More Sign Block API

Co-authored-by: SoSeDiK <>
This commit is contained in:
Jake Potrebic 2023-06-23 12:16:35 -07:00
parent 7c2fbd4ab8
commit 3a91b864bb

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@ -182,9 +182,58 @@ public interface Sign extends TileState, Colorable {
* Gets the player that is currently allowed to edit this sign. <br>
* Edits from other players will be rejected if this value is not null.
* <br><br>You should prefer {@link #getAllowedEditorUniqueId()} if you don't
* need the player instance as this method will fetch the player from UUID.
* @return the player allowed to edit this sign, or null
public Player getAllowedEditor();
// Paper start - More Sign Block API
* Gets the allowed editor's UUID.
* <br>Edits from other players will be rejected if this value is not null.
* @return the allowed editor's UUID, or null
@Nullable java.util.UUID getAllowedEditorUniqueId();
* Sets the allowed editor's UUID.
* <br><br><b>Note:</b> the server sets the UUID back to null if the player can't
* interact with the sign (is either offline or outside the allowed interaction range).
* @param uuid the allowed editor's UUID
void setAllowedEditorUniqueId(@Nullable java.util.UUID uuid);
* Compute the side facing the specified entity.
* @param entity the entity
* @return the side it is facing
default @NotNull Side getInteractableSideFor(org.bukkit.entity.@NotNull Entity entity) {
return this.getInteractableSideFor(entity.getLocation());
* Compute the side facing the specific position.
* @param position the position
* @return the side the position is facing
default @NotNull Side getInteractableSideFor(io.papermc.paper.math.@NotNull Position position) {
return this.getInteractableSideFor(position.x(), position.z());
* Compute the side facing the specific x and z coordinates.
* @param x the x coord
* @param z the z coord
* @return the side the coordinates are facing
@NotNull Side getInteractableSideFor(double x, double z);
// Paper end - More Sign Block API