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synced 2025-02-01 20:31:25 +01:00
+ Added Rei's Minimap and MinecraftAutoMap disabling codes
+ Added a toggle in the configuration to allow client mods + Added an explanation about the WaterWalk check in the instructions
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,6 +136,24 @@
By default all these permissions are set to "op", which means players with
OP-status have all permissions, unless you change it.
----------------------- Permissions for ADMINISTRATION -------------------------
- nocheatplus.admin.chatlog
The player will receive log messages that are directed at the "ingame chat"
as a normal chat message ingame.
- nocheatplus.admin.commands
The player gets access to some of the "/nocheatplus" commands
- nocheatplus.admin.reload
In combination with "nocheatplus.admin.commands", the player gets access to the
"/nocheatplus reload" command, which will cause NoCheatPlus to reread its config
--------------------------- Permissions for CHECKS -----------------------------
@ -145,7 +163,7 @@
having one of these nodes means he will NOT be checked. Players without the
permission node will be checked.
Example: A player has permission "NoCheatPlus.checks.moving.morepackets". That
Example: A player has permission "nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepackets". That
means he is allowed to use that hack/cheat because NoCheatPlus won't check/stop it.
@ -253,39 +271,35 @@
--------------------------- Permissions for CHECKS -----------------------------
---------------------------- Permissions for MODS ------------------------------
- nocheatplus.zombe.fly
- nocheatplus.mods.zombe.fly
Don't prevent the player from using Zombe's fly mod
- nocheatplus.mods.zombe.xray
Don't prevent the player from using Zombe's noclip
- nocheatplus.zombe.cheats
- nocheatplus.mods.zombe.cheats
Don't prevent the player from using all other Zombe's cheats
- nocheatplus.cjb.fly
- nocheatplus.mods.cjb.fly
Don't prevent the player from using CJB's fly mod
- nocheatplus.cjb.xray
Don't prevent the player from using CJB's Xray
- nocheatplus.mods.cjb.xray
Don't prevent the player from using CJB's xray
- nocheatplus.cjb.minimap
- nocheatplus.mods.cjb.minimap
Don't prevent the player from using CJB's minimap
- nocheatplus.mods.rei.cave
Don't prevent the player from using Rei's Minimap's cave mode
- nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar
Don't prevent the player from using Rei's Minimap's radar
----------------------- Permissions for ADMINISTRATION -------------------------
- nocheatplus.admin.chatlog
The player will receive log messages that are directed at the "ingame chat"
as a normal chat message ingame.
- nocheatplus.admin.commands
The player gets access to some of the "/NoCheatPlus" commands
- nocheatplus.admin.reload
In combination with "NoCheatPlus.admin.commands", the player gets access to the
"/NoCheatPlus reload" command, which will cause NoCheatPlus to reread its config
- nocheatplus.mods.mcautomap
Don't prevent the player from using all Minecraft AutoMap's cheats
@ -295,15 +309,20 @@
NoCheatPlus defines "parent" nodes for all permissions already for you. That means
you can use one of the following:
- NoCheatPlus
- NoCheatPlus.admin
- NoCheatPlus.checks
- NoCheatPlus.checks.moving
- NoCheatPlus.checks.blockbreak
- NoCheatPlus.checks.blockplace
- NoCheatPlus.checks.inventory
- NoCheatPlus.checks.chat
- NoCheatPlus.checks.fight
- nocheatplus
- nocheatplus.admin
- nocheatplus.checks
- nocheatplus.checks.moving
- nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak
- nocheatplus.checks.blockplace
- nocheatplus.checks.inventory
- nocheatplus.checks.chat
- nocheatplus.checks.fight
- nocheatplus.mods
- nocheatplus.mods.zombe
- nocheatplus.mods.cjb
- nocheatplus.mods.rei
- nocheatplus.mods.mcautomap
To give a player all the permissions that start with that permission node.
@ -314,11 +333,11 @@
You can exclude a specific player from getting logged by appending ".silent"
to the relevant permission node of the specific check. E.g.
- NoCheatPlus.checks.moving.nofall.silent
- nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofall.silent
will prevent NoCheatPlus from recording log messages for that player for the
"nofall" check, while still executing all other actions as usual. These silent
permissions won't show up elsewhere, e.g. when using the "NoCheatPlus permlist"
permissions won't show up elsewhere, e.g. when using the "nocheatplus permlist"
@ -347,13 +366,13 @@
Will be placed in front of many log messages. To get colors, use "&"
followed by a number (0-9) or a letter (A-F). E.g. "&7NC&f:" would produce
the letters NC in red (&7), followed by black text (&f).
followed by a number (0-9) or a letter (A-F). E.g. "&7NCP&f:" would produce
the letters NCP in red (&7), followed by black text (&f).
The name of the logfile that NoCheatPlus will use to log its messages. The
default name is "NoCheatPlus.log", but you can use a different one if you want
default name is "nocheatplus.log", but you can use a different one if you want
@ -371,7 +390,7 @@
Should NoCheatPlus display messages in the ingame chat? Set to false if you
don't want NoCheatPlus to show messages ingame. The messages will only be seen
by players with the permission node "NoCheatPlus.admin.chatlog" or if you don't
by players with the permission node "nocheatplus.admin.chatlog" or if you don't
use a permissions plugin, by players who are OP.
@ -604,6 +623,31 @@
teleport the player back to a location where he was ~1 second before
("cancel" his movement). The Violation Level VL is the number of
packets that the player sent beyond the expected amount
The waterwalk check is used to prevent players from walking on water using
a client dedicated to griefing (this mode is usually called Jesus mod).
Firstly, it'll check if the player's move is valid (not only moving the X
and Z axes but also on the Y axis and, of course, if the player is near the
surface (most of the griefing client set the player 0.3 blocks under the
water surface). Secondly, it'll make sure the player is using the borders
of the block to climb outside the water (it prevents players using griefing
clients to simply jump multiple times over the water).
Should players be checked for this kind of cheating. If you are not
interested in players that cheat that way, set this to false. It is a
good idea to have this active, because player won't be able to cross
easily the oceans.
What should happen if a player is considered to be cheating by walking
on water. Default is to log messages and to prevent the player from moving
("cancel" his last movement). The Violation Level (VL) of this check is
the distance between the player and the surface or how far away he is from
the normal position if a player climbing a block. The VL increases with
every failed check and slowly decreases for every passed check.
---------------------------- BLOCKBREAK Subsection -----------------------------
@ -94,19 +94,33 @@ permissions:
description: Allow a player to eat food faster than normally possible
description: Allow a player to charge his bow faster than usual
description: Allow the player to use Zombe's cheats (including fly, Xray, etc.)
description: Allow the player to use all the client mods
description: Allow the player to use Zombe's fly
description: Allow the player to use Zombe's cheats (including Xray, etc.)
description: Allow the player to use CJB's cheats (including fly, Xray, minimap, etc.)
description: Allow the player to use CJB's fly
description: Allow the player to use CJB's Xray
description: Allow the player to use CJB's minimap
description: Allow the player to use all Zombe's cheats
description: Allow the player to use Zombe's fly mod
description: Allow the player to use Zombe's noclip
description: Allow the player to use all other Zombe's cheats
description: Allow the player to use all CJB's cheats
description: Allow the player to use CJB's fly mod
description: Allow the player to use CJB's xray
description: Allow the player to use CJB's minimap
description: Allow the player to use all Rei's Minimap's cheats
description: Allow the player to use Rei's cave mode
description: Allow the player to use Rei's radar
description: Allow the player to use all Minecraft AutoMap's cheats
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import me.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.fight.FightCheckListener;
import me.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.inventory.InventoryCheckListener;
import me.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.MovingCheckListener;
import me.neatmonster.nocheatplus.command.CommandHandler;
import me.neatmonster.nocheatplus.config.ConfPaths;
import me.neatmonster.nocheatplus.config.ConfigurationCacheStore;
import me.neatmonster.nocheatplus.config.ConfigurationManager;
import me.neatmonster.nocheatplus.config.NoCheatPlusConfiguration;
@ -187,22 +188,37 @@ public class NoCheatPlus extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
ignoreCancelled = true, priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPlayerJoin(final PlayerJoinEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (conf.getConfigurationCacheForWorld(player.getWorld().getName()).getConfiguration()
String message = "";
// Disable Zombe's fly mod
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.ZOMBE_FLY))
message = message + "§f §f §1 §0 §2 §4";
// Disable Zombe's noclip
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.ZOMBE_NOCLIP))
message = message + "§f §f §4 §0 §9 §6";
// Disable Zombe's cheats
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.ZOMBE_CHEATS))
message = message + "§f §f §2 §0 §4 §8";
// Disable CJB's fly mod
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.CJB_FLY))
message = message + "§3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §1";
// Disable CJB's XRay
// Disable CJB's xray
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.CJB_XRAY))
message = message + "§3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §2";
// Disable CJB's minimap
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.CJB_MINIMAP))
message = message + "§3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §3";
// Disable Rei's Minimap's cave mode
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.REI_CAVE))
message = message + "§0§0§1§e§f";
// Disable Rei's Minimap's radar
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.REI_RADAR))
message = message + "§0§0§2§3§4§5§6§7§e§f";
// Disable Minecraft AutoMap's cheats
if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.MC_AUTOMAP))
message = message + "§0§0§1§2§3§4§5§6§7§8§f§e";
@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ public abstract class ConfPaths {
public static final String FIGHT_INSTANTHEAL_CHECK = FIGHT_INSTANTHEAL + "active";
public final static String FIGHT_INSTANTHEAL_ACTIONS = FIGHT_INSTANTHEAL + "actions";
public final static String ALLOW_CLIENT_MODS = "allowclientmods";
public final static String STRINGS = "strings";
@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ public class DefaultConfiguration extends NoCheatPlusConfiguration {
set(ConfPaths.FIGHT_INSTANTHEAL_ACTIONS, "log:fheal:1:1:if cancel");
set(ConfPaths.ALLOW_CLIENT_MODS, false);
set(ConfPaths.STRINGS + ".drop",
"[player] failed [check]: Tried to drop more items than allowed. VL [violations]");
set(ConfPaths.STRINGS + ".moveshort", "[player] failed [check]. VL [violations]");
@ -9,10 +9,41 @@ public class Permissions {
private static final String NOCHEATPLUS = "nocheatplus";
private static final String ADMIN = NOCHEATPLUS + ".admin";
private static final String CHECKS = NOCHEATPLUS + ".checks";
private static final String ZOMBE = NOCHEATPLUS + ".zombe";
private static final String CJB = NOCHEATPLUS + ".cjb";
private static final String MODS = NOCHEATPLUS + ".mods";
public static final String MOVING = CHECKS + ".moving";
/** ADMIN **/
public static final String ADMIN_CHATLOG = ADMIN + ".chatlog";
public static final String ADMIN_COMMANDS = ADMIN + ".commands";
public static final String ADMIN_RELOAD = ADMIN + ".reload";
/** CHECKS **/
private static final String BLOCKBREAK = CHECKS + ".blockbreak";
public static final String BLOCKBREAK_REACH = BLOCKBREAK + ".reach";
public static final String BLOCKBREAK_DIRECTION = BLOCKBREAK + ".direction";
public static final String BLOCKBREAK_NOSWING = BLOCKBREAK + ".noswing";
private static final String BLOCKPLACE = CHECKS + ".blockplace";
public static final String BLOCKPLACE_REACH = BLOCKPLACE + ".reach";
public static final String BLOCKPLACE_DIRECTION = BLOCKPLACE + ".direction";
private static final String CHAT = CHECKS + ".chat";
public static final String CHAT_SPAM = CHAT + ".spam";
public static final String CHAT_COLOR = CHAT + ".color";
private static final String FIGHT = CHECKS + ".fight";
public static final String FIGHT_DIRECTION = FIGHT + ".direction";
public static final String FIGHT_NOSWING = FIGHT + ".noswing";
public static final String FIGHT_REACH = FIGHT + ".reach";
public static final String FIGHT_SPEED = FIGHT + ".speed";
public static final String FIGHT_GODMODE = FIGHT + ".godmode";
public static final String FIGHT_INSTANTHEAL = FIGHT + ".instantheal";
private static final String INVENTORY = CHECKS + ".inventory";
public static final String INVENTORY_DROP = INVENTORY + ".drop";
public static final String INVENTORY_INSTANTBOW = INVENTORY + ".instantbow";
public static final String INVENTORY_INSTANTEAT = INVENTORY + ".instanteat";
private static final String MOVING = CHECKS + ".moving";
public static final String MOVING_RUNFLY = MOVING + ".runfly";
public static final String MOVING_SWIMMING = MOVING + ".swimming";
public static final String MOVING_SNEAKING = MOVING + ".sneaking";
@ -21,42 +52,22 @@ public class Permissions {
public static final String MOVING_MOREPACKETS = MOVING + ".morepackets";
public static final String MOVING_WATERWALK = MOVING + ".waterwalk";
public static final String BLOCKBREAK = CHECKS + ".blockbreak";
public static final String BLOCKBREAK_REACH = BLOCKBREAK + ".reach";
public static final String BLOCKBREAK_DIRECTION = BLOCKBREAK + ".direction";
public static final String BLOCKBREAK_NOSWING = BLOCKBREAK + ".noswing";
public static final String BLOCKPLACE = CHECKS + ".blockplace";
public static final String BLOCKPLACE_REACH = BLOCKPLACE + ".reach";
public static final String BLOCKPLACE_DIRECTION = BLOCKPLACE + ".direction";
public static final String CHAT = CHECKS + ".chat";
public static final String CHAT_SPAM = CHAT + ".spam";
public static final String CHAT_COLOR = CHAT + ".color";
public static final String FIGHT = CHECKS + ".fight";
public static final String FIGHT_DIRECTION = FIGHT + ".direction";
public static final String FIGHT_NOSWING = FIGHT + ".noswing";
public static final String FIGHT_REACH = FIGHT + ".reach";
public static final String FIGHT_SPEED = FIGHT + ".speed";
public static final String FIGHT_GODMODE = FIGHT + ".godmode";
public static final String FIGHT_INSTANTHEAL = FIGHT + ".instantheal";
public static final String ADMIN_CHATLOG = ADMIN + ".chatlog";
public static final String ADMIN_COMMANDS = ADMIN + ".commands";
public static final String ADMIN_RELOAD = ADMIN + ".reload";
public static final String INVENTORY = CHECKS + ".inventory";
public static final String INVENTORY_DROP = INVENTORY + ".drop";
public static final String INVENTORY_INSTANTBOW = INVENTORY + ".instantbow";
public static final String INVENTORY_INSTANTEAT = INVENTORY + ".instanteat";
public static final String ZOMBE_FLY = ZOMBE + ".fly";
public static final String ZOMBE_CHEATS = ZOMBE + ".cheats";
/** MODS **/
private static final String CJB = MODS + ".cjb";
public static final String CJB_FLY = CJB + ".fly";
public static final String CJB_XRAY = CJB + ".xray";
public static final String CJB_MINIMAP = CJB + ".minimap";
public static final String MC_AUTOMAP = MODS + ".mcautomap";
private static final String REI = MODS + ".rei";
public static final String REI_CAVE = REI + ".cave";
public static final String REI_RADAR = REI + ".radar";
private static final String ZOMBE = MODS + ".zombe";
public static final String ZOMBE_FLY = ZOMBE + ".fly";
public static final String ZOMBE_NOCLIP = ZOMBE + ".noclip";
public static final String ZOMBE_CHEATS = ZOMBE + ".cheats";
private Permissions() {}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user