SPIGOT-2439: Consistently fire Chunk(Load|Unload)Event

Clean up implementation and firing of both of these events by routing
both unload and load behaviors to consistent method calls.

This fixes issues where a few places would not call Load or Unload events
when it should have.

Additionally, reduces diff by moving the neighbor marking code into these
consistent points.

Additional benefits of the change include improving the neighbor marking
methods to use getChunkIfLoaded instead of getLoadedChunkAt in some places,
as the latter will cause chunks to be marked active and not unload.

Finally, this also updates CraftWorld.loadChunk to use the new methods, as the
previous logic did not properly handle the new unload queue.
This commit is contained in:
Aikar 2016-06-21 19:08:09 -04:00 committed by md_5
parent 9af379fc47
commit 1953f52da1
4 changed files with 135 additions and 163 deletions

View File

@ -5,17 +5,18 @@
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
+import com.google.common.collect.Lists; // CraftBukkit
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit; // CraftBukkit
+import org.bukkit.Server; // CraftBukkit
public class Chunk {
private static final Logger e = LogManager.getLogger();
@@ -42,6 +45,34 @@
@@ -42,6 +45,35 @@
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<BlockPosition> y;
public boolean d;
+ // CraftBukkit start - Neighbor loaded cache for chunk lighting and entity ticking
+ private int neighbors = 0x1 << 12;
+ public long chunkKey;
+ public boolean areNeighborsLoaded(final int radius) {
+ switch (radius) {
@ -45,12 +46,13 @@
public Chunk(World world, int i, int j) {
this.sections = new ChunkSection[16];
this.g = new byte[256];
@@ -62,8 +93,14 @@
@@ -62,8 +94,15 @@
Arrays.fill(this.h, -999);
Arrays.fill(this.g, (byte) -1);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ this.bukkitChunk = new org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftChunk(this);
+ this.chunkKey = ChunkCoordIntPair.a(this.locX, this.locZ);
+ public org.bukkit.Chunk bukkitChunk;
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@
public Chunk(World world, ChunkSnapshot chunksnapshot, int i, int j) {
this(world, i, j);
boolean flag = true;
@@ -467,7 +504,8 @@
@@ -467,7 +506,8 @@
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@
block.onPlace(this.world, blockposition, iblockdata);
@@ -604,7 +642,15 @@
@@ -604,7 +644,15 @@
public TileEntity a(BlockPosition blockposition, Chunk.EnumTileEntityState chunk_enumtileentitystate) {
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@
if (tileentity == null) {
if (chunk_enumtileentitystate == Chunk.EnumTileEntityState.IMMEDIATE) {
@@ -639,6 +685,13 @@
@@ -639,6 +687,13 @@
this.tileEntities.put(blockposition, tileentity);
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@
@@ -681,9 +734,21 @@
@@ -681,9 +736,21 @@
int i = aentityslice.length;
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
@ -111,21 +113,21 @@
+ java.util.Iterator<Entity> iter = newList.iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ Entity entity = iter.next();
- this.world.c((Collection) entityslice);
+ // Do not pass along players, as doing so can get them stuck outside of time.
+ // (which for example disables inventory icon updates and prevents block breaking)
+ if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {
+ iter.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ this.world.c((Collection) newList);
- this.world.c((Collection) entityslice);
+ this.world.c(newList);
+ // CraftBukkit end
@@ -745,8 +810,8 @@
@@ -745,8 +812,8 @@
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Entity entity = (Entity) iterator.next();
@ -136,7 +138,43 @@
@@ -809,6 +874,29 @@
@@ -773,7 +840,34 @@
return false;
- public void loadNearby(IChunkProvider ichunkprovider, ChunkGenerator chunkgenerator) {
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ public void loadNearby(IChunkProvider ichunkprovider, ChunkGenerator chunkgenerator, boolean newChunk) {
+ Server server = world.getServer();
+ if (server != null) {
+ /*
+ * If it's a new world, the first few chunks are generated inside
+ * the World constructor. We can't reliably alter that, so we have
+ * no way of creating a CraftWorld/CraftServer at that point.
+ */
+ server.getPluginManager().callEvent(new org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkLoadEvent(bukkitChunk, newChunk));
+ }
+ // Update neighbor counts
+ for (int x = -2; x < 3; x++) {
+ for (int z = -2; z < 3; z++) {
+ if (x == 0 && z == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Chunk neighbor = getWorld().getChunkIfLoaded(locX + x, locZ + z);
+ if (neighbor != null) {
+ neighbor.setNeighborLoaded(-x, -z);
+ setNeighborLoaded(x, z);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
Chunk chunk = ichunkprovider.getLoadedChunkAt(this.locX, this.locZ - 1);
Chunk chunk1 = ichunkprovider.getLoadedChunkAt(this.locX + 1, this.locZ);
Chunk chunk2 = ichunkprovider.getLoadedChunkAt(this.locX, this.locZ + 1);
@@ -809,6 +903,29 @@
} else {
chunkgenerator.recreateStructures(this.locX, this.locZ);

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
--- a/net/minecraft/server/ChunkProviderServer.java
+++ b/net/minecraft/server/ChunkProviderServer.java
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
+// CraftBukkit start
+import org.bukkit.Server;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor;
+import org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkUnloadEvent;
+// CraftBukkit end
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
public class ChunkProviderServer implements IChunkProvider {
private static final Logger a = LogManager.getLogger();
@@ -69,6 +75,26 @@
@@ -69,19 +74,82 @@
Chunk chunk = this.getLoadedChunkAt(i, j);
if (chunk == null) {
@ -40,7 +39,12 @@
chunk = this.loadChunk(i, j);
if (chunk != null) {
this.chunks.put(ChunkCoordIntPair.a(i, j), chunk);
@@ -80,8 +106,52 @@
- chunk.loadNearby(this, this.chunkGenerator);
+ chunk.loadNearby(this, this.chunkGenerator, false); // CraftBukkit
return chunk;
@ -89,50 +93,21 @@
+ public Chunk originalGetChunkAt(int i, int j) {
+ Chunk chunk = this.originalGetOrLoadChunkAt(i, j);
+ boolean newChunk = false;
+ // CraftBukkit end
if (chunk == null) {
long k = ChunkCoordIntPair.a(i, j);
@@ -97,9 +167,37 @@
crashreportsystemdetails.a("Generator", (Object) this.chunkGenerator);
throw new ReportedException(crashreport);
+ newChunk = true; // CraftBukkit
@@ -100,7 +168,8 @@
this.chunks.put(k, chunk);
- chunk.loadNearby(this, this.chunkGenerator);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ Server server = world.getServer();
+ if (server != null) {
+ /*
+ * If it's a new world, the first few chunks are generated inside
+ * the World constructor. We can't reliably alter that, so we have
+ * no way of creating a CraftWorld/CraftServer at that point.
+ */
+ server.getPluginManager().callEvent(new org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkLoadEvent(chunk.bukkitChunk, newChunk));
+ }
+ // Update neighbor counts
+ for (int x = -2; x < 3; x++) {
+ for (int z = -2; z < 3; z++) {
+ if (x == 0 && z == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Chunk neighbor = this.getChunkIfLoaded(chunk.locX + x, chunk.locZ + z);
+ if (neighbor != null) {
+ neighbor.setNeighborLoaded(-x, -z);
+ chunk.setNeighborLoaded(x, z);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
chunk.loadNearby(this, this.chunkGenerator);
+ chunk.loadNearby(this, this.chunkGenerator, true); // CraftBukkit
@@ -146,10 +244,12 @@
return chunk;
@@ -146,10 +215,12 @@
public boolean a(boolean flag) {
int i = 0;
@ -148,15 +123,33 @@
if (flag) {
@@ -182,6 +282,29 @@
@@ -182,10 +253,12 @@
Chunk chunk = (Chunk) this.chunks.get(olong);
if (chunk != null && chunk.d) {
- chunk.removeEntities();
- this.saveChunk(chunk);
- this.saveChunkNOP(chunk);
- this.chunks.remove(olong);
+ // CraftBukkit start - move unload logic to own method
+ if (!unloadChunk(chunk, true)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
@@ -197,6 +270,39 @@
return false;
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ public boolean unloadChunk(Chunk chunk, boolean save) {
+ ChunkUnloadEvent event = new ChunkUnloadEvent(chunk.bukkitChunk);
+ this.world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
+ if (event.isCancelled()) {
+ continue;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Update neighbor counts
@ -173,8 +166,17 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Moved from unloadChunks above
+ chunk.removeEntities();
+ if (save) {
+ this.saveChunk(chunk);
+ this.saveChunkNOP(chunk);
+ }
+ this.chunks.remove(chunk.chunkKey);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
public boolean e() {
return !this.world.savingDisabled;

View File

@ -187,47 +187,26 @@ public class CraftWorld implements World {
return false;
return unloadChunk0(x, z, save, safe);
private boolean unloadChunk0(int x, int z, boolean save, boolean safe) {
net.minecraft.server.Chunk chunk = world.getChunkProviderServer().getChunkAt(x, z);
if (chunk.mustSave) { // If chunk had previously been queued to save, must do save to avoid loss of that data
save = true;
chunk.removeEntities(); // Always remove entities - even if discarding, need to get them out of world table
if (save) {
world.getChunkProviderServer().unloadQueue.remove(ChunkCoordIntPair.a(x, z));
world.getChunkProviderServer().chunks.remove(ChunkCoordIntPair.a(x, z));
// Update neighbor counts
for (int xx = -2; xx < 3; xx++) {
for (int zz = -2; zz < 3; zz++) {
if (xx == 0 && zz == 0) {
net.minecraft.server.Chunk neighbor = world.getChunkProviderServer().getChunkIfLoaded(chunk.locX + x, chunk.locZ + z);
if (neighbor != null) {
neighbor.setNeighborUnloaded(-xx, -zz);
chunk.setNeighborUnloaded(xx, zz);
return unloadChunk0(x, z, save);
private boolean unloadChunk0(int x, int z, boolean save) {
net.minecraft.server.Chunk chunk = world.getChunkProviderServer().getChunkIfLoaded(x, z);
if (chunk == null) {
return true;
public boolean regenerateChunk(int x, int z) {
unloadChunk0(x, z, false, false);
// If chunk had previously been queued to save, must do save to avoid loss of that data
return world.getChunkProviderServer().unloadChunk(chunk, chunk.mustSave || save);
world.getChunkProviderServer().unloadQueue.remove(ChunkCoordIntPair.a(x, z));
public boolean regenerateChunk(int x, int z) {
if (!unloadChunk0(x, z, false)) {
return false;
final long chunkKey = ChunkCoordIntPair.a(x, z);
net.minecraft.server.Chunk chunk = null;
@ -237,9 +216,14 @@ public class CraftWorld implements World {
playerChunk.chunk = chunk;
chunkLoadPostProcess(chunk, x, z);
if (chunk != null) {
world.getChunkProviderServer().chunks.put(chunkKey, chunk);
chunk.loadNearby(world.getChunkProviderServer(), world.getChunkProviderServer().chunkGenerator, true);
refreshChunk(x, z);
return chunk != null;
@ -275,39 +259,7 @@ public class CraftWorld implements World {
return world.getChunkProviderServer().getChunkAt(x, z) != null;
world.getChunkProviderServer().unloadQueue.remove(ChunkCoordIntPair.a(x, z));
net.minecraft.server.Chunk chunk = world.getChunkProviderServer().chunks.get(ChunkCoordIntPair.a(x, z));
if (chunk == null) {
chunk = world.getChunkProviderServer().getOrLoadChunkAt(x, z);
return chunk != null;
private void chunkLoadPostProcess(net.minecraft.server.Chunk chunk, int cx, int cz) {
if (chunk != null) {
world.getChunkProviderServer().chunks.put(ChunkCoordIntPair.a(cx, cz), chunk);
// Update neighbor counts
for (int x = -2; x < 3; x++) {
for (int z = -2; z < 3; z++) {
if (x == 0 && z == 0) {
net.minecraft.server.Chunk neighbor = world.getChunkProviderServer().getLoadedChunkAt(chunk.locX + x, chunk.locZ + z);
if (neighbor != null) {
neighbor.setNeighborLoaded(-x, -z);
chunk.setNeighborLoaded(x, z);
// CraftBukkit end
chunk.loadNearby(world.getChunkProviderServer(), world.getChunkProviderServer().chunkGenerator);
return world.getChunkProviderServer().getOrLoadChunkAt(x, z) != null;
public boolean isChunkLoaded(Chunk chunk) {

View File

@ -48,27 +48,7 @@ class ChunkIOProvider implements AsynchronousExecutor.CallBackProvider<QueuedChu
queuedChunk.provider.chunkGenerator.recreateStructures(chunk, queuedChunk.x, queuedChunk.z);
Server server = queuedChunk.provider.world.getServer();
if (server != null) {
server.getPluginManager().callEvent(new org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkLoadEvent(chunk.bukkitChunk, false));
// Update neighbor counts
for (int x = -2; x < 3; x++) {
for (int z = -2; z < 3; z++) {
if (x == 0 && z == 0) {
Chunk neighbor = queuedChunk.provider.getLoadedChunkAt(chunk.locX + x, chunk.locZ + z);
if (neighbor != null) {
neighbor.setNeighborLoaded(-x, -z);
chunk.setNeighborLoaded(x, z);
chunk.loadNearby(queuedChunk.provider, queuedChunk.provider.chunkGenerator);
chunk.loadNearby(queuedChunk.provider, queuedChunk.provider.chunkGenerator, false);
public void callStage3(QueuedChunk queuedChunk, Chunk chunk, Runnable runnable) throws RuntimeException {