Make FlyingFrequency a standard check in NCPCore.

This commit is contained in:
asofold 2015-11-23 07:53:50 +01:00
parent 7d57e68578
commit ea0e9e1ade
4 changed files with 134 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -11,24 +11,21 @@ import;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.NCPAPIProvider;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.Check;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.CheckType;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.MovingData;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.logging.Streams;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.CheckUtils;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.TrigUtil;
* Prevent extremely fast ticking by just sending packets that don't do anything
* new and also don't trigger moving events in CraftBukkit. Also update lastKeepAliveTime.
* Run checks related to moving (pos/look/flying). Skip packets that shouldn't
* get processed anyway due to a teleport. Also update lastKeepAliveTime.
* @author dev1mc
public class FlyingFrequency extends BaseAdapter {
public class MovingFlying extends BaseAdapter {
// Setup for flying packets.
public static final int numBooleans = 3;
@ -41,12 +38,8 @@ public class FlyingFrequency extends BaseAdapter {
public static final int indexYaw = 0;
public static final int indexPitch = 1;
// Thresholds for firing moving events (CraftBukkit).
public static final double minMoveDistSq = 1f / 256; // PlayerConnection magic.
public static final float minLookChange = 10f;
/** Dummy check for bypass checking and actions execution. */
private final Check frequency = new Check(CheckType.NET_FLYINGFREQUENCY) {};
private final FlyingFrequency flyingFrequency = new FlyingFrequency();
private final int idHandled = counters.registerKey("packet.flying.handled");
private final int idAsyncFlying = counters.registerKey("packet.flying.asynchronous");
@ -54,7 +47,7 @@ public class FlyingFrequency extends BaseAdapter {
/** Set to true, if a packet can't be interpreted, assuming compatibility to be broken. */
private boolean packetMismatch = false;
public FlyingFrequency(Plugin plugin) {
public MovingFlying(Plugin plugin) {
// PacketPlayInFlying[3, legacy: 10]
super(plugin, ListenerPriority.LOW, new PacketType[] {
@ -110,6 +103,7 @@ public class FlyingFrequency extends BaseAdapter {
switch(data.teleportQueue.processAck(packetData)) {
case CANCEL: {
// TODO: Configuration for cancel (or implement skipping violation level escalation)?
// TODO: Checking FlyingFrequency might still make sense?
if (data.debug) {
NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, player.getName() + " wait for ACK on teleport, cancel packet: " + packetData);
@ -134,9 +128,7 @@ public class FlyingFrequency extends BaseAdapter {
// Actual packet frequency check.
// TODO: Consider using the NetStatic check.
data.flyingFrequencyAll.add(time, 1f);
final float allScore = data.flyingFrequencyAll.score(1f);
if (allScore / cc.flyingFrequencySeconds > cc.flyingFrequencyPPS && !frequency.hasBypass(player) && frequency.executeActions(player, allScore / cc.flyingFrequencySeconds - cc.flyingFrequencyPPS, 1.0 / cc.flyingFrequencySeconds, cc.flyingFrequencyActions)) {
if (flyingFrequency.check(player, packetData, time, data, cc)) {
@ -179,13 +171,13 @@ public class FlyingFrequency extends BaseAdapter {
final PacketContainer packet = event.getPacket();
final List<Boolean> booleans = packet.getBooleans().getValues();
if (booleans.size() != FlyingFrequency.numBooleans) {
if (booleans.size() != MovingFlying.numBooleans) {
return null;
final boolean hasPos = booleans.get(FlyingFrequency.indexhasPos).booleanValue();
final boolean hasLook = booleans.get(FlyingFrequency.indexhasLook).booleanValue();
final boolean onGround = booleans.get(FlyingFrequency.indexOnGround).booleanValue();
final boolean hasPos = booleans.get(MovingFlying.indexhasPos).booleanValue();
final boolean hasLook = booleans.get(MovingFlying.indexhasLook).booleanValue();
final boolean onGround = booleans.get(MovingFlying.indexOnGround).booleanValue();
if (!hasPos && !hasLook) {
return new DataPacketFlying(onGround, time);
@ -229,65 +221,6 @@ public class FlyingFrequency extends BaseAdapter {
private boolean checkRedundantPackets(final Player player, final DataPacketFlying packetData, final float allScore, final long time, final NetData data, final NetConfig cc) {
// TODO: Debug logging (better with integration into DataManager).
// TODO: Consider to compare to moving data directly, skip keeping track extra.
final MovingData mData = MovingData.getData(player);
if (mData.toX == Double.MAX_VALUE && mData.toYaw == Float.MAX_VALUE) {
// Can not check.
return false;
boolean onGroundSkip = false;
// Allow at least one on-ground change per state and second.
// TODO: Consider to verify on ground somehow (could tell MovingData the state).
if (packetData.onGround != data.flyingFrequencyOnGround) {
// Regard as not redundant only if sending the same state happened at least a second ago.
final long lastTime;
if (packetData.onGround) {
lastTime = data.flyingFrequencyTimeOnGround;
data.flyingFrequencyTimeOnGround = time;
} else {
lastTime = data.flyingFrequencyTimeNotOnGround;
data.flyingFrequencyTimeNotOnGround = time;
if (time < lastTime || time - lastTime > 1000) {
// Override
onGroundSkip = true;
data.flyingFrequencyOnGround = packetData.onGround;
if (packetData.hasPos) {
if (TrigUtil.distanceSquared(packetData.x, packetData.y, packetData.z, mData.toX, mData.toY, mData.toZ) > minMoveDistSq) {
return false;
if (packetData.hasLook) {
if (Math.abs(TrigUtil.yawDiff(packetData.yaw, mData.toYaw)) > minLookChange || Math.abs(TrigUtil.yawDiff(packetData.pitch, mData.toPitch)) > minLookChange) {
return false;
if (onGroundSkip) {
return false;
// Packet is redundant, if more than 20 packets per second arrive.
if (allScore / cc.flyingFrequencySeconds > 20f && !frequency.hasBypass(player)) {
// (Must re-check bypass here.)
data.flyingFrequencyRedundantFreq.add(time, 1f);
if (frequency.executeActions(player, data.flyingFrequencyRedundantFreq.score(1f) / cc.flyingFrequencyRedundantSeconds, 1.0 / cc.flyingFrequencyRedundantSeconds, cc.flyingFrequencyRedundantActions)) {
return true;
return false;
* Log warning to console, stop interpreting packet content.

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class ProtocolLibComponent implements DisableListener, INotifyReload, Joi
if (ConfigManager.isTrueForAnyConfig(ConfPaths.NET_FLYINGFREQUENCY_ACTIVE)) {
// (Also sets lastKeepAliveTime, if enabled.)
register("", plugin);
register("", plugin);
register("", plugin);
if (ConfigManager.isTrueForAnyConfig(ConfPaths.NET_KEEPALIVEFREQUENCY_ACTIVE) || ConfigManager.isTrueForAnyConfig(ConfPaths.FIGHT_GODMODE_CHECK)) {

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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.Check;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.CheckType;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.MovingData;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.CheckUtils;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.TrigUtil;
* Frequency of (pos/look/) flying packets checking.
* @author asofold
public class FlyingFrequency extends Check {
// Thresholds for firing moving events (CraftBukkit). TODO: Move to some model thing in NCPCore, possibly a ServerConfig?
public static final double minMoveDistSq = 1f / 256; // PlayerConnection magic.
public static final float minLookChange = 10f;
public FlyingFrequency() {
* Always update data, check bypass on violation only.
* @param player
* @param time
* @param data
* @param cc
* @return
public boolean check(final Player player, final DataPacketFlying packetData, final long time, final NetData data, final NetConfig cc) {
data.flyingFrequencyAll.add(time, 1f);
final float allScore = data.flyingFrequencyAll.score(1f);
if (allScore / cc.flyingFrequencySeconds > cc.flyingFrequencyPPS && !CheckUtils.hasBypass(CheckType.NET_FLYINGFREQUENCY, player, data) && executeActions(player, allScore / cc.flyingFrequencySeconds - cc.flyingFrequencyPPS, 1.0 / cc.flyingFrequencySeconds, cc.flyingFrequencyActions)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* <b>Currently not used (too many potential and actual issues).</b><br>
* Skip packets that are not going to cause a moving event to fire, in case
* the frequency of packets is high.
* @param player
* @param packetData
* @param allScore
* @param time
* @param data
* @param cc
* @return
private boolean checkRedundantPackets(final Player player, final DataPacketFlying packetData, final float allScore, final long time, final NetData data, final NetConfig cc) {
// TODO: Debug logging (better with integration into DataManager).
// TODO: Consider to compare to moving data directly, skip keeping track extra.
final MovingData mData = MovingData.getData(player);
if (mData.toX == Double.MAX_VALUE && mData.toYaw == Float.MAX_VALUE) {
// Can not check.
return false;
boolean onGroundSkip = false;
// Allow at least one on-ground change per state and second.
// TODO: Consider to verify on ground somehow (could tell MovingData the state).
if (packetData.onGround != data.flyingFrequencyOnGround) {
// Regard as not redundant only if sending the same state happened at least a second ago.
final long lastTime;
if (packetData.onGround) {
lastTime = data.flyingFrequencyTimeOnGround;
data.flyingFrequencyTimeOnGround = time;
} else {
lastTime = data.flyingFrequencyTimeNotOnGround;
data.flyingFrequencyTimeNotOnGround = time;
if (time < lastTime || time - lastTime > 1000) {
// Override
onGroundSkip = true;
data.flyingFrequencyOnGround = packetData.onGround;
if (packetData.hasPos) {
if (TrigUtil.distanceSquared(packetData.x, packetData.y, packetData.z, mData.toX, mData.toY, mData.toZ) > minMoveDistSq) {
return false;
if (packetData.hasLook) {
if (Math.abs(TrigUtil.yawDiff(packetData.yaw, mData.toYaw)) > minLookChange || Math.abs(TrigUtil.yawDiff(packetData.pitch, mData.toPitch)) > minLookChange) {
return false;
if (onGroundSkip) {
return false;
// Packet is redundant, if more than 20 packets per second arrive.
if (allScore / cc.flyingFrequencySeconds > 20f && !hasBypass(player)) {
// (Must re-check bypass here.)
data.flyingFrequencyRedundantFreq.add(time, 1f);
if (executeActions(player, data.flyingFrequencyRedundantFreq.score(1f) / cc.flyingFrequencyRedundantSeconds, 1.0 / cc.flyingFrequencyRedundantSeconds, cc.flyingFrequencyRedundantActions)) {
return true;
return false;

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@ -179,10 +179,12 @@ public class CheckUtils {
if (!APIUtils.needsSynchronization(checkType)) {
// Checking for exemption can cause harm now.
// TODO: Log once + examine stack (which plugin/component does it).
NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().severe(Streams.STATUS, "Off primary thread call to hasByPass for " + checkType + ".");
// TODO: ExemptionManager relies on the initial definition for which type can be checked off main thread.
// TODO: Maybe a solution: force sync into primary thread a) each time b) once with lazy force set to use copy on write [for the player or global?].
return NCPExemptionManager.isExempted(player, checkType);