* Rename interfaces to I...
* Split off the statistics counting to accept/deny counters.
* Remove support for parent workarounds.
* Do use a testUse method for overriding in AbstractWorkaround.
* Add a stage counter to WorkaroundCountDown, for meta checks per stage.
* Extend/alter/implement default method signatures and interfaces.
* Tests for the workaround package.
* Add a primary thread / moving checks registry instance.
* Add default sets and use in moving checks (primary thread only).
Untested, unused. Intentions are:
* Be able to count any use of workarounds.
* Confine workarounds to side conditions, such as 'use once until
conditions are reset' and/or 'only use once conditions are set'.
* Have per-player objects and (attached) global counters.
* (Might think of: disable workarounds by configuration.)
* Default order: order of first put (first put is first on iteration).
* Fix order being done right for all cases.
* Fix linking.
* Override clear.
* Add more tests.
This will preserve the order of debug messages sent from multiple
threads. As a side effect, this might be better for performance, given
that on constant input the logging task will stay registered, so there
is little overhead and the file-io is taken off the asynchronous packet
and chat handler threads.Hopefully the thread switching is less
expensive than the gain by not delaying chat/packet threads, in case of
servers with few cores. We might adapt the used policy later, based on
cores and/or config.
Can't implement "dumb" access order, because we will have to move
entries to the front with setting and altering data, but we don't want
the data to be changed every time get is called, e.g. with piston
Efficiency could be increased, using the entry as reference instead of
duplicate calls with coordinates.
Splits CoordMap into interface, abstract hash map, implementations.
Sketch Linked version, hinting at access order, e.g. with
tracking piston effects with timeouts.
* Implementation of a linked version.
* Make attribute methods consistent (remove the sprint boost modifier
from the generic speed multiplier, because it's inconsistent).
* Add missing implementations.
* Adjust default sprinting speed modifier.
* Add more guards for the latest compat module (1.8_R3).
* Add a reflection based compat module for CB, to cover minor updates.
* Possibly other minor fixes/changes.
[Hail "insufficient data written"!]
* lastUpdate is always set calling update().
* Negative diff can not affect update (time ran backwards).
* Use lastUpdate instead of lastAccess where appropriate.
* More comments/formatting.
A cheat client could move such that they are inside of a block, but
CraftBukkit will not fire an event, because the distance and looking
direction don't change enough. Teleporting other players or yourself to
that location would result in getting someone into a block. Consequently
we also have to block commands like /sethome at such locations.
Our first attempt to patch that will monitor teleports that use the
TeleportCause.COMMAND (might miss out on plugins that are not using the
appropriate cause, and on plugins that use items for teleportation), in
addition we monitor certain commands (configurable prefixes), to catch
things like "sethome" and "sethome2". The world spawn is exempted. Only
teleports into blocks are monitored.
This does not yet sanity-check the distance to the last tracked
location, but it will ignore if none is set.
* Only trim commands from the left side (both on feed and check).
* Ensure versions with and without leading '/' are fed into trees.
* Move methods to feed CharPrefixTree from configs to CommandUtil.
Potentially fixes (untested):
* Only deny the sub-commands for a prefix, example: feed 'version ' to
consoleonly, in order to allow 'version' but not 'version NoCheatplus'.
* Might fix some plugin/server specific prefixes not being detected,
example: feed "/version" and expect "/bukkit:version" to be blocked.
* Some cleanups (spaces, commented out references updated).
* LogManager implement INotifyReload, but gets processed extra (not
added with addComponent).
For debug output now data.debug is used instead of config.debug, so the
data is initialized with the config.debug value. As an effect of this,
removing the data or reloading will override flags that have been set by
means of API-access only.
* Adds getDebug and setDebug to ICheckData.
* Adds appropriate configs to all constructors of check data.
* Some per-check debug flags have been removed.
* spaces
* import cleanup.
* All logging is also going into the log file (always), debug output is
mostly/only going into the log file. File logging uses an asynchronously
processed queue now (!).
* Specify an existing directory (e.g. logs) and log files will named
after date + sequence number, changing with every reloading of the
* Console and ingame logging remain within the primary thread.
* No extra configurability for customization, yet.
* Not all places have been cleaned up, concerning log levels. target
streams and package naming.
* Work in progress.
Original pull request:
This probably is not the final implementation, but it allows some
minimal freedom:
* Specify number of entries to show.
* Specify check types (and groups!).
* Specify what to sort by.
There might be need for some merged view, combining several different
check types somehow, or just shortcuts for specific selections, e.g. for
fighting-related checks.
+ Fix root command not showing sub commmand usage.
Refactored penalty time handling to use a PenaltyTime object, taking
into account time running backwards, also unify attack (close combat)
penalties to a generic attack penalty. Combined.yawrate still keeps the
timeFreeze penalty, due to also cancelling other actions than melee,
still changed to a PenaltyTime object.
Changing the item in hand now leads to an attack penalty (that also goes
for not changing the item, but changing the slot).
"Quick" addition, not much testing, except few unit tests.
Note that this could change false detection behavior of other sub-checks
of fight, because the penalty time is checked last. Previously checks
like direction or reach would have cancelled already if the player was
within their penalty time. Hard to say if this creates new false
positives, but it will be more strict on continuous violations.
The command lists for handleaschat and exclusions are now also fed with
a leading "/" if missing. Allows more convenient setup and less
confusion potential for relating comamnd lists in "protect plugins" to
other lists.
opinconsoleonly has been made a list of commands:
Further the message sent to the player is the permission message,
if the player does not have permission to use the command,
provided NCP can find the command.
All three command lists are also checked with the original
command label.