OpenCore Changelog ================== #### v3.0.0 - Upgrade Opencore to 0.7.7; - Upgrade Lilu and WhateverGreen Kexts; - Add function '201 - Update Opencore ISO file'; - Add function '202 - Clear all Recovery Images'; - Add option to choose Storage in create VM; - Fix minor bugs. #### v2.0.1 - Fixed Opencore ISO disk size which was making booting impossible to install new virtual machines; #### v2.0.0 - Upgrade to Opencore 0.7.6 (December/2021); - Update Lilu (kext); - Update VirtualSMC (kext); - Fully compatible with Intel 12th and activate of all cores (P+E) and HT (Hyper-Threading); #### v1.5.1 - Fix Menu Option - # 200; - Cleaning some codes unnecessary in setup; #### v1.5.0 - Fix QEMU 6.1 Passthrough in PVE 7.1+; - Add option to "only ENTER" for exit osx-setup; #### v1.4.0 - Add option to skip download and create recovery image of macOS; #### v1.3.0 - Add script `````` in tools; - Add option 'Fix issues to start macOS (stuck at Apple logo) for Proxmox VE v7.1.XX'; - Add option 'Add Proxmox VE NO Subscription repository - for beta/non production upgrades'; - Remove option 'Activate support for Windows 11 natively'. #### v1.2.0 - Remove PVE/Kernel version from ```osx-setup``` menu; - Add option to define disk size in creation virtual machine section of ```osx-setup```; - Add script in tools, for create macOS Install ```ISO``` from genuine macOS Installer .app. #### v1.1.1 - Fix logic of messages in 'Activate support for Windows 11 natively' option; - Fix typo's; #### v1.1.0 - Including support for Proxmox VE v7 family; - Fix for remove tmp directory; - Including git for apt install option in install; - Optimize procedure in 'Download & Create Recovery Image'; - Add return code for apt update/install in prereqs section and condition to exit/abort; - Add support to install Windows 11 with TPM and Secure Boot; - Update EFI ISO for including support to install Nvidia Web Drivers for High Sierra; #### v1.0.0 - Initial version of OSX-Proxmox Solution