################################################################################ # # # Important files, config.yml or "clean up your stuff" # # # ################################################################################ 1) The config file for NoCheatPlus is called "config.yml" now. 2) You can have different config files for different worlds. To achieve this, copy the "config.yml" and rename the copy to "worldname_config.yml". Set- tings in that file will now only affect the world with the name "worldname". You may also delete all settings from that world-specific file that you won't use. They'll be implicitly taken from the master "config.yml" file. 3) If you have files named "config.txt", "default_actions.txt" or "actions.txt" please delete them. They are no longer used by NoCheatPlus and serve no purpose anymore. 4) Never change the amount of white-spaces in front of options in the config file "config.yml". It will break the configuration. ################################################################################ # # # How "actions" work, an Overview # # # ################################################################################ NoCheatPlus allows to define in detail what should happen when a player fails a check in form of "actions". There are 4 possible things that may be done. (read on to learn in detail on how to define/modify actions): cancel: The effects of the action "cancel" depend on the check that it is used for. Usually it means to prevent something from happening, e.g. stop an attack or prevent sending of a chat message. log: Create and show/log a message. Log messages can be customized in how often, when and where they are registered/shown. cmd: Execute a command of Bukkit or another plugin as if it were typed into the server console by an admin. Like logging, these can be customized. vl>X: Is meant to symbolize "violation level at least X". Used to define actions that will be executed only if players reached a certain violation level. Failing a check usually increases their "vl", not failing checks reduces it over time. Violation levels mean different things for different checks, e.g. they may describe moved distance beyond the limit, number of attacks above the attack limit, sent messages beyond the spam limit. ################################################################################ # # # How to customize your "actions" # # # ################################################################################ 1) The "cancel" action is just the word "cancel". Read in the detailed option description to find out what it does depending on the check that it is assigned to. 2) The "log" action is a string of the form "log:string:delay:repeat:target". log: is simply used to let NoCheatPlus know it is a log action. Don't remove it from the action, or NoCheatPlus will not know what it is and how to handle it. string: is the message that will be logged. Because there is so little space here, you only give a name here and define the actual log message in the "strings" section of the config file. delay: a number declaring how many times that action initially has to be executed before it really leads to logging a message. Use this for situations where it's common to have false positives in checks and you only want the log message to be shown if a player fails the check multiple times within a minute. repeat: a number declaring how many seconds have to pass after logging the message before it will be logged again for that player. This is needed to prevent "log-spam". Usually a value of 5 seconds is acceptable, for rare events you can use lower values. It is very recommended to at least use the value 1 (one second) here. target: where should the message be logged to? You can use three letters here. The order that you use is not important. "c" means logging to console "i" means logging to ingame chat and "f" means logging to the log file. 3) The "cmd" action is a string of the form "cmd:string:delay:repeat". cmd: is simply used to let NoCheatPlus know it is a command action. Don't remove it from the action, or NoCheatPlus will not know what it is and how to handle it. string: is the command that will be issued. Because there is so little space here, you only give a name here and define the actual command in the "strings" section of the config file. delay: a number declaring how many times that action initially has to be executed before it really leads to running the command in the console. Use this to create e.g. a 3-strikes-law by setting it to 3. Only if a player fails the check 3 times within 1 minute, the command will be really run. repeat: a number declaring how many seconds have to pass after running the command before it can be run again for that player. Because many commands are expensive (take time, resources), you may want to limit how often they can be called. 4) The "vl>" isn't really an action. It limits all actions that are written afterwards to be only executed if the players violation level has reached at least the given value. This allows to define layers of actions and handle repeated or severe failing of checks different. For example the spam check will only kick players if they reach a certain violation level (vl). ################################################################################ # # # Permissions # # # ################################################################################ NoCheatPlus only supports "SuperPerms", CraftBukkits official permission framework. You'll need to use a permissions plugin that supports "SuperPerms" to use it with NoCheatPlus. Here are some I know of: - bPermissions - PermissionsEx - Essentials GroupManager I personally recommend bPermissions, but any of them will do just fine. By default all these permissions are set to "op", which means players with OP-status have all permissions, unless you change it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Permissions for ADMINISTRATION ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - nocheatplus.admin.chatlog The player will receive log messages that are directed at the "ingame chat" as a normal chat message ingame. - nocheatplus.admin.commands The player gets access to some of the "/nocheatplus" commands - nocheatplus.admin.reload In combination with "nocheatplus.admin.commands", the player gets access to the "/nocheatplus reload" command, which will cause NoCheatPlus to reread its config files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Permissions for CHECKS ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These permission nodes are grouped the same way as the options in the config file, based on the event type they belong to. The logic is, that a player having one of these nodes means he will NOT be checked. Players without the permission node will be checked. Example: A player has permission "nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepackets". That means he is allowed to use that hack/cheat because NoCheatPlus won't check/stop it. ------------------------ MOVING Permissions for CHECKS ------------------------- - nocheatplus.checks.moving.runfly Allows the player to move freely. It also treats the player as if he has the ".flying", ".swimming", ".sneaking" and ".nofall" permission too. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.flying Allows the player to fly, independent of if he is in "creative mode" or not. He will be limited in speed by the config settings "flyingspeedvertical" and "flyingspeedhorizontal". It also treats the player as if he has the ".nofall" permission too. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.swimming Allows the player to swim as fast as he is allowed to walk. Normally a player swims slower than he walks and NoCheatPlus prevents faster movement in water. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.sneaking Allows the player to sneak faster than he is allowed to walk. Normally a player sneaks a lot slower than he walks and NoCheatPlus prevents faster movement while sneaking. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofall Allows the player to avoid fall damage by using hacks. Normally NoCheatPlus will keep track of a players movement and try to rectify the fall-damage calculations of Minecraft in case they seem to be wrong because of players tricking the server. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepackets Allows players to make a lot more movements than normally possible. Doing more movements will result in faster overall movement speed and causes the server to spend a lot of additional time for processing these movements. -------------------- BLOCKBREAK Permissions for CHECKS ------------------------- - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.reach Allows the player to break blocks that are further away than usual. - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.direction Don't force players to look at the blocks that they try to destroy. - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.noswing Don't force players to swing their arm when breaking blocks. -------------------- BLOCKPLACE Permissions for CHECKS ------------------------- - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.reach Allows the player to place blocks that are further away than usual. - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.direction Don't force players to look at the blocks that they try to place. --------------------- INVENTORY Permissions for CHECKS ------------------------- - nocheatplus.checks.inventory.drop Don't limit the number of items that a player may drop within a short time - nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instantbow Don't prevent players from shooting their bows instantly without taking the usual time to pull the string back - nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instanteat Don't prevent players from eating their food instantly without taking the usual time to munch on it ----------------------- CHAT Permissions for CHECKS ---------------------------- - nocheatplus.checks.chat.spam Don't limit the number of messages and commands that a player may send in a short timeframe - nocheatplus.checks.chat.color Don't filter color codes from messages that get sent by players, allowing them to use colors in their messages. ---------------------- FIGHT Permissions for CHECKS ---------------------------- - nocheatplus.checks.fight.direction Don't force players to look at their targets while fighting - nocheatplus.checks.fight.noswing Don't force players to move their arms while fighting - nocheatplus.checks.fight.reach Don't limit the distance for fights - nocheatplus.checks.fight.speed Don't limit the number of attacks that the player can do per second - nocheatplus.checks.fight.godmode Don't prevent the player from keeping the temporary invulnerability that he gets when taking damage - nocheatplus.checks.fight.instantheal Don't prevent the player from accellerating their health generation by food saturation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Permissions for MODS ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - nocheatplus.mods.zombe.fly Don't prevent the player from using Zombe's fly mod - nocheatplus.mods.zombe.xray Don't prevent the player from using Zombe's noclip - nocheatplus.mods.zombe.cheats Don't prevent the player from using all other Zombe's cheats - nocheatplus.mods.cjb.fly Don't prevent the player from using CJB's fly mod - nocheatplus.mods.cjb.xray Don't prevent the player from using CJB's xray - nocheatplus.mods.cjb.minimap Don't prevent the player from using CJB's minimap - nocheatplus.mods.rei.cave Don't prevent the player from using Rei's Minimap's cave mode - nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar Don't prevent the player from using Rei's Minimap's radar - nocheatplus.mods.mcautomap Don't prevent the player from using all Minecraft AutoMap's cheats -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Things to know about Permissions ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NoCheatPlus defines "parent" nodes for all permissions already for you. That means you can use one of the following: - nocheatplus - nocheatplus.admin - nocheatplus.checks - nocheatplus.checks.moving - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace - nocheatplus.checks.inventory - nocheatplus.checks.chat - nocheatplus.checks.fight - nocheatplus.mods - nocheatplus.mods.zombe - nocheatplus.mods.cjb - nocheatplus.mods.rei - nocheatplus.mods.mcautomap To give a player all the permissions that start with that permission node. Especially you don't have to and should not use ".*" anywhere when defining NoCheatPlus permissions. You can exclude a specific player from getting logged by appending ".silent" to the relevant permission node of the specific check. E.g. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofall.silent will prevent NoCheatPlus from recording log messages for that player for the "nofall" check, while still executing all other actions as usual. These silent permissions won't show up elsewhere, e.g. when using the "nocheatplus permlist" command. ################################################################################ # # # All available config settings # # # ################################################################################ Here you'll find the whole list of settings that you can manipulate in the config.yml file. It is further split into logical sections -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- LOGGING Section ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything that in general has to do with controlling NoCheatPluss logging can be found at this part of the config.yml active: Should messages get logged at all. If you are not interested in messages, set this to false and you'll hear and see (almost) nothing of NoCheatPlus. prefix: Will be placed in front of many log messages. To get colors, use "&" followed by a number (0-9) or a letter (A-F). E.g. "&7NCP&f:" would produce the letters NCP in red (&7), followed by black text (&f). filename: The name of the logfile that NoCheatPlus will use to log its messages. The default name is "nocheatplus.log", but you can use a different one if you want to. file: Should the logfile be used at all. Set to false if you don't want to use the logfile. By default the logfile will be used (true). console: Should the server console be used to display messages. Set to false if you don't want NoCheatPlus to show messages related to checks in the console. Error messages may still get displayed there though. ingamechat: Should NoCheatPlus display messages in the ingame chat? Set to false if you don't want NoCheatPlus to show messages ingame. The messages will only be seen by players with the permission node "nocheatplus.admin.chatlog" or if you don't use a permissions plugin, by players who are OP. showactivechecks: Should NoCheatPlus display lists of checks that are enabled for each world. Set to true if you are unsure that your (multiworld) setup of the config files is done correctly. debugmessages: Should some additional messages be displayed in the server console, e.g. about NoCheatPlus encountering lag. The displayed messages may change from version to version. This is deactivated by default. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- CHECKS Section -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything that in has to do with the various checks that NoCheatPlus runs on the players. Use these to specify what will be done, how it will be done and what happens if somebody fails checks. ----------------------------- INVENTORY Subsection ----------------------------- Checks that at least technically have to do with the inventory or usage of items can be found here. 1) DROP: The "inventory.drop" check. It limits how many separate items a player can drop onto the ground within a specific time. Dropping a lot of separate items at once can cause lag on the server, therefore this check exists. active: Should the check be enabled. Set to false if you are not interested in this at all time: Over how many seconds should dropped items be counted, before the counter gets reset and starts at zero again. limit: How many items may be dropped in the timeframe that is specified by the "time" setting. Please consider that dying causes a player to drop up to 36 separate items (stacks). Therefore this value shouldn't be set below ~50. actions: What should happen when a player goes beyond the set limit. Default settings log a message and kick the player from the server. The VL of the drop check symbolizes how many items a player dropped beyond the set limit. If the limit is 100 and he tried to drop 130, he will have a Violation Level of 130 - 100 = 30. 2) INSTANTBOW: Players may attack extremely fast and with a fully charged bow without waiting for it to be fully pulled back. This is a significant advantage in PvP and PvE combat. active: Should players be checked for this behavior. Set to false if you don't care about players using bows faster than normally possible. actions: What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to stop the attack ("cancel" it) and log messages. The Violation Level (VL) for this check the time difference between how long it took the player to fire an arrow and how long NoCheatPlus thinks he should have taken, in 1/10 seconds. Therefore a VL of 10 would mean that the player shot an arrow 1 second faster than NoCheatPlus expected. The VL gets increased with every failed check and slowly decreased for every passed check. 3) INSTANTEAT: Players may eat various kinds of food instantly instead of waiting the usual time munching on the item. active: Should players be checked for this behavior. Set to false if you don't care about players eating their food faster than normally possible. actions: What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to stop the eating ("cancel" it) and log messages. The Violation Level (VL) for this check the time difference between how long it took the player to eat his food and how long NoCheatPlus thinks he should have taken, in 1/10 seconds. Therefore a VL of 10 would mean that the player ate his food 1 second faster than NoCheatPlus expected. The VL gets increased with every failed check and slowly decreased for every passed check. ------------------------------ MOVING Subsection ------------------------------- Checks that at least technically have to do with the player moving around or impacting the world with his movement can be found here. 1) RUNFLY: Players may move in illegal ways (flying, running too fast) or try to trick the server into thinking that they are not falling/flying by cleverly manipulating the data that they send to the server. active: Should players get checked for this type of movement related hacks at all. If deactivated, player may freely move around on the server, fly or run really fast. walkspeed: How fast should the player be allowed to walk. Default is "100", meaning 100% of normal walking speed. You will not see this option in your config.yml file, because normally you shouldn't have to change the walking speed of players at all (NoCheatPlus knows when players sprint, use Swiftness potions etc and will already adapt the speed based on that data). sprintspeed: How fast should the player be allowed to sprint. Default is "100", meaning 100% of normal sprinting speed. You will not see this option in your config.yml file, because normally you shouldn't have to change the sprinting speed of players at all (NoCheatPlus knows when players sprint, use Swiftness potions etc and will already adapt the speed based on that data). sneakspeed: How fast should the player be allowed to sneak. Default is "100", meaning 100% of normal sneaking speed. You will not see this option in your config.yml file, because normally you shouldn't have to change the sneaking speed of players at all (NoCheatPlus knows when players sprint, use Swiftness potions etc and will already adapt the speed based on that data). swimspeed: How fast should the player be allowed to swim. Default is "100", meaning 100% of normal swimming speed. You will not see this option in your config.yml file, because normally you shouldn't have to change the swimming speed of players at all (NoCheatPlus knows when players sprint, use Swiftness potions etc and will already adapt the speed based on that data). allowfastsneaking: Should sneaking players be allowed to move as fast as normal players. Set this to true, if you use plugins that enable players to do that (e.g. the "Heroes" plugin or other RPG plugins tend to do that) actions: What should happen when a player sneaks/swims/walks/runs faster than normally allowed or is flying. Default is to log messages (depending on how severe the cheating is) and teleport the player to the last known legitimate location on ground that NoCheatPlus can remember for that player ("cancel" the movement) checknofall: Should players be checked for a common type of "nofall" hack, that allows them to avoid taking damage when falling. If you don't care about fall damage, you can deactivate this. It gets deactivated if a player is allowed to fly (see some lines below), because it doesn't make sense to allow flying and then hurt players when they land. nofallaggressivemode: Enable an improved version of nofall check, that will catch additional types of "nofall" hacks and deal damage to players directly. This is usually safe to activate. It will only work if the "checknofall" is also set to "true". nofallactions: What should happen if a player is considered to be using a "nofall" hack. Default reaction is to log a message and encourage Bukkit to deal fall damage anyway ("cancel" the hack). The Violation Level is the fall distance in blocks that the player tried to avoid. It gets increased every time that the player fails the check, and decreased over time if the player doesn't fail the check. FLYING: This is an entire subsection dedicated to the "moving.flying" check. It will be used instead of the "runfly" check whenever a player has the right to fly. allowflyingalways: Should all players be allowed to fly always. allowflyingincreative: Should players that are set to "creative mode" be allowed to fly. If they are already allowed because of "allowflyingalways" to fly, this setting gets ignored. flyingspeedlimithorizontal: How many 1/100 blocks may a player fly horizontal within one "step". The official "creative mode" flying reaches speeds of about 0.6 blocks which means a value of 60 here. flyingspeedlimitvertical: How many 1/100 blocks may a player fly vertically up within one "step". A value of 100 which means 1 block seems reasonable for most cases. flyingheightlimit: What is the maximum height (in blocks) that a player may reach by flying, relative to the max world height he is in. Some servers experience lag when players fly very, very high. This value is how far above the map height a player may fly. actions: What should happen if a player flies faster/higher than defined here? Default is to log messages and to prevent the player from moving ("cancel" his last movement). The Violation Level (VL) of this check is the distance that the player went beyond what NoCheatPlus allowed him. The VL increases with every failed check and slowly decreases for every passed check. 2) MOREPACKETS: The morepackets check is complementary to the "runfly" check. While the "runfly" check(s) limit the distance a player can move per step, this "morepackets" check limits the number of "steps" a player may take per second. A normal value is 20 steps per second. active: Should players be checked for this kind of cheating. If you are not interested in players that cheat that way, set this to false. It is a good idea to have this active, because players that cheat by sending more packets than normally allowed may lag the server (each of those packets has to be processed, after all). actions: What should happen if a player is considered to be cheating by taking more steps per second than normal. Default is to log messages and teleport the player back to a location where he was ~1 second before ("cancel" his movement). The Violation Level VL is the number of packets that the player sent beyond the expected amount 3) WATERWALK: The waterwalk check is used to prevent players from walking on water using a client dedicated to griefing (this mode is usually called Jesus mod). Firstly, it'll check if the player's move is valid (not only moving the X and Z axes but also on the Y axis and, of course, if the player is near the surface (most of the griefing client set the player 0.3 blocks under the water surface). Secondly, it'll make sure the player is using the borders of the block to climb outside the water (it prevents players using griefing clients to simply jump multiple times over the water). active: Should players be checked for this kind of cheating. If you are not interested in players that cheat that way, set this to false. It is a good idea to have this active, because player won't be able to cross easily the oceans. actions: What should happen if a player is considered to be cheating by walking on water. Default is to log messages and to prevent the player from moving ("cancel" his last movement). The Violation Level (VL) of this check is the distance between the player and the surface or how far away he is from the normal position if a player climbing a block. The VL increases with every failed check and slowly decreases for every passed check. ---------------------------- BLOCKBREAK Subsection ----------------------------- Checks that at least technically have to do with the player breaking blocks. 1) REACH: Players may slightly increase the distance at which they can break blocks. This check will try to identify that by comparing player and block location. active: Should players be checked for this behaviour. actions: What should happen if the player is considered to cheat this way. The default is to prevent him from breaking the block ("cancel" breaking) and on repeated offenses to log messages about it. The Violation Level (VL) is the distance in Blocks between the reach distance that NoCheatPlus allowed and what the player actually tried to use. The VL increases with every failed attempt to break a block out of reach, and decreases with every successful attempt. 2) DIRECTION: Players may break blocks without really looking at them. This is often combined with breaking a lot of blocks surrounding the player at the same time. active: Should players get checked for this type of hack precision: How strict should NoCheatPlus be when comparing the players line of view with the broken block location. The value represents (roughly) the amount of 1/100 blocks that the player is allowed to look past the to be broken block. 50 (0.5 blocks) seems a good default value. penaltytime: If a player fails this check, how long should he be prevented from breaking blocks afterwards, in milliseconds. This is intended to make automated destruction of blocks harder. 0.3 seconds (value 300) is the default. Set to 0, if you don't want to limit players at all after failing this check. actions: What should happen if a player fails this check. Default is to prevent the breaking of the block ("cancel" it) and after repeated/more severe offenses to log a message. The Violation Level (VL) for this check is the distance in Blocks between the line of view of the player and the block. It increases with every failure and decreases with every successful block break. 3) NOSWING: Players may break blocks without moving their arm. This is confusing for nearby players, as they won't see who broke the blocks. active: Should players get checked for this type of hack actions: What should happen if the player didn't swing his arm first? Default is to log a message and prevent the breaking of the block ("cancel" it). The Violation Level (VL) is the number of block-break attempts without first swinging the arm. It increases with every failed attempt by 1 and decreases with every successful attempt slowly. ---------------------------- BLOCKPLACE Subsection ----------------------------- Checks that at least technically have to do with the player placing blocks. 1) REACH: Players may slightly increase the distance at which they can place blocks. This check will try to identify that by comparing player and block location. active: Should players be checked for this behaviour. actions: What should happen if the player is considered to cheat this way. The default is to prevent him from placing the block ("cancel" placing) and on repeated offenses to log messages about it. The Violation Level (VL) is the distance in Blocks between the reach distance that NoCheatPlus allowed and what the player actually tried to use. The VL increases with every failed attempt to place a block out of reach, and decreases with every successful attempt. 2) DIRECTION: Players may place blocks without really looking at them. This is often combined with placing a lot of blocks in a certain shape. active: Should players get checked for this type of hack precision: How strict should NoCheatPlus be when comparing the players line of view with the placed block location. The value represents (roughly) the amount of 1/100 blocks that the player is allowed to look past the to be placed block. 75 (0.75 blocks) seems a good default value. penaltytime: If a player fails this check, how long should he be prevented from placing blocks afterwards, in milliseconds. This is intended to make automated placing of blocks harder. 0.1 second (value 100) is the default. Set to 0, if you don't want to limit players at all after failing this check. actions: What should happen if a player fails this check. Default is to prevent the placing of the block ("cancel" it) and after repeated/more severe offenses to log a message. The Violation Level (VL) for this check is the distance in Blocks between the line of view of the player and the block. It increases with every failure and decreases with every successful block placement. ------------------------------- CHAT Subsection -------------------------------- Checks that at least technically have to do with chat or commands. 1) COLOR: Players may use color-codes to send colored messages. This may be used to fool other players into believing they are admins or similar. active: Should player messages get checked for the use of color codes. actions: What should be done if a player sends messages with color codes. Default is to log a message and prevent ("cancel") the use of the color codes, by filtering them from the message. The message itself will still be transmitted. The Violation Level (VL) for this check is the number of messages that contained color codes. It increases with each color-code message by 1 and decreases slowly with colorless messages. 2) SPAM: Players may send a ton of messages/commands in a short time to cause lag or even crash a server. active: Should player messages get checked for sending of too many messages. whitelist: A " " (whitespace) separated list of words. Messages that start with these sequences will not be counted. This is ideal to exempt commands from getting filtered, by e.g. adding "/help" to the list. timeframe: For how many seconds should messages and commands be counted, before the counters get reset and counting starts at zero again. messagelimit: How many "normal" chat messages may be sent within the timeframe. All messages that don't start with "/" are considered "normal". commandlimit: How many commands may be issued within the timeframe. Some mods (e.g. TooManyItems) send a command on every mouse-click, which may cause problems if this is set too low. So choose wisely. Every message that starts with "/" is considered a command, even if the command doesn't exist. actions: What should happen if players send more messages/commands than declared by the above limits? Default is to prevent the message/command from being processed ("cancel" them) and for severe cases where players send a lot of messages/commands, kick them. The Violation Level (VL) is the number of messages/commands that were sent beyond the specified limits. It gets increased for every message/command by 1 and reset to zero when the "timeframe" has passed. ------------------------------ FIGHT Subsection -------------------------------- Checks that at least technically have to do with direct combat. 1) DIRECTION: Players may attack other players and creatures without really looking at them. This is often combined with automatically attacking every living thing within reach ("kill-aura"). This check will check if the attacker looks at his target. active: Should players get checked for this type of hack precision: How strict should NoCheatPlus be when comparing the players line of view with the his target's location. The value represents (roughly) the amount of 1/100 blocks that the player is allowed to look past the to be attacked entity. 75 (0.75 blocks) seems a good default value. penaltytime: If a player fails this check, how long should he be prevented from attacking stuff afterwards, in milliseconds. This is intended to make automated attacking of enemies harder. 0.5 second (value 500) is the default. Set to 0, if you don't want to limit players at all after failing this check. actions: What should happen if a player fails this check. Default is to prevent the attack from happening ("cancel" it) and after repeated/more severe offenses to log a message. The Violation Level (VL) for this check is the distance in Blocks between the line of view of the player and the target. It increases with every failure and decreases with every successful attack. 2) NOSWING: Players may attack entities without moving their arm. This is confusing for nearby players, as they won't see who is attacking them or the nearby creatures. active: Should players get checked for this type of hack actions: What should happen if the player didn't swing his arm first? Default is to log a message and prevent the attack from happening ("cancel" it). The Violation Level (VL) is the number of attacking attempts without first swinging the arm. It increases with every failed attempt by 1 and decreases with every successful attempt slowly. 3) REACH: Players may slightly increase the distance at which they can attack enemy creatures/players. This check will try to identify that by comparing player and target location. active: Should players be checked for this behaviour. distance: How far can the enemy be away from the attacker, in 1/100 Blocks. The default value of 400, which is 4.00 blocks seems to work fine most of the time. Increase if you get to many false positives to e.g. 425 or 450. penaltytime: If a player fails this check, how long should he be prevented from attacking stuff afterwards, in milliseconds. This is intended to make automated attacking of enemies harder. 0.5 second (value 500) is the default. Set to 0, if you don't want to limit players at all after failing this check. actions: What should happen if the player is considered to cheat this way. The default is to prevent him from attacking the target ("cancel" attack) and on repeated offenses to log messages about it. The Violation Level (VL) is the distance in Blocks between the reach distance that NoCheatPlus allowed and what the player actually tried to use. The VL increases with every failed attempt to attack enemies out of reach, and decreases with every successful attempt. 4) SPEED: Players may be attacking extremely fast within a short time by using automated clicking or hacks. This is an advantage in many situations. active: Should players be checked for this behavior. attacklimit: How many attacks may a player start within 1 second. Consider setting this to a value that's close to how fast you believe players can click their mouse. The default is 15 per second. actions: What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to stop the attack ("cancel" it) and log messages. The Violation Level (VL) is the number of attacks beyond the set limit. For each failed check it is increased by 1 and it gets decreased for every successful attack. 5) GODMODE: Players may trick Bukkit into not dealing them damage when they get attacked. This will try to identify and correct that behavior. active: Should players be checked for this behavior. actions: What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to make him vulnerable to the attack ("cancel" his "godmode") and log messages. The Violation Level (VL) for this check is the number of ticks that the player seemingly tried to stay invulnerable. A second has 20 ticks. Every time the player fails the check, the VL gets increased by the amount of ticks (but at most 15 per failed check), and everytime the player didn't avoid taking damage it gets reduced slowly. 6) INSTANTHEAL: Players may trick Bukkit into regenerating their health faster when they are satiated (full food bar) than normally possible. This will try to identify and correct that behaviour. active: Should players be checked for this behavior. actions: What should happen if the player fails this check. Default is to not allow the health regeneration ("cancel" the regeneration) and log a message. The Violation LEvel (VL) for this check is the number of seconds that the player tried to skip while regenerating health. It gets reduced whenever the player regenerates health while obeying the normal regeneration times. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- STRINGS Section -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the section that defines various strings for "log" or "cmd" actions. Each has a name (the part in front of ":") and a definition (the part behind the ":"). Whenever you use a "log" or "cmd" action in one of the "actions: " options of this config file, the string will be taken from this section. Arbitrary many additional strings may be defined here, or existing strings may be changed. Most messages/commands use place-holders in [ ], which will be replaced at runtime with relevant information. Some of these may only be available in certain circumstances, only "[player]" can be used everywhere, especially in "cmd" actions. ################################################################################ # # # Other noteworthy stuff, DONATIONS # # # ################################################################################ - NoCheatPlus isn't perfect and won't prevent all forms of cheating. It's a best effort approach. - NoCheatPlus may make mistakes. Don't see everything NoCheatPlus says or does as indisputable fact that somebody cheated. It's not possible to be 100% sure if somebody is cheating or not, NoCheatPlus will try to be right most of the time. Thank you for reading this file. It took hours to write it, so it's nice that people actually take a look at it. ;)