diff --git a/Instructions.txt b/Instructions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..203f0b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Instructions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+Configuration file description.
+1) Important files, config.yml or "clean up your stuff"
+- The config file for NoCheat is called "config.yml" now.
+- You can have different config files for different worlds.
+ To achieve this, copy the "config.yml" and rename the copy to
+ "worldname_config.yml". Settings in that file will now only
+ affect the world with the name "worldname". You may also delete
+ all settings from that world-specific file that you won't use.
+ They'll be implicitely taken from the master "config.yml" file.
+- If you have files ending with "config.txt", "actions.txt" or
+ "default_actions.txt", please delete them. They are no longer
+ used by NoCheat.
+- Never change the amount of whitespaces in front of options in the config file
+ "config.yml". It will break the configuration.
+2) How the "actions" work, how to modify them and how to write your own,
+- NoCheat allows to define in detail what should happen when a player fails a
+ check in form of "actions". There are 4 possible things that may be done, read
+ on to learn in detail on how to define your own or modify the existing actions:
+ "cancel" = Depends on the check. Usually prevent something from happening
+ "log" = Create and show/log a message
+ "cmd" = Execute a command of Bukkit or another plugin as if it were
+ typed into the console by the admin.
+ "vl>" = Is meant to symbolize "violation level bigger than". Used to define
+ actions that will be executed only if players reached a certain
+ violation level. Failing a check usually increases their vl, not
+ failing checks reduces it over time.
+- "cancel" action is just the word "cancel". Read in the detailed option
+ description to find out what it does depending on the check that it is
+ assigned to.
+- "log" action is a string of the form "log:string:delay:repeat:target".
+ "log" = is simply used to let NoCheat know it is a log action.
+ "string" = is the message that will be logged. Because there is so little
+ space here, you only give a name here and define the actual
+ log message in the "strings" section of the config file.
+ "delay" = a number declaring how many times that action initially has
+ to be executed before it really leads to logging a message.
+ Use this for situations where it's common to have false
+ positives in checks and you only want the log message to be
+ shown if a player fails the check multiple times within a
+ short timeframe (1 minute)
+ "repeat" = a number declaring how many seconds have to pass after logging
+ the message before it will be logged again for that player.
+ This is needed to prevent "log-spam". Usually a value of 5
+ seconds is acceptable.
+ "target" = where should the message be logged to? You can use three letters
+ here. "c" means logging to console, "i" means logging to ingame
+ chat and "f" means logging to the log file.
+- "cmd" action is a string of the form "cmd:string:delay:repeat"
+ "cmd" = is simply used to let NoCheat know it is a command action.
+ "string" = is the command that will be issued in the console.
+ Because there is so little space here, you only give a
+ name here and define the actual command in the "strings"
+ section of the config file.
+ "delay" = a number declaring how many times that action initially has
+ to be executed before it really leads to running the command
+ in the console. Use this to create e.g. a 3-strikes-law by
+ setting it to 3. Only if a player fails the check 3 times
+ within 1 minute, the command will be really run.
+ "repeat" = a number declaring how many seconds have to pass after running
+ the command before it can be run again for that player.
+ Because many commands are expensive (take time, resources), you
+ may want to limit how often they can be called.
+- "vl>" isn't really an action. It limits all actions that are written
+ afterwards to be only executed if the players violation level has reached
+ the given value. This allows to define layers of actions and handle repeated
+ or severe failing of checks different. For example the spam check will kick
+ players if they reach a certain violation level (vl).
+3) Now that you know the basics, here is the description of all
+ options that are available in the configuration file.
+ Anything that has to do with how and where NoCheat shows its messages
+ active:
+ Should messages get logged at all. If you are not interested in messages,
+ set this to false
+ prefix:
+ Will be placed in front of many log messages. To get colors, use "&" followed by
+ a number (0-9) or a letter (A-F)
+ filename:
+ The name of the logfile that NoCheat will use to log its messages
+ file:
+ Should the logfile be used at all. Set to false if you don't want to use a logfile
+ console:
+ Should the server console be used to display messages. Set to false if you don't
+ want NoCheat to show messages in the console.
+ ingamechat:
+ Should NoCheat display messages in the ingame chat? Set to false if you don't
+ want NoCheat to show messages ingame.
+ showactivechecks:
+ Should NoCheat display lists of checks that are enabled for each world. Set to true
+ if you are unsure if you setup your configuration correctly.
+ Anything that has to do with the checks that NoCheat executes
+ inventory:
+ All checks that have to do with the player inventory
+ drop:
+ The "inventory.drop" check. It limits how many seperate items a player can drop
+ onto the ground within a specific time. Dropping a lot of seperate items at once
+ can cause lag on the server.
+ active:
+ Should the check be enabled. Set to false if you are not interested in this at all
+ time:
+ Over how many seconds should dropped items be counted
+ limit:
+ How many items may be dropped in that timeframe. Please consider that dying causes
+ a player to drop up to 36 seperate items. Therefore this value shouldn't be set
+ below ~50.
+ actions:
+ What should happen when a player goes beyond the set limit. Default settings log
+ a message and kick the player from the server.
+ moving:
+ All checks that have to do with player movement
+ runfly:
+ This is a combined check for running, flying and "nofall" hacks
+ active:
+ Should players get checked for movement related hacks at all
+ allowfastsneaking:
+ Should sneaking players be allowed to move as fast as normal players. Set this to
+ true, if you use plugins that enable players to do that (e.g. RPG plugins tend
+ to do that)
+ actions:
+ What should happen when a player sneaks/swims/walks/runs faster than normally
+ or is flying. Default is to log messages (depending on how severe the cheating
+ is) and teleport the player to a location that he was before ("cancel" the
+ movement)
+ checknofall:
+ Should players be checked for a common type of "nofall" hack, that allows them to
+ avoid taking damage when falling.
+ nofallactions:
+ What should happen if a player is considered to be using a "nofall" hack. Default
+ is to log a message and encourage Bukkit to deal fall damage anyway ("cancel" the
+ hack).
+ flying:
+ Anything related specifically to players that are allowed to fly, but still should
+ be limited in their flying.
+ allowflyingalways:
+ Should all players be allowed to fly always.
+ allowflyingincreative:
+ Should players that are set to "creative mode" be allowed to fly.
+ flyingspeedlimithorizontal:
+ How many 1/100 blocks may a player fly horizontal within one "step". The
+ official "creative mode" flying reaches speeds of about 0.6 blocks
+ which means a value of 60 here.
+ flyingspeedlimitvertical:
+ How many 1/100 blocks may a player fly vertically up within one "step".
+ A value of 100 which means 1 block seems reasonable.
+ flyingheightlimit:
+ What is the maximum height (in blocks) that a player may reach by flying.
+ Some servers experience lag when players fly very, very high. The map is
+ usually 128 high, therefore a value of 250 seems reasonable.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if a player flies faster/higher than defined here?
+ Default is to log messages and to prevent the player from moving ("cancel"
+ his movement)
+ morepackets:
+ The morepackets check is complementary to the "runfly" check. While "runfly"
+ limits the distance a player can move per step, morepackets limits the number
+ of "steps" a player may take per second. A normal value is 20 steps per second.
+ active:
+ Should players be checked for this kind of cheating. If you are not interested
+ in players that cheat that way, set this to false.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if a player is considered to be cheating by taking more steps
+ per second than normal. Default is to log messages and teleport the player back
+ to a location where he was ~1 second before ("cancel" his movement).
+ blockbreak:
+ Anything related to checking if players cheat while breaking blocks
+ reach:
+ Players may slightly increase the distance at which they can break blocks. This check
+ will try to identify that by comparing player and block location.
+ active:
+ Should players get checked for this type of hack
+ actions:
+ What should happen if the player is considered to cheat. Default is to prevent him
+ from breaking the block ("cancel" the breaking) and on repeated offenses to log
+ messages about it.
+ direction:
+ Players may break blocks without really looking at them. This is often combined with
+ breaking a lot of blocks surrounding the player at the same time.
+ active:
+ Should players get checked for this type of hack
+ precision:
+ How strict should NoCheat be when comparing the players line of view with the broken
+ block location. The value represents (roughly) the amount of 1/100 blocks that the
+ player is allowed to look past the broken block. 50 (0.5 blocks) seems a good
+ default value.
+ penaltytime:
+ If a player fails this check, how long should he be prevented from breaking blocks
+ afterwards. In milliseconds. This is intended to make automated destruction of
+ blocks harder. 0.3 seconds, value 300 is the default. Set to 0, if you don't want
+ to limit players at all after failing this check.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if a player fails this check. Default is to prevent the breaking
+ of the block ("cancel" it) and after repeated/more severe offenses to log a message.
+ noswing:
+ Players may break blocks without moving their arm. This is confusing for nearby players,
+ as they won't see who broke the blocks.
+ active:
+ Should players get checked for this type of hack
+ actions:
+ What should happen if the player didn't swing his arm first? Default is to log a
+ message and prevent the breaking of the block ("cancel" it).
+ blockplace:
+ All checks related to placing blocks.
+ reach:
+ Players may place blocks over a bigger distance than usually possible.
+ active:
+ Should players be checked for this type of hack.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if a player placed blocks at bigger distances than usual.
+ Default is to log a message and stop the block placing ("cancel it).
+ direction:
+ Players may place blocks without looking at where they place them.
+ active:
+ Should players be checked for this type of hack.
+ precision:
+ How strict should NoCheat be when checking if a player is looking in the
+ correct direction. 75 (which means a player may be up to 0.75 blocks off)
+ seems to be an ok value.
+ penaltytime:
+ How long after failing this check should the player be prevented from
+ placing any further blocks. This value is in milliseconds, the default
+ is 100, which means 0.1 seconds. If you don't want to have this penalty
+ time, set it to 0.
+ actions:
+ What should be done if a player places blocks outside of his line of
+ sight. Default is to log a message and prevent ("cancel") the block
+ placing.
+ chat:
+ All checks related to sending chat messages.
+ color:
+ Players may use colorcodes to send colored messages. This may be used
+ to fool other players into believing they are admins or similar.
+ active:
+ Should player messages get checked for the use of colors in messages.
+ actions:
+ What should be done if a player sends messages with color codes.
+ Default is to log a message and prevent ("cancel") the use of the
+ color codes, by filtering them from the message.
+ spam:
+ Players may send a ton of messages/commands in a short time to cause
+ lag or even crash a server.
+ active:
+ Should player messages get checked for the sending of too many messages.
+ whitelist:
+ A " " (whitespace) seperated list of words. Messages that start with
+ these sequences will not be counted.
+ timeframe:
+ For how many seconds should messages and commands be counted.
+ messagelimit:
+ How many "normal" chat messages may be sent within the timeframe.
+ commandlimit:
+ How many commands may be issued within the timeframe. Some mods (e.g.
+ TooManyItems) send a command on every mouseclick, which may cause
+ problems if this is set too low.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if players send more messages/commands? Default is
+ to prevent the message/command from being processed ("cancel" them)
+ and for severe cases where players send a lot of messages/commands,
+ kick them.
+ fight:
+ Everything related to fighting
+ direction:
+ Players may attack enemies without looking at them. This check tries to
+ identify such behaviour.
+ active:
+ Should players get checked for such behaviour.
+ precision:
+ How strict should NoCheat be when comparing the line of sight with the
+ position of the target. Default is 75 which means a player may look
+ 0.75 blocks past the actual target. Because the target is moving, this
+ value should be relatively high.
+ penaltytime:
+ If a player fails this check, how long should he be prevented from
+ attacking anything in milliseconds. Default is 500 and therefore 0.5
+ seconds. If you don't want to limit the player like this, set this
+ value to 0.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to stop
+ the attack ("cancel" it) and log messages, depending on how much the
+ player fails this check.
+ noswing:
+ Players may attack enemies without moving their arm. This may confuse
+ other players as they can't see who is attacking them or monsters.
+ active:
+ Should players be checked for this behaviour.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to stop
+ the attack ("cancel" it) and log messages.
+ reach:
+ Players may attack enemies over a greater distance than usual. This is
+ a significant advantage in fights. Normally attacks are only allowed
+ over a ~4 block distance, but these hacks may increase that to 6 blocks.
+ active:
+ Should players be checked for this behaviour.
+ distance:
+ What is the maximum distance that NoCheat should allow attacks for.
+ Default is 4 blocks (value 400). Setting this even lower will limit
+ the attack distance below the original "legal" distance.
+ penaltytime:
+ If a player fails this check, how long should he be prevented from
+ attacking anything. Default is 0.5 seconds (value 500). If you
+ don't want to limit players like this, set this value to 0.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to stop
+ the attack ("cancel" it) and log messages.
+ speed:
+ Players may be attacking extremely fast within a short time by using
+ automated clicking or hacks. This is an advantage in many situations.
+ active:
+ Should players be checked for this behaviour.
+ attacklimit:
+ How many attacks may a player start within 1 second. Consider setting
+ this to a value that's close to how fast you believe players can click
+ their mouse.
+ actions:
+ What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to stop
+ the attack ("cancel" it) and log messages.
+ This is the section that defines various strings for "log" or "cmd" actions.
+ Each has a name (the part in front of ":") and a definition (the part
+ behind the ":"). Whenever you use a "log" or "cmd" action in one of the
+ "actions: " options of this config file, the string will be taken from
+ this section. Arbitrary many additional strings may be defined here, or
+ existing strings may be changed.
+ Most messages/commands use placeholders in [ ], which will be replaced at
+ runtime with relevant information. Some of these may only be available in
+ certain circumstances, only "[player]" can be used everywhere, especially
+ in "cmd" actions.
+4) Other stuff
+- NoCheat isn't perfect and won't prevent all forms of cheating. It's a best
+ effort approach.
+- NoCheat may make mistakes. Don't see everything NoCheat says or does as
+ indisputable fact that somebody cheated. It's not possible to be 100% sure
+ if somebody is cheating or not, NoCheat will try to be right most of the
+ time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 61a09a11..7d3a1612 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
+ Instructions.txt
diff --git a/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/NoCheat.java b/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/NoCheat.java
index b3b34a39..bf691a8d 100644
--- a/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/NoCheat.java
+++ b/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/NoCheat.java
@@ -17,20 +17,15 @@ import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.WorkaroundsListener;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.blockbreak.BlockBreakCheckListener;
-import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.blockbreak.BlockBreakData;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.blockplace.BlockPlaceCheckListener;
-import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.blockplace.BlockPlaceData;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.chat.ChatCheckListener;
-import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.chat.ChatData;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.fight.FightCheckListener;
-import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.fight.FightData;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.inventory.InventoryCheckListener;
-import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.inventory.InventoryData;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.moving.MovingCheckListener;
-import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.checks.moving.MovingData;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.command.CommandHandler;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.config.ConfigurationCacheStore;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.config.ConfigurationManager;
+import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.config.NoCheatConfiguration;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.config.Permissions;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.data.PlayerManager;
import cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.debug.ActiveCheckPrinter;
@@ -95,13 +90,6 @@ public class NoCheat extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
eventManagers.add(new FightCheckListener(this));
eventManagers.add(new InventoryCheckListener(this));
- new MovingData();
- new BlockBreakData();
- new BlockPlaceData();
- new ChatData();
- new FightData();
- new InventoryData();
// Then set up a task to monitor server lag
if(lagMeasureTask == null) {
lagMeasureTask = new LagMeasureTask(this);
@@ -118,6 +106,8 @@ public class NoCheat extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
+ NoCheatConfiguration.writeInstructions(this.getDataFolder());
// Tell the server admin that we finished loading NoCheat now
System.out.println("[NoCheat] version [" + this.getDescription().getVersion() + "] is enabled.");
diff --git a/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/config/DefaultConfiguration.java b/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/config/DefaultConfiguration.java
index 523dc8ea..11a28ead 100644
--- a/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/config/DefaultConfiguration.java
+++ b/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/config/DefaultConfiguration.java
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ public class DefaultConfiguration extends NoCheatConfiguration {
public DefaultConfiguration() {
- this.options().header("Main configuration file for NoCheat.");
+ super();
+ this.options().header("Main configuration file for NoCheat. Read \"Instructions.txt\"");
/** LOGGING **/
set(ConfPaths.LOGGING_ACTIVE, true);
diff --git a/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/config/NoCheatConfiguration.java b/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/config/NoCheatConfiguration.java
index f96a6903..31773e6f 100644
--- a/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/config/NoCheatConfiguration.java
+++ b/src/cc/co/evenprime/bukkit/nocheat/config/NoCheatConfiguration.java
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package cc.co.evenprime.bukkit.nocheat.config;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@ public class NoCheatConfiguration extends YamlConfiguration {
public String saveToString() {
// Some reflection wizardry to avoid having a lot of
- // linebreaks in the yml file
+ // linebreaks in the yml file, and get a "footer" into the file
try {
Field op;
op = YamlConfiguration.class.getDeclaredField("yamlOptions");
@@ -23,7 +26,42 @@ public class NoCheatConfiguration extends YamlConfiguration {
} catch(Exception e) {}
- return super.saveToString();
+ String result = super.saveToString();
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static void writeInstructions(File rootConfigFolder) {
+ InputStream fis = NoCheatConfiguration.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("Instructions.txt");
+ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
+ try {
+ byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+ int i = 0;
+ while((i = fis.read(buf)) != -1) {
+ result.append(new String(buf).substring(0, i));
+ }
+ File iFile = new File(rootConfigFolder, "Instructions.txt");
+ if(iFile.exists()) {
+ iFile.delete();
+ }
+ FileWriter output = new FileWriter(iFile);
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ String instructions = result.toString();
+ instructions = instructions.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n");
+ String lines[] = instructions.split("\n");
+ for(String line : lines) {
+ output.append(line);
+ output.append(nl);
+ }
+ output.flush();
+ output.close();
+ } catch(Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }