001) {
// Odd decrease with water.
else if (oddLiquid(yDistance, yDistDiffEx, maxJumpGain, resetTo, lastMove, data)) {
else if (Magic.oddLiquid(yDistance, yDistDiffEx, maxJumpGain, resetTo, lastMove, data)) {
// Jump after leaving the liquid near ground.
else if (oddGravity(from, to, yDistance, yDistChange, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
else if (Magic.oddGravity(from, to, yDistance, yDistChange, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
// Starting to fall / gravity effects.
else if (oddSlope(to, yDistance, maxJumpGain, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
else if (Magic.oddSlope(to, yDistance, maxJumpGain, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
// Odd decrease after lift-off.
else {
@ -1004,17 +963,17 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
} // else: yDistDiffEx <= 0.0
else if (yDistance >= 0.0) { // Moved too short.
if (!strictVdistRel || Math.abs(yDistDiffEx) <= GRAVITY_SPAN || vAllowedDistance <= 0.2) {
if (!strictVdistRel || Math.abs(yDistDiffEx) <= Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN || vAllowedDistance <= 0.2) {
// Allow jumping less high unless within "strict envelope".
// TODO: Extreme anti-jump effects, perhaps.
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && oddGravity(from, to, yDistance, yDistChange, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && Magic.oddGravity(from, to, yDistance, yDistChange, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
// Starting to fall.
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && oddSlope(to, yDistance, maxJumpGain, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && Magic.oddSlope(to, yDistance, maxJumpGain, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
// Odd decrease after lift-off.
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && oddLiquid(yDistance, yDistDiffEx, maxJumpGain, resetTo, lastMove, data)) {
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && Magic.oddLiquid(yDistance, yDistDiffEx, maxJumpGain, resetTo, lastMove, data)) {
// Just having left liquid.
else if (yDistance > 0.0 && lastMove.toIsValid && lastMove.yDistance > yDistance
@ -1027,7 +986,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
else if (data.thisMove.headObstructed || lastMove.toIsValid && lastMove.headObstructed && lastMove.yDistance >= 0.0) {
// Head is blocked, thus a shorter move.
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && oddFrictionUp(yDistance, lastMove, data)) {
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && Magic.oddFrictionUp(yDistance, lastMove, data)) {
// Odd friction behavior (not necessarily friction).
else {
@ -1035,15 +994,15 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// else: Allow moving up less. Note: possibility of low jump.
} else { // if (yDistance < 0.0) // Rather too fast falling.
if (Math.abs(yDistDiffEx) > GRAVITY_SPAN) {
if (yDistance < -3.0 && lastMove.yDistance < -3.0 && Math.abs(yDistDiffEx) < 5.0 * GRAVITY_MAX) {
if (Math.abs(yDistDiffEx) > Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN) {
if (yDistance < -3.0 && lastMove.yDistance < -3.0 && Math.abs(yDistDiffEx) < 5.0 * Magic.GRAVITY_MAX) {
// Disregard not falling faster at some point (our constants don't match 100%).
else if (resetTo && (yDistDiffEx > -GRAVITY_SPAN || !fromOnGround && !data.thisMove.touchedGround && yDistChange >= 0.0)) {
else if (resetTo && (yDistDiffEx > -Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN || !fromOnGround && !data.thisMove.touchedGround && yDistChange >= 0.0)) {
// Moving onto ground allows a shorter move.
// TODO: Any lost-ground cases?
else if (yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_SPAN && (resetTo || data.thisMove.touchedGround)) {
else if (yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - Magic.GRAVITY_MAX - Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN && (resetTo || data.thisMove.touchedGround)) {
// Mirrored case for yDistance > yAllowedDistance, hitting ground.
// TODO: Needs more efficient structure.
@ -1055,18 +1014,18 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
&& data.sfJumpPhase == 1 && lastMove.toIsValid
&& lastMove.from.inLiquid && !(lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid && lastMove.to.inLiquid)
&& !resetFrom && resetTo // TODO: There might be other cases (possibly wrong bounding box).
&& lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance < 0.5 * GRAVITY_ODD // TODO: There might be cases with < 0.2 !
&& yDistance < 0.0 && Math.abs(Math.abs(yDistance) - lastMove.yDistance) < GRAVITY_SPAN / 2.0
&& lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance < 0.5 * Magic.GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance < 0.0 && Math.abs(Math.abs(yDistance) - lastMove.yDistance) < Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN / 2.0
) {
// LIMIT_LIQUID, vDist inversion (!).
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && oddGravity(from, to, yDistance, yDistChange, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && Magic.oddGravity(from, to, yDistance, yDistChange, yDistDiffEx, lastMove, data)) {
// Starting to fall.
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && oddLiquid(yDistance, yDistDiffEx, maxJumpGain, resetTo, lastMove, data)) {
else if (lastMove.toIsValid && Magic.oddLiquid(yDistance, yDistDiffEx, maxJumpGain, resetTo, lastMove, data)) {
// Just having left liquid.
else if (yDistance <= 0.0 && yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_SPAN
else if (yDistance <= 0.0 && yDistance > -Magic.GRAVITY_MAX - Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN
&& (data.thisMove.headObstructed || lastMove.toIsValid && lastMove.headObstructed && lastMove.yDistance >= 0.0)) {
// Head was blocked, thus faster decrease than expected.
@ -1173,280 +1132,6 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
return new double[]{vAllowedDistance, vDistanceAboveLimit};
* Vertical envelope "hacks". Directly check for certain transitions, on
* match, skip sub-checks: vdistrel, maxphase, inAirChecks.
* @param from
* @param to
* @param yDistance
* @param data
* @return If to skip those sub-checks.
private static boolean venvHacks(final PlayerLocation from, final PlayerLocation to, final double yDistance, final double yDistChange, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// 0: Intended for cobweb.
// TODO: Bounding box issue ?
data.liftOffEnvelope == LiftOffEnvelope.NO_JUMP && data.sfJumpPhase < 60
&& (
lastMove.toIsValid && lastMove.yDistance < 0.0
&& (
// 2: Switch to 0 y-Dist on early jump phase.
yDistance == 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 3.0 && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN
// 2: Decrease too few.
|| yDistChange < -GRAVITY_MIN / 3.0 && yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MAX
// 2: Keep negative y-distance (very likely a player height issue).
|| yDistChange == 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX && lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 3.0
// 1: Keep yDist == 0.0 on first falling.
// TODO: Do test if hdist == 0.0 or something small can be assumed.
|| yDistance == 0.0 && data.sfZeroVdist > 0 && data.sfZeroVdist < 10
// 0: Jumping on slimes, change viewing direction at the max. height.
|| yDistance == 0.0 && data.sfZeroVdist == 1
&& (data.isVelocityJumpPhase() || data.hasSetBack() && to.getY() - data.getSetBackY() < 1.35);
* Odd decrease after lift-off.
* @param to
* @param yDistance
* @param maxJumpGain
* @param yDistDiffEx
* @param data
* @return
private static boolean oddSlope(final PlayerLocation to, final double yDistance, final double maxJumpGain, final double yDistDiffEx, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
return data.sfJumpPhase == 1 //&& data.fromWasReset
&& Math.abs(yDistDiffEx) < 2.0 * GRAVITY_SPAN
&& lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& to.getY() - data.getSetBackY() <= data.liftOffEnvelope.getMaxJumpHeight(data.jumpAmplifier)
&& (
// Decrease more after lost-ground cases with more y-distance than normal lift-off.
lastMove.yDistance > maxJumpGain && lastMove.yDistance < 1.1 * maxJumpGain
//&& fallingEnvelope(yDistance, lastMove.yDistance, 2.0 * GRAVITY_SPAN)
// Decrease more after going through liquid (but normal ground envelope).
|| lastMove.yDistance > 0.5 * maxJumpGain && lastMove.yDistance < 0.84 * maxJumpGain
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance <= GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN
* Test if the player is (well) within in-air falling envelope.
* @param yDistance
* @param lastYDist
* @param extraGravity Extra amount to fall faster.
* @return
private static boolean fallingEnvelope(final double yDistance, final double lastYDist, final double lastFrictionVertical, final double extraGravity) {
if (yDistance >= lastYDist) {
return false;
// TODO: data.lastFrictionVertical (see vDistAir).
final double frictDist = lastYDist * lastFrictionVertical - GRAVITY_MIN;
// TODO: Extra amount: distinguish pos/neg?
return yDistance <= frictDist + extraGravity && yDistance > frictDist - GRAVITY_SPAN - extraGravity;
* Jump after leaving the liquid near ground or jumping through liquid
* (rather friction envelope, problematic). Needs last move data.
* @return If the exemption condition applies.
private static boolean oddLiquid(final double yDistance, final double yDistDiffEx, final double maxJumpGain, final boolean resetTo, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// TODO: Relate jump phase to last/second-last move fromWasReset (needs keeping that data in classes).
// TODO: And distinguish where JP=2 is ok?
// TODO: Most are medium transitions with the possibility to keep/alter friction or even speed on 1st/2nd move (counting in the transition).
// TODO: Do any belong into odd gravity? (Needs re-grouping EVERYTHING anyway.)
if (data.sfJumpPhase != 1 && data.sfJumpPhase != 2) {
return false;
// 0: Falling slightly too fast (velocity/special).
yDistDiffEx < 0.0 && (
// 2: Friction issue (bad).
// TODO: Velocity jump phase isn't exact on that account, but shouldn't hurt.
// TODO: Water-bound or not?
(data.liftOffEnvelope != LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL || data.isVelocityJumpPhase())
&& fallingEnvelope(yDistance, lastMove.yDistance, data.lastFrictionVertical, GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0)
// 0: Not normal envelope.
// TODO: Water-bound or not?
|| data.liftOffEnvelope != LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL
&& (
// 1: Jump or decrease falling speed after a small gain (could be bounding box?).
yDistDiffEx > 0.0 && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance && yDistance < 0.84 * maxJumpGain
&& lastMove.yDistance >= -GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN
// 0: Moving out of water somehow.
|| (data.liftOffEnvelope == LiftOffEnvelope.LIMIT_LIQUID || data.liftOffEnvelope == LiftOffEnvelope.LIMIT_NEAR_GROUND)
&& (
// 1: Too few decrease on first moves out of water (upwards).
lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX && yDistDiffEx > 0.0 && yDistDiffEx < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_ODD
// 1: Odd decrease of speed as if still in water, moving out of water (downwards).
// TODO: data.lastFrictionVertical might not catch it (jump phase 0 -> next = air).
// TODO: Could not reproduce since first time (use DebugUtil.debug(String, boolean)).
|| lastMove.yDistance < -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX && data.sfJumpPhase == 1
&& yDistance < -GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance
&& Math.abs(yDistance - lastMove.yDistance * data.lastFrictionVertical) < GRAVITY_MAX
// 1: Falling too slow, keeping roughly gravity-once speed.
|| data.sfJumpPhase == 1
&& lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN
&& Math.abs(lastMove.yDistance - yDistance) < GRAVITY_SPAN
&& (yDistance < lastMove.yDistance || yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN)
// 1: Falling slightly too slow.
|| yDistDiffEx > 0.0 && (
// 2: Falling too slow around 0 yDistance.
lastMove.yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance && lastMove.yDistance - yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance > GRAVITY_MIN / 4.0
// 2: Moving out of liquid with velocity.
|| yDistance > 0.0 && data.sfJumpPhase == 1 && yDistDiffEx < 4.0 * GRAVITY_MAX
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX && data.isVelocityJumpPhase()
; // (return)
* A condition for exemption from vdistrel (vDistAir), around where gravity
* hits most hard, including head obstruction. This method is called with
* varying preconditions, thus a full envelope check is necessary. Needs
* last move data.
* @param yDistance
* @param yDistChange
* @param data
* @return If the condition applies, i.e. if to exempt.
private static boolean oddGravity(final PlayerLocation from, final PlayerLocation to, final double yDistance, final double yDistChange, final double yDistDiffEx, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// TODO: Identify spots only to apply with limited LiftOffEnvelope (some guards got removed before switching to that).
// TODO: Cleanup pending.
// Old condition (normal lift-off envelope).
// && (yDistChange < -GRAVITY_MIN && Math.abs(yDistChange) <= 2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN
// || from.isHeadObstructed(from.getyOnGround()) || data.fromWasReset && from.isHeadObstructed())
// 0: Any envelope (supposedly normal) near 0 yDistance.
yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < 2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN
&& (
// 1: Too big chunk of change, but within reasonable bounds (should be contained in some other generic case?).
lastMove.yDistance < 3.0 * GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange < -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange > -2.5 * GRAVITY_MAX -GRAVITY_MIN
// Transition to 0.0 yDistance.
|| lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance == 0.0
// 1: yDist inversion near 0 (almost). TODO: This actually happens near liquid, but NORMAL env!?
// lastYDist < Gravity max + min happens with dirty phase (slimes),. previously: max + span
// TODO: Can all cases be reduced to change sign with max. neg. gain of max + span ?
|| lastMove.yDistance <= GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN && lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance < GRAVITY_ODD && yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0
// 1: Head is obstructed.
// TODO: Cover this in a more generic way elsewhere (<= friction envelope + obstructed).
|| lastMove.yDistance >= 0.0 && yDistance < GRAVITY_ODD
&& (data.thisMove.headObstructed || lastMove.headObstructed)
// 1: Break the block underneath.
|| lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid && lastMove.to.onGround
&& yDistance >= -GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_SPAN && yDistance <= GRAVITY_MIN
// 1: Slope with slimes (also near ground without velocityJumpPhase, rather lowjump but not always).
|| lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_MAX && yDistChange < - GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MIN
// 1: Near ground (slime block).
|| lastMove.yDistance == 0.0 && yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 2.5 && yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN && to.isOnGround(GRAVITY_MIN)
// 1: Start to fall after touching ground somehow (possibly too slowly).
|| (lastMove.touchedGround || lastMove.to.resetCond) && lastMove.yDistance <= GRAVITY_MIN && lastMove.yDistance >= - GRAVITY_MAX
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_SPAN && yDistance < GRAVITY_ODD && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX
// 0: With velocity.
|| data.isVelocityJumpPhase()
&& (
// 1: Near zero inversion with slimes (rather dirty phase).
lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistance <= -lastMove.yDistance && yDistance > -lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_ODD
// 1: Odd mini-decrease with dirty phase (slime).
|| lastMove.yDistance < -0.204 && yDistance > -0.26
&& yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange < -GRAVITY_ODD / 4.0
// 1: Lot's of decrease near zero TODO: merge later.
|| lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - 2.0 * GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < -GRAVITY_MAX
// 1: Odd decrease less near zero.
|| yDistChange > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange < -GRAVITY_ODD
&& lastMove.yDistance < 0.5 && lastMove.yDistance > 0.4
// 1: Small decrease after high edge.
// TODO: Consider min <-> span, generic.
|| lastMove.yDistance == 0.0 && yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD
// 1: Too small but decent decrease moving up, marginal violation.
|| yDistDiffEx > 0.0 && yDistDiffEx < 0.01
&& yDistance > GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX
// 0: Small distance to set.back. .
|| data.hasSetBack() && Math.abs(data.getSetBackY() - from.getY()) < 1.0
// TODO: Consider low fall distance as well.
&& (
// 1: Near ground small decrease.
lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_MAX && lastMove.yDistance < 3.0 * GRAVITY_MAX
&& yDistChange > - GRAVITY_MIN && yDistChange < -GRAVITY_ODD
// 1: Bounce without velocity set.
//|| lastMove.yDistance == 0.0 && yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < GRAVITY_SPAN
// 0: Jump-effect-specific
// TODO: Jump effect at reduced lift off envelope -> skip this?
|| data.jumpAmplifier > 0 && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - 0.5 * GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - 2.0 * GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistChange < -GRAVITY_SPAN
// 0: Another near 0 yDistance case.
// TODO: Inaugurate into some more generic envelope.
|| lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MAX && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN
&& !(lastMove.touchedGround || lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid && lastMove.to.onGroundOrResetCond)
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0 && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX - 0.5 * GRAVITY_MIN
// 0: Reduced jumping envelope.
|| data.liftOffEnvelope != LiftOffEnvelope.NORMAL
&& (
// 1: Wild-card allow half gravity near 0 yDistance. TODO: Check for removal of included cases elsewhere.
lastMove.yDistance > -10.0 * GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance < 10.0 * GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0 && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX
// 1:
|| lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN && lastMove.yDistance > GRAVITY_ODD
&& yDistance > 0.4 * GRAVITY_ODD && yDistance - lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0
// 1:
|| lastMove.yDistance < 0.2 && lastMove.yDistance >= 0.0 && yDistance > -0.2 && yDistance < 2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX
// 1:
|| lastMove.yDistance > 0.4 * GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance == 0.0
// 1: Too small decrease, right after lift off.
|| data.sfJumpPhase == 1 && lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_ODD && lastMove.yDistance <= GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN
&& yDistance - lastMove.yDistance < 0.0114
// 1: Any leaving liquid and keeping distance once.
|| data.sfJumpPhase == 1
&& Math.abs(yDistance) <= swimBaseSpeedV() && yDistance == lastMove.yDistance
* Odd friction behavior with moving up (not necessarily friction),
* accounting for more than one past move.
* @param yDistance
* @param lastMove
* @param data
* @return
public static boolean oddFrictionUp(final double yDistance, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// Use past move data for two moves.
final MoveData pastMove1 = data.moveData.get(1);
if (!lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid || !pastMove1.toIsValid || !pastMove1.to.extraPropertiesValid) {
return false;
final MoveData thisMove = data.thisMove;
// Odd speed decrease bumping into a block sideways somehow, having moved through water.
data.sfJumpPhase == 1 && data.liftOffEnvelope == LiftOffEnvelope.LIMIT_NEAR_GROUND
&& !thisMove.touchedGround && !thisMove.from.resetCond && !thisMove.to.resetCond // In-air
&& !lastMove.touchedGround && lastMove.from.inWater && !lastMove.to.resetCond // Out of water.
&& lastMove.yDistance > yDistance + GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance / 5.0 // Odd too high decrease.
&& !pastMove1.touchedGround && !pastMove1.from.resetCond && pastMove1.to.inWater // Into water.
&& pastMove1.yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX // Some speed decrease.
* Extended in-air checks for vertical move: y-direction changes and accounting.
@ -1521,10 +1206,10 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
sc0 = acc.bucketScore(0);
} else {
// Catch extreme changes quick.
sc0 = acc.bucketScore(0) * (float) cap / (float) count0 - GRAVITY_VACC * (float) (cap - count0);
sc0 = acc.bucketScore(0) * (float) cap / (float) count0 - Magic.GRAVITY_VACC * (float) (cap - count0);
final float sc1 = acc.bucketScore(1);
if (sc0 > sc1 - 3.0 * GRAVITY_VACC) {
if (sc0 > sc1 - 3.0 * Magic.GRAVITY_VACC) {
// TODO: Velocity downwards fails here !!!
if (yDistance <= -1.05 && sc1 < -8.0 && sc0 < -8.0) { // (aDiff < Math.abs(yDistance) || sc2 < - 10.0f)) {
// High falling speeds may pass.
@ -1532,7 +1217,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
return 0.0;
return sc0 - (sc1 - 3.0 * GRAVITY_VACC);
return sc0 - (sc1 - 3.0 * Magic.GRAVITY_VACC);
@ -1724,7 +1409,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
else if (
hDistDiff >= lastMove.hDistance / bunnyDivFriction || hDistDiff >= hDistanceAboveLimit / 33.3 ||
hDistDiff >= (hDistance - hDistanceBaseRef) * (1.0 - SurvivalFly.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR)
hDistDiff >= (hDistance - hDistanceBaseRef) * (1.0 - Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR)
) {
// TODO: Confine friction by medium ?
// TODO: Also calculate an absolute (minimal) speed decrease over the whole time, at least max - count?
@ -1751,7 +1436,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// 2x horizontal speed increase detection.
if (!allowHop && hDistance - lastMove.hDistance >= hDistanceBaseRef * 0.5 && hopTime == 1) {
if (lastMove.yDistance >= -GRAVITY_MAX / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance <= 0.0 && yDistance >= 0.4
if (lastMove.yDistance >= -Magic.GRAVITY_MAX / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance <= 0.0 && yDistance >= 0.4
&& lastMove.touchedGround) {
// TODO: Confine to increasing set back y ?
@ -1788,7 +1473,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
&& (
// 1: Normal jumping.
yDistance > 0.0
&& yDistance > data.liftOffEnvelope.getMinJumpGain(data.jumpAmplifier) - GRAVITY_SPAN
&& yDistance > data.liftOffEnvelope.getMinJumpGain(data.jumpAmplifier) - Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN
// 1: Too short with head obstructed.
|| data.thisMove.headObstructed || lastMove.toIsValid && lastMove.headObstructed && lastMove.yDistance <= 0.0
// 1: Hop without y distance increase at moderate h-speed.
@ -1838,12 +1523,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
* - reset or regain only every x blocks h distance.
// TODO: Confine general conditions for buffer regain further (regain in air, whatever)?
data.sfHorizontalBuffer = Math.min(hBufMax, data.sfHorizontalBuffer + amount);
private static double swimBaseSpeedV() {
// TODO: Does this have to be the dynamic walk speed (refactoring)?
return WALK_SPEED * modSwim + 0.02;
data.sfHorizontalBuffer = Math.min(Magic.hBufMax, data.sfHorizontalBuffer + amount);
@ -1861,7 +1541,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
data.sfNoLowJump = true;
// Expected envelopes.
final double baseSpeed = swimBaseSpeedV(); // TODO: Lava?
final double baseSpeed = Magic.swimBaseSpeedV(); // TODO: Lava?
final double yDistAbs = Math.abs(yDistance);
// TODO: Later also cover things like a sudden stop.
@ -1874,11 +1554,11 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// Friction envelope (allow any kind of slow down).
final double frictDist = lastMove.toIsValid ? Math.abs(lastMove.yDistance) * data.lastFrictionVertical : baseSpeed; // Bounds differ with sign.
if (lastMove.toIsValid) {
if (lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && yDistance < 0.0 && yDistAbs < frictDist + GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN) {
return new double[]{-frictDist - GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_SPAN, 0.0};
if (lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && yDistance < 0.0 && yDistAbs < frictDist + Magic.GRAVITY_MAX + Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN) {
return new double[]{-frictDist - Magic.GRAVITY_MAX - Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN, 0.0};
if (lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 && yDistance > 0.0 && yDistance < frictDist - GRAVITY_MIN) {
return new double[]{frictDist - GRAVITY_MIN, 0.0};
if (lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 && yDistance > 0.0 && yDistance < frictDist - Magic.GRAVITY_MIN) {
return new double[]{frictDist - Magic.GRAVITY_MIN, 0.0};
// ("== 0.0" is covered by the minimal speed check above.)
@ -1911,21 +1591,21 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
else if (lastMove.toIsValid) {
// Falling into water, mid-speed (second move after diving in).
if (yDistance > -0.9 && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& Math.abs(yDistance - lastMove.yDistance) <= GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistance - lastMove.yDistance < -GRAVITY_MIN
&& Math.abs(yDistance - lastMove.yDistance) <= Magic.GRAVITY_MAX + Magic.GRAVITY_MIN
&& yDistance - lastMove.yDistance < -Magic.GRAVITY_MIN
//&& !BlockProperties.isLiquid(to.getTypeId(to.getBlockX(), Location.locToBlock(to.getY() + to.getEyeHeight()), to.getBlockZ()))
) {
return new double[]{lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN, 0.0};
return new double[]{lastMove.yDistance - Magic.GRAVITY_MAX - Magic.GRAVITY_MIN, 0.0};
// Increase speed slightly on second in-medium move (dirty flag may have been reset).
else if (data.insideMediumCount <= 1 && lastMove.yDistance < 0.8
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - GRAVITY_MAX
&& yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - Magic.GRAVITY_ODD / 2.0 && yDistance > lastMove.yDistance - Magic.GRAVITY_MAX
) {
return new double[]{yDistance, 0.0};
// In-water rough near-0-inversion from allowed speed to a negative amount, little more than allowed (magic -0.2 roughly).
else if (lastMove.yDistance >= GRAVITY_MAX / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance <= GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0
&& yDistance < 0.0 && yDistance > -2.0 * GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0
else if (lastMove.yDistance >= Magic.GRAVITY_MAX / 2.0 && lastMove.yDistance <= Magic.GRAVITY_MAX + Magic.GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0
&& yDistance < 0.0 && yDistance > -2.0 * Magic.GRAVITY_MAX - Magic.GRAVITY_MIN / 2.0
&& data.isVelocityJumpPhase() && to.isInLiquid() // TODO: Might skip the liquid check, though.
&& lastMove.from.inLiquid && lastMove.to.extraPropertiesValid && lastMove.to.inLiquid // TODO: in water only?
) {
@ -1936,15 +1616,15 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
&& (
// Moving downstream.
lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && yDistance > -0.5 && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance < GRAVITY_MIN && BlockProperties.isDownStream(from, to)
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance < Magic.GRAVITY_MIN && BlockProperties.isDownStream(from, to)
// Mix of gravity and base speed [careful: relates to water base speed].
|| lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && yDistance > -baseSpeed - GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance > GRAVITY_SPAN
|| lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && yDistance > -baseSpeed - Magic.GRAVITY_MAX && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& lastMove.yDistance - yDistance > Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN
&& Math.abs(lastMove.yDistance + baseSpeed) < 0.25 * baseSpeed
// Falling slightly too fast in lava.
|| data.insideMediumCount == 1 || data.insideMediumCount == 2
&& lastMove.yDistance < 0.0 && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
&& yDistance - lastMove.yDistance > -GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance > -0.65
&& yDistance - lastMove.yDistance > -Magic.GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance > -0.65
) {
return new double[]{yDistance, 0.0};
@ -1962,11 +1642,11 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// At this point a violation.
tags.add(yDistance < 0.0 ? "swimdown" : "swimup");
final double vl1 = yDistAbs - baseSpeed;
final double vl2 = Math.abs(yDistAbs - frictDist - (yDistance < 0.0 ? GRAVITY_MAX + GRAVITY_SPAN : GRAVITY_MIN));
final double vl2 = Math.abs(yDistAbs - frictDist - (yDistance < 0.0 ? Magic.GRAVITY_MAX + Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN : Magic.GRAVITY_MIN));
if (vl1 <= vl2) {
return new double[]{yDistance < 0.0 ? -baseSpeed : baseSpeed, vl1};
} else {
return new double[]{yDistance < 0.0 ? -frictDist - GRAVITY_MAX - GRAVITY_SPAN : frictDist - GRAVITY_MIN, vl2};
return new double[]{yDistance < 0.0 ? -frictDist - Magic.GRAVITY_MAX - Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN : frictDist - Magic.GRAVITY_MIN, vl2};
@ -1996,15 +1676,15 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
final double jumpHeight = 1.35 + (data.jumpAmplifier > 0 ? (0.6 + data.jumpAmplifier - 1.0) : 0.0);
// TODO: ladders are ground !
// TODO: yDistance < 0.0 ?
if (Math.abs(yDistance) > climbSpeed) {
if (Math.abs(yDistance) > Magic.climbSpeed) {
if (from.isOnGround(jumpHeight, 0D, 0D, BlockProperties.F_CLIMBABLE)) {
if (yDistance > data.liftOffEnvelope.getMaxJumpGain(data.jumpAmplifier)+ 0.1) {
vDistanceAboveLimit = Math.max(vDistanceAboveLimit, Math.abs(yDistance) - climbSpeed);
vDistanceAboveLimit = Math.max(vDistanceAboveLimit, Math.abs(yDistance) - Magic.climbSpeed);
} else {
vDistanceAboveLimit = Math.max(vDistanceAboveLimit, Math.abs(yDistance) - climbSpeed);
vDistanceAboveLimit = Math.max(vDistanceAboveLimit, Math.abs(yDistance) - Magic.climbSpeed);
if (yDistance > 0) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user