Adapt fast click to use InvenoryAction.

This commit is contained in:
asofold 2018-04-16 01:04:57 +02:00
parent f079b52267
commit caf137da99
3 changed files with 113 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ package fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.inventory;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.Check;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.CheckType;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.ViolationData;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.combined.Improbable;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.permissions.Permissions;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.players.IPlayerData;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.InventoryUtil;
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ public class FastClick extends Check {
// final double difference = 45L - time + data.fastClickLastTime;
// final InventoryConfig cc = InventoryConfig.getConfig(player);
// final ViolationData vd = new ViolationData(this, player, data.fastClickVL + difference, difference, cc.fastClickActions);
// if (TickTask.getLag(150, true) > 1.7f){
// if (TickTask.getLag(150, true) > 1.7f) {
// // Don't increase vl here.
// cancel = vd.hasCancel();
// }
@ -92,49 +94,48 @@ public class FastClick extends Check {
public boolean check(final Player player, final long now,
final InventoryView view, final int slot, final ItemStack cursor,
final ItemStack clicked, final boolean isShiftClick,
final InventoryData data, final InventoryConfig cc,
final String inventoryAction, final InventoryData data, final InventoryConfig cc,
final IPlayerData pData) {
// Take time once.
final float amount;
if (cursor != null && cc.fastClickTweaks1_5){
final Material cursorMat = cursor.getType();
final int cursorAmount = Math.max(1, cursor.getAmount());
final Material clickedMat = clicked == null ? Material.AIR : clicked.getType();
if (cursorMat != data.fastClickLastCursor && (!isShiftClick || clicked == null || clicked.getType() != data.fastClickLastClicked) || cursorMat == Material.AIR || cursorAmount != data.fastClickLastCursorAmount){
amount = 1f;
if (clickedMat == Material.AIR || clickedMat == cursorMat || isShiftClick && clickedMat == data.fastClickLastClicked ){
amount = Math.min(cc.fastClickNormalLimit , cc.fastClickShortTermLimit) / (float) (isShiftClick && clickedMat != Material.AIR ? (1.0 + Math.max(cursorAmount, InventoryUtil.getStackCount(view, clicked))) : cursorAmount) * 0.75f;
amount = 1f;
data.fastClickLastCursor = cursorMat;
data.fastClickLastClicked = clickedMat;
data.fastClickLastCursorAmount = cursorAmount;
final Material clickedMat = clicked == null ? Material.AIR : clicked.getType();
final Material cursorMat;
final int cursorAmount;
if (cursor != null) {
cursorMat = cursor.getType();
cursorAmount = Math.max(1, cursor.getAmount());
data.fastClickLastCursor = null;
data.fastClickLastClicked = null;
data.fastClickLastCursorAmount = 0;
else {
cursorMat = null;
cursorAmount = 0;
if (inventoryAction != null) {
amount = getAmountWithAction(view, slot, clicked, clickedMat,
cursorMat, cursorAmount, isShiftClick, inventoryAction,
data, cc);
else if (cursor != null && cc.fastClickTweaks1_5) {
// Detect shift-click features indirectly.
amount = detectTweaks1_5(view, slot, clicked, clickedMat,
cursorMat, cursorAmount, isShiftClick, data, cc);
else {
amount = 1f;
data.fastClickFreq.add(now, amount);
float shortTerm = data.fastClickFreq.bucketScore(0);
if (shortTerm > cc.fastClickShortTermLimit){
if (shortTerm > cc.fastClickShortTermLimit) {
// Check for lag.
shortTerm /= (float) TickTask.getLag(data.fastClickFreq.bucketDuration(), true);
shortTerm -= cc.fastClickShortTermLimit;
float normal = data.fastClickFreq.score(1f);
if (normal > cc.fastClickNormalLimit){
if (normal > cc.fastClickNormalLimit) {
// Check for lag.
normal /= (float) TickTask.getLag(data.fastClickFreq.bucketDuration() * data.fastClickFreq.numberOfBuckets(), true);
@ -144,16 +145,80 @@ public class FastClick extends Check {
boolean cancel = false;
if (violation > 0){
if (violation > 0) {
data.fastClickVL += violation;
final ViolationData vd = new ViolationData(this, player, data.fastClickVL, violation, cc.fastClickActions);
cancel = executeActions(vd).willCancel();
if (pData.isDebugActive(type) && pData.hasPermission(Permissions.ADMINISTRATION_DEBUG, player)){
player.sendMessage("FastClick: " + data.fastClickFreq.bucketScore(0) + " | " + data.fastClickFreq.score(1f) + " | cursor=" + cursor + " | clicked=" + clicked);
if (pData.isDebugActive(type) && pData.hasPermission(Permissions.ADMINISTRATION_DEBUG, player)) {
player.sendMessage("FastClick: " + data.fastClickFreq.bucketScore(0) + " | " + data.fastClickFreq.score(1f) + " | cursor=" + cursor + " | clicked=" + clicked + " | action=" + inventoryAction);
data.fastClickLastClicked = clickedMat;
data.fastClickLastSlot = slot;
data.fastClickLastCursor = cursorMat;
data.fastClickLastCursorAmount = cursorAmount;
// Feed the improbable.
Improbable.feed(player, 0.7f * amount, System.currentTimeMillis());
return cancel;
private float detectTweaks1_5(final InventoryView view,
final int slot, final ItemStack clicked,
final Material clickedMat, final Material cursorMat,
final int cursorAmount, final boolean isShiftClick,
final InventoryData data, final InventoryConfig cc) {
if (cursorMat != data.fastClickLastCursor
&& (!isShiftClick || clickedMat == Material.AIR || clickedMat != data.fastClickLastClicked)
|| cursorMat == Material.AIR || cursorAmount != data.fastClickLastCursorAmount) {
return 1f;
else if (clickedMat == Material.AIR || clickedMat == cursorMat
|| isShiftClick && clickedMat == data.fastClickLastClicked ) {
return Math.min(cc.fastClickNormalLimit , cc.fastClickShortTermLimit)
/ (float) (isShiftClick && clickedMat != Material.AIR ? (1.0 + Math.max(cursorAmount, InventoryUtil.getStackCount(view, clicked))) : cursorAmount) * 0.75f;
return 1f;
private float getAmountWithAction(final InventoryView view,
final int slot, final ItemStack clicked,
final Material clickedMat, final Material cursorMat,
final int cursorAmount, final boolean isShiftClick,
final String inventoryAction,
final InventoryData data, final InventoryConfig cc) {
// Continuous drop feature with open inventories.
if (inventoryAction.equals("DROP_ONE_SLOT")
&& slot == data.fastClickLastSlot
&& clickedMat == data.fastClickLastClicked
&& view.getType() == InventoryType.CRAFTING
// TODO: Distinguish if the inventory is really open.
) {
return 0.6f;
// Collect to cursor.
if (inventoryAction.equals("COLLECT_TO_CURSOR")) {
final int stackCount = InventoryUtil.getStackCount(view, clicked);
return stackCount <= 0 ? 1f :
Math.min(cc.fastClickNormalLimit , cc.fastClickShortTermLimit)
/ stackCount * 0.75f;
// Shift click features.
if ((inventoryAction.equals("MOVE_TO_OTHER_INVENTORY"))
&& cursorMat != Material.AIR && cc.fastClickTweaks1_5) {
// Let the legacy method do the side condition checks and counting for now.
return detectTweaks1_5(view, slot, clicked, clickedMat,
cursorMat, cursorAmount, isShiftClick, data, cc);
return 1f;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
package fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.inventory;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.access.ACheckData;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.ds.count.ActionFrequency;
@ -40,8 +41,9 @@ public class InventoryData extends ACheckData {
// Data of the fast click check.
// public boolean fastClickLastCancelled;
public final ActionFrequency fastClickFreq = new ActionFrequency(5, 200L);
public Material fastClickLastCursor = null;
public Material fastClickLastClicked = null;
public int fastClickLastSlot = InventoryView.OUTSIDE;
public Material fastClickLastCursor = null;
public int fastClickLastCursorAmount = 0;
// Data of the instant bow check.

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.players.IPlayerData;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.players.PlayerFactoryArgument;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.stats.Counters;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.InventoryUtil;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.ReflectionUtil;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.worlds.WorldFactoryArgument;
@ -89,6 +90,8 @@ public class InventoryListener extends CheckListener implements JoinLeaveListen
private final Open open = addCheck(new Open());
private final boolean hasInventoryAction;
/** For temporary use: LocUtil.clone before passing deeply, call setWorld(null) after use. */
private final Location useLoc = new Location(null, 0, 0, 0);
@ -128,6 +131,7 @@ public class InventoryListener extends CheckListener implements JoinLeaveListen
.addToGroups(CheckType.INVENTORY, true, IData.class, ICheckData.class)
.context() //
hasInventoryAction = ReflectionUtil.getClass("org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction") != null;
@ -219,8 +223,9 @@ public class InventoryListener extends CheckListener implements JoinLeaveListen
final IPlayerData pData = DataManager.getPlayerData(player);
final InventoryData data = pData.getGenericInstance(InventoryData.class);
final int slot = event.getSlot();
final String inventoryAction = hasInventoryAction ? event.getAction().name() : null;
if (pData.isDebugActive(checkType)) {
outputDebugInventoryClick(player, slot, event, data);
outputDebugInventoryClick(player, slot, event, inventoryAction, data);
if (slot == InventoryView.OUTSIDE || slot < 0) {
data.lastClickTime = now;
@ -252,12 +257,10 @@ public class InventoryListener extends CheckListener implements JoinLeaveListen
if (player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE || !cc.fastClickSpareCreative) {
if (fastClick.check(player, now,
event.getView(), slot, cursor, clicked, event.isShiftClick(),
data, cc, pData)) {
inventoryAction, data, cc, pData)) {
// The check requested the event to be cancelled.
cancel = true;
// Feed the improbable.
Improbable.feed(player, 0.7f, System.currentTimeMillis());
data.lastClickTime = now;
@ -275,7 +278,9 @@ public class InventoryListener extends CheckListener implements JoinLeaveListen
* @param event
* @param data
private void outputDebugInventoryClick(final Player player, final int slot, final InventoryClickEvent event,
private void outputDebugInventoryClick(final Player player,
final int slot, final InventoryClickEvent event,
final String action,
final InventoryData data) {
// TODO: Check if this breaks legacy compat (disable there perhaps).
// TODO: Consider only logging where different from expected (CraftXY, more/other viewer than player).
@ -303,6 +308,11 @@ public class InventoryListener extends CheckListener implements JoinLeaveListen
// Top inventory.
addInventory(player, view.getBottomInventory(), " , Top: ", builder);
if (action != null) {
builder.append(" , Action: ");
// Event class.
builder.append(" , Event: ");