name: ${} version: ${project.version}-b${BUILD_NUMBER} description: ${project.description} author: NeatMonster authors: [asofold, Evenprime] website: ${project.url} main: ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId} commands: nocheatplus: aliases: [ncp] description: NoCheatPlus command(s). # permissions: nocheatplus.admin.(...) usage: | / reload: reload NoCheatPlus configuration /:Player violations: / info (player): Display the violations of a player / removeplayer (player) [(check type)]: Remove data /:Auxiliary: / ban [delay=(ticks)] (player) [(reason)...]: ban player / kick [delay=(ticks)] (player) [(reason)...]: kick player / tempkick [delay=(ticks)] (player) (minutes) [(reason)...] / tell [delay=(ticks)] (player) (message)...: tell a message / delay [delay=(ticks)] (command)...: delay a command permissions: nocheatplus: description: Allow the player to bypass all checks and give him all administation permissions. children: nocheatplus.admin: description: Give the player all administation rights. children: nocheatplus.admin.notify: description: Allow the player to see the alerts in the ingame chat. nocheatplus.admin.plugins: description: Allow the player to see the list of all plugins (/plugins). nocheatplus.admin.reload: description: Allow the player to reload NoCheatPlus configuration. description: Allow to see violation info about a player (/ncp info (player)). nocheatplus.admin.ban: description: Allow use of the ncp ban command. nocheatplus.admin.kick: description: Allow use of the ncp kick command. nocheatplus.admin.tell: description: Allow use of the ncp tell command. nocheatplus.admin.delay: description: Allow use of the ncp delay command. nocheatplus.admin.tempkick: description: Allow use of the ncp tempkick command. nocheatplus.admin.removeplayer: description: Allow use of the ncp removeplayer command. nocheatplus.bypass: description: Bypass permission other than command permissions. children: nocheatplus.bypass.denylogin: description: Bypass the login denial, such as exists with the ncp tempkick command. nocheatplus.checks: description: Allow the player to bypass all checks. children: nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak: description: Allow the player to bypass all BlockBreak checks. children: nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.direction: description: Allow the player to bypass to Direction check. nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.fastbreak: description: Allow the player to bypass the FastBreak check. nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.noswing: description: Allow the player to bypass the NoSwing check. nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.reach: description: Allow the player to bypass the Reach check. nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.wrongblock: description: Allow the player to bypass the WorngBlock check. nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract: description: Allow the player to bypass all BlockInteract checks. children: nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.direction: description: Allow the player to bypass to Direction check. nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.reach: description: Allow the player to bypass the Reach check. nocheatplus.checks.blockplace: description: Allow the player to bypass all BlockPlace checks. children: nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.direction: description: Allow the player to bypass to Direction check. nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.fastplace: description: Allow the player to bypass the FastPlace check. nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.noswing: description: Allow the player to bypass the NoSwing check. nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.reach: description: Allow the player to bypass the Reach check. nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.speed: description: Allow the player to bypass the Speed check. description: Allow the player to bypass all Chat checks. children: description: Allow the player to bypass the Color check. description: Allow the player to bypass the NoPwnage check. children: description: Allow the player to bypass the captcha check (currently the nopwnage or globalchat violation handling would replace it!). description: Allow the player to bypass the GlobalChat check. nocheatplus.checks.combined: description: Allow the player to bypass all combined checks. children: nocheatplus.checks.combined.improbable: description: Allow the player to bypass the Improbable check. nocheatplus.checks.fight: description: Allow the player to bypass all Fight checks. children: nocheatplus.checks.fight.angle: description: Allow the player to bypass the Angle check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.critical: description: Allow the player to bypass the Critical check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.direction: description: Allow the player to bypass the Direction check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.godmode: description: Allow the player to bypass the GodMode check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.instantheal: description: Allow the player to bypass the InstantHeal check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.knockback: description: Allow the player to bypass the Knockback check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.noswing: description: Allow the player to bypass the NoSwing check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.reach: description: Allow the player to bypass the Reach check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.selfhit: description: Allow the player to bypass the SelfHit check. nocheatplus.checks.fight.speed: description: Allow the player to bypass the Speed check. nocheatplus.checks.inventory: description: Allow the player to bypass all Inventory checks. children: nocheatplus.checks.inventory.drop: description: Allow the player to bypass the Drop check. nocheatplus.checks.inventory.fastclick: description: Allow the player to bypass the FastClick check. nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instantbow: description: Allow the player to bypass the InstantBow check. nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instanteat: description: Allow the player to bypass the InstantEat check. nocheatplus.checks.moving: description: Allow the player to bypass all Moving checks. children: nocheatplus.checks.moving.boatsanywhere: description: Allow the player to place boats on the ground. nocheatplus.checks.moving.creativefly: description: Allow the player to bypass the CreativeFly check. nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepackets: description: Allow the player to bypass the MorePackets check. nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepacketsvehicle: description: Allow the player to bypass the MorePacketsVehicle check. nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofall: description: Allow the player to bypass the NoFall check. nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly: description: Allow the player to bypass the SurvivalFly check. children: nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.blocking: description: Allow the player to move without speed limits and to attack entities while blocking. nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.sneaking: description: Allow the player to move without speed limits while sneaking. nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.speeding: description: Allow the player to move at higher speeds. nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.sprinting: description: Allow the player to sprint backwards. nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.step: description: Allow the player to use the 'step' functionality of his client. nocheatplus.mods: description: Allow the player to use all the client mods. children: nocheatplus.mods.cjb: description: Allow the player to use the CJB mod. children: description: Allow the player to use CJB's fly mod. nocheatplus.mods.cjb.radar: description: Allow the player to use CJB's radar. nocheatplus.mods.cjb.xray: description: Allow the player to use CJB's xray. nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap: description: Allow the player to use the Minecraft AutoMap mod. children: nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.cave: description: Allow the player to use Minecraft AutoMap's cave mode. nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.ores: description: Allow the player to use Minecraft AutoMap's ores detector. nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.radar: description: Allow the player to use Minecraft AutoMap's radar. nocheatplus.mods.rei: description: Allow the player to use the Rei's Minimap mod. children: nocheatplus.mods.rei.cave: description: Allow the player to use Rei's Minimap cave mode. nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar: description: Allow the player to use Rei's Minimap radar. nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving: description: Allow the player to use the Smart Moving mod. children: nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.climbing: description: Allow the player to use Smart Moving's climbing movement. nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.crawling: description: Allow the player to use Smart Moving's crawling movement. nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.flying: description: Allow the player to use Smart Moving's flying movement. nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.jumping: description: Allow the player to use Smart Moving's jumping movement. nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.sliding: description: Allow the player to use Smart Moving's sliding movement. nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.swimming: description: Allow the player to use Smart Moving's swimming movement. nocheatplus.mods.zombe: description: Allow the player to use the Zombe mod. children: nocheatplus.mods.zombe.cheat: description: Allow the player to use Zombe's cheat. description: Allow the player to use Zombe's fly mod. nocheatplus.mods.zombe.noclip: description: Allow the player to use Zombe's noclip.