+ System.err.println( "WARNING: This Minecraft update alters the way in which saved data is stored." );
+ System.err.println( "Please ensure your server is in the correct online/offline mode state, as the changes made are PERMANENT" );
+ System.err.println( "If you are running in offline mode, but your BungeeCord is in online mode, it is imperative that BungeeCord support is enabled in spigot.yml and BungeeCord's config.yml" );
+ System.err.println( "By typing `yes` you acknowledge that you have taken the necessary backups and are aware of this conversion" );
+ System.err.println( "Please type yes to continue starting the server. You have been warned :)" );
+ System.err.println( "See http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/uuid-conversion/ if you have any questions and remember BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP" );