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* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.fight;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.Check;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.CheckType;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.location.tracking.LocationTrace.ITraceEntry;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.compat.MCAccess;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.collision.CollisionUtil;
import fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.location.TrigUtil;
* The Direction check will find out if a player tried to interact with something that's not in their field of view.
public class Direction extends Check {
* Instantiates a new direction check.
public Direction() {
* "Classic" check.
* @param player
* the player
* @param damaged
* the damaged
* @return true, if successful
public boolean check(final Player player, final Location loc,
final Entity damaged, final boolean damagedIsFake, final Location dLoc,
final FightData data, final FightConfig cc) {
boolean cancel = false;
final MCAccess mcAccess = this.mcAccess.getHandle();
// Safeguard, if entity is complex, this check will fail due to giant and hard to define hitboxes.
// if (damaged instanceof EntityComplex || damaged instanceof EntityComplexPart)
if (!damagedIsFake && mcAccess.isComplexPart(damaged)) {
return false;
// Find out how wide the entity is.
final double width = damagedIsFake ? 0.6 : mcAccess.getWidth(damaged);
// entity.height is broken and will always be 0, therefore. Calculate height instead based on boundingBox.
final double height = damagedIsFake ? (damaged instanceof LivingEntity ? ((LivingEntity) damaged).getEyeHeight() : 1.75) : mcAccess.getHeight(damaged);
// TODO: allow any hit on the y axis (might just adapt interface to use foot position + height)!
// How far "off" is the player with their aim. We calculate from the players eye location and view direction to
// the center of the target entity. If the line of sight is more too far off, "off" will be bigger than 0.
final Vector direction = loc.getDirection();
final double off;
if (cc.directionStrict){
off = CollisionUtil.combinedDirectionCheck(loc, player.getEyeHeight(), direction, dLoc.getX(), dLoc.getY() + height / 2D, dLoc.getZ(), width, height, TrigUtil.DIRECTION_PRECISION, 80.0);
// Also take into account the angle.
off = CollisionUtil.directionCheck(loc, player.getEyeHeight(), direction, dLoc.getX(), dLoc.getY() + height / 2D, dLoc.getZ(), width, height, TrigUtil.DIRECTION_PRECISION);
if (off > 0.1) {
// Player failed the check. Let's try to guess how far they were from looking directly to the entity...
final Vector blockEyes = new Vector(dLoc.getX() - loc.getX(), dLoc.getY() + height / 2D - loc.getY() - player.getEyeHeight(), dLoc.getZ() - loc.getZ());
final double distance = blockEyes.crossProduct(direction).length() / direction.length();
// Add the overall violation level of the check.
data.directionVL += distance;
// Execute whatever actions are associated with this check and the violation level and find out if we should
// cancel the event.
cancel = executeActions(player, data.directionVL, distance, cc.directionActions).willCancel();
if (cancel) {
// Deal an attack penalty time.
} else {
// Reward the player by lowering their violation level.
data.directionVL *= 0.8D;
return cancel;
* Data context for iterating over TraceEntry instances.
* @param player
* @param loc
* @param damaged
* @param damagedLoc
* @param data
* @param cc
* @return
public DirectionContext getContext(final Player player, final Location loc,
final Entity damaged, final boolean damagedIsFake, final Location damagedLoc,
final FightData data, final FightConfig cc) {
final DirectionContext context = new DirectionContext();
// Find out how wide the entity is.
if (damagedIsFake) {
// Assume player / default.
context.damagedComplex = false; // Later prefer bukkit based provider.
else {
final MCAccess mcAccess = this.mcAccess.getHandle();
context.damagedComplex = mcAccess.isComplexPart(damaged);
context.direction = loc.getDirection();
context.lengthDirection = context.direction.length();
return context;
* Check if the player fails the direction check, no change of FightData.
* @param player
* @param loc
* @param damaged
* @param dLoc
* @param context
* @param data
* @param cc
* @return
public boolean loopCheck(final Player player, final Location loc,
final Entity damaged, final ITraceEntry dLoc,
final DirectionContext context,
final FightData data, final FightConfig cc) {
// Ignore complex entities for the moment.
if (context.damagedComplex) {
// TODO: Revise :p
return false;
boolean cancel = false;
// TODO: allow any hit on the y axis (might just adapt interface to use foot position + height)!
// How far "off" is the player with their aim. We calculate from the players eye location and view direction to
// the center of the target entity. If the line of sight is more too far off, "off" will be bigger than 0.
final double damagedBoxMarginHorizontal = dLoc.getBoxMarginHorizontal();
final double damagedBoxMarginVertical = dLoc.getBoxMarginVertical();
final double off;
if (cc.directionStrict){
off = CollisionUtil.combinedDirectionCheck(loc, player.getEyeHeight(), context.direction, dLoc.getX(), dLoc.getY() + damagedBoxMarginVertical / 2D, dLoc.getZ(), damagedBoxMarginHorizontal * 2.0, damagedBoxMarginVertical, TrigUtil.DIRECTION_LOOP_PRECISION, 80.0);
// Also take into account the angle.
off = CollisionUtil.directionCheck(loc, player.getEyeHeight(),
context.direction, dLoc.getX(),
dLoc.getY() + damagedBoxMarginVertical / 2D, dLoc.getZ(),
damagedBoxMarginHorizontal * 2.0, damagedBoxMarginVertical,
if (off > 0.0) {
if (dLoc.isInside(loc.getX(), loc.getY() + player.getEyeHeight(),
loc.getZ())) { // Inside box.
context.minResult = 0.0;
else {
if (off > 0.11) {
// Player failed the check. Let's try to guess how far they were from looking directly to the entity...
final Vector blockEyes = new Vector(dLoc.getX() - loc.getX(), dLoc.getY() + damagedBoxMarginVertical / 2D - loc.getY() - player.getEyeHeight(), dLoc.getZ() - loc.getZ());
final double distance = blockEyes.crossProduct(context.direction).length() / context.lengthDirection;
context.minViolation = Math.min(context.minViolation, distance);
cancel = true;
context.minResult = Math.min(context.minResult, off);
return cancel;
* Apply changes to FightData according to check results (context), trigger violations.
* @param player
* @param loc
* @param damaged
* @param context
* @param forceViolation
* @param data
* @param cc
* @return
public boolean loopFinish(final Player player, final Location loc, final Entity damaged, final DirectionContext context, final boolean forceViolation, final FightData data, final FightConfig cc) {
boolean cancel = false;
final double off = forceViolation && context.minViolation != Double.MAX_VALUE ? context.minViolation : context.minResult;
if (off == Double.MAX_VALUE) {
return false;
else if (off > 0.1) {
// Add the overall violation level of the check.
data.directionVL += off;
// Execute whatever actions are associated with this check and the violation level and find out if we should
// cancel the event.
cancel = executeActions(player, data.directionVL, off, cc.directionActions).willCancel();
if (cancel) {
// Deal an attack penalty time.
else {
// Reward the player by lowering their violation level.
data.directionVL *= 0.8D;
return cancel;