Adjustments for elytra and creativefly default model configs.

* Allow moderate ascending with elytra.
* Let ground be true by default.
* Disable some stuff for spectator mode by default.
* Alter logging.
This commit is contained in:
asofold 2016-03-25 19:40:31 +01:00
parent 8a82b23b99
commit 752e130640
6 changed files with 108 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -316,4 +316,16 @@ public class StringUtil {
* Format to maximally 3 digits after the comma, always show the sign,
* unless equal.
* @param current
* @param previous
* @return
public static String formatDiff(final double current, final double previous) {
return current == previous ? "0" : ((current > previous ? "+" : "-") + fdec3.format(Math.abs(current - previous)));

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.model.LiftOffEnvelope;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.model.ModelFlying;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.model.MoveData;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.util.MovingUtil;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.compat.Bridge1_9;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.compat.BridgeMisc;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.PlayerLocation;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.StringUtil;
@ -328,9 +329,15 @@ public class CreativeFly extends Check {
limitV *= data.flySpeed / 0.1;
// TODO: Hack, move / config / something.
// TODO: Confine more. hdist change relates to ydist change
if (limitV == 0.0 && Bridge1_9.isGlidingWithElytra(from.getPlayer())) {
limitV = hackLytra(yDistance, limitV, thisMove, lastMove, data);
if (model.gravity) {
// Friction with gravity.
if (model.gravity && lastMove.toIsValid && yDistance > limitV) { // TODO: gravity/friction?
if (yDistance > limitV && model.gravity && lastMove.toIsValid) { // TODO: gravity/friction?
// (Disregard gravity.)
// TODO: Use last friction (as well)?
double frictionDist = lastMove.yDistance * Magic.FRICTION_MEDIUM_AIR;
@ -383,6 +390,50 @@ public class CreativeFly extends Check {
return new double[] {limitV, resultV};
private double hackLytra(final double yDistance, final double limitV, final MoveData thisMove, final MoveData lastMove, final MovingData data) {
// TODO: Further: jumpphase vs. y-distance to set-back. Problem: velocity
// TODO: Further: record max h and descend speeds and relate to those.
// TODO: Demand total speed to decrease.
if (yDistance > Magic.GLIDE_DESCEND_PHASE_MIN && yDistance < 17.0 * Magic.GRAVITY_MAX
&& (
// Normal envelope.
yDistance - lastMove.yDistance < Magic.GRAVITY_MAX * 1.5
// Inversion (neg -> pos).
|| lastMove.yDistance < -Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN && yDistance < Magic.GRAVITY_MAX + Magic.GRAVITY_ODD && yDistance > Magic.GRAVITY_SPAN
&& thisMove.hDistance < lastMove.hDistance
&& (lastMove.yDistance > 0.0 || lastMove.hDistance > 0.55) // Demand some speed on the transition.
// Demand total speed to decrease somehow, unless for the very transition.
&& (thisMove.distanceSquared / lastMove.distanceSquared < 0.99
|| lastMove.yDistance < 0.0) // Might confine the latter something to be tested.
) {
if (lastMove.hDistance > 0.52) {
// (Increasing y-distance.)
return yDistance;
else if (thisMove.hDistance > Magic.GRAVITY_MIN && yDistance < lastMove.yDistance) {
// (Decreasing y-distance.)
final MoveData pastMove1 = data.moveData.get(1);
if (pastMove1.toIsValid && {
// Demand this being the first one, or decreasing by a decent amount with past two moves.
if (
// First move rather decreasing.
pastMove1.yDistance < lastMove.yDistance
// Decreasing by a reasonable (?) amount.
|| yDistance - pastMove1.yDistance < -0.001
// && yDistance - lastMove.yDistance < lastMove.yDistance - pastMove1.yDistance - 0.0005 // Probably need remove.
) {
return yDistance;
return limitV;
* @param from
@ -430,8 +481,14 @@ public class CreativeFly extends Check {
private void outpuDebugMove(final Player player, final double hDistance, final double limitH, final double yDistance, final double limitV, final ModelFlying model, final List<String> tags, final MovingData data) {
final MoveData lastMove = data.moveData.getFirst();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(350);
builder.append("hDist: " + hDistance + " / " + limitH + " , vDist: " + yDistance + " / " + limitV);
final String dHDist = lastMove.toIsValid ? " (" + StringUtil.formatDiff(hDistance, lastMove.hDistance) + ")" : "";
final String dYDist = lastMove.toIsValid ? " (" + StringUtil.formatDiff(yDistance, lastMove.yDistance)+ ")" : "";
builder.append("hDist: " + hDistance + dHDist + " / " + limitH + " , vDist: " + yDistance + dYDist + " / " + limitV);
if (lastMove.toIsValid) {
builder.append(" , fdsq: " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(data.thisMove.distanceSquared / lastMove.distanceSquared));
if (data.verVelUsed != null) {
builder.append(" , vVelUsed: " + data.verVelUsed);

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@ -654,11 +654,13 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// (Friction is used as is.)
// TODO: !sfDirty is very coarse, should use friction instead.
else if (!sfDirty && from.isOnGround() && player.isSneaking() && reallySneaking.contains(player.getName()) && (!checkPermissions || !player.hasPermission(Permissions.MOVING_SURVIVALFLY_SNEAKING))) {
hAllowedDistance = Magic.modSneak * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlySneakingSpeed / 100D;
friction = 0.0; // Ensure friction can't be used to speed.
// TODO: Attribute modifiers can count in here, e.g. +0.5 (+ 50% doesn't seem to pose a problem, neither speed effect 2).
// TODO: !sfDirty is very coarse, should use friction instead.
else if (!sfDirty && from.isOnGround() && player.isBlocking() && (!checkPermissions || !player.hasPermission(Permissions.MOVING_SURVIVALFLY_BLOCKING))) {
hAllowedDistance = Magic.modBlock * thisMove.walkSpeed * cc.survivalFlyBlockingSpeed / 100D;
friction = 0.0; // Ensure friction can't be used to speed.
@ -1129,7 +1131,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// y direction change detection.
// TODO: Consider using accounting for y-change detection. <- Nope :).
final boolean yDirChange = lastMove.toIsValid && lastMove.yDistance != yDistance && (yDistance <= 0 && lastMove.yDistance >= 0 || yDistance >= 0 && lastMove.yDistance <= 0 );
final boolean yDirChange = lastMove.toIsValid && lastMove.yDistance != yDistance && (yDistance <= 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance >= 0.0 || yDistance >= 0.0 && lastMove.yDistance <= 0.0 );
if (yDirChange) {
// yDirChange uses velocity if needed.
vDistanceAboveLimit = yDirChange(from, to, yDistance, vDistanceAboveLimit, lastMove, data);
@ -1147,15 +1149,15 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
else if (data.verVelUsed == null) { // Only skip if just used.
// Here yDistance can be negative and positive.
if (yDistance != 0D) {
data.vDistAcc.add((float) yDistance);
final double accAboveLimit = verticalAccounting(yDistance, data.vDistAcc ,tags, "vacc" + (data.isVelocityJumpPhase() ? "dirty" : ""));
if (accAboveLimit > vDistanceAboveLimit) {
if (data.getOrUseVerticalVelocity(yDistance) == null) {
vDistanceAboveLimit = accAboveLimit;
// if (yDistance != 0.0) {
data.vDistAcc.add((float) yDistance);
final double accAboveLimit = verticalAccounting(yDistance, data.vDistAcc ,tags, "vacc" + (data.isVelocityJumpPhase() ? "dirty" : ""));
if (accAboveLimit > vDistanceAboveLimit) {
if (data.getOrUseVerticalVelocity(yDistance) == null) {
vDistanceAboveLimit = accAboveLimit;
// }
else {
// TODO: Just to exclude source of error, might be redundant.
@ -1475,17 +1477,17 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
|| (cc.sfGroundHop || yDistance == 0.0 && !lastMove.touchedGroundWorkaround && !lastMove.from.onGround)
&& hDistanceBaseRef > 0.0 && hDistance / hDistanceBaseRef < 1.35
// 0: Ground + jump phase conditions.
&& (
// 1: Ordinary/obvious lift-off.
data.sfJumpPhase == 0 && from.isOnGround()
// 1: Touched ground somehow.
|| data.sfJumpPhase <= 1 && (thisMove.touchedGroundWorkaround ||
lastMove.touchedGround && !lastMove.bunnyHop)
// 1: Double bunny.
|| double_bunny)
// 0: Don't allow bunny to run out of liquid.
&& !from.isResetCond() && !to.isResetCond() // TODO: !to.isResetCond() should be reviewed.
// 0: Ground + jump phase conditions.
&& (
// 1: Ordinary/obvious lift-off.
data.sfJumpPhase == 0 && from.isOnGround()
// 1: Touched ground somehow.
|| data.sfJumpPhase <= 1 && (thisMove.touchedGroundWorkaround ||
lastMove.touchedGround && !lastMove.bunnyHop)
// 1: Double bunny.
|| double_bunny)
// 0: Don't allow bunny to run out of liquid.
&& !from.isResetCond() && !to.isResetCond() // TODO: !to.isResetCond() should be reviewed.
) {
// TODO: Jump effect might allow more strictness.
// TODO: Expected minimum gain depends on last speed (!).
@ -1832,8 +1834,12 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
final String lostSprint = (data.lostSprintCount > 0 ? (" lostSprint=" + data.lostSprintCount) : "");
final String hVelUsed = hFreedom > 0 ? " hVelUsed=" + StringUtil.fdec3.format(hFreedom) : "";
builder.append("\nonground: " + (data.thisMove.headObstructed ? "(head obstr.) " : "") + (data.thisMove.touchedGroundWorkaround ? "(touched ground) " : "") + (fromOnGround ? "onground -> " : (resetFrom ? "resetcond -> " : "--- -> ")) + (toOnGround ? "onground" : (resetTo ? "resetcond" : "---")) + ", jumpphase: " + data.sfJumpPhase + ", liftoff: " + + "(" + data.insideMediumCount + ")");
final String dHDist = (lastMove.toIsValid && Math.abs(lastMove.hDistance - hDistance) > 0.0005) ? ("(" + (hDistance > lastMove.hDistance ? "+" : "") + StringUtil.fdec3.format(hDistance - lastMove.hDistance) + ")") : "";
builder.append("\n" + " hDist: " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(hDistance) + dHDist + " / " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(hAllowedDistance) + hBuf + lostSprint + hVelUsed + " , vDist: " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(yDistance) + (!lastMove.toIsValid ? "" : (" (" + (yDistance > lastMove.yDistance ? "+" : "") + StringUtil.fdec3.format(yDistance - lastMove.yDistance) + ")")) + " / " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(vAllowedDistance) + " , sby=" + (data.hasSetBack() ? (data.getSetBackY() + " (" + StringUtil.fdec3.format(to.getY() - data.getSetBackY()) + " / " + data.liftOffEnvelope.getMaxJumpHeight(data.jumpAmplifier) + ")") : "?"));
final String dHDist = lastMove.toIsValid ? " (" + StringUtil.formatDiff(hDistance, lastMove.hDistance) + ")" : "";
final String dYDist = lastMove.toIsValid ? " (" + StringUtil.formatDiff(yDistance, lastMove.yDistance)+ ")" : "";
builder.append("\n" + " hDist: " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(hDistance) + dHDist + " / " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(hAllowedDistance) + hBuf + lostSprint + hVelUsed + " , vDist: " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(yDistance) + dYDist + " / " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(vAllowedDistance) + " , sby=" + (data.hasSetBack() ? (data.getSetBackY() + " (" + StringUtil.fdec3.format(to.getY() - data.getSetBackY()) + " / " + data.liftOffEnvelope.getMaxJumpHeight(data.jumpAmplifier) + ")") : "?"));
if (lastMove.toIsValid) {
builder.append(" , fdsq: " + StringUtil.fdec3.format(data.thisMove.distanceSquared / lastMove.distanceSquared));
if (data.verVelUsed != null) {
builder.append(" , vVelUsed: " + data.verVelUsed + " ");

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public class ModelFlying {
public ModelFlying() {
this(null, 100.0, 1.92, 100.0, 128, true, true, false);
this(null, 100.0, 1.92, 100.0, 128, true, true, true);

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@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ public class MoveData {
public double hDistance;
/** Total distance squared. Only valid if toIsValid is set to true. */
public double distanceSquared;
// Reset with set, could be lazily set during checking.
@ -143,6 +146,7 @@ public class MoveData {;
yDistance = - this.from.y;
hDistance = TrigUtil.distance(this.from.x, this.from.z,,;
distanceSquared = yDistance * yDistance + hDistance * hDistance;
toIsValid = true;

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@ -361,6 +361,8 @@ public class DefaultConfig extends ConfigFile {
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "spectator." + ConfPaths.SUB_HORIZONTAL_SPEED, 420);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "spectator." + ConfPaths.SUB_VERTICAL_ASCEND_SPEED, 100);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "spectator." + ConfPaths.SUB_VERTICAL_MAXHEIGHT, 128);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "spectator." + ConfPaths.SUB_GRAVITY, false);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "spectator." + ConfPaths.SUB_GROUND, false);
if (Bridge1_9.hasLevitation()) {
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "levitation." + ConfPaths.SUB_HORIZONTAL_SPEED, 50);
@ -368,14 +370,15 @@ public class DefaultConfig extends ConfigFile {
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "levitation." + ConfPaths.SUB_VERTICAL_MAXHEIGHT, 32);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "levitation." + ConfPaths.SUB_VERTICAL_GRAVITY, false);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "levitation." + ConfPaths.SUB_MODIFIERS, false);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "levitation." + ConfPaths.SUB_GRAVITY, false);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "levitation." + ConfPaths.SUB_GROUND, false);
if (Bridge1_9.hasElytra()) {
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "elytra." + ConfPaths.SUB_HORIZONTAL_SPEED, 500);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "elytra." + ConfPaths.SUB_HORIZONTAL_SPEED, 520);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "elytra." + ConfPaths.SUB_MODIFIERS, false);
set(ConfPaths.MOVING_CREATIVEFLY_MODEL + "elytra." + ConfPaths.SUB_GROUND, true);
"log:flyshort:3:5:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:5:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel");