4.0.0 fr.neatmonster nocheatplus-parent pom 1.1-SNAPSHOT NoCheatPlus Parent http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/nocheatplus UTF-8 yyyy_MM_dd-HH_mm ${maven.build.timestamp} NCPBuildBase NCPCommons NCPCore NCPCompatBukkit NCPCompatCB2512 NCPCompatCB2545 NCPCompatCB2602 NCPCompatCB2645 NCPCompatCB2691 NCPCompatCB2763 NCPCompatCB2794 NCPCompatCB2808 NCPCompatCB2882 NCPCompatCB2922 NCPCompatCB3026 NCPCompatCB3043 NCPCompatCB3100 NCPCompatSpigotCB1_8_R1 NCPCompatSpigotCB1_8_R2 NCPCompatSpigotCB1_8_R3 NCPCompatCBDev NCPCompatProtocolLib NCPCompatGlowstone NCPPlugin NoCheatPlus bukkit http://repo.bukkit.org/content/groups/public/ md_5-releases http://repo.md-5.net/content/repositories/releases/ md_5-snapshots http://repo.md-5.net/content/repositories/snapshots/ The initial pom design had been taken from mbax (GitHub). The naming of the native compatibility modules mostly follows NCPCompat + shortcut of server mod name + earliest build/version that the module would run with (though it should be compiled with the latest available build rather, latest build also can be used, if it is the first module depicting an API incompatibility transition). NCPCompatBukkit provides compatibility for the Bukkit-API only (no native module available), aiming at keeping NCP up for a new MC version for if no native module is available . Tendency is to use the latest Bukkit version rather, but since it is used for some "unknown mods" as well, it is not compiled with the latest Bukkit version always. TODO: Better place for descriptions like this?