Partly commit of reorganization of plugin structure.

This commit is contained in:
Evenprime 2011-02-19 19:47:57 +01:00
parent 9ebc186490
commit b31f476149
5 changed files with 431 additions and 352 deletions

View File

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ name: NoCheatPlugin
author: Evenprime author: Evenprime
main: main:
version: 0.5.1 version: 0.5.1a

View File

@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent;
public class MovingCheck {
// previously-calculated upper bound values for jumps. Minecraft is very deterministic when it comes to jumps
// Each entry represents the maximum gain in height per move event.
private static double jumpingPhases[] = new double[]{ 0.501D, 0.34D, 0.26D, 0.17D, 0.09D, 0.02D, 0.00D, -0.07D, -0.15D, -0.22D, -0.29D, -0.36D, -0.43D, -0.50D };
public enum BlockType {
// Until I can think of a better way to determine if a block is solid or not, this is what I'll do
private static BlockType types[] = new BlockType[256];
static {
for(int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
types[i] = BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.AIR.getId()] = BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.STONE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GRASS.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.DIRT.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.COBBLESTONE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WOOD.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SAPLING.getId()] = BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.BEDROCK.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WATER.getId()] = BlockType.LIQUID;
types[Material.STATIONARY_WATER.getId()] = BlockType.LIQUID;
types[Material.LAVA.getId()] = BlockType.LIQUID;
types[Material.STATIONARY_LAVA.getId()] = BlockType.LIQUID;
types[Material.SAND.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GRAVEL.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GOLD_ORE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.IRON_ORE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.COAL_ORE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.LOG.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.LEAVES.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SPONGE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GLASS.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.LAPIS_ORE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.LAPIS_BLOCK.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.DISPENSER.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SANDSTONE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.NOTE_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WOOL.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.YELLOW_FLOWER.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.RED_ROSE.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.RED_MUSHROOM.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.GOLD_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.IRON_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.DOUBLE_STEP.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.STEP.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.BRICK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.TNT.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.BOOKSHELF.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.MOSSY_COBBLESTONE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.OBSIDIAN.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.TORCH.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.FIRE.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.MOB_SPAWNER.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WOOD_STAIRS.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.CHEST.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.REDSTONE_WIRE.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.DIAMOND_ORE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WORKBENCH.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.CROPS.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.SOIL.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.FURNACE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.BURNING_FURNACE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SIGN_POST.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.LADDER.getId()]= BlockType.LADDER;
types[Material.RAILS.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.LEVER.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.STONE_PLATE.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.WOOD_PLATE.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.REDSTONE_ORE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.STONE_BUTTON.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.SNOW.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.ICE.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.SNOW_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.CACTUS.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.CLAY.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.JUKEBOX.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.FENCE.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.PUMPKIN.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.NETHERRACK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SOUL_SAND.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.GLOWSTONE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.PORTAL.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.JACK_O_LANTERN.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.CAKE_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
public static void check(NoCheatPluginData data, PlayerMoveEvent event) {
// Get the two locations of the event
Location from = event.getFrom();
Location to = event.getTo();
if(NoCheatPlugin.Permissions != null && NoCheatPlugin.Permissions.has(event.getPlayer(), "nocheat.moving")) {
else if(NoCheatPlugin.Permissions == null && event.getPlayer().isOp() ) {
// First check the distance the player has moved horizontally
// TODO: Make this check much more precise
if(!event.isCancelled()) {
double xDistance = Math.abs(from.getX() - to.getX());
double zDistance = Math.abs(from.getZ() - to.getZ());
// How far are we off?
if(xDistance > NoCheatConfiguration.movingDistanceHigh || zDistance > NoCheatConfiguration.movingDistanceHigh) {
heavyViolation(data, event);
else if(xDistance > NoCheatConfiguration.movingDistanceMed || zDistance > NoCheatConfiguration.movingDistanceMed) {
normalViolation(data, event);
else if(xDistance > NoCheatConfiguration.movingDistanceLow || zDistance > NoCheatConfiguration.movingDistanceLow) {
minorViolation(data, event);
// If we didn't already cancel the event, check the vertical movement
if(!event.isCancelled()) {
// pre-calculate boundary values that are needed multiple times in the following checks
// the array each contains [lowerX, higherX, Y, lowerZ, higherZ]
int fromValues[] = {floor_double(from.getX() - 0.3D), (int)Math.floor(from.getX() + 0.3D), from.getBlockY(), floor_double(from.getZ() - 0.3D),(int)Math.floor(from.getZ() + 0.3D) };
int toValues[] = {floor_double(to.getX() - 0.3D), (int)Math.floor(to.getX() + 0.3D), to.getBlockY(), floor_double(to.getZ() - 0.3D), (int)Math.floor(to.getZ() + 0.3D) };
// compare locations to the world to guess if the player is standing on the ground, a half-block or next to a ladder
boolean onGroundFrom = playerIsOnGround(from.getWorld(), fromValues, from);
boolean onGroundTo = playerIsOnGround(from.getWorld(), toValues, to);
// Both locations seem to be on solid ground or at a ladder
if(onGroundFrom && onGroundTo)
// reset jumping
data.phase = 0;
// Check if the player isn't 'walking' up unrealistically far in one step
// Finally found out why this can happen:
// If a player runs into a wall at an angle from above, the game tries to
// place him above the block he bumped into, by placing him 0.5 m above
// the target block
if(!(to.getY() - from.getY() < jumpingPhases[data.phase])) {
double offset = (to.getY() - from.getY()) - jumpingPhases[data.phase];
if(offset > 2D) heavyViolation(data, event);
else if(offset > 0.6D) normalViolation(data, event);
else minorViolation(data, event);
// player is starting to jump (or starting to fall down somewhere)
else if(onGroundFrom && !onGroundTo)
// reset jumping
data.phase = 0;
// Check if player isn't jumping too high
if(!(to.getY() - from.getY() < jumpingPhases[data.phase])) {
double offset = (to.getY() - from.getY()) - jumpingPhases[data.phase];
if(offset > 2D) heavyViolation(data, event);
else if(offset > 0.6D) normalViolation(data, event);
else minorViolation(data, event);
else if(to.getY() <= from.getY()) {
// Very special case if running over a cliff and then immediately jumping.
// Some sort of "air jump", MC allows it, so we have to do so too.
else data.phase++; // Setup next phase of the jump
// player is probably landing somewhere
else if(!onGroundFrom && onGroundTo)
// Check if player isn't landing to high (sounds weird, but has its use)
if(!(to.getY() - from.getY() < jumpingPhases[data.phase])) {
double offset = (to.getY() - from.getY()) - jumpingPhases[data.phase];
if(offset > 2D) heavyViolation(data, event);
else if(offset > 0.6D) normalViolation(data, event);
else minorViolation(data, event);
else {
data.phase = 0; // He is on ground now, so reset the jump
// Player is moving through air (during jumping, falling)
else {
// May also be at the very edge of a platform (I seem to not be able to reliably tell if that's the case
if(!(to.getY() - from.getY() < jumpingPhases[data.phase])) {
double offset = (to.getY() - from.getY()) - jumpingPhases[data.phase];
if(offset > 2D) heavyViolation(data, event);
else if(offset > 0.6D) normalViolation(data, event);
else minorViolation(data, event);
else {
data.phase++; // Enter next phase of the flight
// do a security check on the jumping phase, such that we don't get
// OutOfArrayBoundsExceptions at long air times (falling off high places)
if(!(data.phase < jumpingPhases.length)) {
data.phase = jumpingPhases.length - 1;
if(!event.isCancelled()) {
if(data.movingViolationsDirty) {
data.movingSetBackPoint = null;
private static void minorViolation(NoCheatPluginData data, PlayerMoveEvent event) {
data.movingViolationsDirty = true;
if(data.movingViolations[0] == 0) {
// Store the source location for later use
data.movingSetBackPoint = event.getFrom().clone();
if(data.movingViolations[0] > 2) {
// now we need it
resetPlayer(data, event);"NoCheatPlugin: Moving: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" from " + String.format("(%.5f, %.5f, %.5f) to (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f)", event.getFrom().getX(), event.getFrom().getY(), event.getFrom().getZ(), event.getTo().getX(), event.getTo().getY(), event.getTo().getZ()));
private static void normalViolation(NoCheatPluginData data, PlayerMoveEvent event) {
data.movingViolationsDirty = true;
resetPlayer(data, event);
NoCheatPlugin.log.warning("NoCheatPlugin: Moving: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" from " + String.format("(%.5f, %.5f, %.5f) to (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f)", event.getFrom().getX(), event.getFrom().getY(), event.getFrom().getZ(), event.getTo().getX(), event.getTo().getY(), event.getTo().getZ()));
private static void heavyViolation(NoCheatPluginData data, PlayerMoveEvent event) {
data.movingViolationsDirty = true;
resetPlayer(data, event);
// Log the violation
NoCheatPlugin.log.severe("NoCheatPlugin: Moving: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" from " + String.format("(%.5f, %.5f, %.5f) to (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f)", event.getFrom().getX(), event.getFrom().getY(), event.getFrom().getZ(), event.getTo().getX(), event.getTo().getY(), event.getTo().getZ()));
private static void combineViolationCount(NoCheatPluginData data) {
data.movingViolationsTotal[0] += data.movingViolations[0];
data.movingViolationsTotal[1] += data.movingViolations[1];
data.movingViolationsTotal[2] += data.movingViolations[2];
data.movingViolations[0] = 0;
data.movingViolations[1] = 0;
data.movingViolations[2] = 0;
data.movingViolationsDirty = false;
private static void resetPlayer(NoCheatPluginData data, PlayerMoveEvent event) {
if(data.movingSetBackPoint != null) {
data.movingSetBackPoint = null;
* Check the four edges of the player's approximated Bounding Box for blocks or ladders,
* at his own height (values[2]) and below his feet (values[2]-1). Also, check at his "head"
* for ladders.
* If there is one, the player is considered as standing on it/hanging to it.
* Not perfect at all and will produce some false negatives. Probably will be refined
* later.
* @param w The world the coordinates belong to
* @param values The coordinates [lowerX, higherX, Y, lowerZ, higherZ]
* @return
private static boolean playerIsOnGround(World w, int values[], Location l) {
// Completely revamped collision detection
// What it does:
// Check the blocks below the player. If they aren't not solid (sic!) and the blocks directly above
// them aren't solid, The player is considered to be standing on the lower block
// Plus the player can hang onto a ladder that is one field above him
// Check the four borders of the players hitbox for something he could be standing on
if(types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2]-1, values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2]-1, values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2]-1, values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2]-1, values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID )
return true;
// Check if he is hanging onto a ladder
else if(types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(l.getBlockX(), l.getBlockY(), l.getBlockZ())] == BlockType.LADDER ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(l.getBlockX(), l.getBlockY()+1, l.getBlockZ())] == BlockType.LADDER)
return true;
// check if he is standing "in" an block that's potentially solid (we give him the benefit of a doubt and see that as a legit move)
// If it is not legit, the MC server already has a safeguard against that (You'll get "xy moved wrongly" on the console in that case)
else if(types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2], values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2], values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2], values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2], values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID)
return true;
// check if his head is "stuck" in an block that's potentially solid (we give him the benefit of a doubt and see that as a legit move)
// If it is not legit, the MC server already has a safeguard against that (You'll get "xy moved wrongly" on the console in that case)
else if(types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2]+1, values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2]+1, values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2]+1, values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2]+1, values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID)
return true;
return false;
public static int floor_double(double d)
int i = (int)d;
return d > (double)i ? i : i - 1;

View File

@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ public class NoCheatConfiguration {
public static final String loggerName = ""; public static final String loggerName = "";
public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(loggerName); public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(loggerName);
public static boolean speedhackActive = true; public static boolean speedhackCheckActive = true;
public static boolean movingActive = true; public static boolean movingCheckActive = true;
public static int speedhackInterval = 2000; public static int speedhackInterval = 2000;
public static int speedhackLow = 60; public static int speedhackLow = 60;
public static int speedhackMed = 90; public static int speedhackMed = 90;
public static int speedhackHigh = 120; public static int speedhackHigh = 120;
public static double movingDistanceLow = 0.5D;
public static double movingDistanceMed = 1.0D;
public static double movingDistanceHigh = 5.0D;
private static ConsoleHandler ch = null; private static ConsoleHandler ch = null;
private static FileHandler fh = null; private static FileHandler fh = null;
@ -60,8 +64,8 @@ public class NoCheatConfiguration {
} }
} }
speedhackActive = c.getBoolean("active.speedhack", true); speedhackCheckActive = c.getBoolean("active.speedhack", true);
movingActive = c.getBoolean("active.moving", true); movingCheckActive = c.getBoolean("active.moving", true);
speedhackInterval = c.getInt("speedhack.interval", 2000); speedhackInterval = c.getInt("speedhack.interval", 2000);
speedhackLow = c.getInt("speedhack.limits.low", 60); speedhackLow = c.getInt("speedhack.limits.low", 60);

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent;
@ -20,11 +18,6 @@ import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent;
public class NoCheatPluginPlayerListener extends PlayerListener { public class NoCheatPluginPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
public enum BlockType {
/** /**
* Storage for data persistence between events * Storage for data persistence between events
* *
@ -35,122 +28,21 @@ public class NoCheatPluginPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
* Don't rely on any of these yet, they are likely going to * Don't rely on any of these yet, they are likely going to
* change their name/functionality * change their name/functionality
*/ */
private int phase = 0; // current jumpingPhase int phase = 0; // current jumpingPhase
public int violations = 0; // number of cancelled events long lastSpeedHackCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); // timestamp of last check for speedhacks
private boolean lastWasInvalid = false; // used to reduce amount logging int eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck = 0; // used to identify speedhacks
private long lastSpeedHackCheck = System.currentTimeMillis();; // timestamp of last check for speedhacks int ignoreNextXEvents = 0;
private int eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck = 0; // used to identify speedhacks
private int ignoreNextXEvents = 0; int movingViolations[] = {0,0,0};
int movingViolationsTotal[] = {0,0,0};
boolean movingViolationsDirty = false;
Location movingSetBackPoint = null;
private NoCheatPluginData() { } private NoCheatPluginData() { }
} }
private final NoCheatPlugin plugin; private final NoCheatPlugin plugin;
// previously-calculated upper bound values for jumps. Minecraft is very deterministic when it comes to jumps
// Each entry represents the maximum gain in height per move event.
private static double jumpingPhases[] = new double[]{ 0.501D, 0.34D, 0.26D, 0.17D, 0.09D, 0.02D, 0.00D, -0.07D, -0.15D, -0.22D, -0.29D, -0.36D, -0.43D, -0.50D };
// Until I can think of a better way to determine if a block is solid or not, this is what I'll do
private static BlockType types[] = new BlockType[256];
static {
for(int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
types[i] = BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.AIR.getId()] = BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.STONE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GRASS.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.DIRT.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.COBBLESTONE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WOOD.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SAPLING.getId()] = BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.BEDROCK.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WATER.getId()] = BlockType.LIQUID;
types[Material.STATIONARY_WATER.getId()] = BlockType.LIQUID;
types[Material.LAVA.getId()] = BlockType.LIQUID;
types[Material.STATIONARY_LAVA.getId()] = BlockType.LIQUID;
types[Material.SAND.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GRAVEL.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GOLD_ORE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.IRON_ORE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.COAL_ORE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.LOG.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.LEAVES.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SPONGE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GLASS.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.LAPIS_ORE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.LAPIS_BLOCK.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.DISPENSER.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SANDSTONE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.NOTE_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WOOL.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.YELLOW_FLOWER.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.RED_ROSE.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.RED_MUSHROOM.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.GOLD_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.IRON_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.DOUBLE_STEP.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.STEP.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.BRICK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.TNT.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.BOOKSHELF.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.MOSSY_COBBLESTONE.getId()] = BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.OBSIDIAN.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.TORCH.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.FIRE.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.MOB_SPAWNER.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WOOD_STAIRS.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.CHEST.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.REDSTONE_WIRE.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.DIAMOND_ORE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.WORKBENCH.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.CROPS.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.SOIL.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.FURNACE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.BURNING_FURNACE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SIGN_POST.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.LADDER.getId()]= BlockType.LADDER;
types[Material.RAILS.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.LEVER.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.STONE_PLATE.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.WOOD_PLATE.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.REDSTONE_ORE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.STONE_BUTTON.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.SNOW.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.ICE.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.SNOW_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.CACTUS.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.CLAY.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.JUKEBOX.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.FENCE.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.PUMPKIN.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.NETHERRACK.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.SOUL_SAND.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
types[Material.GLOWSTONE.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.PORTAL.getId()]= BlockType.NONSOLID;
types[Material.JACK_O_LANTERN.getId()]= BlockType.SOLID;
types[Material.CAKE_BLOCK.getId()]= BlockType.UNKNOWN;
// Very rough estimates
private static double maxX = 0.5D;
private static double maxZ = 0.5D;
// Store data between Events // Store data between Events
private static Map<Player, NoCheatPluginData> playerData = new HashMap<Player, NoCheatPluginData>(); private static Map<Player, NoCheatPluginData> playerData = new HashMap<Player, NoCheatPluginData>();
@ -185,239 +77,16 @@ public class NoCheatPluginPlayerListener extends PlayerListener {
playerData.put(event.getPlayer(), data); playerData.put(event.getPlayer(), data);
} }
// If someone cancelled the event already, ignore it
// If the player is inside a vehicle, ignore it for now
if(event.isCancelled()) {
data.phase = 0;
if(data.ignoreNextXEvents > 0 ) { if(data.ignoreNextXEvents > 0 ) {
data.ignoreNextXEvents--; data.ignoreNextXEvents--;
return; return;
} }
// Get the two locations of the event if(!event.isCancelled() && NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackCheckActive)
Location from = event.getFrom(); SpeedhackCheck.check(data, event);
Location to = event.getTo();
if(!event.isCancelled() && NoCheatConfiguration.movingCheckActive)
MovingCheck.check(data, event);
// Get the time of the server
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean ignoreSpeedhackCheck = false;
if(!NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackActive) ignoreSpeedhackCheck = true;
if(NoCheatPlugin.Permissions != null && NoCheatPlugin.Permissions.has(event.getPlayer(), "nocheat.speedhack")) {
ignoreSpeedhackCheck = true;
else if(NoCheatPlugin.Permissions == null && event.getPlayer().isOp() ) {
ignoreSpeedhackCheck = true;
// Is it time for a speedhack check now?
if(time > NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackInterval + data.lastSpeedHackCheck ) {
// Yes
int limitLow = (int)((NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackLow * (time - data.lastSpeedHackCheck)) / NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackInterval);
int limitMed = (int)((NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackMed * (time - data.lastSpeedHackCheck)) / NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackInterval);
int limitHigh = (int)((NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackHigh * (time - data.lastSpeedHackCheck)) / NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackInterval);
if(data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck > limitHigh)
NoCheatPlugin.log.severe("NoCheatPlugin: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" sent "+ data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck + " move events, but only "+limitLow+ " were allowed. Speedhack?");
else if(data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck > limitMed)
NoCheatPlugin.log.warning("NoCheatPlugin: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" sent "+ data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck + " move events, but only "+limitLow+ " were allowed. Speedhack?");
else if(data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck > limitLow)"NoCheatPlugin: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" sent "+ data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck + " move events, but only "+limitLow+ " were allowed. Speedhack?");
// Reset values for next check
data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck = 0;
data.lastSpeedHackCheck = time;
boolean ignoreMovingCheck = false;
if(!NoCheatConfiguration.movingActive) ignoreMovingCheck = true;
else if(NoCheatPlugin.Permissions != null && NoCheatPlugin.Permissions.has(event.getPlayer(), "nocheat.moving")) {
ignoreMovingCheck = true;
else if(NoCheatPlugin.Permissions == null && event.getPlayer().isOp() ) {
ignoreMovingCheck = true;
// First check the distance the player has moved horizontally
// TODO: Make this check much more precise
if(!event.isCancelled()) {
double xDistance = Math.abs(from.getX() - to.getX());
double zDistance = Math.abs(from.getZ() - to.getZ());
if(xDistance > maxX || zDistance > maxZ) {
// If we didn't already cancel the event, check the vertical movement
if(!event.isCancelled()) {
// pre-calculate boundary values that are needed multiple times in the following checks
// the array each contains [lowerX, higherX, Y, lowerZ, higherZ]
int fromValues[] = {floor_double(from.getX() - 0.3D), (int)Math.floor(from.getX() + 0.3D), from.getBlockY(), floor_double(from.getZ() - 0.3D),(int)Math.floor(from.getZ() + 0.3D) };
int toValues[] = {floor_double(to.getX() - 0.3D), (int)Math.floor(to.getX() + 0.3D), to.getBlockY(), floor_double(to.getZ() - 0.3D), (int)Math.floor(to.getZ() + 0.3D) };
// compare locations to the world to guess if the player is standing on the ground, a half-block or next to a ladder
boolean onGroundFrom = playerIsOnGround(from.getWorld(), fromValues, from);
boolean onGroundTo = playerIsOnGround(from.getWorld(), toValues, to);
// Both locations seem to be on solid ground or at a ladder
if(onGroundFrom && onGroundTo)
// reset jumping
data.phase = 0;
// Check if the player isn't 'walking' up unrealistically far in one step
// Finally found out why this can happen:
// If a player runs into a wall at an angle from above, the game tries to
// place him above the block he bumped into, by placing him 0.5 m above
// the target block
if(!(to.getY() - from.getY() < jumpingPhases[data.phase])) {
// player is starting to jump (or starting to fall down somewhere)
else if(onGroundFrom && !onGroundTo)
// reset jumping
data.phase = 0;
// Check if player isn't jumping too high
if(!(to.getY() - from.getY() < jumpingPhases[data.phase])) {
else if(to.getY() <= from.getY()) {
// Very special case if running over a cliff and then immediately jumping.
// Some sort of "air jump", MC allows it, so we have to do so too.
else data.phase++; // Setup next phase of the jump
// player is probably landing somewhere
else if(!onGroundFrom && onGroundTo)
// Check if player isn't landing to high (sounds weird, but has its use)
if(!(to.getY() - from.getY() < jumpingPhases[data.phase])) {
else {
data.phase = 0; // He is on ground now, so reset the jump
// Player is moving through air (during jumping, falling)
else {
// May also be at the very edge of a platform (I seem to not be able to reliably tell if that's the case
if(!(to.getY() - from.getY() < jumpingPhases[data.phase])) {
else {
data.phase++; // Enter next phase of the flight
// do a security check on the jumping phase, such that we don't get
// OutOfArrayBoundsExceptions at long air times (falling off high places)
if(!(data.phase < jumpingPhases.length)) {
data.phase = jumpingPhases.length - 1;
if(event.isCancelled() && !data.lastWasInvalid) {
// Keep count of violations
// Log the violation"NoCheatPlugin: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" begins violating constraints. Total Violations: "+data.violations);"NoCheatPlugin: Moving from " + String.format("(%.5f, %.5f, %.5f) to (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f)", from.getX(), from.getY(), from.getZ(), to.getX(), to.getY(), to.getZ()));
data.lastWasInvalid = true;
// Reset the player to his old location. This should prevent him from getting stuck somewhere and/or getting
// out of sync with the server
// To prevent players from getting stuck in an infinite loop, needs probably more testing
// TODO: Find a better solution
if(data.phase > 7) {
data.phase = 7;
else if(event.isCancelled() && data.lastWasInvalid) {
// Reset the player to his old location. This should prevent him from getting stuck somewhere and/or getting
// out of sync with the server
else if(!event.isCancelled() && data.lastWasInvalid) {
data.lastWasInvalid = false;"NoCheatPlugin: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" stopped violating constraints. Total Violations: "+data.violations);
* Check the four edges of the player's approximated Bounding Box for blocks or ladders,
* at his own height (values[2]) and below his feet (values[2]-1). Also, check at his "head"
* for ladders.
* If there is one, the player is considered as standing on it/hanging to it.
* Not perfect at all and will produce some false negatives. Probably will be refined
* later.
* @param w The world the coordinates belong to
* @param values The coordinates [lowerX, higherX, Y, lowerZ, higherZ]
* @return
private boolean playerIsOnGround(World w, int values[], Location l) {
// Completely revamped collision detection
// What it does:
// Check the blocks below the player. If they aren't not solid (sic!) and the blocks directly above
// them aren't solid, The player is considered to be standing on the lower block
// Plus the player can hang onto a ladder that is one field above him
// Check the four borders of the players hitbox for something he could be standing on
if(types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2]-1, values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2]-1, values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2]-1, values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2]-1, values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID )
return true;
// Check if he is hanging onto a ladder
else if(types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(l.getBlockX(), l.getBlockY(), l.getBlockZ())] == BlockType.LADDER ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(l.getBlockX(), l.getBlockY()+1, l.getBlockZ())] == BlockType.LADDER)
return true;
// check if he is standing "in" an block that's potentially solid (we give him the benefit of a doubt and see that as a legit move)
// If it is not legit, the MC server already has a safeguard against that (You'll get "xy moved wrongly" on the console in that case)
else if(types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2], values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2], values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2], values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2], values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID)
return true;
// check if his head is "stuck" in an block that's potentially solid (we give him the benefit of a doubt and see that as a legit move)
// If it is not legit, the MC server already has a safeguard against that (You'll get "xy moved wrongly" on the console in that case)
else if(types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2]+1, values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2]+1, values[3])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[0], values[2]+1, values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID ||
types[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(values[1], values[2]+1, values[4])] != BlockType.NONSOLID)
return true;
return false;
public static int floor_double(double d)
int i = (int)d;
return d > (double)i ? i : i - 1;
} }
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent;
public class SpeedhackCheck {
public static void check(NoCheatPluginData data, PlayerMoveEvent event) {
// Get the time of the server
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(NoCheatPlugin.Permissions != null && NoCheatPlugin.Permissions.has(event.getPlayer(), "nocheat.speedhack")) {
else if(NoCheatPlugin.Permissions == null && event.getPlayer().isOp() ) {
// Is it time for a speedhack check now?
if(time > NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackInterval + data.lastSpeedHackCheck ) {
// Yes
// TODO: Needs some better handling for server lag
int limitLow = (int)((NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackLow * (time - data.lastSpeedHackCheck)) / NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackInterval);
int limitMed = (int)((NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackMed * (time - data.lastSpeedHackCheck)) / NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackInterval);
int limitHigh = (int)((NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackHigh * (time - data.lastSpeedHackCheck)) / NoCheatConfiguration.speedhackInterval);
if(data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck > limitHigh)
NoCheatPlugin.log.severe("NoCheatPlugin: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" sent "+ data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck + " move events, but only "+limitLow+ " were allowed. Speedhack?");
else if(data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck > limitMed)
NoCheatPlugin.log.warning("NoCheatPlugin: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" sent "+ data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck + " move events, but only "+limitLow+ " were allowed. Speedhack?");
else if(data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck > limitLow)"NoCheatPlugin: "+event.getPlayer().getName()+" sent "+ data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck + " move events, but only "+limitLow+ " were allowed. Speedhack?");
// Reset values for next check
data.eventsSinceLastSpeedHackCheck = 0;
data.lastSpeedHackCheck = time;