Clarify build options.

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asofold 2016-03-14 10:35:35 +01:00
parent 65f5f96d04
commit 6763f17f03
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ Tips
Compiling NoCheatPlus
* We use [Maven] ( 3 to handle the dependencies.
* You can compile it with this Maven goal: `mvn clean package`, if you don't want any dedicated CraftBukkit modules, or if you are lacking the jar files. If you do have all the dependencies, you can set the parameter `cbdedicated` to `true` and activate the profile `all` adding `-P all` to the goals (e.g. on Jenkins, for some setups setting the property may suffice). For more options, see the table below. If you want to build only using the compat module for your current server version, you can remove all the unneeded module references from the root pom.xml and the corresponding dependencies from NCPPlugin/pom.xml. Custom modules not put under the group id `fr.neatmonster` might need to be added to the `includes` section in NoCheatPlus/pom.xml as well.
* You can compile it with this Maven goal: `mvn clean package`, if you don't want any dedicated CraftBukkit modules, or if you are lacking the jar files. If you do have all the dependencies, you can set the parameter `cbdedicated` to `true` and activate the profile `all` adding `-P all` to the goals (e.g. on Jenkins, for some setups setting the property may suffice). For more options, see the table below. If your specific needs are not met by the provided options, you can still build only using the compat module(s) that you need, you could adjust the build/dependency profiles or add your own one, which means changing the root pom.xml and the corresponding dependencies are in NCPPlugin/pom.xml.
* Jar files for the dedicated compat modules, which your local maven repository might be missing, can also be installed manually.
Example for Eclipse with embedded maven:
Add a new maven build run configuration, name it appropriately, e.g. ```Install CB 1.7.5```.
Set goals to: ```install:install-file -Dfile=<PATH TO JAR> -DgroupId=org.bukkit -DartifactId=craftbukkit -Dversion=1.7.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar```
On Windows the <PATH TO JAR> might look like: ```X:\...\craftbukkit\3042\craftbukkit-1.7.5-R0.1-20140408.020329-16.jar```
To let it run you might have to set the base directory, e.g. to ```${workspace_loc}```, it does not seem to have significance.
Do set the correct version alongside the file name. On newer version of maven, you might do with much simplified goals, because the pom inside the jars are parsed.
* NoCheatPlus is compiled for Java 6.
Do set the correct version alongside the file name. On newer version of maven, you might do with much simplified goals, because the pom files inside the jars are parsed.
* NoCheatPlus is compiled for Java 6 (same as Minecraft/Spigot).
All profiles for reference: